[情報] 3/7 3/8 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2015/03/09 15:40), 9年前編輯推噓18(19122)
留言42則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
三月初的Q&A中斷了一陣子 目前Status Report從前天開始Q&A 在這裡為翻譯出來 3/7 Q&A - In physics test, the T1 was significantly improved to test physics engine behavior. Q: "I want my T1 to be like that on live server" A (Storm): "Pervert!"; 物理測服中T1的物理表現超好!「WG把拔!我想要那台T1!」Storm:「幼稚!」 -A player posted an idea that in World of Tanks, the tanks look smaller than they are due to incorrect camera positioning and angle. Storm states that this was an issue as early as the alpha test and the camera angle and position was decided to be as convenient as possible after a lot of testing; 有位玩家建議WOT,因為玩家視角位置與角度錯誤,讓遊戲中的車看起來很小。Strom 表示這是遠在Alpha時期就有的問題,而那時在經過多次測試後,是為了方便性的考量 才決定視角是如此配置。 -The physics test has a bug that when you try to move (turn the tracks) when the tank is tipped over, it still throws out dirt, it will be fixed; 物理測試中發現一個BUG:當你在翻肚的時候試著移動時,還是會有翻土的效果,會做 修正。 -Turrets on vehicles will not be made material objects (for the purpose of tanks not running over smaller tanks and clipping through turrets); 不會將砲塔實體化,因為車輛並非常有爬上小車、翻越敵人砲塔的行為。(Not sure) -Friendly fire was disabled only for the physics test, it will not be disabled on live server; 只有在物理測試中關掉TK懲罰,正式服不會取消TK懲罰機制。 -Developers are still thinking about how much re-balance of tanks will the improved physics require, it's possible this re-balance will take a lot of time; 開發組還在思考多少車要在物理系統實裝後在進行平衡,很有可能需要很多時間來做 -Tanks behave sort of unrealistically in the test when it comes to collision (they "bounce" from each other) because energy loss from the collision is not part of the model yet. 測服中車輛碰撞時表現得很不真實,會互相彈開?因為碰撞時能量衰減的設定還沒實裝 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/03/07032015-qa.html =========================================================================== 3/8 Q&A -Earlier, it was announced that two physics tests would happen: one with realistic physics and one with "simplified" physics. Storm states that the second round of the test does not represent the "simplified" physics, it's still the "realistic" version with certain adjustments; 先前提到物理測試會有兩個,一個是真實版一個是簡化版。Storm表示簡化版還沒準備 好出來見客,第二次測試仍會是經過調整後的真實版物理測試。 -AMX-13/90 cannot climb in physics test 2 to some places it could in physics test 1, Storm will investigate what changed; AMX 1390在二次物理測試中比第一次測試少很多挑戰地形的機會,Storm會研究一下是 怎麼回事。 -9.7 test will start "soon"; 9.7 TEST 「康敏孫」 -It's completely possible for a battle tier 11 battle to be without tier 9's, MM is working fine; 完全可能有11階分房沒有九階車的情況發生,MM娘運作得十分好。 -Russian server moderators confirm: enemy reload timer is not a banned mod (specifically, the version used in Jove modpack, that shows enemy reload time next to the tank status in lower left corner of the screen); 俄服論壇版主確認:裝填倒數Mod未被禁止。 -It's possible that T-34-88 (a captured T-34, equipped with German 88mm L/56) will come to PC version of WoT. 搭載88炮的擄獲版T-34有可能會在PC版推出。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/03/08032015-qa.html --

05/04 19:29,
05/04 19:29

05/04 19:30,
樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!
05/04 19:30

05/04 19:32,
還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿
05/04 19:32

05/04 19:33,
05/04 19:33

05/04 19:34,
05/04 19:34
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1425886849.A.0C7.html

03/09 15:46, , 1F
03/09 15:46, 1F

03/09 15:47, , 2F
03/09 15:47, 2F

03/09 15:49, , 3F
03/09 15:49, 3F
謝謝修正 囧rz

03/09 16:05, , 4F
03/09 16:05, 4F

03/09 16:07, , 5F
表示開越多圖對主機負擔是會加重的 改演算法可能性.
03/09 16:07, 5F

03/09 16:07, , 6F
03/09 16:07, 6F

03/09 16:10, , 7F
03/09 16:10, 7F

03/09 16:10, , 8F
03/09 16:10, 8F

03/09 16:11, , 9F
既然WG主機不夠力 一些運算不如下放給客戶端~~~
03/09 16:11, 9F

03/09 16:11, , 10F
03/09 16:11, 10F

03/09 16:12, , 11F
03/09 16:12, 11F

03/09 16:13, , 12F
03/09 16:13, 12F

03/09 16:15, , 13F
私服(笑) 對岸不就開了全球最大的私服嗎www
03/09 16:15, 13F

03/09 16:20, , 14F
03/09 16:20, 14F

03/09 17:13, , 15F
03/09 17:13, 15F

03/09 18:13, , 16F
03/09 18:13, 16F

03/09 18:14, , 17F
03/09 18:14, 17F

03/09 18:27, , 18F
03/09 18:27, 18F

03/09 18:28, , 19F
強如暴雪魔獸也只能給中國代理去經營 有賺到錢就不
03/09 18:28, 19F

03/09 18:29, , 20F
錯了 而且我記得那篇insider talk根本沒說wg很後悔
03/09 18:29, 20F

03/09 18:30, , 21F
感覺WG的發展有點停頓 私服搞不好會玩出新花樣~~
03/09 18:30, 21F

03/09 18:30, , 22F
上面那根本是移花接木了吧 有當台灣記者的潛力喔-.-
03/09 18:30, 22F

03/09 18:45, , 23F
03/09 18:45, 23F

03/09 18:51, , 24F
中國會強就是因為封殺外商阿 自己山寨來做
03/09 18:51, 24F

03/09 18:52, , 25F
03/09 18:52, 25F

03/09 19:32, , 26F
03/09 19:32, 26F

03/09 19:32, , 27F
果然為了營收甚麼書都可以吃 毫無節操
03/09 19:32, 27F

03/09 19:55, , 28F
03/09 19:55, 28F

03/09 19:56, , 29F
03/09 19:56, 29F

03/09 20:14, , 30F
03/09 20:14, 30F

03/09 20:24, , 31F
1.開公司就是為了賺錢 2.這與賺錢無關
03/09 20:24, 31F

03/09 20:24, , 32F
我是覺得口嫌體正直邊嫌邊玩的比較沒節操就是了 哈
03/09 20:24, 32F

03/09 20:58, , 33F
說真的 這MOD會讓玩家少課金吧 不用買金幣滅火器
03/09 20:58, 33F

03/09 20:58, , 34F
勝率超高錢超多都不用買P帳 還順便把正常玩的趕走
03/09 20:58, 34F

03/09 20:59, , 35F
03/09 20:59, 35F
※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 03/09/2015 21:02:41

03/09 23:48, , 36F
主要還是wuchianlin說的信任問題 有那些神奇mod
03/09 23:48, 36F

03/09 23:48, , 37F
猴子就開始認為自己打不高不是自己差 是對方都用mod
03/09 23:48, 37F

03/09 23:49, , 38F
忽然想到越南CW很愛用中坦一波流 該不會就是因為雙
03/09 23:49, 38F

03/09 23:50, , 39F
方都用warpack 所以乾脆一波過去 讓開圖影響變小 XD
03/09 23:50, 39F

03/10 00:31, , 40F
03/10 00:31, 40F

03/10 13:00, , 41F
就說本來就可以用 為啥會有人活在平行世界
03/10 13:00, 41F

03/10 13:01, , 42F
03/10 13:01, 42F
文章代碼(AID): #1K_Kw137 (Wargaming)