Fw: [新聞] 瑞典律師:大多數強暴犯是移民。

看板WomenTalk作者 (五樓冒險家)時間6年前 (2017/10/11 22:38), 6年前編輯推噓26(26029)
留言55則, 17人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1PtU9ojG ] 作者: CobeBryant (老大-摳比布萊恩) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 瑞典律師:大多數強暴犯是移民。 時間: Wed Oct 11 17:20:47 2017 1.媒體來源: breitbart 2.完整新聞標題: Swedish Lawyer: Majority of Rape Suspects In Cases Are Migrants 3.完整新聞內文: Swedish lawyer Elisabeth Fritz claims that in the majority of rape cases she has had to work on the suspects have been individuals from migrant backgrounds and has called on the government to “lift the lid” on the issue. Ms Fritz took the unusual step of writing about the issue on her Instagram account, and posted a picture of herself having just come from a district court in the Swedish capital of Stockholm. She wrote, “The rape reports are increasing and at my desk and I have many rapes and group violence. The majority of the suspects I meet in these cases have a foreign background.” She then claimed that her colleague contacted the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå) to examine the national statistics on migrant crime. “Brå also has no number, because such statistics do not exist,” she said. “If we are to work preventively and stop rape it’s time to find out how the perpetrator looks. We must take the matter seriously and dare to lift the lid. How else will we fight these terrible and tough rapes committed to all victims? It is the perpetrator that is the problem. I will proceed with the question because this is NOT acceptable” she added. Ms Fritz is just the latest Swede involved in the justice system to blow the whistle on the extent of migrant crime in the country. Earlier this year Swedish police officer Peter Springare caused a national uproar when he claimed that the majority of criminals he dealt with were migrants. Springare was initially threatened with charges of hate speech and investigated by the police but the charges were later dropped and he was offered a column in the Swedish newspaper Nyheter Idag. The reasoning for offering him a column was so that the paper, rather than Springare would be responsible for the content of his writing and will give him protection from prosecution. Shortly after Springare blew the whistle on the problem he was backed up by criminology professor Leif GW Persson who said, “Yes, I have made the same observation,” and added, “anyone with eyes to see can know who is doing these kinds of actions.” 大意翻譯: 瑞典律師伊麗莎白.弗里茨(Elisabeth Fritz)聲稱,她處理的強姦案愈來愈多了, 且嫌疑人大多是移民背景,呼籲政府掀開蓋子。 "如果我們要預防、停止強姦,那麼現在是時候弄明白犯罪者的樣子。我們必須認真 對待事情,敢於掀開蓋子。 不然我們還將如何對付的這些可怕和強硬的強姦呢?" 她然後聲稱,她的同事聯繫了瑞典國家預防犯罪委員會,為了審查關於移民犯罪的 國家統計數據。她說:"那裏也沒有數據,因為統計數據不存在。" 弗里茨是最近一位瑞典司法系統中的人士吹哨告知大眾移民犯罪嚴重性的。 早些時候,瑞典警官彼得.斯卡普雷(Peter Springare)宣稱 他處理的大多數罪犯是移民,造成了全國性的嘩然。 犯罪學教授雷夫.卡夫森(Leif GW Persson)支持斯卡普雷,他說: "是的,我有同樣的觀察",並補充說,任何有眼睛的人都可以知道誰在做這些事情"。 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://goo.gl/RgUg16 5.備註: 2011年 瑞典77.6%強姦罪由2.2%男性穆斯林移民造成。 強姦率約是瑞典公民的160倍。 不過目前因為左膠的政治正確,官方數據不再統計背景了。 移民 = 難民 忘了說 -- 2017 國際齋戒月炸彈松 第8屆 Final Score   http://imgur.com/0mZdzZN
恭喜伊斯蘭教 蟬聯八屆冠軍 八連冠!! 2007年聯合國人權理事會上,伊斯蘭會議組織宣布不承認個人有自由改變宗教信仰的權利. http://imgur.com/JU2Vb5b
各地穆斯林認為改信必須死的比率 http://imgur.com/idrg6Sq
44.85%穆斯林認為改信者該被殺死 目前穆斯林擁有改信自由的伊斯蘭國家: 0 個 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1507713650.A.B50.html 心得: 今天有討論這話題 大家說台灣媒體沒水準 看到有外媒討論 提供給大家參考 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: alphabear (, 10/11/2017 22:38:48 ※ 編輯: alphabear (, 10/11/2017 22:41:14

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※ 編輯: alphabear (, 10/11/2017 22:57:28

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10/11 23:01, 6年前 , 13F
沒增加? 那梅嬸加速遣返難民? 嗯...
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10/11 23:08, 6年前 , 20F
breitbart的確是美國極右派媒體 而且在合理化以色列圍
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10/11 23:08, 6年前 , 21F
城巴勒斯坦滅族行動中從不心軟 可想而知其對難民的立
10/11 23:08, 21F

10/11 23:09, 6年前 , 22F
場。不過這篇也非全盤不可信 瑞典近年來新移民犯罪比
10/11 23:09, 22F

10/11 23:09, 6年前 , 23F
例不低是真的 在管理與輔導上也讓政府傷透腦筋 雖然這
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10/11 23:31, 6年前 , 29F
再多嘴一下 BBC最好看原文來源 中文網立場跟BBC微博版
10/11 23:31, 29F

10/11 23:31, 6年前 , 30F
很像 是被中共當局矯飾過的 修辭不夠精確平衡
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10/13 07:46, 6年前 , 52F
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10/13 07:46, 6年前 , 53F
然後 breitbart的公信力至少要打五折
10/13 07:46, 53F

10/13 07:47, 6年前 , 54F
而且 瑞典強暴率年年上升跟定義有關 而不是移民 這是
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文章代碼(AID): #1PtYpv8p (WomenTalk)
文章代碼(AID): #1PtYpv8p (WomenTalk)