[情報] 12/15 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2014/12/16 15:59), 編輯推噓13(13032)
留言45則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Oh, it looks like Wargaming is trying to shut down leakers. Again. A great initiative to remove them once for all, that includes – surprise – “blogs spreading leaks”. Guess who they mean. Heh. (也許是因為WOWS影片在各個網站上流傳,WG大動作抓違約者) - 9.5 test 2 individual missions are not definitive, they are still being set up 9.5二測的個人任務還在調整中。 - platoon requirement for IM’s is not going to be removed (新日經問題,略) - Storm can’t comment on Russian premium shop prices Storm對俄服商城商品價格不予置評。 - Q: “IM’s suck” A: “And not playing them is not an option?” Q:「個人任務爛透了。」 A:「行行好,別玩行嗎?」 - according to Storm, the Panther 88 mobility is worse than the one of Panther II. When confronted with the stats (hull traverse, terrain resistance), Storm stated that the system is more complicated than that Strom表示:88豹的帳面機動性看來比豹二差,Storm認為系統實際運作起來更複雜, 單比帳面不準。 - the 9.5 minimap enemy tank names will be made a bit brighter 9.5小地圖顯示敵車名的標籤會再亮一點。 - in the test, IM’s are bugged (you can fulfill “platoon missions” only as a solo player), this will be fixed 測試中個人任務中組牌的目標可以獨自完成的BUG會修復。 - it’s possible that the ramming still is bugged, it will be checked 衝撞系統可能還有BUG,會檢查。 - Storm confirms that Kaspersky antivirus can cause 5-10 second freezes in the game. Removing it will fix them. WG is already working with Kaspersky on it Storm表示卡巴可能會造成遊戲延遲、停頓,刪掉可以解決,WG正在調整中。 - Storm, reacting on some idiot accusing him of not understanding the game since he doesn’t have that many battles: “How many times do I have to repeat that we have enough people, who play the game 24/7? Only in my office there are several people sitting around me, each with over 30k battles. I do have people I can ask regarding various game questions.” 對於有人質疑他不了解遊戲生態,因為他玩的不夠多,Storm罕見動怒(?):「當我 旁邊一堆全年無休玩超過30k場的員工兼玩家是空氣就是嘞?我沒玩也有人可以問阿!」 - “light” version of the client: “no exact ETA – when it’s done it’s done” 簡化版客戶端的時程「未定」,WIDID。 - British tier 5-7 TD’s have the same guns, because “we haven’t found any other fitting ones” 英國TD從5階到7階拿同一批炮是無可奈何的事情,因為沒有其他可替代品。 原文網址:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/12/15/15-12-2014/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1418716787.A.272.html

12/16 16:02, , 1F
他們一方面認為個人任務有利於WOT的長期發展 一方面
12/16 16:02, 1F

12/16 16:03, , 2F
卻又不屑於迎合大眾調整 真是lol
12/16 16:03, 2F

12/16 16:04, , 3F
嘛 這個其實不相衝突就是
12/16 16:04, 3F

12/16 16:05, , 4F
不過沒時間解IM的玩家就是不會解 那些課金的玩家才
12/16 16:05, 4F

12/16 16:05, , 5F
12/16 16:05, 5F

12/16 16:12, , 6F
12/16 16:12, 6F

12/16 16:13, , 7F
12/16 16:13, 7F

12/16 16:13, , 8F
12/16 16:13, 8F

12/16 16:16, , 9F
12/16 16:16, 9F

12/16 16:16, , 10F
對WG個人沒反感 就是賭爛他們這麼硬而已
12/16 16:16, 10F

12/16 16:16, , 11F
12/16 16:16, 11F

12/16 16:17, , 12F
12/16 16:17, 12F

12/16 16:20, , 13F
對岸喜歡搞VIP階級制 台灣喜歡賣商城道具制
12/16 16:20, 13F

12/16 16:21, , 14F
12/16 16:21, 14F

12/16 16:21, , 15F
給糖吃大約是兩年前的事 蜜月一年
12/16 16:21, 15F

12/16 16:24, , 16F
我覺得應該說成 對岸是玩土豪制 堆錢買尊重
12/16 16:24, 16F

12/16 16:24, , 17F
台灣倒不是 單純就是玩家很蠢把錢花在沒價值的商品
12/16 16:24, 17F

12/16 16:25, , 18F
12/16 16:25, 18F

12/16 16:26, , 19F
照樣有人買帳 現在又往手遊邁進 匪夷所思之餘
12/16 16:26, 19F

12/16 16:26, , 20F
已經來不及了 抓了一堆開啟都是垃圾 不然就是操作的
12/16 16:26, 20F

12/16 16:26, , 21F
時間比玩的時間還長 真的閒到這樣都能浪費時間
12/16 16:26, 21F

12/16 16:28, , 22F
個人覺得手遊跟網遊都是走錯方向 偏偏玩家很喜歡
12/16 16:28, 22F

12/16 16:28, , 23F
12/16 16:28, 23F

12/16 16:29, , 24F
還好花一點錢可以覺得有價值 當然這次馬拉松我就不
12/16 16:29, 24F

12/16 16:29, , 25F
以為然了 應該不會有人花兩千多弄那一台車? 才怪..
12/16 16:29, 25F

12/16 16:31, , 26F
馬拉松是給有錢有閒的人玩的 窮又沒時間的玩不起QQ
12/16 16:31, 26F

12/16 16:34, , 27F
是有錢或有閒吧 然後老實講其實不花錢也可能買到
12/16 16:34, 27F

12/16 16:34, , 28F
買到一兩國沒問題 現在有mycard之類的阿還是沒手機?
12/16 16:34, 28F

12/16 16:35, , 29F
回鍋包兩個月沒花一毛錢 倒不是自豪 而是現在就能這
12/16 16:35, 29F

12/16 16:35, , 30F
12/16 16:35, 30F

12/16 16:36, , 31F
12/16 16:36, 31F

12/16 17:25, , 32F
12/16 17:25, 32F

12/16 17:26, , 33F
12/16 17:26, 33F

12/16 17:26, , 34F
12/16 17:26, 34F

12/16 17:27, , 35F
12/16 17:27, 35F

12/16 17:49, , 36F
雖然說福利 裝備消耗車子特價都有 但是各伺服器任務
12/16 17:49, 36F

12/16 17:49, , 37F
獎勵不對等心裡有點不平衡 任務只是抱怨難解獎勵差
12/16 17:49, 37F

12/16 17:50, , 38F
增加遊戲遊玩時間 應該不是從重度著手吧? 弄個每天
12/16 17:50, 38F

12/16 17:50, , 39F
花一小時左右輕鬆解的又有糖吃 民怨會比較少
12/16 17:50, 39F

12/16 18:31, , 40F
12/16 18:31, 40F

12/16 19:51, , 41F
12/16 19:51, 41F

12/17 12:39, , 42F
12/17 12:39, 42F

12/19 02:14, , 43F
T10 MT TD 就是吵出來的
12/19 02:14, 43F

12/19 02:15, , 44F
12/19 02:15, 44F

12/19 09:19, , 45F
12/19 09:19, 45F
文章代碼(AID): #1KZ-Pp9o (Wargaming)