[新聞] 討厭世界盃 老美說10話

看板WorldCup作者 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂)時間14年前 (2010/06/24 03:37), 編輯推噓49(53415)
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http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/jun/24/today-sp11.htm 討厭世界盃 老美說10話 〔記者葉士弘/綜合報導〕 無論美國能否踢進前16強,大概都很難改變美國人就是不愛足球的習慣, 《華爾街日報》專欄作家弗里德曼(Jon Friedman)列舉了10個討厭世界盃 的理由。 10 reasons why I hate the World Cup By Jon Friedman, MarketWatch http://tinyurl.com/Why-JFriedman-hates-WorldCup 1.衝突太少: Not enough head-butting. My favorite moment in the 2006 World Cup occurred when the nitwit from the French team -- Zinedine Zidane, for the record -- used his noggin to cheap-shot Marco Materazzi, the poor sap from the Italian squad. Watch the video. Now, that's entertainment! Come to think of it, if players in the National Hockey League did this sort of thing more often, the sport's television ratings might soar. 法國席丹(Zinedine Zidane)在2006年世界盃冠軍賽的那一頂, 非常具有娛樂價值,如果能發生在職業冰球場上,體育台收視率 一定暴增。 2.美國隊太糟: The U.S. team stinks. OK, so my American pride is showing here. Why can't Americans learn how to play this game? Nobody expects a replica of the 1980 gold-medal hockey team's "Miracle on Ice" here. It's bad enough that the U.S. group is comprised of a bunch of nameless, faceless guys. If they could actually compete on the global stage, soccer -- er, football -- might have more meaning in this country. 我們永遠不能期待足球隊可能上演如同1980年美國冰球隊擊敗蘇聯的 「冰上奇蹟」。 3.足球太勢利: Soccer snobbery. The World Cup in the U.S. is really an excuse for people to try and sound sophisticated as they pound down Buds, the all-American beer. The world cup is so chic! If soccer were so great in the first place, people would give a damn more than every four years. Take that, David Beckham. 世界盃給了許多愛裝模作樣的人,拿著啤酒評論比賽的機會, 如果世界盃真那麼棒,怎麼每4年才踢一次? 4.沒有正妹啦啦隊: No cheerleaders. Let's get serious now. If each competing nation supplied an array of cheerleaders, it would enliven the broadcasts, for openers. This could put the Miss Universe beauty pageant to shame. 這個問題是很正經的。如果各國還能推出美女啦啦隊助威, 畫面將更賞心悅目,連環球小姐選拔都相形失色。 5.波諾(Bono)效應: The Bono Factor. Bono has been doing voiceovers on ESPN's television commercials for the World Cup, making it official now: The U2 singer has officially championed every cause to known to mankind. I love "Sunday Bloody Sunday" more than clean water or air, but I do wish Bono would give it a rest now and then. 波諾是樂團「U2」的主唱,他為ESPN世界盃的廣告配音, 不過他什麼都想參一腳,希望他能休息一下。 6.美國有真正的運動: Detracts from real sports. Indeed, such as the New York Yankees' pursuit of another baseball championship. 舉例來說,看洋基隊再爭一座世界冠軍。 7.找不到餐廳吃飯: Restaurant crisis in ethnic neighborhoods. In 2006, I made the mistake of dining in the Little Italy section of Manhattan on the same evening that the Italian team won the World Cup. Can you imagine the wild celebration? It was fun to see the natives looking so proud and happy. Problem was, every restaurant was jam-packed and I couldn't get a table. Darned World Cup. 球迷們會在比賽時間將餐廳擠滿,例如在義大利出賽時, 想找一家義大利餐館吃飯,幾乎不可能。 8.錯過環法賽的肥皂劇: Takes away from the real drama of the Tour de France. With the soccer hoopla in full swing, we're not going to find out for weeks whether Lance Armstrong actually did use steroids to win all of those bicycle races. 大家都在關心世界盃,很難得知阿姆斯壯(Lance Armestrong)是不是 利用類固醇等禁藥贏得比賽。 9.足球流氓: Hooligans in the stands. And they aren't all Manchester United fans misbehaving, either. What kind of an example are we setting for the kids when the TV cameras show people in the stands running amok? 如果有足球流氓在觀眾席鬥毆,我們該怎麼教育一同看球的孩子。 10.沒有「大帝」詹姆斯(LeBron James): Has absolutely nothing to do with LeBron James. This is blasphemy, pure and simple. If there is no tie-in to the national fixation on where the Cleveland basketball superstar will play next season, then who cares, right? 基本上這就是一種不敬,全美都在關注「大帝」新球季的動向,哪有時間 關心其他的運動。 -- / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   Who is The "Orz"est 法   法   喀  英  英   象   德  Player in WorldCup? 亨囧 囧貝力 囧托 囧尼   LP囧  囧羅巴 囧洛澤 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/24 03:38, , 1F
06/24 03:38, 1F

06/24 03:38, , 2F
06/24 03:38, 2F

06/24 03:38, , 3F
還有踢和 老美的比賽一定是一翻兩瞪眼
06/24 03:38, 3F

06/24 03:39, , 4F
06/24 03:39, 4F

06/24 03:39, , 5F
06/24 03:39, 5F

06/24 03:40, , 6F
06/24 03:40, 6F

06/24 03:40, , 7F
一場踢下來0:0, NBA Kobe一場就81分了 XD
06/24 03:40, 7F

06/24 03:40, , 8F
美帝:我討厭踢 但事真要我踢我一定盡全力!! 美國精神!
06/24 03:40, 8F

06/24 03:40, , 9F
跟他們在其他運動上的表現起來說 足球美國很糟啊
06/24 03:40, 9F

06/24 03:40, , 10F
美國的體育資源這麼龐大 強權是時間問題
06/24 03:40, 10F

06/24 03:41, , 11F
06/24 03:41, 11F

06/24 03:41, , 12F
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06/24 03:41, , 13F
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06/24 03:42, , 14F
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06/24 03:43, , 15F
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06/24 03:43, , 16F
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06/24 03:43, , 17F
06/24 03:43, 17F

06/24 03:44, , 18F
爛死了美帝本位主義 看了幾點就看不下去
06/24 03:44, 18F

06/24 03:45, , 19F
這篇是反串嗎?! 如果是這樣那還蠻好笑的
06/24 03:45, 19F

06/24 03:45, , 20F
David James : 蛤?
06/24 03:45, 20F

06/24 03:45, , 21F
對了我是說原文不是嗆原PO ~~~
06/24 03:45, 21F

06/24 03:45, , 22F
跟MLB和美式足球比起來MLS的確算不少歡迎 但也很多很多了
06/24 03:45, 22F

06/24 03:47, , 23F
看到最後一點 我相信是反串
06/24 03:47, 23F

06/24 03:47, , 24F
06/24 03:47, 24F

06/24 03:48, , 25F
06/24 03:48, 25F

06/24 03:48, , 26F
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06/24 03:48, , 27F
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06/24 03:49, , 28F
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06/24 03:50, , 29F
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06/24 03:50, , 30F
06/24 03:50, 30F

06/24 03:51, , 31F
06/24 03:51, 31F

06/24 03:51, , 32F
的確 越看越像反串 有點像在酸不看足球的美國人 =.=
06/24 03:51, 32F

06/24 03:52, , 33F
這是反諷文啊 XD
06/24 03:52, 33F

06/24 03:52, , 34F
每年都辦 預選賽也踢不完
06/24 03:52, 34F

06/24 03:52, , 35F
06/24 03:52, 35F

06/24 03:52, , 36F
超酸 XD
06/24 03:52, 36F

06/24 03:52, , 37F
06/24 03:52, 37F

06/24 03:53, , 38F
這怎麼看都是反串 怎麼會有人認真..
06/24 03:53, 38F

06/24 03:53, , 39F
第九點.....美式足球超級暴力 比看打架還可怕
06/24 03:53, 39F

06/24 03:53, , 40F
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06/24 03:53, , 41F
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06/24 03:54, , 42F
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06/24 03:55, , 43F
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06/24 03:55, , 44F
06/24 03:55, 44F

06/24 03:56, , 45F
MLS一直再擴增 真期待最後會變成怎樣
06/24 03:56, 45F

06/24 03:56, , 46F
06/24 03:56, 46F

06/24 03:58, , 47F
lovingwu 美式足球哪裡暴力了....Rugby也沒好到哪喔
06/24 03:58, 47F

06/24 03:58, , 48F
06/24 03:58, 48F

06/24 03:59, , 49F
覺得是作者拿自己開玩笑 美式幽默
06/24 03:59, 49F

06/24 03:59, , 50F
06/24 03:59, 50F

06/24 04:07, , 51F
06/24 04:07, 51F

06/24 04:11, , 52F
rugby哪會暴力 又不是full contact就是暴力
06/24 04:11, 52F

06/24 04:20, , 53F
06/24 04:20, 53F

06/24 04:24, , 54F
有笑有推 xD
06/24 04:24, 54F

06/24 04:25, , 55F
06/24 04:25, 55F

06/24 04:25, , 56F
06/24 04:25, 56F

06/24 04:28, , 57F
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06/24 04:28, , 58F
06/24 04:28, 58F

06/24 04:29, , 59F
06/24 04:29, 59F

06/24 04:32, , 60F
純噓!!!!!!!sh__ty USlism
06/24 04:32, 60F

06/24 04:34, , 61F
06/24 04:34, 61F

06/24 04:34, , 62F
06/24 04:34, 62F

06/24 04:41, , 63F
06/24 04:41, 63F

06/24 05:16, , 64F
這一看就知道是自婊酸文了 老美鄉民魂 XD
06/24 05:16, 64F

06/24 06:13, , 65F
美國鄉民魂 XD
06/24 06:13, 65F

06/24 06:28, , 66F
主要還是 美國隊太弱吧 !!
06/24 06:28, 66F

06/24 06:41, , 67F
06/24 06:41, 67F

06/24 08:29, , 68F
06/24 08:29, 68F

06/24 08:51, , 69F
06/24 08:51, 69F

06/24 09:00, , 70F
06/24 09:00, 70F

06/24 09:46, , 71F
Ice Hockey 成功把第九點跟第一點適度結合...XD
06/24 09:46, 71F

06/24 13:04, , 72F
06/24 13:04, 72F
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