[戰報] Taboo Tuesday 2005 Results

看板Wrestle作者 (超幼稚成熟男性)時間19年前 (2005/11/02 11:44), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/7 (看更多)
Sunday Night Heat: Kerwin White & Matt Striker def. Shelton Benjamin & Val Venis Rey Mysterio & Matt Hardy def. Chris Masters & Snitsky Eugene & Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka def. Rob Conway & Tyson Tomko Mankind def. Carlito WWE Tag Team Championship Big Show & Kane def. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch and became NEW Tag Champs Street Fight Batista def. Coach & Goldust & Vader WWE Women's Championship - Lingerie Battle Royal Trish Stratus def. Ashley, Candice, Mickie James, Victoria and Maria WWE IC Championship - Steel Cage Match Ric Flair def. HHH WWE Championship John Cena def. Shawn Michaels & Kurt Angle -- ~老化的四個徵兆~ ○ zzzz x (○ * \○/ ★ /□ "○□═ □> □ √ ∥ |\ 坐著一直睡 躺著睡不著 新的記不住 舊的一直提 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/02 12:10, , 1F
Edge哪去了= =為什麼賽程一直大改變啊...
11/02 12:10, 1F

11/02 12:47, , 2F
11/02 12:47, 2F

11/02 12:55, , 3F
福老打敗HHH真意外= = 雙打冠軍組合太猛了
11/02 12:55, 3F

11/02 13:02, , 4F
連兩年都是票選都HBK (/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
11/02 13:02, 4F

11/02 16:01, , 5F
11/02 16:01, 5F

11/02 18:15, , 6F
沒錯 票選根本是選心酸的
11/02 18:15, 6F
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