[情報] 沙盒最新模式 "前線戰" (30vs30)

看板Wargaming作者 (測試)時間7年前 (2017/05/13 22:18), 7年前編輯推噓10(10021)
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因為最近偶然在信箱看到這個: http://i.imgur.com/kKkcHSw.png
所以就來加減翻翻官方的簡介吧(騙P幣X 至於實地測試等我最近黑沙比較不忙再看看(X ============================= 文章來源: http://sandbox.worldoftanks.com/en/ http://sandbox.worldoftanks.com/en/news/frontline-guide/ ============================= LATEST SANDBOX NEWS 沙盒最新消息 We are bringing you more epic battles! The Frontline test now offers two 30v30 setups. The first introduces a few new mechanics, while the latter lets you try familiar modes on larger maps with twice as many vehicles per team. 我們將為各位帶來更加史詩般的戰鬥! 前線戰模式現在提供兩種30對30的配置。 前者加入了一些全新的機制,而後者則是讓各位在更大地圖面對兩倍多的敵手來體驗熟悉的模式 -Massive 9 km2 clashes across the Epic Normandy map with unique objectives for each team, five-man-strong Platoons, Garage-based redeployment, and service during battle -Huge Tier X battles with Standard and Encounter modes’ rules across two all-new arenas—the 1.2×1.2 km Grand Canyon and the 1.4×1.4 km Sunny Valley At this point, our main goal is assessing these scenarios, together with you, to define the strongest gameplay components. We’ll also gather stats to be used later in developing Frontline’s economy and fine-tuning gameplay logic (goal setting, objectives, etc.). Where we go from here is just as much up to you as it is us! -在史詩的諾曼地上展開廣達9平方公里的大規模激戰, 囊括了全新獨特任務目標、5人強力組排、車庫重新佈署(車輪戰?),以及戰鬥間後勤。 -在兩張全新的賽場 - 1.2*1.2平方公里的大峽谷以及1.4*1.4平方公里的太陽谷 進行十階一般及遭遇戰模式的大戰 此刻我們的主要目標是與各位一同評估這些情境,來定義最強最猛的遊戲要素。 我們也將收集統計資料以供未來開發前線戰的經濟模型及微調遊玩邏輯(終端設定、任務目標等等)時使用。 能夠改善多少,各位的貢獻跟我們的一樣重要! *感謝Dsakura指教 We’ve done our best to create something truly worthwhile, and hope that you’ re excited to jump in and share your thoughts. 我們已盡其所能打造真心值得各位體驗的東西,並希望各位能夠熱情參與以及分享您的看法 ============================== Frontline Guide 前線戰(前文提到的有新機制版本)指南 In working on Frontline, it is important for us to involve you as much as possible, to deliver the best overall experience upon release. That’s why we want you to become part of the process by playing and giving feedback on potential adjustments. But before you do, take a few minutes to study Frontline’s basics. 在前線戰的開發中,為了能在正式釋出時帶來最佳的遊戲體驗, 對我們來說盡可能地讓各位參與其中至關重要。 因此我們希望各位能透過試玩以及對可能的調整給予反饋成為開發過程的一部分。 但是在參戰之前請先花個幾分鐘來了解前線戰的基礎知識。 With bigger maps, larger teams and a whole set of new mechanics, Frontline promotes intense action, tougher decision making, and closer team coordination. To help you hit the ground running we’ll guide you through its every element, making the testing process equal parts fun for you and helpful for us. 藉著更大的地圖、更大的隊伍組成以及全新的機制, 前線戰促進了更激烈的戰鬥、更加艱困的決策,還有更緊密的團隊協同作戰。 為了讓你駕輕就熟,我們會引領各位領略各個新元素, 讓整個測試過程對各位的樂趣等同於對我們的幫助。 Battle Setup 戰鬥配置 Vehicles: All Tier X medium/heavy tanks, TDs and SPGs and Tier VIII light tanks (NOTE: the latter is a temporary restriction caused by the technical nuances of testing. Eventually, the mode will switch to Tier X vehicles of all classes). 車輛: 全十階mt/ht/td/spg及八階輕坦 (註:後者是基於測試的技術性細節所做的暫時性限制,最後會調回全十階) Teams: 30 players on each side with an opportunity to team up in Platoons of five. 隊伍組成: 每邊30人並且一個組排最多可高達5人 Roles: One team plays in defense; the other attacks. 角色: 一隊防守方; 另一隊攻擊方 Battlefield: In Frontline you fight over a 9 km2 large “Epic Normandy” map. When battle begins, defenders start on the 1st defensive front, while attackers spawn across the Deployment Zone at the map’s coastal area. As the battle spreads, attackers capture land and move deeper into defensive fronts. The 1st and 2nd fronts are each divided into three segments: East, West, and Central. Each segment is the size of a regular World of Tanks map (1 km2) and has a base capture zone. As soon as attackers capture a base, the action spreads to the 2nd defensive front and one of its three segments opens for both teams. The final face-off unfolds on the 3rd defensive front with five high-caliber guns, known as “pillboxes.” 戰場: 在前線戰各位會在廣達9平方公里大的"史詩諾曼第"地圖上作戰 戰鬥開始時,防守方會從第一防線出發,而攻擊方會在地圖的礁岸區的部屬區出生。 隨著戰鬥的進行,攻擊方佔領基地並深入敵營。 第一防線以及第二防線各自分成:西/中/東 三個區塊, 每個區塊都跟WOT現在一般的地圖一樣大(1平方公里)並有各自的佔領區。 當攻擊方成功佔領到一個基地,作戰將會轉移到第二防線然後三個區塊中的一個會開放給雙方。 最終決戰會在第三防線展開伴隨著5門大口徑砲碉堡。 Objectives: Attackers must break through defensive fronts and destroy at least three out of five pillboxes (explained in more detail further down). Defenders must hold strong and keep at least three out of five pillboxes intact. 任務目標: 攻擊方必須突破防線並至少摧毀5個碉堡中的其中3個(在下方有更詳盡的介紹) 而防守方必須死守讓至少其中3個碉堡存活 Battle duration isn’t fixed. Initially, attackers are given 12 minutes to break through and destroy pillboxes. Each successful base capture on the 1st defensive front grants you an additional 2 minutes to complete the mission, while capturing a base on the 3rd defensive front gives you 2.5 minutes. If the defending team stifles an offensive right away, the game ends in the first round. All in all, battles can last from 5 to 20 minutes. 行動時間並不固定,最一開始攻擊方被賦予12分鐘來侵入並催毀碉堡。 每一個在第一防線成功的占領行動都會提供攻擊方額外2分鐘來完成任務, 而每個在第三防線成功的占領行動則會給予額外2.5分鐘。 要是防守方成功壓制住攻勢,比賽就此結束。 總的來說,一場戰鬥時間可能從5分到20分不等。 Battle Plan 戰鬥策略 At the beginning of battle, teams are deployed across three segments of the 1st defensive front (with 10 players per team on each segment). As attackers rush to fight for control over the front, defenders must prevent them from capturing bases. As an attacker, your goal is to capture the base or destroy all defenders, while defenders can stifle the offensive by sending all enemies back to the Garage or overthrowing the attack. Overall, this is quite similar to Assault mode with a few nuances: 在戰鬥初始,雙方會被分配在第一防線的三個區塊(雙方在每個區塊都分配10人)。 當攻方為了獲取該前線的控制權而進擊的時候,守方必須阻止對方佔領基地。 作為攻方,你的目標是佔領基地或者殲滅所有守衛, 而守方可以考慮送所有敵人回車庫或者阻止對方的攻勢。 總之,這個模式與突襲模式有些相似,只是有以下差異: -Five rather than three players can participate in capturing at the same time. The more players are in the capture zone, the faster the cap counter reaches 100% -If the capping vehicle loses HP and/or gets its module damaged, it temporarily loses its ability to capture the base -The cap is reset only when you destroy the capping vehicle -Base capture on the 1st defensive front adds an extra 2 minutes to the battle ’s duration; capturing the base on the 2nd defensive front adds an extra 2.5 minutes -最多可以5人同時佔領 -如果佔領中車輛損失血量或者受到模組傷害,其將暫時喪失佔領基地的能力(佔領值不會提升但不會下降) -佔領值只有佔領中的車輛被摧毀的時候才會重置(損失佔領值) -佔領第一防線的基地將獲得額外2分鐘的作戰時間; 佔領第二防線的基地將獲得額外2.5分鐘(大概是官方上一段寫錯) Once attackers succeed in capturing a segment, it becomes their territory. They can continue the offensive, advancing on the 2nd defensive front and beyond until they reach the 3rd front. 一旦攻方成功占領一個區塊,該區會變成攻方的領地。 他們可以持續攻勢,進軍到第二防線,直到抵達第三防線。 The other team must leave the captured area within a minute. And they’d better be quick—all defending tanks are instantly destroyed 60 seconds after base capture. 而守方必須在一分內離開被佔領區, 而且最好手腳快一點 - 所有防守的車輛會在基地被占領一分後瞬間摧毀。 Don’t get overwhelmed when playing attack, and remember that landing on the 2nd front before you get hold of at least one segment in the 1st front will also result in instant destruction from an AI airstrike. 別在進攻的時候被壓倒了,並記好若在佔領到第一防線的任一區塊之前踏入第二防線的話, 會遭受到即時AI空襲摧毀。 As soon as attackers reach the 3rd front they can embark on their primary mission and destroy pillboxes, which are long-range guns, each with their own HP pool. Pillboxes are protected by armored hoods and virtually impenetrable from head-on. Aim at their rear where there is significantly thinner armor, or better yet, come prepared by studying their armor scheme beforehand. 只要攻方成功踏上第三防線,他們就能著手主要任務: 摧毀碉堡,這些碉堡是長程巨砲, 每個碉堡擁有各自的血量,並身覆從正面基本上無可擊穿的重甲。 從碉堡的後方瞄準它們薄得多的裝甲,在開戰之前來研究一下裝甲分布做好準備吧。 *然而正文內並沒有相關的資料,可能在底下的論壇連結裡吧 Respawn, Repair and Resupply Zones 重生點,維修補給區 It would be pretty frustrating to get destroyed or run out of shells in the course of a massive tank battle, don’t you agree? But fear not. We’ve got you covered. You’ll have several lives for each stage of the battle. Attackers begin with two, while defenders have just one, and each player receives an extra “life” every 5 minutes, with a maximum of three lives at a time for every tanker. It gets a bit trickier should attackers capture all six bases across the 1st and 2nd defensive fronts. In that case, defenders play a now-or-never game, left with just one life each. 在大型戰車混戰當中被打爆或打光彈藥是相當挫折的,相信各位都同意。 但是免驚,我們罩你。各位會擁有複數生命以應付戰鬥中的每個階段。 攻擊方一開始會有兩條命,守方則只有一命,而每個玩家將在每五分鐘獲得額外一命,最多累積三命。 一旦攻方佔領了第一及第二前線的6個基地的時候,情況就會變得更為嚴峻。 在這樣的條件下,守方必須在只剩一命的情況下當機立斷。 In the Respawn screen that opens after your vehicle is destroyed you can: 在你被打爆後開啟的重生視窗中你可以: -Choose any Tier X tank (or Tier VIII light tank) in the Garage (except for the one that was just destroyed) -Set up its configuration, ammo load and equipment. Regular rounds and consumables are replenished automatically, while Premium items are taken from the Depot -Pick a respawn point where you’d like to get back into the battle across the segments controlled by your team -選擇車庫中任一台(剛被打爆的那台除外)十階車(或八階輕坦) -調整該車的彈藥及裝備配置,銀彈跟銀消耗品會自動補充,而金彈/金補給會從倉庫提取 -從你的隊伍控制的區塊中選擇一個重生點復活 http://i.imgur.com/o8hcZTH.jpg
There are also special spots scattered across the active combat area where you can restore your HP pool, repair modules, and replenish ammo. There is one spot for both repair and resupply on each map segment. These zones can only be used by the team that controls the segment. Just as with respawning, Premium rounds and consumables are only replenished if you have them in the Depot; regular ones are replenished automatically. 在作戰區域各處散落著可以在該處回復血量、修復模組,及補充彈藥的點位, 而每一個"區塊"中存有一個這樣可以回復血量跟補給的點位。 只有控制該區域的隊伍才能使用其中的補給點。 另外就跟重生的時候一樣,金彈跟金補給只有在你的倉庫中有存貨的時候才會補充; 一般品則會自動補充。 Keep in mind that zones have a cooldown time. So, once you have repaired your vehicle to 100%, you’ll have to wait 120 seconds before you can use it again. The cooldown is counted for each player individually, which means that several vehicles can use it at the same time. If you happen to get hit while in a Repair and Resupply Zone, you must wait another 20 seconds to stock up on rounds and finish repairing the vehicle. 需要注意的是補給區有冷缺時間,所以當你修滿之後,你必須等滿2分鐘後才能再次使用。 每個玩家的冷卻時間會分開計算,這意味著複數車輛可以一起進廠維修。 要是在補給區被擊中,則必須等待20秒才會開始繼續補給。 Rank System 軍階系統 A great battle performance (capturing a base or resetting the cap counter, damaging/destroying enemy tanks) will earn you special ranks. And you can earn several of these ranks within one battle, levelling from Private all the way to General! 優異的表現 (佔領基地/重置佔領/傷害/摧毀敵車) 將為自己贏取軍功, 而且你能在一場戰鬥中贏取不只一項軍功,一路從小兵直升大將! Joining a Battle 如何加入戰鬥 If what you’ve just read has you excited, apply to join the test. Once in the Sandbox, all you have to do is choose “Frontline” in the mode dropdown in the Garage (to the right from the “Battle!” button). 如果你讀了這些讓你興奮難耐,申請加入測試吧。 一進入沙盒後,你只需要在車庫中的模式下拉選單("開始戰鬥"按鈕的右側)選擇"前線戰" ONE IMPORTANT NOTE: Frontline’s economic system is a work in progress. Our primary goal with the 1st round of the Frontline test is to gather feedback and stats on gameplay, new mechanics, map structure, etc., and to define how we should tweak them going forward. After that, we’ll get down to tuning the mode’s economics. 注意事項: 前線戰的經濟系統仍處開發中。 我們在首輪的前線戰測試中的首要目標是收集反饋, 還有遊玩狀況、新機制、地圖結構等等的統計資料,並從中決定出我們該如何調整改進。 在此之後,我們才會開始調整此模式的經濟 Have fun exploring the mode, and be sure to share your thoughts with us. They will be instrumental in determining whether Frontline has a potential place in World of Tanks going forward and how we should evolve it. 祝各位在摸索新模式的時候玩得開心,並請務必跟我們分享你的想法。 這會有助於我們決定前線戰是否有機會加入WoT還有我們該怎麼改良它。 =============================== 文章比想像的長= = 決定把第三篇留到明天再翻 如有誤譯或語意不清處 還請多多指教以及海涵 =============================== -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1494685129.A.629.html

05/13 22:46, , 1F
看其中一圖...把上中下路放大版的感覺 多弄點路啊
05/13 22:46, 1F

05/13 22:50, , 2F
05/13 22:50, 2F

05/13 22:50, , 3F
05/13 22:50, 3F

05/13 22:51, , 4F
05/13 22:51, 4F

05/13 22:51, , 5F
05/13 22:51, 5F
看了你的推文才想起我少貼了一張圖 ※ 編輯: scoMico (, 05/13/2017 22:56:44

05/13 22:57, , 6F
05/13 22:57, 6F

05/13 23:04, , 7F
昨天看QB玩 都是蛋夾車的天下
05/13 23:04, 7F

05/13 23:10, , 8F
05/13 23:10, 8F

05/13 23:10, , 9F
05/13 23:10, 9F

05/13 23:10, , 10F
05/13 23:10, 10F

05/13 23:14, , 11F
05/13 23:14, 11F

05/13 23:14, , 12F
05/13 23:14, 12F

05/13 23:20, , 13F
05/13 23:20, 13F

05/13 23:20, , 14F
05/13 23:20, 14F

05/13 23:41, , 15F
05/13 23:41, 15F

05/14 00:05, , 16F
05/14 00:05, 16F

05/14 00:05, , 17F
05/14 00:05, 17F

05/14 01:50, , 18F
有在沙盒上玩過幾場 除了經濟系統以外我覺得還不錯
05/14 01:50, 18F

05/14 01:51, , 19F
05/14 01:51, 19F

05/14 07:15, , 20F
05/14 07:15, 20F

05/14 07:48, , 21F
all TX然後30x30然後再分模式分流 我懷疑人少的伺服
05/14 07:48, 21F

05/14 07:48, , 22F
05/14 07:48, 22F

05/14 11:04, , 23F
那句是動詞省略 前後結構一樣
05/14 11:04, 23F

05/14 12:21, , 24F
05/14 12:21, 24F

05/14 12:21, , 25F
05/14 12:21, 25F

05/14 13:16, , 26F
05/14 13:16, 26F

05/14 13:17, , 27F
05/14 13:17, 27F
※ 編輯: scoMico (, 05/14/2017 13:18:31

05/14 13:18, , 28F
可惜WG看來比較在意那個鳥不拉機的Rank battle
05/14 13:18, 28F

05/14 16:35, , 29F
05/14 16:35, 29F

05/14 22:36, , 30F
05/14 22:36, 30F

05/15 22:27, , 31F
05/15 22:27, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1P5nN9Of (Wargaming)