[情報] 7/18 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間10年前 (2014/07/20 00:04), 10年前編輯推噓37(37033)
留言70則, 33人參與, 最新討論串1/1
- T34 (US premium tank) will be “reworked”, when it gets turned to HD T34 在 HD 化的時候會「重製」 - position on recoilless guns will most likely not change 對無後座力砲的立場不變 - Chinese tanks will not be changed (SS: the player was suggesting that the British are getting changes because they are unpopular) 不會變更中國車(SS:這傢伙認為英國線換車是因為不熱門) - height of ingame T-54 is correct T-54 車高沒做錯 - +/-1MM will not be introduced, “it would not be interesting to play” 略 - 50 percent of players play with improved render, 50 percent use the original old render 有一半的玩家還在用舊版畫質 - the change of crew role (SS: radioman to driver for example) will come soon 轉職系統快出了 - the “70 people develop WoT” number is without testers, with testers it’s cca 100 之前說WoT開發團隊大約七十人,這是未計入測試員的數字;加上測試員,人數約一百 - Storm explains the “T-54 Model 1945〃 premium Soviet tier 8 medium tank: “ The decision has already been made and the models are already being created. We didn’t want to have a large number of T-44′s – if we are to make many clones anyway, T-54 fits the role more as the most mass-produced tank in history” Storm 解釋為啥選這台作為新蘇聯八階金車:「這是早就決定的而且已建模。我們不希望 有太多T-44;就算要做複製車,T-55身為產量史上第一的戰車也當之無愧。,」 - choosing your tanks in team battles depending on the map? “This year I hope ” 團隊戰鬥先知道地圖再選車?「希望今年能做出來」 - in the past, developers mentioned they want to add extra features for premium account to compensate for some premium features lost, such as the platoons. In the end this did not happened, because “we didn’t figure out nothing suitable” 之前有想要弄些新的P帳功能,但沒找到合適的所以作罷 - the combat UI is still using ActionScript 2 version 介面仍是用 ActionScript 2 版本 - Not much time left until AFK’ers, standing on the base and not moving will get no XP from battle 掛機玩家的時候不多了,完全不動將不給經驗 - Q: “How come it often happens that I get the same map three times in a row out of 5 battles?” A: “We can’t do anything about it.” 連續五場中有三場進同張地圖是怎麼回事?「我們也未能為力。」 - Ruinberg on fire had its chance to drop reduced, but other maps’ chances to drop will not be changed for now 會降低 Ruinberg on fire 出現的機率;其他的不會動 - maps with only one mode (only random battle, without encounter and assault versions) will also not have their chances to drop changed 其他只有一種模式的地圖出現機率也不會改 - IS-6 to be reworked? “If there are any issues with the model, we will fix them when the model is reworked to HD” 會重製 IS-6 嗎?「如果模型有問題會在HD化時修正。」 - it’s not yet known whether the HESH mechanism will be reworked, but it’s possible 不確定會不會重製 HESH 的作用機制 - equipment and perks/skills are scheduled for rework in the future 預定重未來要製裝備以及技能效果 - larger ignore/friend list? “Wait for 2.0〃 更大的黑/好友名單?「等2.0版」 - the game taking too much CPU/GPU resources in hangar? “I can’t say anything about that” 車庫耗太多 CPU/GPU 資源?「我不好說。」 - developers are (as an anti-TD measure apparently) considering reducing the viewrange of all the tanks, apart from light tanks 正考慮降低除了輕坦之外所有車的視距 (譯者:WTF?) - regarding the company mode: “We have to completely rework the company searching mechanism, based on the one used in team battles” 「我們需要運用團隊戰鬥的經驗來重製戰車連配對機制」 - the 5 second friends list timeout (SS: not sure what this concerns) is a “ DDOS protection” 略 - Q: “I suggest reworking the camo like this – if a tank was spotted and it did not move anywhere, it will remain spotted.” A: “That’s roughly what we are going to do” 略 - KV-1S will split into KV-1S (tier 5) and KV-85 (tier 6) KV-1S 會拆成五階 KV-1S 和六階 KV-85 - the tier 6 KV-85 will keep the 122mm D-25 gun (SS: or D-2-5, identical gun, different breech – anyway the KV-85 has really bad depression, -2 or so) 六階的 KV-85 會保有 122mm D-25 砲 (SS:或是 D-2-5;而 KV-85 的俯角會很差,-2 度吧) - Storm on what will appear in 9.3: “RU251, LTTB, T-54 Light, reworked Chaffee, T37, Walker Bulldog, T49, new KV-1S, KV-85” 9.3 會出現的?Storm:「 (德八階LT、蘇七八階LT、美霞飛LT線、 KV-1S拆出來的兩台) 」 - XP for tanking? “When it’s done it’s done" 坦傷賺經驗?「WIDID」 - 150mm E-100 HE shells will not be buffed - 37mm Sh-37 gold shells will not be buffed 不會BUFF以上兩種彈藥 - Sturmtiger was basically scrapped for now, because it’s not possible to balance it in the game 略 - mid-tier artillery will not be buffed 不會BUFF中階砲兵 - GWE buff? “If it stands out statistically” 那 GWE 呢?「如果統計數據有需要。」 - no plans to ban noobmeter 不會禁怒伯尺 - composite armor, active/reactive armor, smoothbores and guided missiles will not appear in the game 複合裝甲、反應裝甲、滑膛砲和導彈都不會出現 (譯者:那我要佈雷彈,謝謝) - FV215b will be switched for Chieftain because “Chieftain was a real existing tank, that’s the main reason.” Chieftain 換 FV215b,主要是因為 Chieftain 是真實存在的車 - Challenger (MBT) prototype is too modern for WoT, same goes for T-64 T-64 和挑戰者原型車都太先進了 - it’s possible that Chinese tier 10 heavy will be reworked, “but no guarantees” 可能會重製中共十階重坦,「但不保證。」 - quick (one button) transfer of equipment from tank to tank? “Maybe, but it has low priority” 一鍵換裝備?「可能會做,但優先度很低」 - Storm does openly state the FV215b (120) is made up (Storm: “SerB’s construction bureau”) Storm 公開表示 FV215b (120) 是台虛構車 (Storm:「SerB製造局榮譽出品。」) - no further AMX50B buff is planned for now 目前沒把算BUFF AMX50B - there are no plans to completely rework the interface 沒打算完全重製介面 - no current plans to rework player statistics 玩家資訊亦同 - 1휱 and 3휳 “arena” mode will not come (Storm: “it has practically zero audience”) 不會做一對一或三對三「競技場」模式 - official WG rating in the battle will not be displayed (“everyone will use XVM anyway”) 不會顯示官方的勝率預測 (「反正大家愛用XVM嘛」) http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/18/18-7-2014/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1405785883.A.4BB.html

07/20 00:13, , 1F
華克猛犬!!!! 來衝美國LT線放著先XD
07/20 00:13, 1F

07/20 00:16, , 2F
Chaffee和MT25都有存經驗 但是AFK豹不想再多碰啦
07/20 00:16, 2F

07/20 00:37, , 3F
07/20 00:37, 3F

07/20 00:38, , 4F
07/20 00:38, 4F

07/20 00:54, , 5F
07/20 00:54, 5F

07/20 01:19, , 6F
07/20 01:19, 6F

07/20 02:03, , 7F
07/20 02:03, 7F

07/20 02:04, , 8F
T28是只有藍圖的TD (連試作型都沒有做出來)嗎?
07/20 02:04, 8F

07/20 02:09, , 9F
更正...T28 prototype
07/20 02:09, 9F

07/20 02:09, , 10F
不是藍圖 T28就是T95
07/20 02:09, 10F

07/20 02:57, , 11F
無線電員終於可以轉職了嗎 兵營裡面各國的都有...
07/20 02:57, 11F

07/20 03:12, , 12F
07/20 03:12, 12F

07/20 03:33, , 13F
很多車都是只存在藍圖上啊 不然某些國家車子太少了
07/20 03:33, 13F

07/20 03:33, , 14F
07/20 03:33, 14F

07/20 03:35, , 15F
T28有原型車 T28P則只有規格草稿沒有設計藍圖/原型車
07/20 03:35, 15F

07/20 03:48, , 16F
E4(T110方案4)有設計藍圖 遊戲中的E3則是抄E4的設計
07/20 03:48, 16F

07/20 03:49, , 17F
改成固定式砲塔 非T110方案3
07/20 03:49, 17F

07/20 03:55, , 18F
等一下 Kv-1s(VI階) -> Kv-85 (VI階)上面還裝122....
07/20 03:55, 18F

07/20 03:56, , 19F
這樣哪有變啊 = =? 有啦 Nerf 俯角變 -2度 這樣跟直
07/20 03:56, 19F

07/20 03:57, , 20F
接Nerf Kv-1s俯角有什麼差? 你在六階還是會對上那根
07/20 03:57, 20F

07/20 03:57, , 21F
07/20 03:57, 21F

07/20 04:14, , 22F
07/20 04:14, 22F

07/20 04:26, , 23F
機動會砍吧 變成跑得慢俯角又爛 至少我是不會想玩拉
07/20 04:26, 23F

07/20 04:46, , 24F
07/20 04:46, 24F

07/20 08:14, , 25F
07/20 08:14, 25F

07/20 08:14, , 26F
讓剪影不會出現 而不是反而去nerf其他車種視距
07/20 08:14, 26F

07/20 08:15, , 27F
煙霧彈引進會給遊戲帶來很大變化 輕坦生存會提高很多
07/20 08:15, 27F

07/20 08:16, , 28F
07/20 08:16, 28F

07/20 08:23, , 29F
蘇7 8 接LT !!!!! 到底強度會如何呢 我們看下去
07/20 08:23, 29F

07/20 09:00, , 30F
07/20 09:00, 30F

07/20 09:43, , 31F
07/20 09:43, 31F

07/20 09:44, , 32F
07/20 09:44, 32F

07/20 09:45, , 33F
07/20 09:45, 33F

07/20 09:46, , 34F
07/20 09:46, 34F

07/20 09:46, , 35F
07/20 09:46, 35F
會被嫌怎麼做這麼難看;做不好不如不要做。 ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 07/20/2014 10:14:46

07/20 10:09, , 36F
照wot的優化能力 加煙霧彈大部分人都不用玩了 lag死
07/20 10:09, 36F

07/20 10:11, , 37F
07/20 10:11, 37F

07/20 10:11, , 38F
07/20 10:11, 38F

07/20 10:12, , 39F
中/重坦表示: 我也要煙霧彈!
07/20 10:12, 39F

07/20 10:27, , 40F
07/20 10:27, 40F

07/20 10:28, , 41F
隱蔽設定沒問題 畫面一定會有問題=w=
07/20 10:28, 41F

07/20 10:31, , 42F
07/20 10:31, 42F

07/20 11:16, , 43F
07/20 11:16, 43F

07/20 11:20, , 44F
今天早上一直進兩個Ruinberg地圖 真的該調了
07/20 11:20, 44F

07/20 11:28, , 45F
就把草叢塗灰 效果設定個秒數 時間到消失 跟草一樣2D
07/20 11:28, 45F

07/20 11:29, , 46F
07/20 11:29, 46F

07/20 12:12, , 47F
RA2的幻影坦克表示: You can see me. Soon you won't
07/20 12:12, 47F

07/20 12:30, , 48F
07/20 12:30, 48F

07/20 12:55, , 49F
繪圖特效是客戶端的事情 煙霧彈主要卡在伺服端運算上
07/20 12:55, 49F

07/20 12:56, , 50F
現在場上的遮蔽物都是固定式的 只要計算玩家的位置
07/20 12:56, 50F

07/20 12:58, , 51F
07/20 12:58, 51F

07/20 12:58, , 52F
07/20 12:58, 52F

07/20 12:59, , 53F
07/20 12:59, 53F

07/20 12:59, , 54F
07/20 12:59, 54F

07/20 12:59, , 55F
WOT把遊戲機制的運算都丟到伺服器 變成要添加機制的
07/20 12:59, 55F

07/20 13:00, , 56F
07/20 13:00, 56F

07/20 13:07, , 57F
樹葉的隱蔽也是固定的嗎 樹倒的方向可以控制不是?
07/20 13:07, 57F

07/20 13:09, , 58F
07/20 13:09, 58F

07/20 13:32, , 59F
那都是可預期的隱蔽物 樹就是原本位置的成圓形的倒下
07/20 13:32, 59F

07/20 13:33, , 60F
範圍 如果樹還能拖著跑那就吃力了
07/20 13:33, 60F

07/20 13:33, , 61F
07/20 13:33, 61F

07/20 13:33, , 62F
另外50B近期不會buff 是指這次Buff完之後
07/20 13:33, 62F

07/20 13:34, , 63F
暫時沒有打算繼續BUFF 還是連原本的都取消?
07/20 13:34, 63F

07/20 17:04, , 64F
buff輕坦的方式居然是nerf重坦的視距 頗有BZ風格XD
07/20 17:04, 64F

07/20 17:16, , 65F
07/20 17:16, 65F

07/20 17:17, , 66F
07/20 17:17, 66F

07/20 17:27, , 67F
07/20 17:27, 67F

07/20 17:55, , 68F
07/20 17:55, 68F

07/20 21:32, , 69F
07/20 21:32, 69F

07/20 23:18, , 70F
KV4也是一堆圖紙大雜燴阿 KV5反而沒啥問題
07/20 23:18, 70F
文章代碼(AID): #1JofSRIx (Wargaming)