[情報] 7/23 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間10年前 (2014/07/23 00:58), 編輯推噓9(907)
留言16則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
颱風夜衝出門買宵夜吃,前年好像也幹過類似的蠢事... = Ha, after practically half a year, SerB started answering questions! Here’s what he wrote: SerB在富姦了半年之後強勢回歸(? - the exact formula of credit gain calculations will not be disclosed 賺錢公式不公開。 - there is no direct corellation between credit gain and winrate: “Playing to gain maximum amount of money, playing to gain maximum amount of XP and playing for maximum winrate are very different things” 勝率和賺錢沒有直接關連:「賺最多錢、打出最高經驗和洗出最高勝率是不一樣的事情」 - “Developer diaries” video series was not scrapped 開發者日記系列影片沒有廢棄 - regarding the new motion physics – “it’s not that far away” 新的移動物理系統:「不會太久」 - some variants of the motion physics were scrapped because they were too realistic – “drifts, etc.” 某些移動系統的內容因為太接近真實狀況被廢棄(甩尾之類的) - the developers did expect the “OMG leave it please!!!” reaction on the removal of the football mode 開發組正確預測了足球模式拔掉後玩家的反應──「拜託留著好不好?」 - Football mode returning? “Yea, and also the tank figure skating and battleship synchronized swimming” (SS: as in “no”) 足球模式回歸──「和戰車滑雪模式/戰艦游泳模式一起吧」 (也就是沒有) - visual effects of equipment (such as stereoscopic range finder and camo net) were not scrapped, they are “still on the shelf” 裝備的視覺效果(立體成像測距儀/偽裝網之類的)沒有廢棄。 - regarding the reduction of 25 percent RNG on penetration: “Until the game release it was 50 percent, we decided not to do it” 縮減穿甲值的25%rng:「遊戲剛出的時候是50%,我們已經扣過了」 - other accuracy nerf variants than reducing the chance of the shell to fall towards the center of the circle were considered 有考慮過「讓彈著點散布遠離圓心」以外的準度nerf方式。 - no plans to allow players to select the voiceover soundset in the game (SS: as in, you wont be able to select specifically German voices in a Japanese tank) 不打算讓A國戰車用B國語音。 - Q: What will happen to FV215b (120)? A (SerB): “One option is to make the 120mm gun an optional gun for FV215b (183), another is to remove it completely. Also, Chieftain is not 100 percent sure.” 215B的未來命運:「一個選項是把120砲當作183的可換組件,另一個則是整台砍掉。 順帶一提酋長式還沒完全定案。」 - Q: “Why is the 150mm on WT E-100 overnerfed?” A: “Because it’s right that way” (SS: the player mentions too low accuracy) 為什麼WTF的150砲被nerf的這麼過火? 「就是這樣。」 - the cost of all premium tanks is set individually 金幣戰車的售價是各自獨立設定的。 - apparently the removal of E-50M as such, the switch of E-50 to tier 10 and adding the Turbopanther (SS: Panther with a gas turbine) is still planned E-50M移除,E-50拉階然後插入渦輪豹的提案還沒有廢棄。 - Object 770 will not be implemented (“it’s clearly a tier 11〃) 770的強度等同11階,所以不用想了。 - developers haven’t found a suitable tier 5 Soviet light tank 開發者沒找到適合的蘇聯T5LT - Q: “Many people unlocked FV4202 so that they could get a Chieftain instead! ” A:”We didn’t even hint at that. Their problem.” 「很多人把4202點開想拿免費的酋長式」 「我們沒說過有這回事,想這樣搞責任自負。」 - “Italian branch” was not scrapped, the rumors from RU forums are false 義大利線沒有廢案,RU論壇的芭樂消息就是芭樂消息。 - Chieftain will apparently not have “195mm turret”, WG has the info about Chieftain prototypes – there is no such turret in there, apparently according to WG sources, maximum thickness of Chieftain turret armor is 150mm (Storm adds that the sources (such as Wikipedia) are incorrect, WG has its own armor thickness sources – people who measured the tank in museum) 酋長式不會有195mm砲塔,根據WG的獨立資料來源,並沒有這種砲塔。 另外根據WG的資料來源(實際測量)酋長的砲塔厚度是150mm,維基是錯誤的。 - it’s not possible to say, what model of Chieftain will make it into the game, it’s not yet decided 還沒決定酋長的哪個型號會放進遊戲中。 - no plans to buff or nerf T110E5 不打算更動T110E5 - T92 Light Tank was never planned for patch 9.3 9.3從來都沒打算放T92LT - there are plans to introduce Valiant and its variants 有打算放入英國的英勇式以及其改型。 (戰車發展史上的經典失敗作。) - made-up Henschel turret for E-100 will not be implemented (Storm: “Because SerB’s Design Bureau works only when there are no other options.”) Storm explains: E-100的亨謝爾砲塔不會放進遊戲。 (捏造的產物,其他常出現的德棍腦補包含鼠式的128mm/L71、Jagd E50、 Jagd E75、 Jagd E-100「鱷魚」、E-95等族繁不及備載) Storm表示「SerB設計局只有真的沒車用的時候才會開工」 “For example, we are making a branch and in it we are missing a tank. And there is no info anywhere about a vehicle, which would fit. In such cases, we make up our own. However, in every case, without exception, we are trying to find something realistic and historical and we deal with made up vehicles only if there are no other options left. In case of E-100, there is no need to invent anything, it already has a turret. Why use a fake? Also, if we buff E-100, it will become overpowered. It is one of the most popular tanks on its tier even as it is.” 「例如我們做某條線做到一半發現缺車,而且真的沒車可用的時候我們才會架空一輛車 出來。不過我們一直都在努力找出史實上可用的車,真的沒有其他作法的時候才會架空。 以E-100來說,我們不必捏造任何東西,因為已經有砲塔設計了,為什麼要用假的設計? 另外它現在是最受歡迎的戰車之一,如果buff它的話會OP。」 - Storm on Chieftain: “Chieftain will not be a medium tank because it goes to the heavy slot. For tier 10 heavy slot there are simply no other options. If there were any, it’s possible we would consider Chieftain for tier 10 medium slot.” Storm評論酋長式:「不會是MT,因為TXHT沒別的車可用。如果有其他可用的HT我們 才會考慮讓酋長變MT。」 - the reason for FV215b (120) removal according to Storm: “The fewer fake tanks we have, the better” (SS: as you can see, SerB and Storm are clearly not on the same page) 215B被拔掉的原因:「架空車越少越好。」 (SS:很明顯的SerB和Storm不同調。) -- Wild Player: "MM keeps kicking me in my fricking balls" My friend : "SerB:' Don't grow balls.' " -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1406048312.A.01D.html

07/23 00:58, , 1F
07/23 00:58, 1F

07/23 01:08, , 2F
QA看到現在跟八卦雜誌一樣 沒一件說得準的
07/23 01:08, 2F

07/23 01:15, , 3F
酋長分類是MBT 還是覺得當中坦會比較適合
07/23 01:15, 3F

07/23 02:07, , 4F
MBT雖然是因為MT進步而來的 但現在MBT的重量根本跟HT
07/23 02:07, 4F

07/23 02:09, , 5F
重量差不多了 酋長也有55噸 照重量分法變HT也不奇怪
07/23 02:09, 5F

07/23 02:11, , 6F
07/23 02:11, 6F

07/23 03:00, , 7F
07/23 03:00, 7F

07/23 03:00, , 8F
07/23 03:00, 8F

07/23 03:02, , 9F
E-100裝亨謝爾砲塔好像沒搞頭 http://ppt.cc/Fwj3
07/23 03:02, 9F

07/23 03:03, , 10F
07/23 03:03, 10F

07/23 03:08, , 11F
07/23 03:08, 11F

07/23 03:25, , 12F
07/23 03:25, 12F

07/23 04:54, , 13F
07/23 04:54, 13F

07/23 04:55, , 14F
07/23 04:55, 14F

07/23 08:23, , 15F
07/23 08:23, 15F

07/23 11:38, , 16F
07/23 11:38, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1JpfWu0T (Wargaming)