[情報] Randy Orton Starring in a WWE Movie

看板Wrestle作者 (XD Man !)時間14年前 (2010/01/20 10:45), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
As mentioned before, WWE will be releasing a new movie called Big Red soon about a boy growing up in the 1960's. Word is that Randy Orton will be starring in the movie but it's not clear yet who he will be playing. The plot for the movie reads like this: "In 1965, as the world changes all around him, 12-year-old Andy Nichol comes of age when he's asked by his favorite teacher, Mr. Simon, to partner with school outcast Big Red for an English assignment." 大約就是 ORTON 將會拍攝電影 ... 但是演的角色目前還未知 ※ 編輯: Xtreme721 來自: (01/20 10:48)

01/20 10:59, , 1F
拍中二生的角色最適合他 酒醉鬧事 吐人口水 胡亂咆嘯
01/20 10:59, 1F

01/20 11:44, , 2F
01/20 11:44, 2F

01/20 13:57, , 3F
這樣很適合演入魔小超人(Superboy Prime)
01/20 13:57, 3F

01/20 18:52, , 4F
01/20 18:52, 4F

01/20 21:37, , 5F
他會不會拍到一半不爽 把導演RKO..........
01/20 21:37, 5F

01/21 11:15, , 6F
勵志片嗎..希望能跟Gridiron Gang一樣好看
01/21 11:15, 6F

01/22 15:54, , 7F
01/22 15:54, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1BLcvXuo (Wrestle)