[情報] 9/14 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間8年前 (2015/09/15 10:04), 8年前編輯推噓16(1607)
留言23則, 15人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
Here it is: - Asian (Japanese, Chinese) artillery branches are not ready yet, developers are collecting info and drawings; 亞洲砲兵線都還未準備好,開發組還在蒐集資訊與圖紙的階段。 - Storm is aware of issues with matchmaker, it will be improved; Storm有注意到MM的問題,會改進。 - There is an issue where players are playing on the same maps over and over again, it will be fixed; 玩家會不斷進入固定一組地圖的問題,會修正。 (譯:之前不是說沒辦法嗎...) - Italian MT branch can be built but there isn't much interest in its implementation from players; 義大利中坦線搞得出來,但玩家對這條線的興趣並不大。 - WG archive team is very good, it finds tanks nobody knew existed; WG的考古小組非常棒!他們找了很多沒人知道的車輛。 - Amphibious tanks will come in very distant future; 兩棲車輛在很久很久之後才會推出。 - Crew will be completely reworked in the future (to resemble current WoWs system); 組員系統會在未來重製(成類似WOWS的系統)。 - Developers want to completely rework penetration mechanisms, it will be tested but the devs are not sure whether it's worth doing; 開發組想要完全重製穿深系統,未來會投入測試中但開發組不確定這值不值得做。 - Historical battles will return as PvE mode, weak tanks will be played by bots; 歷史戰模式會以PvE的方式回歸,比較弱的車輛會讓電腦來操控。 - Chat interface will be improved; 聊天介面會改進。 - It's possible company battle mode will be removed altogether; 有可能戰車連隊戰會完全移除(15vs15)。 - It's possible KV-5 will be buffed; KV-5可能會增強。 - Premium artillery was planned (even hightier) but after seeing the player feedback on arty as a whole, the plan was postponed indefinitely; 已有金幣SPG的計畫(高階也有),但再看過玩家對砲兵的整體回饋之後,計畫已無限 期延後。 - WG has several games according to SerB on which they are working that they haven't announced yet; 根據SerB指出,WG還有幾款遊戲正在進行開發,但他們還沒公布。 - WoWs is now ready for release - WoT was released raw (underprepared) because the development money ran out; WOWS已經準備好要推出了,WOT當時在未準備好的狀況下推出是因為開發組把錢用光了。 - Only 20 percent of SerB's current job concerns WoT; 目前SerB只有20%的工作與WOT有關。 (譯:別再事事拿SerB出來坦了,幕後黑手另有其人RRR) - There will be PS4 WoT; WOT會再PS4上推出。 - Master of Orion will be as good as the old one! 銀河霸主會跟舊的一樣好。 - Introducing the E-25 was a mistake according to SerB. The fact that it is still being sold or given away on occasion is "a bad idea of certain people"; SerB表示,推出E-25是個錯誤,事實上這台車在重大節慶或活動時仍然被送出以及賣出 是「某些人的壞主意」。 - SerB states that the replacement of WT E-100 will be Grille 15cm; SerB表示WT E-100的替代車輛會是Grille 15cm。(譯:!!?) - Developers are working on a new mode for tier 10 tanks, one of its elements is the presence of tier 12 tanks - players will be able to get those under certain circumstances and then pwn with them in battles - it will have a special MM. 開發組正在開發一個新的T10模式,其中一項元素是會有T12車輛的存在,玩家可以在 某些狀態下獲得T12車並在戰鬥中控制他們,會有特殊的分房機制。 - Object 140 in HD will not come anytime soon; Object 140的HD化不會太快推出。 - Currently the patch speed in WoT is 1 patch per 1,5 months, it's possible it will slow down a bit but this is not decided yet; 目前WOT大約每1.5個月推出一個新版本,也許未來會減慢一些但還未決定。 - There will be a special Platoon Finder mechanism; 會推出一個特殊的搜尋排友的機制 - Current tests show that the servers can handle the new motion physics; 目前的測試顯示伺服器能夠負荷新的物理系統。 - In new motion physics, the turning dynamics improved noticeably; 在新的物理系統中,動態轉向機制改進的幅度十分顯著。 - 9.11 should bring performance improvement; 9.11會帶來一些遊戲效能改良。 - Developers are generally satisfied with the average length of battle; 開發組對於目前的戰鬥平均時間十分滿意。 - In conflict of historicity and playability, gameplay considerations will always win. 在史實性與遊戲性的衝突中,遊戲體驗方面的考慮永遠勝出。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/09/14092015-q.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1442282689.A.3D9.html

09/15 10:08, , 1F
09/15 10:08, 1F

09/15 10:11, , 2F
Grille 15cm???從來沒聽過的東西@@
09/15 10:11, 2F

09/15 10:20, , 3F
Grille 15cm不是自走砲嗎...?
09/15 10:20, 3F
所以SerB講的是不是真的呢... ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 09/15/2015 10:23:08

09/15 10:27, , 4F
09/15 10:27, 4F

09/15 10:52, , 5F
09/15 10:52, 5F

09/15 11:08, , 6F
WOWS金船應該不錯賣厚 看每場都有鐵必制
09/15 11:08, 6F

09/15 12:41, , 7F
09/15 12:41, 7F

09/15 13:58, , 8F
09/15 13:58, 8F

09/15 15:11, , 9F
09/15 15:11, 9F

09/15 17:40, , 10F
兩棲戰車為了提昇浮力 減重減甲加大車身 根本大塊肉
09/15 17:40, 10F

09/15 18:07, , 11F
09/15 18:07, 11F

09/15 19:08, , 12F
09/15 19:08, 12F

09/15 19:08, , 13F
09/15 19:08, 13F

09/15 19:16, , 14F
09/15 19:16, 14F

09/15 19:16, , 15F
09/15 19:16, 15F

09/15 19:46, , 16F
捷克金車的檔案已經放進去了 記得9.11時會先開賣
09/15 19:46, 16F

09/15 19:46, , 17F
09/15 19:46, 17F

09/15 20:09, , 18F
09/15 20:09, 18F

09/15 22:24, , 19F
09/15 22:24, 19F

09/15 22:40, , 20F
移除E25再拿出來送真的很北七... 還好我在ASIA A_A
09/15 22:40, 20F

09/16 01:44, , 21F
(望向Type 59
09/16 01:44, 21F

09/16 11:03, , 22F
09/16 11:03, 22F

09/16 11:12, , 23F
btw SerB出來 troll坦比較有趣(?
09/16 11:12, 23F
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