Re: [新聞] Celine Dion 10/29攻蛋!!!

看板WesternMusic作者 (蟹腳)時間10年前 (2014/08/13 21:27), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多) Celine 剛才在Facebook宣布暫停所有商演活動 包括凱撒宮跟亞洲巡迴 所以瑪咪咪又有去小巨蛋的機會了? Celine Dion 25 mins · Celine Puts Show Business Career On Hold For Her Health And Family Reasons Celine Dion has decided to postpone all of her show business activities indefinitely, in order to focus 100% of her attention on her husband Rene, their family, and associated health issues. Since Rene's surgery last December to remove a cancerous tumor, it's been a very difficult and stressful time for the couple as they deal with the day-to-day challenges of fighting this disease while trying to juggle a very active show business schedule, and raise their three young children. Celine has also been fighting an illness that has caused inflammation in her throat muscles, and has not been able to perform any of her scheduled shows in Las Vegas since her last show on July 29th. She has still not recovered from this condition. "I want to devote every ounce of my strength and energy to my husband's healing, and to do so, it's important for me to dedicate this time to him and to our children. I also want to apologize to all my fans everywhere, for inconveniencing them, and I thank them so much for their love and support." said Celine. During this hiatus, Celine will cancel her shows at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace until further notice. She will also cancel her tour of Asia, previously scheduled for the fall of this year. Celine and family have requested that their privacy be respected at this time ※ 引述《braveshsu (Love, Warrior.)》之銘言: : 所以瑪咪咪要來? : : 席琳狄翁小巨蛋重現賭城秀 10月打包家人瘋台灣 : 2014年08月11日 : 【李世珍╱綜合報導】加拿大天后席琳狄翁(Celine Dion)將於10月下旬攜家帶眷首訪 : 寶島,並於10月29日把賭城秀原汁原味搬上台北小巨蛋。據悉她的唱酬高達4500萬元台幣 : 至6千萬元台幣,預料台北演唱會最高票價將破萬元台幣。 : 出道33年的席琳,13歲發行首張法語專輯,1991年為動畫片《美女與野獸》演唱主題曲獲 : 奧斯卡,1997年演唱《鐵達尼號》主題曲《愛無止盡》全球熱賣,歷年專輯全球銷量逾 : 2.2億張,在台灣銷量達300萬張。 : 她2003年起在賭城凱撒宮駐唱5年,海撈105億元台幣,3年前重返凱撒宮,每年平均唱70 : 場,預定10月底展開亞洲巡演,台北是第一站。46歲的她和經紀人雷尼安傑利結婚19年, : 以人工受孕生育3子,她表示:「我和家人第一次造訪台灣,一定會很精彩,我等不及和 : 台灣歌迷見面。」 : 台北演唱會門票下周四中午12點起在寬宏藝術官網(開賣,席琳的賭 : 城秀門票由1650元至最高7500元台幣不等,寬宏表示,票價要等國外經紀公司確定後才能 : 公布,最高票價可能與前年女神卡卡演唱會的1萬2800元台幣不相上下,也可能更高。 : 花蝴蝶早3天飆歌 : 10月東西洋歌手輪番攻台,另一位西洋天后「花蝴蝶」瑪麗亞凱莉早席琳3天在南港展覽 : 館飆嗓,強調「票價會很親民」,最高不超過7千元台幣,她老公尼克肯能和龍鳳胎兒女 : 也將隨行。 -- Sent from my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

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