[閒聊] 推薦一些男生唱的抒情英文歌

看板WomenTalk作者 (CKR)時間1年前 (2023/03/16 01:46), 編輯推噓19(20110)
留言31則, 20人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
最近聽到的一首 Calum Scott-You are the reason https://youtu.be/ShZ978fBl6Y
覺得超好聽,還有哪些好聽的推薦一下 ---- Sent from BePTT on my Samsung SM-A5360 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1678902406.A.984.html

03/16 02:44, 1年前 , 1F

03/16 02:46, 1年前 , 2F
03/16 02:46, 2F

03/16 02:54, 1年前 , 3F
Secondhand Serenade 的Your Call
03/16 02:54, 3F

03/16 06:06, 1年前 , 4F
someone you love
03/16 06:06, 4F

03/16 06:49, 1年前 , 5F
03/16 06:49, 5F

03/16 07:12, 1年前 , 6F

03/16 08:18, 1年前 , 7F

03/16 08:36, 1年前 , 8F
Don't write me off
03/16 08:36, 8F

03/16 08:37, 1年前 , 9F
03/16 08:37, 9F

03/16 08:43, 1年前 , 10F
lost stars、i cant tell you why
03/16 08:43, 10F

03/16 08:49, 1年前 , 11F
Say You Won’t Let Go
03/16 08:49, 11F

03/16 09:20, 1年前 , 12F
Can't take my eyes off of you. Open arms. Can't help f
03/16 09:20, 12F

03/16 09:20, 1年前 , 13F
alling in love.
03/16 09:20, 13F

03/16 09:22, 1年前 , 14F
上面打錯, Can't take my eyes off you
03/16 09:22, 14F

03/16 10:10, 1年前 , 15F
03/16 10:10, 15F

03/16 10:36, 1年前 , 16F
麵包合唱團 Aubrey
03/16 10:36, 16F

03/16 12:53, 1年前 , 17F

03/16 18:32, 1年前 , 18F
Right here waiting.
03/16 18:32, 18F

03/16 18:49, 1年前 , 19F
All of Me
03/16 18:49, 19F

03/16 18:55, 1年前 , 20F
03/16 18:55, 20F

03/16 19:00, 1年前 , 21F
03/16 19:00, 21F

03/16 21:55, 1年前 , 22F
It Might Be You
03/16 21:55, 22F

03/16 21:57, 1年前 , 23F
Truly Madly Deeply
03/16 21:57, 23F

03/17 03:42, 1年前 , 24F

03/17 03:44, 1年前 , 25F

03/17 03:46, 1年前 , 26F

03/17 03:53, 1年前 , 27F

03/17 03:53, 1年前 , 28F

03/17 03:58, 1年前 , 29F

03/17 04:08, 1年前 , 30F

03/17 15:53, 1年前 , 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1a4WI6c4 (WomenTalk)