Fw: [問卦] 川普到底支不支持甲甲?已回收

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剛剛在八卦板看到 原來川普在LGBT議題上始終如一 希拉蕊反而是尚書大人 看來不能只看CNN啊= = 要多用GOOGLE找資料 這次選舉應該給不少人教訓 國際觀也不是只看CNN就叫有國際觀了 真的是不錯的學習機會 ※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1O8rYBG8 ] 作者: zebra101 (斑馬) 看板: Gossiping 標題: Re: [問卦] 川普到底支不支持甲甲? 時間: Thu Nov 10 01:10:33 2016 川普是共和黨史上最pro-gay的總統候選人。 希拉蕊是看選民風向pro-gay的總統候選人。 川普以前是民主黨人,立場偏左。1999年是美國LGBT運動如火如荼,國會通過軍隊的don' t ask, dont tell政策。LGBT法律權益之火從此燎原。川普公開贊揚,希拉蕊公開反對。 2000年,川普說應該給美國民權法案附加禁止性取向歧視。1964的民權法案保護宗教,性 別,種族,國籍,結束了美國立國以來種族隔離政策,是人權進步的裏程碑,影響深遠, 但是性取向歧視並未寫入法律。 “Amending the Civil Rights Act would grant the same protection to gay people that we give to other Americans – it’s only fair,” Trump told The Advocate in February, 2000. In the same interview, Trump said he favored “a very stron g domestic-partnership law” that guaranteed same-sex couples equal legal righ ts as married, heterosexual couples. 川普在2000年就贊成通過同性伴侶民事結合的法律。 當被問到是否雇傭gay員工時,川普說: "I would want the best and brightest. Sexual orientation would be meaningless, " Trump told The Advocate. "I’m looking for brains and experience. If the bes t person for the job happens to be gay, I would certainly appoint them." 任人唯賢,性取向根本不會也不值得考慮。 2000年,川普出了一本書,談到他反對性別歧視,性取向歧視。 “The America That We Deserve,” Trump outlined his dream of a nation “unenc umbered by bureaucratic ineptitude, government regulation, confiscatory tax po licies, racism, discrimination against women, or discrimination against people based on sexual orientation.” Eleven years later, Trump told CBN’s “The Br ody File” that gay people were “tremendous” and that “there can be no disc rimination against gays.” 2000年,希拉蕊說: “I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a wom an.”——我相信婚姻是而且始終都是女性與男性的結合。 2004年,希拉蕊在國會演講“marriage was a sacred bond between a man and a woman .”——婚姻是男女之間的神聖結合。 2004年,英國通過同性伴侶民事關系法,2005年正式實施。Elton John與長期相愛的男友 在英國注冊結婚,Elton是川普相識多年老友,川普在自己的blog上記錄了當時激動心情: There's a lot to celebrate this holiday season. Elton John married his long-ti me partner David Furnish on December 21. That's the first day that civil partn erships between gay couples became legal in England under the new Civil Partne rship Act. Elton credits David with helping him kick drug and alcohol addictions that nea rly killed him. The pair has been together for 12 years. I know both of them a nd they get along wonderfully. It's a marriage that's going to work. In any event, I'm very happy for them. If two people dig each other, they dig each other. Good luck, Elton. Good luck, David. Have a great life. ——這是英國同性婚姻合法的第一天,Elton與長跑多年男友David結婚,太多值得慶祝。 他們在一起12年,我認識他們,一路走來,終于步入殿堂。我爲他們感到高興。如果兩個 人相愛,那就是愛。祝福Elton和David. 願你們美滿幸福。 Elton John長期致力于艾滋公益活動,成立了Elton John AIDS Foundation在全球五十多 個國家從事慈善事業。川普也非常關注AIDS話題積極募捐。早在黑暗的1980年代開始,川 普就多次捐款。1987年,川普向Gay Men’s Health Crisis組織捐款25,000美元。 2008年總統選舉,民調數據大多數美國人反對同性婚姻,希拉蕊同樣繼續公開反對,但態 度開始有所軟化。 In response to a question about whether marriage should be made legally availa ble to two committed adults of the same sex, Clinton marked that she was "oppo sed" though she stated she supported civil unions. 2012年,川普個人稅表顯示向Gay Men’s Health Crisis組織捐款1萬美元,向GLSEN (Ga y, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network)捐款2萬美元。 2013年,民調顯示越來越多美國人支持同性婚姻,希拉蕊首次公開表示支持,搖身一變成 了LGBT鬥士。 2015年,美國最高法院將同性婚姻寫入法律,此時肯塔基政府職員戴維斯拒絕給同性夫婦 頒發結婚證書,理由是與自己基督教信仰違背。虔誠的戴維斯爲此锒铛入獄。正值共和黨 內群雄逐鹿,各候選人紛紛表態,克魯茲就強烈支持戴維斯忠于信仰。 對此川普說:"You have to go with it. The decision's been made, and that is the law of the land." 既然法律允許同性婚姻,就應該依法辦事。 以上 你們自己判斷 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: hochengyuan (, 11/10/2016 01:18:43 ※ 編輯: hochengyuan (, 11/10/2016 01:19:48 ※ 編輯: hochengyuan (, 11/10/2016 01:20:58

11/10 01:21, , 1F
11/10 01:21, 1F

11/10 01:23, , 2F
誰不知道希婆以前反同志阿 他是要選總統才說支持的
11/10 01:23, 2F

11/10 01:23, , 3F
11/10 01:23, 3F

11/10 01:26, , 4F

11/10 01:40, , 5F
斷章取義是甲甲特色 選前黑川 選上了就斷章取義拗成支持
11/10 01:40, 5F

11/10 01:40, , 6F
要是川普表明立場反同 甲還會把川普抹恐抹黑 柯文哲是實例
11/10 01:40, 6F

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11/10 03:11, , 10F
這次選舉 媒體和好萊塢做的太過頭了 引起反彈了
11/10 03:11, 10F

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文章代碼(AID): #1O8rfqbF (WomenTalk)