[情報] 官方畫質設定教學:如何榨出更多 FPS

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間9年前 (2015/01/28 01:17), 9年前編輯推噓12(1202)
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官方影片:(尚無中文字幕) http://youtu.be/N22cMOqjx0k
- regarding the GPU, the minimum detail requirement is 256 MB VRAM, but for maximum details the requirement is 2GB VRAM 最低畫質設置時,GPU 需求為 256MB;最高設置時為 2GB - GPU calculates the scene graphics, while the CPU (processor) is responsible for various calculations, like physical model, shell trajectory, client-server communication, sound, HD model track movement etc. GPU 負責繪圖;而CPU 負責各式運算,像是彈道、資料同步、音效、HD履帶移動等 - regarding RAM, you need at least 2GB, but if you want to play comfortably, you need 4 GB and more RAM 最少需要 2GB,但若要玩的順需要 4GB 以上 (譯者:64 位元系統王道) - technically it’s possible to play even with 1GB, but then you’ll get freezes, caused by loading of data from the HDD 只用 1GB RAM 理論上程式可運作,但會碰到定格,以等待從硬碟讀取資料 There is a “recommended settings” button in the setting. It launches two tests: one is testing the processing speed of geometry (CPU), the other the processing speed of textures (GPU). As a result one of five profiles will be selected automatically based on the data recieved. 『推薦』的按鈕會啟動兩個測試:測試運算能力(CPU)以其處理材質的能力(GPU)。並 依測得的資料決定設置於五個等級中的哪一個 - if the game runs on less than 60 FPS, it’s better not to enable V-sync and Tripple Buffering (in general graphics tab) at all, as both can cause performance loss 若 FPS 低於 60,請關閉『垂直同步』以及『三重緩衝』 - some settings have no effect on FPS whatsoever, like the gamma setting, colour filter and its intensity, colorblind mode 有些設定不影響 FPS:亮度、濾鏡及其濃度、色盲模式 - theoretically, in fullscreen mode, FPS should be a bit higher (because in window mode the GPU has to render the desktop as well), but in praxis this does not always happen, it really depends on the PC configuration 理論上來說,全螢幕模式 FPS 應該較高一些(視窗模式還要運算桌面);但經驗上來說 這不一定,要看電腦配置 - decreasing game render resolution does increase FPS, try this using (rshift+plus) or (rshift+minus) 降低『3D渲染解析度』能提高 FPS,請用『右Shift』+『+』和『右Shift』+『-』調整 (譯者:應該是能降低顯卡壓力;我家 CPU 爛,感覺差異不大) - the most radical way of increasing FPS is enabling standard graphics (“old render”), which lacks many features of the new (“improved”) one, for example the new render can process up to 1000 light sources, while the old one has only one (the sun), there are differences in anti-aliasing as well, where the old render “smoothens” the entire image (MSAA, CSAA methods) while the new render uses Nvidia technology to smoothen the separate object edges, which is more GPU-requiring. In the future, there will be yet another (better) render implemented – Temporal Anti Aliasing 更強烈的手段是將畫質設定在『一般』(舊繪圖系統)。這將喪失掉一些功能;例如新系 統可以處理1000個光源,但舊系統只能處理一個。所用的反鋸齒也會不同;舊系統是處理 整個畫面(MSAA、CSAA),而新系統是用 Nvidia 的技術對個別物件進行反鋸齒。 未來將引入更好的系統:Temporal Anti Aliasing - Field of view influences performance, as the higher it is, the more objects have to be rendered in a frame. Regular human FOV is cca 95 degrees. Large FOV gives you the effect of the tank moving faster, as the objects move faster at the edges of the screen. It’s possible to set minimal and maximal FOV depending on zoom. 視野範圍會影響效能:較高的設定代表有較多物件需要運算。正常人類視野範圍約95度。 較大的數值會讓車輛行進速度感覺較快,因為螢幕邊緣的物件將移動較快。可依縮放等級 設置不同的視野範圍參數 (譯者:使用 Zoom-Out 模組也會使效能下降) - regarding texture quality, the highest texture setting is available only in improved render and in 64bit systems, but of course requires more video memory 貼圖品質:只有在使用『增強畫質』並且是64位元作業系統時才能使用『最高』設置,因 為需要大量記憶體 - the best way to optimize shadows is not to switch them off, but to put them on minimal enabled setting (“low”), as they render very effectively that way without performance loss 陰影的最佳設置不是『關閉』,而是設置在『低』,這時的效率很好不會降低效能 - grass in sniper mode influences both gameplay and performance, cybersports players always disable it 『狙擊模式下顯示雜草』會影響遊戲以及效能,電競選手都不會開它 - removing additional graphics effects (upper right corner of the advanced graphic settings tab) can improve performance (it removes the quality of explosions and such, you will only see “sparks” and tracers), but it’s better to set them on “low”, so you see the explosions (which help your situational awareness). The real difference between “disabled” and “low” is only several FPS. 關閉『最大特效品質』能提升效能(會關閉爆炸之類的特效,只會看見火光及砲彈軌跡) ,但建議至少要開到『低』(能讓你更了解戰場環境)。關閉和『低』之間只會差幾張 FPS。 - vegetation settings regulate the presence of grass and such – on maximum settings, there’s 12 times more grass than on low settings 『植物密度』將會調整雜草之類的顯示:『最高』顯示的雜草會是『低』的12倍 - post-processing handles the post-effects after death, “hot air” shimmering effects and such, this is not recommended for weak computers 『後處理』掌管死後特效、空氣對流模糊之類的特效。低階電腦勿用 - track effects deal with mud and water flying off from the tracks, this influences performance only a little 『履帶揚塵效果』掌管履帶帶起之塵土以及水花;對效能只會有一點影響 - landscape quality sets the distance, at which the quality of landscape gets simplified. On minimal settings, there is a noticeable difference between server and client perception of landscape (basically, you don’t see a terrain feature while it is there), which can lead to you firing and the shell hitting the terrain. Maximum settings do stress the CPU. It is recommended to use at least medium settings. 『地面品質』掌管距離多遠的地貌才會被簡化。『最小』設置時,你看到的地貌和伺服端 的會有可見的落差,可能導致意外挖地瓜。但『最大』設置需要較多 CPU 資源。建議至 少設置在『中』 - water quality changes the water render (waves in water and such), decal quality influences the display of “decals”, which are small objects that make the map look realistic, specifically the distance their render at and their quality 『水面品質』決定水體的效果;『貼花品質』決定小物件的顯示距離及品質,讓戰場更逼 真 - object quality setting influences the LOD (level of detail) the objects in the game use – objects in the game have various quality levels (details and such), buildings have 3, tanks have 5. Using the best quality model all the time is not possible, that would influence the performance a lot. Therefore, the further you are from an object, the simplier (lower LOD) object is used. With the maximum setting, the quality models will appear at higher distance, on low settings you will get low LOD at short distances 『物件動態光』將會影響遊戲中物件的細節顯示等級。物件有許多細節顯示等級,如房屋 有三級,車輛有五級。全部物件都使用最高等級將嚴重影響效能,所以不可行。故,距離 越遠的物件,其細節顯示等級越低。本設定將影響距離跟等級間的關係,設定越高,物件 細節會在越遠處就顯示,反之亦然 - the same principle applies to tree settings (various LOD, distance at which they display changes) 『樹葉品質』設定遵循相同原則(依距離改變品質) - disabling the leaf render of bushes at short distances (lower left corner) might improve FPS a bit on weak computers 關閉『樹葉透明度』或許在低階電腦上有點效果 - the “render range” setting does NOT influence vehicles – those are always displayed, but it influences less important things, like small objects, trees and such 『繪製距離』不會影響車輛顯示,只會影響不重要的東西,像是小物件或樹之類的 - motion blur is not recommended for weak computers and for PC’s with 30 average FPS or lower 低階電腦或是 FPS 小於 30 的時候不建議開啟『動態模糊』 - dynamic effects does help in battles with a lot of shit blowing up around you, it just simplifies the effects and sets lower LOD when the FPS drops too low (below 30 FPS), below 10 FPS it disables the effects altogether 『動態化變更效果品質』在戰鬥中的混亂狀況下會有幫助,它會簡化特效並在 FPS 低於 30 的時候時將『物件動態光』設為『低』,在 FPS 低於 10 的時候關閉它 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/01/27/how-to-get-more-fps-in-wot-video/ 補充:EasyToolZ 也可提升使用多核 CPU 之效能,個人測試有效 -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1422379028.A.24C.html

01/28 01:24, , 1F
01/28 01:24, 1F

01/28 01:29, , 2F
01/28 01:29, 2F

01/28 01:54, , 3F
01/28 01:54, 3F

01/28 01:57, , 4F
01/28 01:57, 4F

01/28 08:17, , 5F
開了遊戲認真看完才發現都是已經知道的東西 = =
01/28 08:17, 5F

01/28 08:35, , 6F
01/28 08:35, 6F

01/28 08:35, , 7F
01/28 08:35, 7F

01/28 10:28, , 8F
WxxTweakerxlus 真的是破電腦的救星..
01/28 10:28, 8F

01/28 13:59, , 9F
01/28 13:59, 9F

01/28 16:54, , 10F
請想問其中提到陰影的最佳設定是 低 而非 關閉
01/28 16:54, 10F

01/28 16:54, , 11F
是說低比關閉 FPS 會比較好? 是什麼原理呢 不太懂
01/28 16:54, 11F

01/28 17:17, , 12F
01/28 17:17, 12F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 01/28/2015 18:13:13

01/28 20:50, , 13F
煙霧很煩 特別是SPG鳥瞰下 烏煙瘴氣的什麼也看無
01/28 20:50, 13F

02/04 15:00, , 14F
實用推!! 調好之後發現新世界XD
02/04 15:00, 14F
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文章代碼(AID): #1KnyWK9C (Wargaming)