[情報] 1/25 26 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間9年前 (2015/01/27 01:58), 9年前編輯推噓13(1307)
留言20則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Oh yes, and according to Russian leakers, the tank will be the T-34/85 of the post-war Polish production (T-34/85M2 model IIRC). 據俄國流出情報,歐洲科技樹的第一台車會是波蘭的戰後版 T-34/85 - oddly enough, the E-100 inside of the gun barrel model (the rifling) is only like 20cm long, while IS-7 rifling model runs through the entire barrel. Storm states it’s just a little thing, so who cares. E-100 的膛線只有 20cm,但 IS-7 的膛線是整隻砲管都有,怪事。Storm 表示這是小問 題,不太重要 - the size of the HD E-100 changed as such: it became 1cm longer, 1cm wider and 3cm taller HD E-100 尺寸變更:長了一公分,寬了一公分,高了三公分 - the color of the HD E-100 is correct (same as of other HD German tanks), will not be changed HD E-100 顏色沒錯,不會改 - differences in model sizes from original specs of 1 percent or less are considered acceptable 模型和資料來源的尺寸誤差低於百分之一時,是可接受的 - E-100 mantlet in HD was remodelled to correspond the one in Panzer Tracts HD E-100 砲盾依據 Panzer Tracts 的資料重新建模 - HD E-100 “bar” on the top of the turret (rangefinder optics) will be made lower (the same as it was) HD E-100 頭頂的測距儀會降至跟現有的一樣高 - HD E-100 upper front plate angle is actually better than it should be (63 degrees compared to 60 degrees in reality), it will not be nerfed to historical specs HD E-100 首上的角度其實比實際的要斜(63度 vs 60度),但不會砍回史實 - E-100 will not get a (historical) Maus turret E-100 不會裝老鼠頭 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/01/25/25-1-2015/ - Wargaming is preparing a unified launcher for WoT, WoWs and WoWp apparently WG 正在搞海陸空統一遊戲起動器 - there will be a special (portal/forum) post about the accuracy changes in 9.6 9.6 會貼出專文解釋準度下修 - Firefly viewrange will be buffed to be comparable to other tanks of its class and tier 會提昇螢火蟲的視距至同階中坦的水準 - spotting system will be reworked to eliminate the “tanks disappearing in the middle of the field” issue, ETA is “when it’s done it’s done” 新點亮系統將消除『車輛平地消失』的狀況,WIDID - IM reward StuG IV will be useable in historical battles (when they return) 歷史戰鬥中可用四突 (譯者:應該是說就算個人任務沒解開,也可選用四突?) - small visual errors in models (like too shallow barrels and such) will be fixed until 9.6 release 小的視覺模型錯誤將等到 9.6 正式版再修正 - it would seem logical to introduce a feature where – if standing behind two bushes – you wouldn’t see the silhouette of enemy tank, but Storm confirms this was not done because a mod enabling the silhouettes back again would appear very soon 雖然『在雙草叢後時不顯示敵人車輛輪廓』似乎很合邏輯,但 Storm 證實沒這麼做是 因為馬上就會有重新顯示輪廓的 MOD 出現 - T57 Heavy will not be buffed 不會 buff T57 HT - ramming system will be reworked to be simplier and more understandeable 會將衝撞系統改得簡單易懂 - it’s possible T92 Light Tank will appear in the game 可能會有 T92 LT - it’s possible that apart from viewrange, TD camouflage factor will be nerfed as well 除了視距外,TD 的隱蔽係數可能會再挨刀 - no plans to ban noobmeter (XVM part showing player skill) 不打算禁 noobmeter(含 XVM) - only shell distribution within aim circle will be nerfed, the damage distribution and penetration distribution within the -25/+25 RNG will not change 只有落彈分佈更動,傷害及穿深的 25% 浮動不變 - ST-I will not become tier 10… for now ST-Ⅰ不會被提上Ⅹ階…就目前來說 - if the shell distribution nerf causes problems for some tanks with long aimtime (T-34-3), they will be buffed 如果下修準度讓火控爛的車(T-34-3)太難過的話,會 buff 他們 - Q: “Storm, do you think that new branches in 2015 will bring something new to the gameplay?” A: “Multiturret mechanism and variable clearance could for example expand gameplay a bit.” Storm,2015 新出的車會為玩法帶來些改變嗎?「例如 多砲塔機制 和 可變底盤高度 會讓玩法擴張些。」 (譯者:今年!?認真的?) - EU nation trees will most likely be preceded by a premium tank of that respective nation (SS: the way it was with Chi-Nu Kai and the Japanese tree for example) 歐洲科技樹的引進很可能由金車打頭陣(SS: 跟日本線先引進 三式中戰改 一樣) - some guns have a different alpha than the rest of the guns of their caliber. These guns will however not be rebalanced to correspond to the usual alpha. 傷害值並非跟口徑綁定 - there will be further changes (buffs and nerfs) to more midtier tanks 還會有更多中階車輛被更動 - hitpoints of tanks issue (specifically low differences between classes on high tiers) will be reviewed 會檢視高階車種間血量差異小的狀況 - there will be no TD hardcap in battles 不會限制 TD 數量 - the new Bigworld version will not affect player experience, a player should not notice anything BW引擎更新並不會影響玩家,事實上根本不會有感覺 - it’s possible separate settings of vertical stabilization and dynamic shooting effects will come with the new motion physics, but no guarantees (SS: not quite sure what this means, my guess is that the players want manual horizontal aiming while ignoring the effects from rocking of the tank) 新移動物理系統實裝後,可能將「垂直穩定」和「動態射擊效果」的選項分開,但不保證 - historical battles will return, but not anytime soon. The reason for that is that the game mode will be so different it’s gonna be almost an entirely new type of gameplay 歷史戰鬥將會回來,但決不是近期;因為這模式幾乎是整個打掉重做了 - IS-3 is being worked on. The model was taken from the Stalin Line IS-3 – there are several pieces there in various states of (dis)repair 正在弄 IS-3。是依據史達林防線上的 IS-3 來建模,那裡有許多不同保存程度的部件 - it’s completely possible various IS-3 pieces were different when it comes to hull angles and thicknesses 不同台 IS-3 量出來的裝甲角度和厚度會有所不同,是十分可能的 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/01/26/26-1-2015/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1422295126.A.1B8.html ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 01/27/2015 01:59:21

01/27 02:04, , 1F
01/27 02:04, 1F

01/27 02:10, , 2F
01/27 02:10, 2F

01/27 02:10, , 3F
01/27 02:10, 3F

01/27 02:10, , 4F
TD都要被砍到地下室18層了 還限制數量幹嘛XD
01/27 02:10, 4F

01/27 02:16, , 5F
T92 LT 是指240mm在路上散步嗎
01/27 02:16, 5F

01/27 02:17, , 6F
果然SPG砍完換TD 來猜猜誰是下一個
01/27 02:17, 6F

01/27 02:19, , 7F
01/27 02:19, 7F

01/27 02:24, , 8F
01/27 02:24, 8F

01/27 02:25, , 9F
去找版上的 美國戰後輕型戰車簡史
01/27 02:25, 9F

01/27 07:38, , 10F
最後一點是真的啊 IS3是非常有名的案例
01/27 07:38, 10F

01/27 07:39, , 11F
01/27 07:39, 11F

01/27 07:39, , 12F
01/27 07:39, 12F

01/27 07:52, , 13F
01/27 07:52, 13F

01/27 09:13, , 14F
其實說大HT時代也沒錯 戰車世界本來就不該讓反坦克
01/27 09:13, 14F

01/27 09:13, , 15F
01/27 09:13, 15F

01/27 10:38, , 16F
01/27 10:38, 16F

01/27 11:54, , 17F
01/27 11:54, 17F

01/27 12:41, , 18F
01/27 12:41, 18F

01/27 12:44, , 19F
01/27 12:44, 19F

01/27 14:04, , 20F
路口撞到各種突擊TD過不去 日常上演中
01/27 14:04, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1Kne1M6u (Wargaming)