[大威] Miami女網賽第二輪

看板Williams作者時間17年前 (2007/03/25 12:27), 編輯推噓11(1101)
留言12則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
Venus Williams def (29) Maria Kirilenko 6-3 6-3 "I haven't forgotten," Venus said. "It's a couple of years ago, really. Right now I feel like my second serve is at the top of the top, and my first serve is pretty frightening. I'm playing really well, so for me, it's just really going to be just as always." http://d.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/rids/20070324/i/r2595681424.jpg
這場比賽打打停停分三段才完成@@ Miami那邊天氣很不好 大威還換了衣服繼續打完 今天打的不錯耶 UE有控制到(打完一場還比上場的一盤少9個XD) 發球狀態很好 一發得分百分百 不過一發進球率太低了 被破的一局 是直落四 那局一發就是進不了 除了這局大部分時間二發得分都70%以上 下場也要繼續加油 希望雙誤更少一點 ************************** Venus Williams (USA) 6 6 Maria Kirilenko (RUS) [29] 3 3 * * Match Duration 33 36 ************************** _ˍˍ▁▂▃▂▁ˍ_ˍ▁▂▃▂▁ˍ_ˍ▁▂▃▂▁ˍ_ˍ▁▂▃▂▁ˍ_ ▏ ▏ ▏ Williams │ Kirilenko ▏ ▏ │ ▏ ▏1st Serve % 20 of 41 = 49 % │ 36 of 52 = 69 % ▏ ▏Aces 4 │ 0 ▏ ▏Double Faults 4 │ 2 ▏ ▏Winning % on 1st Serve 20 of 20 = 100 % │ 19 of 36 = 53 % ▏ ▏Winning % on 2nd Serve 12 of 21 = 57 % │ 8 of 16 = 50 % ▏ ▏Winners 21 │ 1 ▏ ▏Unfored Errors 22 │ 7 ▏ ▏Receiving Points Won 25 of 52 = 48 % │ 9 of 41 = 22 % ▏ ▏Break Point Conversions 4 of 9 = 44 % │ 1 of 1 = 100 % ▏ ▏Total Points Won 57 of 93 = 61 % │ 36 of 93 = 39 % ▏ ◣_ˍˍ▁▂▃▂▁ˍ_ˍ▁▂▃▂▁ˍ_ˍ▁▂▃▂▁ˍ_ˍ▁▂▃▂▁◢ ※ 編輯: VWilliams 來自: (03/25 12:28)

03/25 12:34, , 1F
真是神奇的一發得分率 但是失誤還是很高??
03/25 12:34, 1F

03/25 12:50, , 2F
ㄧ發得分真是棒 下ㄧ輪也這樣吧
03/25 12:50, 2F

03/25 12:52, , 3F
03/25 12:52, 3F

03/25 12:57, , 4F
加油 大威~
03/25 12:57, 4F

03/25 15:25, , 5F
天啊 要pk莎娃了 大威提升發球減少失誤啊!!
03/25 15:25, 5F

03/25 15:26, , 6F
打敗莎娃一定可以帶給她更多信心 衝啊~~
03/25 15:26, 6F

03/25 15:33, , 7F
大威左肩是貼"水鑽"嗎? 我被閃瞎了...冏rz...
03/25 15:33, 7F

03/25 15:42, , 8F
對啊那是水鑽 而且今天又換新的樣式了
03/25 15:42, 8F

03/25 16:01, , 9F
大威之前是不是有貼過? 之前有看過的fu(印象)
03/25 16:01, 9F

03/25 16:43, , 10F
去年溫網 不過是貼另外一邊
03/25 16:43, 10F

03/25 23:43, , 11F
嗯沒錯!! 不過是個傷感的賽事 感謝V大
03/25 23:43, 11F

03/26 00:37, , 12F
哈哈 去年溫網華麗出賽 草草出局......
03/26 00:37, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #161VeuZE (Williams)
文章代碼(AID): #161VeuZE (Williams)