[外電] Bret returns for another Hit

看板Wrestle作者 (踢細德)時間14年前 (2009/12/18 01:16), 編輯推噓16(16016)
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英國太陽報:http://bit.ly/5kie8b By ROB McNICHOL BRET HART is set to make a sensational return to WWE in the new year. According to the Wrestling Observer, The Hitman has agreed terms with Vince McMahon's company on a short-term deal. 根據 Wrestling Observer 網站消息, Hitman 答應 WWE 進行一個短期合約。 It will begin at the start of 2010 and run until April 10, which is just after WrestleMania. 合約將從2010年年初到2010年四月,差不多到 WM26 結束前後。 The seeds for the controversial comeback were sown on this week's Raw. On Monday, Vince asked guest host Dennis Miller who he thought should be a temporary GM in the future. 老闆向本週的 RAW 特別主持人 Dennis Miller 詢問關於未來 RAW 臨時 GM 的看法。 Miller — with the backing of the Texas crowd — demanded Hart. This prompted Vince to look uneasy and walk away, but it was clearly a major tease for the Canadian's return. 德州觀眾和 Dennis Miller 說他們想要 Hitman ,這讓老闆看起來不爽, 但這只是歡迎這位偉大的加拿大人回歸的小小嘲弄。 Rumours are now rife that Bret will make his WWE comeback on January 4, which stands to be one of the biggest days in modern wrestling history. 有謠傳說 Hitman 將在 2010/1/4 回到 WWE ,這將是摔角歷史上偉大的一天。 TNA have announced that they will debut Hulk Hogan on a live three-hour Impact special on this date, running directly up against Raw. TNA 已經宣佈那天將是 Hogan 在 TNA 首演的日子,TNA 的 Impact 準備了三小時特別 節目要對上 RAW。 This is a brief rekindling of the famous Monday Night Wars of the late 1990s and, if TNA are successful, it may well spark a permanent switch of their flagship show to Monday nights. 這讓人想起90年代那週一晚上摔角節目對抗的年代,如果 TNA 成功的話將是一場巨大 的勝利。 WWE have been expected to seek a major name to host their show on this night, with The Rock and Steve Austin linked with the role. Now, though, Bret is the forerunner, but a three month contract indicates a much more involved role for a sustained period. WWE 的迎戰策略包括找回 Rock 以及 SCSA , Hitman 要來開第一槍。 但三個月的合約表示這段時間有更多事情會發生。 The fact that this contract's time frame includes WrestleMania is obviously very important. 合約的時間範圍包括了 WM26 前後這段時間,這很重要。 ˙ It would be very hard to see Bret returning in a wrestling capacity, since he isn't physically in great shape. Hitman 現在的身體狀況並不適合回到擂台進行賽事。 However, he has made a marvellous recovery from a crippling stroke suffered in 2002, and told SunSport's WrestleCast in April that he was "the best I've felt in years". 但他已經從2002年的那場中風驚奇的恢復,並接受了太陽報的訪問。 On that WrestleCast, which you can download here, it is even joked that Bret will be back at WrestleMania 26. 訪問下載: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/wrestling/article2417602.ece At the time it seemed a ridiculous and unlikely notion, but all of a sudden may be a reality. A major question has to be who he will work with, and in what capacity. 關於他會在 WM26 回來的消息一瞬間從笑話變成了真實。但人們想知道當他回來時, 會與誰一起工作,又以什麼身份回歸呢? One theory is that Bret could come in as a more permanent authority figure, in a duelling, antagonistic role opposite Vince McMahon. 有人猜他會以對抗老闆的角色回歸。 Also possible is a feud with Vince in a similar mould to McMahon's tussle with Donald Trump two years ago, where Bret could select a wrestle to fight against someone of Vince's choice. 就像老闆兩年前和 Donald Trump 所進行的恩怨,兩人各自選出選手代表他們戰鬥。 It is thought unlikely that Hart would want anything to do with real life enemies Shawn Michaels and Triple H. 一般認為 Hitman 不太可能會想跟 HBK 或 HHH 這兩位他現實中的死對頭發生什麼劇情。 But then it was unlikely that he would return to WWE. 但以往大家更篤定的是,他絕不會回到公司。 ˙ Bret's nephew David Hart Smith, niece Natalya and her boyfriend, Tyson Kidd, who was trained by the Harts, feature in WWE at the Hart Dynasty. It is highly likely that some interaction with them will take place. Hitman 的姪子 DH Smith 與姪女 Natalya 以及她的男友 Tyson Kidd 組成了 Hart Dynasty,他們三個都是 Hitman 一手訓練出來的。這個團隊和 Hitman 關係斐淺。 The legendary Hitman, 52, was one of the greatest wrestlers in history, and a multi-time WWF champion. 現年52歲,史上最偉大的摔角手之一, WWF 多次冠軍,傳奇的 Hitman 。 He was forced to retire in 2000 at the age of 43 while competing for WCW because of a major concussion and has rarely been seen in wrestling since then. 2000年,因為當時 WCW 的競爭事件,43歲的他被迫退休,從此幾乎沒看到他摔角了。 Hart left WWE acrimoniously in 1997 after what became known as the 'Montreal Screwjob', when he lost his title to hated rival Michaels after legitimately not being told the planned finish of the match. 眾所皆知 Hitman 的離開跟1997的蒙特婁(蒙特利爾)事件脫不了關係。 也跟 HBK 脫不了關係。 In the twelve years since Survivor Series '97 Bret has, on many occasions, expressed his distain for what happened in Montreal and blasted McMahon, Michaels and WWE in general. 1997 Survivor Series 結束後至今, Hitman 在許多場合都表達了他受到污辱的心情, 也多次指責老闆、HBK,還有整個公司。 ˙ However, there have been a few moments of conciliation. 不過,已經有了幾次調解。 In late 2005 a Bret Hart DVD was released by WWE with the full co-operation of Hart, who filmed several hours of interview footage for it and met with Vince for the first time in eight years. 2005年底 WWE 發行了 Hitman 的 DVD , Hitman 全力合作並錄製了數小時的訪問。 他也在事情發生八年後,第一次和老闆碰面。 The following year Hart was inducted into the Hall of Fame, making a very emotional acceptance speech, but did not appear on the next night's WrestleMania when the inductees made their bow on stage. 隔年 Hitman 被引薦進入名人堂,發表了情緒激昂的演說。 但他隔天並沒有出現在頒獎典禮上。 In 2007, Vince McMahon Appreciation Night took place on Raw, and featured several wrestling mocking the WWE supremo rather than praising him. Amazingly Bret appeared, with no fanfare, via a taped interview, to take a few verbal shots at his old boss. 在2007的老闆感謝之夜上,Hitman 透過預先錄製的影像嘲弄了他的前老闆。 There has been talk that WWE are to produce a Hart Foundation DVD featuring the best from Bret's team with Jim Neidhart, and also the resurrection of the Hart Foundation faction which included Bret's tragic brother Owen, brother-in-law Davey Boy Smith and Brian Pillman. 據說 WWE 將製作關於 Hart Foundation 的 DVD ,內容包括 Hitman 最棒的團隊,Jim Neidhart也在其中,還有 Hitman 悲慘的兄弟 Owen Hart,以及 Davey Boy Smith 與 Brian Pillman。 Bret has admitted in the past that he would be happy to induct Owen into the Hall of Fame, so this may also have a bearing on his decision to return. Hitman 過去曾表示他很樂意引薦 Owen Hart 進入名人堂,這可能也是他決定回到公司的 重要原因。 ˙ Whatever the reason may be, we're absolutely delighted to see Bret back in the fold. 無論原因為何,我們都非常希望他回來。 As a wrestling night, January 4 may just be the best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be. 無論是現在、過去或未來,作為一個摔角的夜晚, 2010/1/4 都將是最棒的一天。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/18 01:23, , 1F
推 不過據說他不是跟HBK有和解了嗎
12/18 01:23, 1F

12/18 01:24, , 2F
感謝翻譯 Hart Dynast 少一個Y
12/18 01:24, 2F
※ 編輯: timsid99 來自: (12/18 01:26)

12/18 01:27, , 3F
感謝lpiglet指正 英文不是很好 還請大家包涵
12/18 01:27, 3F

12/18 01:29, , 4F
很期待 Hitman 的回歸啊啊啊啊啊
12/18 01:29, 4F

12/18 01:38, , 5F
12/18 01:38, 5F

12/18 08:23, , 6F
1/4 大戰 說真Hitman 比較吸引我 hogan太常出來 賺了
12/18 08:23, 6F

12/18 08:34, , 7F
12/18 08:34, 7F

12/18 08:34, , 8F
這兩個都是我的大偶像 他們比賽好幾場都太好看了 希望和解!
12/18 08:34, 8F

12/18 08:35, , 9F
畢竟Hitman都不太能打了 HBK頭也都快禿了...>_<
12/18 08:35, 9F

12/18 09:01, , 10F
不用打 能聽他出場樂&看到他走出來 就很滿足了
12/18 09:01, 10F

12/18 09:25, , 11F
Oh my god!終於要熱血起來了嗎?我已經好久沒有"看"WWE了
12/18 09:25, 11F

12/18 09:25, , 12F
12/18 09:25, 12F

12/18 09:25, , 13F
12/18 09:25, 13F

12/18 09:25, , 14F
12/18 09:25, 14F

12/18 09:25, , 15F
12/18 09:25, 15F

12/18 09:43, , 16F
12/18 09:43, 16F

12/18 09:50, , 17F
12/18 09:50, 17F

12/18 10:27, , 18F
12/18 10:27, 18F

12/18 10:52, , 19F
說好不提hbk的頭髮...XD 我記得hbk有過除了hhh和麥董
12/18 10:52, 19F

12/18 10:53, , 20F
12/18 10:53, 20F

12/18 11:43, , 21F
恩..名人堂hbk是引薦 bret的人之一
12/18 11:43, 21F

12/18 12:23, , 22F
1月4號真熱鬧阿 美日都有大賽
12/18 12:23, 22F

12/18 22:52, , 23F
bret當年不願意輸比賽 大大的違逆了美摔的本質啊…
12/18 22:52, 23F

12/19 10:42, , 24F
bret當時不願輸是因為vince婊他 原本要讓他風光跳槽wcw..
12/19 10:42, 24F

12/19 10:43, , 25F
但最後要他輸給HBK..這場蒙特婁事件的產生 比較中後半段 .
12/19 10:43, 25F

12/19 10:44, , 26F
vince跟幾個高層都還跑出來 比賽因此中斷 印象深刻
12/19 10:44, 26F

12/19 12:35, , 27F
Bret不是不願意輸 而是要輸可以 但別選在加拿大鄉親的面前
12/19 12:35, 27F

12/19 12:36, , 28F
12/19 12:36, 28F

12/19 17:59, , 29F
在板上爬文 /事件 就有一堆文章囉
12/19 17:59, 29F

12/19 23:53, , 30F
12/19 23:53, 30F

12/06 17:41, , 31F
恩..名人堂hbk是引 https://muxiv.com
12/06 17:41, 31F

04/16 19:17, 5年前 , 32F
在板上爬文 /事件 就 https://moxox.com
04/16 19:17, 32F
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