[情報] 1/27 28 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間9年前 (2015/01/28 23:29), 9年前編輯推噓21(30916)
留言55則, 37人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1/28 Q&A part 2 - Super Pershing in HD will come “very soon” HD 超潘「很快」就會推出 - HD IS-3 will keep the unhistorical BL-9 gun 不會拔掉 HD IS-3 上面不合史實的 BL-9 主砲 - current interation of HD IS-3 has 50913 polygons 目前的 HD IS-3 模型有 50913 個多邊形 - in HD, various “paper” vehicles’ details will be modelled using analogy to existing vehicles (for example, T110 like M103 and others) 當 HD 化時,圖紙車的細節會用相似的史實車來類推(例如 E110 會用 M103 類推) - HD models are now produced by both outsourcers and by WG internally HD 模組目前是由外包商和 WG 共同製作 - Tiger II and T-62A in HD will also come relatively soon 虎王和 T-62A 將在近期 HD 化 - for now, the base color of German models will not be changed (SS: player specifically asked from Feldgrau to Dunkelgrau) 目前不打算更換德國車的底色 - Storm states that when it comes to the frontal plate angles of HD IS-3, everything should be alright Storm 表示 HD IS-3 的車頭裝甲角度不會有問題 - M6A2E1 HD model is not ready yet HD 大頭 M6 還沒好 - there will not be any new artillery branches in 2015 今年不會有新的自走砲線 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/01/28/28-1-2015-part-ii/ = = = = 以上補完 = = = = - Storm confirms: artillery will have exactly the same shell distribution as other the vehicles, the 9.6 nerf concerns arty too Storm 證實,9.6 準度下修有考慮到自走砲,他們也會一體適用 - Storm is not aware of a plan to remove IS-6 from the shops Storm 不知道 IS-6 有任何下架計畫 - in 9.6, HD Ferdinand has an incorrect track movement (it behaves like if the drive sprocket was in the front and not in the rear), it will be fixed HD 肥男的履帶動作有誤(看起來動力輪在前),會修正 - there is a “legend” going on around RU forums about the IS-3 frontal armor breaking up in welds after being shot at. Storm states that this happened only once during the testing, after which the design of the frontal nose part was reworked for this never to happen again. IS-3 簇型車頭被射擊時會裂開的傳說;Storm 表示那只在測試時發生過一次,變更設計 後就再也沒發生過了 - it was proposed internally within WG to add Oddball’s Sherman from the movie Kelly’s Heroes. WG 內部有將 Kelly’s Heroes 這部電影裡 Oddball 的雪曼加進 WoT 的建議 - the HD E-100 gun is of correct thickness and length HD E-100 主砲長度和厚度都正確 - some details on the HD E-100 model will be reworked to higher details HD E-100 會再細緻化 - the 150mm upper front plate strip of HD E-100 model will remain 150mm thick, its angle however will be fixed HD E-100 的首上上半部會保持 150mm 的厚度,但是角度會修正 詳見:http://i.imgur.com/Q7eCbuF.gif
- Storm confirms that gradually, fake or problematic (not very historical) vehicles will be removed from the game, this includes current overbuffed FV4202, FV215b (120) and WT E-100 Storm 證實,虛構或真實性有問題的車將逐漸被移除,名單包含 FV4202、FV215b (120) 和 WT E-100 (譯者:之前提過 T28 也會換) - another reason for WT E-100 replacement is the fact that it’s really hard to balance, either it sucks or it gets overpowered WT E-100 被移除的另一個原因是太難平衡:不是太強就是太爛 - HD IS-3 collision model is not developed yet, Storm will see if there are any armor nerfs or buffs HD IS-3 的裝甲模組還沒做,Storm 會關心是否有更動 - currently, WG developers are collecting photos of Batchat 25t rusty prototype so they have more materials for its HD rework 目前 WG 正在蒐集 Batchat 25t 那台生鏽原型車的照片,看看能不能收集多一些訊息 幫助 HD 化 - no ETA on IS-3 in HD “for various reasons” HD IS-3 沒有時間表,「很多原因啦」 - some models are created using the photogrammetry method, while others are 3D scanned. Photogrammetry is an alternative method, because the 3D scanner can’t be used everywhere (SS: the background of this question is that I asked Storm, why is WG waiting for a 3D scan of Action X turret from Bovington, when they are using a different method here). 有些模型是用攝影測量法建模,而有些是用 3D 掃描。攝影測量法是無法使用 3D 掃描 時的備案。 HD IS-3 的最新圖片: http://ftr.wot-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/T4DnMkm.jpg
http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/01/27/27-1-2015/ http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/01/28/28-1-2015/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1422458952.A.B96.html ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 01/28/2015 23:30:25

01/28 23:40, , 1F
01/28 23:40, 1F

01/28 23:45, , 2F
通常一輪遊比較多 XD 放完一輪彈夾就回車庫 XDDDDDD
01/28 23:45, 2F

01/28 23:50, , 3F
01/28 23:50, 3F

01/29 00:00, , 4F
01/29 00:00, 4F

01/29 00:05, , 5F
01/29 00:05, 5F

01/29 00:09, , 6F
01/29 00:09, 6F

01/29 00:18, , 7F
01/29 00:18, 7F

01/29 00:26, , 8F
那個其實不是在指玩家太強或太爛 而是說不改太強改
01/29 00:26, 8F

01/29 00:26, , 9F
01/29 00:26, 9F

01/29 00:27, , 10F
01/29 00:27, 10F

01/29 00:36, , 11F
01/29 00:36, 11F

01/29 00:41, , 12F
01/29 00:41, 12F

01/29 00:45, , 13F
spg準度爛掉 如果速度沒buff起來....
01/29 00:45, 13F

01/29 01:04, , 14F
01/29 01:04, 14F

01/29 01:08, , 15F
01/29 01:08, 15F

01/29 01:14, , 16F
01/29 01:14, 16F

01/29 01:14, , 17F
不過開出來WR、eff、WN7、WN8通通下降 ......
01/29 01:14, 17F

01/29 01:16, , 18F
01/29 01:16, 18F

01/29 01:18, , 19F
現在地形越砍越碎 準度也砍濺射也砍是要玩個毛SPG
01/29 01:18, 19F

01/29 01:21, , 20F
01/29 01:21, 20F

01/29 01:45, , 21F
01/29 01:45, 21F
how terrible ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 01/29/2015 02:52:21

01/29 02:53, , 22F
01/29 02:53, 22F

01/29 02:54, , 23F
IS-3 HD好看!!
01/29 02:54, 23F

01/29 03:36, , 24F
01/29 03:36, 24F

01/29 03:56, , 25F
01/29 03:56, 25F

01/29 07:58, , 26F
01/29 07:58, 26F

01/29 07:59, , 27F
01/29 07:59, 27F

01/29 08:00, , 28F
01/29 08:00, 28F

01/29 08:02, , 29F
SPG~TD~~ 握曹!玩什麼砍什麼 跟著我幹嘛
01/29 08:02, 29F

01/29 09:10, , 30F
補推平衡一下不爽 = =
01/29 09:10, 30F

01/29 09:31, , 31F
01/29 09:31, 31F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 01/29/2015 10:40:26

01/29 11:35, , 32F
01/29 11:35, 32F

01/29 11:35, , 33F
01/29 11:35, 33F

01/29 16:10, , 34F
01/29 16:10, 34F

01/29 18:13, , 35F
我寧願spg傷害砍半 爆風範圍加倍 打不中嚇跑你也好
01/29 18:13, 35F

01/29 18:23, , 36F
誰還想玩砲車喔.. 那就別玩阿...
01/29 18:23, 36F

01/29 18:24, , 37F
搞不懂砍砲車有啥大不了的 要是砲車太強
01/29 18:24, 37F

01/29 18:25, , 38F
你開每一台車都會遇到OP砲車 影響遊戲體驗就算了
01/29 18:25, 38F

01/29 18:25, , 39F
現在砲車你覺得很弱也在哭是怎樣 別玩就好阿
01/29 18:25, 39F

01/29 19:13, , 40F
01/29 19:13, 40F

01/29 19:31, , 41F
你只記得砲車有打到你的時候 不記得砲車沒打到你時
01/29 19:31, 41F

01/29 19:32, , 42F
我覺得這是WG的陰謀 不斷NERF砲車 最後刪掉這車種
01/29 19:32, 42F

01/29 20:25, , 43F
應該刪掉砲車 最好能用於反戰車啦
01/29 20:25, 43F

01/29 22:06, , 44F
哈 看來某樓常常被砲車弄吧
01/29 22:06, 44F

01/29 22:07, , 45F
我覺得這種人嘛 把砲車拔掉他還是能抱怨其他車種啦
01/29 22:07, 45F

01/29 22:08, , 46F
直接地說 就是這一串把關鍵字換掉就是這種人的藉口
01/29 22:08, 46F

01/29 22:16, , 47F
直瞄 七號裝藥 穿汀信管 連續放
01/29 22:16, 47F

01/29 22:26, , 48F
沒有砲車 賣頭車就幾乎無敵了 更別提E3 T95這種
01/29 22:26, 48F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 01/29/2015 22:32:38

01/29 22:49, , 49F
01/29 22:49, 49F

01/29 23:51, , 50F
同意ccc 砲車還是有存在的必要
01/29 23:51, 50F

01/30 09:39, , 51F
01/30 09:39, 51F

01/30 20:12, , 52F
01/30 20:12, 52F

01/30 20:13, , 53F
01/30 20:13, 53F

01/30 20:13, , 54F
01/30 20:13, 54F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 01/31/2015 00:34:28

02/01 14:49, , 55F
02/01 14:49, 55F
文章代碼(AID): #1KoG18kM (Wargaming)