[情報] WoT Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (今日今事是不夠的!!)時間8年前 (2016/04/27 03:22), 8年前編輯推噓18(20238)
留言60則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
連結: https://ritastatusreport.live/2016/04/26/26042016-qa/ – There are no plans for big premium vehicle rebalance, it’s possible some partial buffs are comming 沒計畫有大規模的加值車輛調整,但可能有部份的車輛在近期會有buff的計畫 – Lowe will not be buffed, it’s doing fine statistically Lowe is fine, L2P。數據上也確實如此 – It’s too early to tell whether the devs will introduce new matchmaker, they are running experiments now 現在談新MM娘還太早,我們還在調教她 – Tier 9-10 Czechs are doing fine statistically (considering the type of players that use them) T9.T10 捷克車表現很優,數據上也是如此 – The developers don’t consider the gold shells for silver to be the reason for HT camping 開發組不認為金彈銀幣買是讓 HTs 很龜的原因 – There are no plans to introduce skipping personal missions for gold 目前沒有考慮讓玩家使用金幣去解決個人任務 – WoT already has multicore support, its extension will come later with a new engine WoT已經支援多核心,未來會和著新引擎一起推出些新東西 – HD maps: “when it’s done it’s done” HD 化地圖好了沒。 WIDID – Havok will definitely not come in 9.15 Havok(我餵估狗說這是遊戲引擎,用於物理學/動力學效應而設計)確定不會在9.15上。 – Japanese heavies will get a nerf, they are doing too well (RG: No sh*t Sherlock!) 日本重坦會nerf,他們的表現實在太好了 (前幾天車輛調整那篇有提到,詳細改動看那篇囉) – 64bit exe file for WoT? “No comment” 對於64位元。無可奉告 – XP for tanking? “Not fow now in 9.15” 坦傷經驗? 9.15不可能 – There are no plans to compensate players for purchasing the inscriptions and camos for tier 6 price on Pz V/IV now that it’s being moved to tier 5 對於 Pz V/IV 從T6下放到T5會有標語和迷彩價差的補償嗎? 沒有這個計畫唷 – There are no plans to disable the feature of tanks turning on their roofs 沒有計畫在未來讓車子不會翻車 (應該沒翻錯?) – The developers would like to make 5.1 sound for WoT, Storm has to ask whether there are any plans 開發組要幫WoT做5.1聲道 – Small changes of vehicles in 9.15 are not tied to global rebalance, that will come later 9.15只會有小部分的車輛重新調整。不久的未來會有全面性的調整 – 9.15 should reduce the amount of crashes and freezes 9.15會讓遊戲崩潰次數減少的啦 – Tier 10 Waffentrager will not have alternative guns T10 武器搬運車(Grille 15)不會有可替換的砲 – No plans to change the three caliber rule for now 現階段沒有取消3倍口徑壓制的計畫 – The Rampage will be removed completely for an overhaul 大亂鬥模式跟她說掰掰,因為要重新做 – There are no plans to add training rooms for one person or to add bots to training rooms 沒計畫有1人訓練房,或是加入BOT給你打 – Paris and Berlin maps in random battles? “No comment” 隨機戰鬥何時有巴黎和柏林這2張地圖? 無可奉告 – Chieftain Mk.6 will not replace the FV215b 酋長6型不會是取代FV 215b的車輛 – There are no plans to rework the personal missions where you have to kill 2 HT’s that are 2 tiers higher with a HT 現階段沒有計畫去重做各人任務。如擊毀高你2階的HT – The switch from WT E-100 to Grille will be simple, the crew will have the same setup, so it will just get retrained Grille15 替換WT E100就只是把成員專長車輛換了而已 – WT E-100 has worse camo than its replacement Grille15的隱蔽比WTE100好 (Aren't You Thankful? 應該是之前放出的數據 Grille 15隱蔽沒有大家預期的好) – There are no final plans for the T-54 Light rebalance/nerf 對於T-54 lwlt. 我們還沒有完全想好怎麼調教他 (9.15車輛變動我記得有砍DPM,詳見之前那篇) – WT E-100 statistics will display separately from the Grille ones WT E100的統計數據和Grille 15是分開算的 – There are plans to add XP bonus for playing in platoons, the higher the tiers, the higher the bonus, but there is nothing definitive decided yet 有計畫讓組排有額外經驗值加成,愈高階經驗值愈多,不過這還只是個構想而已 (喔不~更多組排虐菜。 怒伯表示難過,但是怒伯不說) – There are no plans for now to introduce LT10s since current LT8s count are LT10s already. LTs as a whole will be rebalanced during the upcoming global rebalance 沒計畫加入T10 LT,現在的T8 LT早就被視為T10 LT了。 LT在即將到來的全面性平衡/調整計畫中去做重新平衡 – The developers haven’t found any evidence of the vehicles moving slower in reverse than they did before: “We can’t diagnose the problem. Nobody is $$%&$ playing “£$^£$ dumb.” “For now we found nothing, which is what I am saying. But you’re acting as usual. Screw this.” 有人反應現在到車速度比以前慢,開發組並沒有發現相關證據 "感覺派沒證據就閉嘴,幹" -- 有翻錯跟我說一下 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1461698534.A.C82.html

04/27 03:25, , 1F
04/27 03:25, 1F
我在想應該是指我前幾天po的超測部分車輛buff那些,其中有幾台金車 像是爛到沒人買的Kanonan Jager Panzer/么么兩 這些。其他車都表現"應該"很正常XD

04/27 03:26, , 2F
04/27 03:26, 2F
哈哈 我記得我去年剛玩的時候就看過多核心議題了 也是coming s∞∞∞∞n 這樣XD ※ 編輯: HcaS (, 04/27/2016 03:31:39

04/27 03:54, , 3F
havok不算遊戲引擎 準確來講是為遊戲設計的物理引擎
04/27 03:54, 3F

04/27 07:15, , 4F
04/27 07:15, 4F

04/27 07:15, , 5F
04/27 07:15, 5F

04/27 07:16, , 6F
10階『武器搬運車』就是 Grille 15
04/27 07:16, 6F
我昨天竟然沒看到already= = thx Grille15也是武器搬運車系列的唷? 這點我到是不知道..

04/27 07:28, , 7F
havok也是去年在講的東西 計劃是弄出可破壞的建築以
04/27 07:28, 7F

04/27 07:28, , 8F
04/27 07:28, 8F

04/27 07:29, , 9F
04/27 07:29, 9F

04/27 08:40, , 10F
04/27 08:40, 10F

04/27 08:41, , 11F
還有grill15隱蔽要比較好不是應該的嗎 又沒有那麼大
04/27 08:41, 11F

04/27 08:41, , 12F
04/27 08:41, 12F

04/27 08:47, , 13F
04/27 08:47, 13F

04/27 08:47, , 14F
04/27 08:47, 14F

04/27 09:38, , 15F
04/27 09:38, 15F

04/27 09:38, , 16F
04/27 09:38, 16F

04/27 11:27, , 17F
Grille 15的Camo比T110E4 E3還有183還糟,偉哉WG
04/27 11:27, 17F

04/27 12:11, , 18F
捷克車感覺很抖阿 很有可能會砍
04/27 12:11, 18F

04/27 12:52, , 19F
"已經"支援援多核心了 "already support" 紅明顯
04/27 12:52, 19F

04/27 13:01, , 20F
04/27 13:01, 20F

04/27 13:01, , 21F
04/27 13:01, 21F

04/27 13:04, , 22F
04/27 13:04, 22F

04/27 13:04, , 23F
04/27 13:04, 23F
應該說這樣就比較有誘因人讓組排? 又組排高手才比較有影響力,灰紅猴只是降團隊WR MM也不可能對面有1組3紫人組排就好心給你1組3藍人來稍微平衡一點戰力 這時候自家組排是灰紅猴肯定被輾爆,雖然說組排機率碰到高玩和猴子應該是一樣的 不過我滿不喜歡玩實力相差過大很懸殊的的場子,超無趣阿QQ 順風場就看到wot版的陰屍路在上演;逆風場也是陰屍路,只是你是人XD 另一方面組排的溝通就讓戰術很活,打起來被虐感不覺得很重嗎XD 臨時組的組排9成以上都是XXX邀請你,然後讀秒結束就各打各的,感覺沒啥用處... 光不能語音溝通,沒有默契就差太多了

04/27 13:09, , 24F
04/27 13:09, 24F

04/27 13:10, , 25F
04/27 13:10, 25F

04/27 13:48, , 26F
04/27 13:48, 26F

04/27 13:48, , 27F
然後樓下麻煩告訴我 坦傷經驗拖了超過2年沒?
04/27 13:48, 27F

04/27 14:06, , 28F
記得一年半吧 WG就想Havok特效炫 硬體需求又低
04/27 14:06, 28F

04/27 14:07, , 29F
發現效能太差 不想砍東西推半套 又不肯降精細度
04/27 14:07, 29F

04/27 14:08, , 30F
04/27 14:08, 30F

04/27 14:40, , 31F
我覺得翻車機能根本多餘的 資源花在這邊很難理解...
04/27 14:40, 31F

04/27 14:49, , 32F
04/27 14:49, 32F

04/27 14:49, , 33F
走在最前線又沒有好處 當然是先把隊友都賣掉阿
04/27 14:49, 33F

04/27 15:29, , 34F
04/27 15:29, 34F

04/27 15:30, , 35F
04/27 15:30, 35F

04/27 15:33, , 36F
04/27 15:33, 36F

04/27 15:33, , 37F
04/27 15:33, 37F
其實我覺得都對XD 坦半天沒輸出(應該很多人玩遊戲打的爽快/一堆傷害最重要吧?XD) 坦半天一堆不知道再幹嘛的隊友向喪屍一般,要馬沒輸出,要馬把你賣了落跑 真的是坦的一肚子大便,坦了1萬商貢獻良多,可是你得到的只是遊戲贏了 一堆該死的camper傷害打比你多,XP/錢的收入比你高,很難不怒(?) 還有這遊戲不研究的話,一般人只會以為重坦就是正面要被擊穿很難,都叫"重坦" 了裝甲這麼厚應該很威猛,實際上根本就是很容易被打穿,交戰距離近的可怕,百公尺!!

04/27 16:14, , 38F
日本HT太強(X) 北七太多(O)
04/27 16:14, 38F
真的超多人不會打的...常常看到一個灰紅猴打的跟QB一樣神 一個人帶頭推爆自家重坦線...= = 然後還有小車不停上去送死.1砲1輛很歡樂 我以前再猴也知道看到KV-2要閃遠點.盡管那時候我不知道152神教就是XD

04/27 16:30, , 39F
可破壞建築喔,War Thunder做了
04/27 16:30, 39F

04/27 16:30, , 40F
04/27 16:30, 40F

04/27 16:31, , 41F
我的電腦是直接畫面freeze 1分鐘以上像當機一樣
04/27 16:31, 41F

04/27 16:31, , 42F
連i7+980ti玩家都說平常FPS破百只要有人call arty
04/27 16:31, 42F

04/27 16:32, , 43F
04/27 16:32, 43F

04/27 16:34, , 44F
04/27 16:34, 44F

04/27 16:34, , 45F
Advance to the Rhine
04/27 16:34, 45F

04/27 16:35, , 46F
連你用122mm 152mm等巨根尻建築物都即時運算破壞
04/27 16:35, 46F

04/27 16:35, , 47F
04/27 16:35, 47F

04/27 16:39, , 48F
04/27 16:39, 48F

04/27 16:41, , 49F
04/27 16:41, 49F

04/27 16:43, , 50F
"側裙被擊中後掉落" WT早就有了
04/27 16:43, 50F

04/27 17:51, , 51F
04/27 17:51, 51F

04/27 17:58, , 52F
※ 編輯: HcaS (, 04/27/2016 18:54:01 ※ 編輯: HcaS (, 04/27/2016 18:57:02

04/27 19:47, , 53F
單野玩家日子越來越難過了 時間不穩錯了嗎QQ
04/27 19:47, 53F

04/27 22:42, , 54F
04/27 22:42, 54F

04/27 22:52, , 55F
04/27 22:52, 55F

04/27 22:55, , 56F
04/27 22:55, 56F

04/28 09:40, , 57F
04/28 09:40, 57F

04/28 09:42, , 58F
04/28 09:42, 58F

04/28 13:43, , 59F
04/28 13:43, 59F

04/29 16:00, , 60F
如果havok 會讓我電腦跑不動的話我就不要了
04/29 16:00, 60F
文章代碼(AID): #1N7x_co2 (Wargaming)