Re: [情報] 沙盒伺服器SPG改動(以及其他小更動)

看板Wargaming作者 (測試)時間7年前 (2017/02/07 16:54), 7年前編輯推噓23(23029)
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補充翻譯官方沙盒blog 來源: ====================== 給END: 砲車降阿法 砲車HE彈增加新屬性: 最大暈眩時間 砲車移動擴圈及裝填時間減少,瞄準時間及精準度BUFF 暴風作用機制改變 => 被暴風掃到造成30%阿法傷害 + 依70%距離衰減(衰減程度較現版輕微) 實際暈眩時間 => 30% * 最大暈眩時間 + 70% * 最大暈眩時間 * 造成傷害比例 ^eg, 同一戰車A, 離暴風越近暈越久, 同樣距離, 裝甲越薄者暈越久(厚度差異量級要夠大差距才顯著) 降低暈眩持續時間: 內褲: 重型內褲: 降低10%暈眩 超重型內褲: 降低30%暈眩 急救包: 降低20%暈眩(被動效果),使用即回復狀態 (一場可多次使用,CD60秒) ====================================================================== Stun -- 暈眩效果 In Sandbox, tanks in the arty splash radius have their Crew stunned and characteristics temporarily weakened, giving the other team a few precious seconds to break the defense lines and catch the enemy by surprise. Arty shells receive an all-new parameter: maximum stun time. All vehicles in the splash radius are stunned 30% of this time, plus a certain amount of the remaining 70%, depending on the damage they receive. The stun duration also depends on the area within the splash radius. 在沙盒中,被砲車暴風波及的戰車其組員會被震暈致使暫時性失能, 而讓另一方獲得突破防線及奇襲的寶貴機會。 砲車使用的砲彈獲得了一個全新的屬性: 最大暈眩時間。 被暴風掃過的車輛會遭擊暈達 30%的最大暈眩時間,剩餘的70%時常則視造成傷害量而定 暈眩時長也跟車輛被暴風覆蓋面積有關 * Unlike the current mechanic where arty rids you of HP for good and might kick you out from the game in a single shot, the stun duration passes, and you can fight on. At the same time, with the increased splash radius, SPGs can help their team turn the tide of the battle. Of course, it’ll take patience, practice, and good knowledge of the “hot zones” on maps. 與現版砲車會給你來一發大的甚至直接送妳回家的機制不同, 傷痛(X)暈眩會過去,而你可以繼續奮戰。 同時,藉由增大的暴風範圍,砲車們可以幫助隊伍逆轉戰局。 當然這會需要足夠的耐心、充足的練習以及良好的地圖觀。 To stress arty’s role as long-range support fire, we decreased their dispersion on the move and reload time, while also improving aiming time and accuracy. Now they can efficiently redirect fire and come to rescue team mates on several flanks quickly. 為了強調砲車作為長程支援型火力, 我們將移動擴圈和裝填時間減少了,並且改進瞄準時間跟精準度。 現在砲車可以有效的重新瞄準並迅速的幫助多線隊友。 Multi-use Consumables -- 多次性使用消耗品 Now there are a number of ways in which the stun effect can be reduced. Along with a vehicle’s armor that helps partially absorb it, the negative impact of arty can be minimized further with Spall Liners: Heavy Spall Liner reduce its effect by 10%, Superheavy—by 30%. So, the heavier and better armored the vehicle is, the less it suffers from being stunned. Finally, First Aid Kits reduce the stun effect by 20% (by default) and lift it completely after you use them, even if your Crew weren’t hurt. 那麼呢現在有多種方法可以降低暈眩效果。 除了車輛本身的裝甲可以部分吸收掉之外, 砲車造成的負面效果可以透過防爆內襯進一步的減少: 重型內襯降低10%,超重型內襯降低30%。 因此,當一台車量越重越厚,則其越不受暈眩所苦。 最後,急救包會降低暈眩效果20%(被動),而且即使組員無負傷仍可使用並使全員甦醒。 Those who joined us in the 1st Sandbox iteration know how getting stunned a few times per battle could kill the fun completely. We heard you, and fixed this issue with multi-use consumables: Repair and First Aid Kits, Fire Extinguishers. Consumables of the same type recharge independently, so you can use a small First Aid Kit one, while the large is recharging, or vice versa. Regular consumables take 90 s to recharge, Premium—60 s. 曾經參與過首次沙盒的朋友們都知道,一場戰鬥中被暈好幾次是多麼痛不欲生。 你們的聲音我們聽到了, 我們藉由多次性使用消耗品來改善這個問題: 包含修包、急救包跟滅火器。 而同類型的消耗品的充能是獨立計算的, 所以你可以在大急救包CD的時候用小急救包,反之亦然。 銀消耗品(小修/救/滅)需90秒充能,金消耗品(大修/救/滅)則只需60秒。 Ammo Load -- 攜帶彈種 Large-caliber guns coupled with high penetration values of AP and HEAT shells allow SPGs to pierce thick armor, usually dealing fatal damage. If this happens to you, it makes you question the point of all the effort you put into playing. No one wants to play a game where they don’t actually get to play. So, regardless of how well-armored a player is, many choose to sit in an arty safe spot and never move, forcing draws and base camping. 大口徑砲配上高穿AP或HEAT彈讓砲車可以擊穿重甲,而且往往會造成致命的傷害。 如果這降臨到你身上,會使你開始懷疑自己花費這麼多功夫在玩有什麼意義。 畢竟沒有人會想玩一個實際上玩不到遊戲的遊戲。 因此,無論一個玩家的車輛裝甲多好,大多數會趨向蹲在砲車盲區,然後老樹盤根, 導致諸多平局發生還有龜家的情形。 We eliminated AP and HEAT shells for arty, as well as reduced penetration values and alpha damage of HE shells, which should lower the chances of being severely crippled, if not outright destroyed, by them. 是故,我們將砲車的AP、HEAT彈拔除,並降低HE彈的穿深跟單發傷害。 這應當能解決即使沒有一砲入魂也會重殘的慘劇。 Blast Damage Falloff 暴風傷害衰減 Playing artillery effectively requires skill. You need good aim to follow a moving target, anticipate where it’s going to be and how much time it will take for a shell to reach its destination. To reward skill and compensate for the reduction of alpha damage and penetration values, we revised shell fragment dispersion within the splash radius. 想要砲車玩的好需要技巧(廢話)。 你需要良好的瞄準能力來追瞄,並預測目標的位置以及熟知砲彈飛行時間。 為獎勵有技巧的玩家以及做為降低穿深還有傷害的補償, 我們將暴風範圍內的爆炸破片重製(暴風傷害機制)。 On live servers, arty deal no damage on the perimeter of their splash radius. In Sandbox, the damage value falloff from the center to the perimeter will be less abrupt: HE shells deal 30% of their maximum damage there. This way, they deal less damage, but to a larger area, even without direct hits. 在現行版本中,暴風的邊緣(圓周)是不會造成傷害的。 而在沙盒內,自爆炸中心起到暴風邊緣的傷害衰減將不再如此劇烈: HE彈作用範圍內最少會造成30%最大(應該是指平均阿法)傷害。 如此,砲車造成的傷害將降低,但影響範圍會擴大。 With a smaller gap between a direct hit and a near miss (in terms of damage dealt), shooting at multiple targets becomes more efficient than picking just one. This change, together with the introduction of the stun mechanic, should force SPGs to change their play style and aim at hitting multiple targets, letting their teammates finish the job. 透過降低直擊跟擦身而過(有造成傷害)的落差,打擊複數目標將來的比緊迫盯人更有效率。 暴風作用的改變配合暈眩機制的導入, 應能迫使砲車改變打法,趨向打擊複數目標並讓隊友收頭。 Situational Awareness -- 預測形勢(X)意識 Stun Indicators. To help both camps better assess the stun effect and adjust their battle plan accordingly, we also added several new battle indicators. Arty can see the damage their teammates deal to stunned vehicles (also included in their after-battle stats as damage dealt with their assistance), while all players see the countdown of the remaining stun time right above the vehicle affected by it. Finally, if you get stunned, along with the stun time, you get a lowdown on HP lost and how your combat parameters decreased, in the lower left of the HUD (similar to when your vehicle drowns or catches fire). 增加了暈眩指示器來幫助雙方便於評估暈眩的效果並依此調整戰術。 我們也新增了一些新的戰鬥中的指示器。 砲車可以看到隊友對其擊暈的目標造成的傷害(也包含結算表會將其算作協傷), 而所有玩家都能在被擊暈的車輛頭上看到剩餘暈眩時間的倒數。 最後,如果你被擊暈了,除了上述的暈眩時間, 你會在UI左下角的戰車狀態看到血量下降, 還有你的作戰能力被削減的程度(類似淹水或起火的時候會看到的東西)。 Target area marking for friendly vehicles. As long-range support vehicles, it ’s critical that SPGs coordinate their actions with fellow players. They should be able to alert the team to where they will shoot, so that teammates can ready themselves for an attack. 目標區域標記功能。 作為一個長程支援車輛,砲車與隊友的配合至關重要。 砲車將能警示隊友自己預瞄的位置,如此隊友就能為接續的攻擊做好準備。 To achieve this, we improved the target area marking (first tested in last year’s Sandbox). Now you will be able to mark not only an enemy vehicle, but also the area you are targeting (press the Requesting fire/Attacking button ( “T” by default) to display the special marker; its radius will be the same as the shell splash radius). You can see them highlighted in yellow on the widget below. 為了達成這個目標,我們改良了目標區域標記功能(在去年的沙盒首度測試)。 現在你不僅可以標記敵車, 也能標記你指向的區域(按下"要求火力支援/攻擊"無線電(預設為T)以顯示特殊標記; 標記的半徑會跟砲彈暴風半徑一樣大)。 你會看到黃色的顯眼標示就像下方的小玩意所示(請至原網頁頁末)。 It’s totally up to you whether you show it to the team or not. Besides, if you are really tired of “arty’s sleeping” messages, you can end them by simply showing people where you are aiming. 至於要不要標給隊友知道全看你個人定奪。 此外,如果你對"砲車都在混分(X)睡"的抱怨厭煩到不行, 只要標給大家知道你在瞄哪裡就能輕鬆解決啦。 Alternative Aim. Inspired by the fan-favorite Battle Assistant, it changes the aiming display for SPGs and gives a clear flight path of the projectile and a good overview of the terrain, allowing you to aim better. Unlike the third-party mod, it works well around large obstacles. Also, the aim reticle doesn’t jump when switching between regular and alternative aim. We believe that it should make arty gameplay more engaging and help realize its full potential in combat. Try it for yourselves and let us know your thoughts. 切換瞄準視角。 源自大家最喜歡的Battle Assistant,這改變了砲車的瞄準視角, 能清楚看到彈道,以及目標地形的良好視野,讓人能瞄得更好。 而本切換視角將在有大型障礙物處表現更加,而且瞄準圈在切換視角時不會跳動。 我們相信這將讓砲車玩起來更有參與感而且有助於砲車在戰鬥中發揮他的能力。 趕緊上來親身體驗讓我們知道你們的想法吧。 The widget below will put everything you just read into greater context: *玩具請見原網頁 Currently (to the right), the T92 HMC causes massive alpha damage with a splash radius of 8.13 m. You can see the shell fragments’ distribution marked in red: there’s a vast damage falloff from the center to the perimeter. 現版(相較右方), T92可以打出巨量的傷害而其暴風半徑為8.13米。 各位可以觀察紅色標記得知破片分布(暴風傷害衰減): 爆炸中心與邊緣有著劇烈的傷害衰減 In the Sandbox (to the left) the T92 HMC deals a lot less damage, but its shell fragments cover a larger area (the splash radius here is 15 m). The damage falloff is gradual, not abrupt. The tank loses less HP. Instead, it gets stunned for 23s. 在沙盒中(相較左方), T92的傷害少了很多,但是他的暴風覆蓋了更大的面積(此處的暴風半徑為15米)。 傷害的衰減是漸進的,沒有那麼起伏。 該目標損失了較少生命,作為交換它會被暈達23秒。 ========================== 作為一砲入魂大GG愛好者表示遺憾 但是新的附屬小功能看起來做的不錯 應是可以期待 ========================== 如有誤譯或語意不清處 還請多多包涵以及指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

02/07 16:57, , 1F
02/07 16:57, 1F
※ 編輯: scoMico (, 02/07/2017 17:05:56

02/07 17:07, , 2F
02/07 17:07, 2F

02/07 17:12, , 3F
金消耗 銀消耗 大修/救 小修/救 怪怪的...
02/07 17:12, 3F

02/07 17:13, , 4F
以後沒有分大小 只有金銀嗎 效果相同 CD、花費不同
02/07 17:13, 4F

02/07 17:14, , 5F
就像WOW那樣嗎 那倉庫裡上萬個小三寶= =WG要回收吧
02/07 17:14, 5F

02/07 17:15, , 6F
還是說金=大=救/修全部60秒CD 小=銀=修/救一個90 CD
02/07 17:15, 6F

02/07 17:17, , 7F
02/07 17:17, 7F

02/07 17:19, , 8F
如果只能救一人或修一個部件卻要90秒CD 誰要用啊...
02/07 17:19, 8F

02/07 17:40, , 9F
02/07 17:40, 9F

02/07 17:44, , 10F
02/07 17:44, 10F

02/07 17:44, , 11F
02/07 17:44, 11F

02/07 17:45, , 12F
02/07 17:45, 12F

02/07 17:47, , 13F
02/07 17:47, 13F

02/07 17:47, , 14F
02/07 17:47, 14F

02/07 17:47, , 15F
02/07 17:47, 15F

02/07 17:52, , 16F
02/07 17:52, 16F
※ 編輯: scoMico (, 02/07/2017 18:00:52 稍微修正了一點 推文的疑問多半原文寫的滿清楚的 雖然我最一開始的版本打錯了:P 例如"急救包會降低暈眩效果20%,並即使無人負傷也能使全員甦醒" 我認為已經充分解釋急救包(無論大小)對於暈眩狀態的排除的效果 個人見解為 被其他戰車砲擊穿的負傷與暈眩是兩種不同的狀態 而小急救包跟大急救包的差異在於,同樣讓全員自暈眩甦醒, 小的在拿來救傷員的時候依然只能救一個並且CD比大的長30秒 至於修包跟暈眩機制無關吧我認為小的還是修一個很難說有什麼問題 ※ 編輯: scoMico (, 02/07/2017 18:12:43

02/07 18:04, , 17F
WOWS一樣 耗一 場內無限 肯定要帶金消耗 效益差太多
02/07 18:04, 17F

02/07 18:28, , 18F
02/07 18:28, 18F

02/07 18:31, , 19F
02/07 18:31, 19F

02/07 18:35, , 20F
02/07 18:35, 20F

02/07 18:39, , 21F
02/07 18:39, 21F

02/07 18:47, , 22F
現在高階SPG裝一發要接近30~40秒 煙霧彈 照明彈
02/07 18:47, 22F

02/07 18:48, , 23F
這些至少要把裝彈時間壓到20秒 左右玩家才會去用吧
02/07 18:48, 23F

02/07 18:58, , 24F
02/07 18:58, 24F

02/07 19:20, , 25F
隔壁棚反而向WOT舊版砲車的方向改了 提高阿法 降
02/07 19:20, 25F

02/07 19:20, , 26F
02/07 19:20, 26F

02/07 22:15, , 27F
02/07 22:15, 27F

02/07 22:36, , 28F
02/07 22:36, 28F

02/07 22:36, , 29F
02/07 22:36, 29F

02/07 22:43, , 30F
怎麼改都有人討厭SPG 乾脆弄成會補血的好了 大歡喜
02/07 22:43, 30F

02/07 22:46, , 31F
02/07 22:46, 31F

02/07 22:48, , 32F
SPG投射興奮劑 範圍內車輛成員熟練暫時提升 +40%
02/07 22:48, 32F

02/07 22:50, , 33F
SPG可將自身未使用的金銀消耗 投射給友軍 ~選我選我
02/07 22:50, 33F

02/07 23:02, , 34F
02/07 23:02, 34F

02/07 23:34, , 35F
那乾脆出陸海空三軍地圖好了 結合在一起64人連線
02/07 23:34, 35F

02/07 23:38, , 36F
02/07 23:38, 36F

02/08 00:51, , 37F
02/08 00:51, 37F

02/08 00:51, , 38F
02/08 00:51, 38F

02/08 00:53, , 39F
02/08 00:53, 39F

02/08 01:09, , 40F
02/08 01:09, 40F

02/08 01:56, , 41F
02/08 01:56, 41F

02/08 01:57, , 42F
02/08 01:57, 42F

02/08 01:57, , 43F
02/08 01:57, 43F

02/08 06:36, , 44F
屁哩 swamp的平局龜家不但跟砲車沒關係 砲車還會減
02/08 06:36, 44F

02/08 06:37, , 45F
02/08 06:37, 45F

02/08 11:56, , 46F
現在還有人覺得WG:SPG prevent camping 是正確的???
02/08 11:56, 46F

02/08 13:30, , 47F
02/08 13:30, 47F

02/08 17:50, , 48F
沼澤以前更龜 但有砲車 只要亮到龜車 火炮有效率
02/08 17:50, 48F

02/08 21:51, , 49F
02/08 21:51, 49F

02/08 21:51, , 50F
02/08 21:51, 50F

02/08 21:53, , 51F
每一點都不是絕對的問題 合起來就是大問題
02/08 21:53, 51F

02/20 09:52, , 52F
02/20 09:52, 52F
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