[情報] 3/21 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2015/03/22 02:07), 9年前編輯推噓4(401)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
今日短 Let me tell you a story about the FV4202 HD model. Storm confirmed that the reason the vehicle was delayed was because "permission approval in Bovington in order to model it takes too long" - the delay was/is long ("many months"). According to Yuri Pasholok, Wargaming's historian, there were some shady Richard Cutland's activities in Bovington recently, specifically Cutland slandering Yuri Pasholok in front of Richard Smith, the museum director, which was unprofessional. I wonder if there is a connection... 有關於FV4202的HD模型,RG有個消息要告訴大家,Storm表示該換車計畫延宕這麼久的 原因,是因為卡在申請博物館的許可拖太久。根據WG的歷史研究員Yuri Pasholok的說 法,可能緣故是因為Richard Cutland暗地裡有一些誹謗的動作(!),然後博物館館 長又非專業人士......RG懷疑這其中必有姦情。 大家以上當看八卦吧Orz - Camo factor of a vehicle DOES change if you switch a turret (the camo factor is heavily influenced by height of the vehicle); 選擇不同砲塔確實會影響隱蔽係數。(車高對隱蔽係數的影響很大) - WG is aware that the 0.9.7 version (new Bigworld) causes serious issues with crashes and black screen freezes, it will be fixed; 在9.7中新BW引擎會造成當機或是畫面凍結的情形已經被WG所注意,會修正。 - Q: "Superpershing was nerfed in HD!" A (Storm): "Oh really...", later he adds that there is no need for players to send WG historical materials - the vehicle is not ready yet and it will be reworked (RG: Better have something done nicely and on is own time than try to rush things and make it even worse, lets be patient); Q:「超潘HD化之後被削弱了!」,Storm:「又來了...」他之後補充,玩家不需要將 手上的歷史材料寄給WG,而且整台車也還沒做好,會重製。(RG:慢慢做到好比急就 章但出一堆包來的好,讓我們耐心等待。) - Super Pershing rework (compared to earlier leaked HD model) will include correcting the upper frontal plate and lower frontal plate angles and making the additional plate over the mantlet bigger; 超潘的HD化重製會針對修正前方裝甲角度以及加大砲盾上的附加裝甲。 - It is not sure whether the M10/Panther hybrid removal from the ingame store in the 0.9.7 Test 2 is intentional and tied to the announced removal of limited MM vehicles from sales, Storm will find out the truth on Monday; 不確定9.7測服中偽裝豹下架是否故意、且跟先前提到「將有分房保護的車下架」是否 有關,Storm禮拜一上班時會確認。 - Storm states he stays by his opinion that the quality assurance in Wargaming is one of the best in gaming industry. Storm表示他維持先前的看法:認為WG的品質保證部門在遊戲產業界中名列前茅。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/03/21032015-q.html 我承認這篇是騙P幣的Orz --

05/04 19:29,
05/04 19:29

05/04 19:30,
樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!
05/04 19:30

05/04 19:32,
還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿
05/04 19:32

05/04 19:33,
05/04 19:33

05/04 19:34,
05/04 19:34
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1426961232.A.2D4.html

03/22 02:18, , 1F
03/22 02:18, 1F
感謝更正Orz 看錯了...(被毆

03/22 02:49, , 2F
跟車高關係不大 看看精美的M41比T71
03/22 02:49, 2F

03/22 08:16, , 3F
M41 T71 車高差不多
03/22 08:16, 3F

03/22 10:34, , 4F
03/22 10:34, 4F

03/22 15:16, , 5F
超潘應該不是buff 應該只是改回未HD化之前的水準
03/22 15:16, 5F
感謝提醒 修改敘述避免誤會 ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 03/22/2015 16:31:48
文章代碼(AID): #1L3RDGBK (Wargaming)
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