[情報] 12/01 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2014/12/02 16:05), 9年前編輯推噓20(20016)
留言36則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
You wanted more interesting news? You’ll like this then. 本集Q&A絕對精采! - no ETA on HD IS-3 IS-3 HD化沒有確切時程。 - it’s decided that Panther 88 will not have limited MM 88豹正常分房。 - Storm states that the statement that Panther 88 will see tier 10′s in 2/3 of its battles is false 但Storm表示88豹會有6成6機率進十街房的臆測是錯的。 - Panther 88 will be a premium German tank (not an event one) 88豹會讓玩家課金買。 - apparently, the Panther 88 MM spread was not a balancing department decision (SS: I wonder whose then) 88豹的分房情形並非平衡部門的決定。(SS:我很好奇是誰...) 譯:Serb,是你? - Storm on the future of WoT: “We also want progress. We are trying. Maybe it ’s worse than it has to be, but we are trying.” Storm對WOT的未來展望:「我們想進步,我們也正在嘗試,也許無法達到預期,但我 們確實在試。」 - Storm cannot say (is not allowed to) which nations will get their own branches in 2015, but it will be two EU branches (SS: Czech and Italian or Swedish IIRC) and one non-EU branch Storm不能透漏2015會有哪條新國家線上線,但有可能是歐洲線,以及一條非歐洲的 分支。(SS:據情資,可能會是捷克、義大利或是瑞典線) - when it comes to priorities in content development, Storm explains: “ creating a branch is faster but more expensive than creating physics, because a lot of people are working on it. Creating new physics takes longer and it’ s cheaper, because fewer people are working on it.” 有人問到關於遊戲內容發展的優先性,Storm解釋:「做新線比做物理引擎來的便宜 ,因為新線有很多人投入開發,新物理引擎耗時較久且投入的人較少。」 - new nation in 2015? “No comment” 2015新國家上線?「不予置評。」 - when it comes to fixing perks, Storm wants to do it all at once (not per partest), so that WG doesn’t have to do skill reset several times 談到調整歷練效果,Storm想要一次搞定它們(而非分批做),所以WG不需要分很多 次重製技能。 - Storm admits that there are tasks with significantly higher priority than the perk reset Storm表示有幾個比歷練重製優先度更高的工作。 - motion physics test will not come this year 新物理引擎不會在今年測試。 - Havok is being developed for 1,5 years now (from the first experiments) Havok從最早版本開始已經發展一年半了。 - Storm hates publicity, he states he was practically forced to do the KTTS videos Storm討厭做宣傳工作,他說他上KTTS(編按:ASAP)是被逼的! - HD maps will come after new render system, new landscape render and new vegetation and water render HD地圖會在新繪圖引擎、新景觀、新植被跟水貼圖上線之後推出。 - the new iteration of Big World engine will not bring any outer changes, most changes are internal. It’s possible there might be some FPS increase, but no guarantees. 新BigWorld遊戲引擎不會有太多外顯改變,引擎的內在變動居多。有可能會提高FPS 但不保證。 - WG is developing new render – with Dx11 support and multicore support WG正在開發DirectX 11跟多核心支援。 - WG is planning some changes to matchmaking system, but no details for now, as “the question is difficult for a direct answer”. Storm however states that for now, they will do some fixes for the current MM and after that, they will start developing a completely new matchmaker WG正在計畫調校MM娘,但目前沒有細節,因為「有些問題很難回應」。Storm透漏目 前WG會小修目前的MM,之後再開發一隻新的MM娘。 - developers considered the option to hardcap the amount of top tier tanks in battle (so that it would be easier for top tanks to pwn and for bottom of the team to survive). This solution was not completely scrapped, but it’s hard because of the amount of tanks in queues (as in, there are not always tanks for the top slots in the queue and such) 開發組認為限制TX坦克的數量之提案並不全是空想但很難實行,因為主要還是要視對 列中等待的坦克而定。(SS:因為並非任何時刻都有符合分房的TX坦克在排隊) - WG doesn’t consider really fast losses to be a problem WG不認為「速戰速敗」是個問題。 - alternative hulls will come after all tanks are reworked to HD 可選車體會在HD化工作結束後登場。 - T-35 is not in WG plans for now T-35目前已被冷凍。 原文網址:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/12/01/1-12-2014/#more-19946 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1417507513.A.EFF.html ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 12/02/2014 16:13:11

12/02 16:38, , 1F
T-35快出 我要玩戰艦世界
12/02 16:38, 1F

12/02 16:39, , 2F
12/02 16:39, 2F

12/02 16:46, , 3F
12/02 16:46, 3F

12/02 16:50, , 4F
WT開二號遇到KV-1 挫折
12/02 16:50, 4F

12/02 17:28, , 5F
速戰速敗就像兩邊都:「GL,HF:)」 然後放一波/大招
12/02 17:28, 5F

12/02 17:29, , 6F
12/02 17:29, 6F

12/02 17:29, , 7F
老實說 比龜到15分鐘還好的多-_-
12/02 17:29, 7F

12/02 17:34, , 8F
一邊秒敗代表一邊秒勝 實在沒啥好抱怨的 最大的受害
12/02 17:34, 8F

12/02 17:34, , 9F
12/02 17:34, 9F

12/02 17:36, , 10F
12/02 17:36, 10F

12/02 17:37, , 11F
Oh **** here goes my x5 today...
12/02 17:37, 11F

12/02 17:46, , 12F
T95 : UMF
12/02 17:46, 12F

12/02 17:47, , 13F
才剛踏出家門口 對方群猴洶湧一波,留下血淚
12/02 17:47, 13F

12/02 18:19, , 14F
12/02 18:19, 14F

12/02 18:24, , 15F
T95才開到門口就兩倍首勝了 超血尿XDD
12/02 18:24, 15F

12/02 18:56, , 16F
一場0傷兩倍首勝經驗拿300 是要多久才能上十~~
12/02 18:56, 16F

12/02 18:57, , 17F
一波流有時候只是一種戰術考量 至於有趣與否就..
12/02 18:57, 17F

12/02 19:18, , 18F
12/02 19:18, 18F

12/02 19:27, , 19F
12/02 19:27, 19F

12/02 19:32, , 20F
12/02 19:32, 20F

12/02 19:32, , 21F
12/02 19:32, 21F

12/02 19:34, , 22F
也團一波流我都很擔心要怎打 隨時準備崩潰後防禦
12/02 19:34, 22F

12/02 19:38, , 23F
一波流不考慮損傷慘重 另一條線對方突破不管進度如
12/02 19:38, 23F

12/02 19:38, , 24F
何 即使還有時間也很少人會回頭 這才是悲劇
12/02 19:38, 24F

12/02 19:38, , 25F
因為要嘛贏得經驗少少 要瑪輸得乾乾淨淨
12/02 19:38, 25F

12/02 19:49, , 26F
12/02 19:49, 26F

12/02 20:28, , 27F
12/02 20:28, 27F

12/02 20:50, , 28F
12/02 20:50, 28F

12/02 21:54, , 29F
正在爬E4線 28P還差5萬XP點出T30 = =
12/02 21:54, 29F

12/03 00:17, , 30F
12/03 00:17, 30F

12/03 06:29, , 31F
一波流 集中兵力原則的典範 勝率比較高
12/03 06:29, 31F

12/03 09:49, , 32F
12/03 09:49, 32F

12/03 10:56, , 33F
12/03 10:56, 33F

12/03 10:56, , 34F
12/03 10:56, 34F

12/03 13:07, , 35F
野團一波流常常被對面兩三台卡住 然後就被夾擊
12/03 13:07, 35F

12/03 13:10, , 36F
不然就是一波流過去 然後被對面兩三台一一擊毀
12/03 13:10, 36F
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