[情報] 9/19 - 21 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間8年前 (2015/09/22 23:42), 8年前編輯推噓14(18425)
留言47則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/1
補個進度好了。每天都不多,但加起來也是一長篇。 - Storm doesn't consider the size differences between objects a too big deal (in this case apparently the bus on the Stalingrad map is bigger than the Japanese heavy tank) Storm 不認為物件的大小有差異是個嚴重的問題(這邊是在講 Stalingrad 的巴士,比日 本重戰還大台) - it's possible that new motion physics will appear in 9.11 (10.0?) but it is also possible that it will be delayed, it's too important a feature to rush its release 新物理系統可能在 0.9.11(還是叫0.10.0?)推出,但也可能會延期;這玩意重要到絕 不能趕鴨子上架 There are a lot of small things to fix on new motion physics according to Storm: - fixing the jumping small tanks like Tetrarch (a problem in suspension settings) - fixing the loss of speed when going uphill (too much) - fixing the turning intertia - checking carefully the acceleration, there is a suspicion that some vehicles accelerate too slowly - synchronizing all that with sound Storm 表示新物理系統還有許多小地方要改: 跳跳小車(懸吊設定的問題)、上坡掉速太多、轉彎慣性、確認加速性能、音效同步 - there will definitely be more motion physics tests 還會有更多測試 - there is currently no order in which the HD tanks are arriving to WoT. According to Storm there are many outsourcers and WG is releasing them as they come 目前 HD 化沒有特定順序。Storm 表示 WG 和許多外包建模商合作,他們交出來模型, WG 就釋出 - T34 in HD is being worked on along with T29 and T30 T-34 和 T29、T-30 一起 HD 化中 - the map ranking (limited pool of maps on tiers) will in the future be completely disabled for players with over 1000 battles 未來,超過1k場的玩家將不受地圖分級的限制 - the M46 Patton in HD fail (the model was reworked several times) was caused by Wargaming shifting it from one department to another and it got stuck somewhere in the middle and entered the game without proper checkups HD M46 的建模錯誤起因於資料在部門間轉換時出錯,又未在釋出前詳加確認 http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/09/19092015-q.html - Apparently Wargaming recently acquired a Sentinel tank in the US and are returning it to Australia after restoration; WG 在美國取得了一輛哨兵式戰車,並在修復後送回澳洲 - According to product manager Maksim Chuvalov, WoT has not reached its peak of popularity yet; - According to Maksim Chuvalov, WoWs will be a successful game - even now the player increase is akin to the one of WoT, although they don't expect it to reach the level of success of WoT. 據產品經理 Maksim Chuvalov 表示: WoT 玩家人口尚未到達顛峰。 WoWs 會是款成功的遊戲,現在玩家的成長速度和 WoT 相同,但並不預期它會到達 WoT 一樣的等級 - The total number of players registered in Wargaming products on all platforms together is 150 million; WG 旗下所有遊戲的總註冊人數有一億五千萬 - Next branch will be Czechoslovakia, there will also be a "oda factory" map, Berlin map and Studyanki map (Polish map from the movie Four Tankmen and a Dog); 下一個推出的科技線是捷克,以及地圖『koda factory』、『Berlin』和『Studyanki』 (來自波蘭影集) - The December patch will feature a complete overhaul of the game that will concern all players; 12月的更新將會徹底修改遊戲並會影響所有的玩家 - WG is developing two new maps that will bring unusual and previously unseen environment and elements; 正在製作兩張新地圖,會有特別且未曾見過的景觀和物件 http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/09/20092015-q.html - Storm confirms that HD environmental models do not have proper size ("bus is too big"), it will be reworked during HD map overhaul Storm 確認 HD 環境物件模型的尺寸有錯,會在地圖 HD 化時修正 - Centurion Action X turret roof effective armor is 200+ mm according to Storm Centurion Action X 頭皮有等效 200+mm - Centurion Action X sucks? "We made it the way it really was." Centurion Action X 很鳥?「我們按著實車做的。」 - the frontal turret of Action X is pretty thick but Storm doesn't recommend using it to bounce shots like you can use the Soviet turrets Centurion Action X 的正臉很厚,但 Storm 不建議把它當蘇聯車用它來彈砲 - the sloped area above the mantlet is the weakspot of Action X (149 - 197mm EFF) 砲盾上方的傾斜區域是 Centurion Action X 的弱點(149 - 197mm 等效) - Storm confirms: armor is the only parameter that will not be touched in favour of balance Storm 證實:裝甲是唯一不會被以平衡之名更動的參數 - Vickers MBT would be two times more fragile than Action X Centurion Vickers MBT 有 Centurion Action X 的兩倍脆弱 - it's theoretically possible to give Action X two guns but the vehicle is practically ready, balanced and prepared for release 理論上能給 Centurion Action X 兩隻砲,但它已經準備好、平衡過、預備上架了 - having no fume extractor on HD T34 is historical according to Storm, the model is based on this photo Storm 表示 HD T34 沒有排煙器是合乎史實的;建模的依據是這張照片: http://i.imgur.com/w2tWxnw.jpg
http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/09/2192015-q.html 大概有10台車有 HD 版圖片釋出,有沒有人有空去整理一下? -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1442936576.A.430.html

09/22 23:48, , 1F
09/22 23:48, 1F

09/22 23:49, , 2F
哇 居然認為WOT還能人數成長?這陣子上線人變少了吧
09/22 23:49, 2F

09/22 23:55, , 3F
09/22 23:55, 3F

09/22 23:57, , 4F
09/22 23:57, 4F

09/22 23:57, , 5F
09/22 23:57, 5F

09/22 23:57, , 6F
09/22 23:57, 6F

09/22 23:57, , 7F
09/22 23:57, 7F

09/23 00:06, , 8F
09/23 00:06, 8F

09/23 00:07, , 9F
09/23 00:07, 9F

09/23 00:12, , 10F
09/23 00:12, 10F

09/23 00:12, , 11F
09/23 00:12, 11F

09/23 00:12, , 12F
09/23 00:12, 12F

09/23 00:46, , 13F
09/23 00:46, 13F

09/23 00:48, , 14F
09/23 00:48, 14F

09/23 00:48, , 15F
09/23 00:48, 15F

09/23 00:52, , 16F
09/23 00:52, 16F

09/23 01:27, , 17F
好像翻錯 應該是vikers mbt比cent. AX更脆弱兩倍吧
09/23 01:27, 17F

09/23 01:28, , 18F
最近0K 1K 2K場的新手比以前多
09/23 01:28, 18F

09/23 01:32, , 19F
09/23 01:32, 19F

09/23 01:32, , 20F
所以我看到的 VK45.02B是看到鬼了嗎?
09/23 01:32, 20F
是說砍回80mm?史實就80mm啊,之前是過度 buff

09/23 01:53, , 21F
09/23 01:53, 21F

09/23 01:55, , 22F
09/23 01:55, 22F

09/23 01:55, , 23F
09/23 01:55, 23F

09/23 01:57, , 24F
期待百十RRR 完全是台帥車!
09/23 01:57, 24F

09/23 05:28, , 25F
我也是想到VK4502B XD
09/23 05:28, 25F

09/23 12:41, , 26F
09/23 12:41, 26F
架空車 WG 設計局說了算(攤手)

09/23 14:47, , 27F
09/23 14:47, 27F

09/23 16:15, , 28F
09/23 16:15, 28F

09/23 16:44, , 29F
十階車用20pdr 是有超級高射速與神鬼火控?
09/23 16:44, 29F

09/23 16:49, , 30F
例如:ROF>13 ,Aim time<1.5s......
09/23 16:49, 30F

09/23 17:01, , 31F
09/23 17:01, 31F
How terrible. 你能拿得出『等級』和『血量』的歷史文件,WG 就改給你。

09/23 17:27, , 32F
Action X 原型車是裝20磅砲 而非L7砲
09/23 17:27, 32F

09/23 17:31, , 33F
09/23 17:31, 33F
題外話,M1 Abrams一開始也是用 105mm 線膛砲,M1A1 才更換120mm滑膛砲 ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 09/23/2015 18:40:26

09/23 20:40, , 34F
09/23 20:40, 34F

09/23 22:55, , 35F
M48也要到A5後才換105炮阿 你看以前台灣的都90炮
09/23 22:55, 35F

09/23 23:07, , 36F
09/23 23:07, 36F

09/24 11:48, , 37F
Action X之前Yuri Pasholok有公佈過裝備105砲的照片
09/24 11:48, 37F

09/24 11:49, , 38F
http://0rz.tw/Om8Im 所以20磅的必要性不是那麼高
09/24 11:49, 38F

09/24 11:52, , 39F
09/24 11:52, 39F

09/24 11:54, , 40F
09/24 11:54, 40F

09/24 13:13, , 41F
首下200mm 現在是80還是200?
09/24 13:13, 41F
抱歉之前打錯,請容我更正。 現在九階的那台正面全 200mm;預計出現在七階的版本是全 80mm 查了一下,改 200mm 是 9.2 版的事;之前版本的數值就已經是虛構的了 官方想把它換掉,無奈因為小老鼠平衡不了,只好將就沿用 WG 設計局的版本

09/24 14:20, , 42F
L7砲就是20磅的相容升級版阿 而且遊戲中百七就已經
09/24 14:20, 42F

09/24 14:22, , 43F
有L7砲(跟FV4202共用) Action X 放20磅也不影響研發
09/24 14:22, 43F

09/24 16:22, , 44F
09/24 16:22, 44F

09/24 16:24, , 45F
09/24 16:24, 45F

09/24 16:24, , 46F
09/24 16:24, 46F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 09/24/2015 23:15:14

09/25 14:10, , 47F
09/25 14:10, 47F
文章代碼(AID): #1M0NS0Gm (Wargaming)