[情報] WG(SerB)吃書特輯

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2014/12/17 17:01), 編輯推噓11(11019)
留言30則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
大家不知道還有沒有印象WOT在2013年年末,特別推出了一段影片: 影片傳送門:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qft0DocNIM
SerB在影片裡描述了2014年WOT的願景,影片中有很多偉大的設想 然而過了一年了,讓我們來看看WOT完成了多少? - “massive rework of the graphics” – that didn’t work very well. 「大批的繪圖重製」:成果不佳 - HD tanks – instead of “all of the tanks” SerB mentioned, we got how much? 30? Plus, as the HD models rolled in, WG decided to reduce the texture quality from the earlier ones. No ultra HD texture packs for us either. How terrible. 「高畫質貼圖坦克」:結果只做了30輛,而且還因為檔案大小緣故將極高畫質給移 除,同時高畫質貼圖的品質還要進一步調低,好貼蘿蔔。 - HD environment? Maybe in SerB’s dreams. 高畫質戰場環境:SerB在做他的的春秋大夢。 – independent suspension on HD models – this was successfully implemented, on HD models. All 30 (out of 300 or so) of them. HD化的模組附帶獨立懸吊:這個完成了。 – Havok – right, maybe in 2015, maybe (WG ran into performance issues – surprisingly, making a physics engine run on the junk Russian players use doesn’t work so well) Havok引擎:現在「可能」2015才會推出了,記住,是可能。(目前遇到一些物理呈 現問題) - turrets blown off – that was successfully implemented 砲塔飛高高:這也成功了。 - improvement of clanwars – was CW improved? I don’t think so… there were campaigns though 改進公會戰系統:公會戰...有甚麼變動嗎,雖然活動有變多。 (譯:有請有打工會戰的版友來說說?) - historical battles – ended in complete failure, awaiting massive (PvE) overhaul 歷史戰模式:完全失敗...等待PVE中。 - strongholds – implemented successfully 堡壘戰模式:第三個,也是最後一個成功推出的。 - garage battles – nope, nothing. SerB mentioned respawning in historical battles or tier 10 garage mode, neither of which was implemented 車庫戰模式:一點鬼影子都沒有,不管事歷史戰中推車庫戰或是十階車庫戰模式。 - Japanese heavy tank – nope and won’t likely come in 2015 either. SerB sure was right about the 日本重坦:現在確認到2015年都不會有... – alternative hulls – nope (plus, this idea is strange anyway and useful only for a couple of tanks with shitloads of variants, like Panzer III, IV, Sherman, T-34 and so on) 可換車體:沒有下文(附帶一提,這功能只對一些有眾多衍生型的坦克有搞頭而已) - 9.0 “optimization” – well, we all know how well THAT went 9.0做好「優化」:看看現在... 原文網址:http://goo.gl/gJFOvk 好吧我承認只是想要看SerB被表而已XD 不過今年也是有不少東西推出,雖然不在那時候的願景中 像是8-bit系列、足球跟霞飛賽車也蠻受好評的 畢竟計畫趕不上變化嘛... 以下開放嘲笑SerB(? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1418806879.A.E06.html

12/17 17:05, , 1F
12/17 17:05, 1F

12/17 17:06, , 2F
當初說有50%銀幣加成 50%經驗加成 100%乘員經驗加乘
12/17 17:06, 2F

12/17 17:07, , 3F
結果看那些建築等級 4% 5%加成是要玩個小
12/17 17:07, 3F

12/17 17:07, , 4F
5% 一場金車賺100000也才多拿5000 砲彈5發?
12/17 17:07, 4F

12/17 17:08, , 5F
還不是隨時發動 是要時限消耗品才有5% 2小時有屌用
12/17 17:08, 5F

12/17 17:10, , 6F
12/17 17:10, 6F

12/17 17:16, , 7F
SerB維拉現在還出來坦? XD
12/17 17:16, 7F

12/17 17:24, , 8F
12/17 17:24, 8F

12/17 17:25, , 9F
12/17 17:25, 9F

12/17 17:33, , 10F
12/17 17:33, 10F

12/17 17:37, , 11F
WG:好險美金計價 QE結束繼續賺
12/17 17:37, 11F

12/17 17:43, , 12F
WG又不是第一天吃書 7.X就開始在吃了
12/17 17:43, 12F

12/17 17:58, , 13F
12/17 17:58, 13F

12/17 18:09, , 14F
12/17 18:09, 14F

12/17 18:11, , 15F
FV215b 183變金(噗哦...
12/17 18:11, 15F

12/17 18:13, , 16F
12/17 18:13, 16F

12/17 19:11, , 17F
6級建築就有40%啦 老實說是很可觀 問題還是在它需要
12/17 19:11, 17F

12/17 19:11, , 18F
道具而不是持續發動這點 總之結果很雞肋
12/17 19:11, 18F

12/17 19:24, , 19F
改過了? 印象中是建築等級*2不是嗎?
12/17 19:24, 19F

12/17 19:26, , 20F
花時間打建材 結果發動效果還需要道具 二次剝削XD
12/17 19:26, 20F

12/17 20:24, , 21F
我忘記了說等級了 40%是等級6的 等級10效果我也不瞭
12/17 20:24, 21F

12/17 20:44, , 22F
12/17 20:44, 22F

12/17 20:45, , 23F
9.0史詩級垃圾 9.1超棒 9.2 9.3 9.4普通
12/17 20:45, 23F

12/17 20:46, , 24F
12/17 20:46, 24F

12/18 02:54, , 25F
12/18 02:54, 25F

12/18 03:01, , 26F
日軍重坦...研發啊 (望向O-I車
12/18 03:01, 26F

12/19 02:07, , 27F
前陣子被WT刺激就一直開支票啊 www
12/19 02:07, 27F

12/19 02:08, , 28F
現在沒危險了 那些支票當然放給它爛
12/19 02:08, 28F

12/19 02:10, , 29F
所以兌現看起來很慘 真的是一點都不意外
12/19 02:10, 29F

12/19 03:29, , 30F
12/19 03:29, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #1KaKPVu6 (Wargaming)