[情報] 7/2 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者時間10年前 (2014/07/03 01:14), 編輯推噓13(14114)
留言29則, 14人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/02/2-6-2014-2/ - Storm confirms: in 9.2 supertest patchnotes, there was a mistake, specifically in the part that says that HD model will display only on player’s tank – in fact, HD models will display on all HD tanks, but the textures will be at 50 percent quality on other tanks HD化的車輛除了自己之外 其他車的材質品質會減半 - the change above was made so the textures do not overload graphic memory, Storm states that the difference is noticeable only on 1-1,5 meter distance 上述的改變是為了不要讓繪圖記憶體被塞爆,畫質的差異要接近到1~1.5M才會看得出來 - will the change above reduce lags from HD tanks being scouted for the first time on the map that some players have been reporting? Storm: “I cannot say anything about that” 那能改善第一次偵查到車輛時的 lag 嗎? Storm:「不告訴你」 - FV215b (183) HESH pen was nerfed because other nerfs, such as DPM nerf etc. wouldn’t solve the issues with oneshots from this tank, there was even an exact internal calculation of what effect will this change have on heavy tanks when firing at them from the front 之所以要砍 FV215b (183) 的 HESH 穿深,是因為削弱其他參數如DPM並無法解決這台 一發入魂的問題;我們內部有個特別的方法計算正面射擊重坦的效果 - Storm talking about FV215b (183) nerf: “The vehicle was balanced around its AP shell, which has more than decent characteristics. The fact that everyone started using HESH shells was not expected by the balancers and it was our mistake. HESH shell with 230 penetration will still have its uses against “paper” targets and when shooting enemies in the side or in the back” Storm提到183被砍:「這台車是以用AP彈的情況進行平衡的,此砲彈的數據較為合理。 平衡部門沒有考慮到HESH被大家狂用的狀況,這是我們的錯。230穿深的HESH仍能對付 紙紮車和敵軍的側面或屁股。」 - IS-3 will not appear in HD in 9.2, it was postponed IS-3不會在9.2版HD化 - there is no plan to merge Korean and ASIA server 沒有計畫合併韓服和亞服 - currently, VK4502(P) Ausf.B is being considered for Armor buffs of the upper and lower glacis plates 目前有在考慮提升 VK4502(P) Ausf.B 的傾斜裝甲 - the Sentinel Australian tank might be “introduced one day, not in 2014 though” (SS: according to what Chieftain said earlier, Sentinel will not be a part of the LL “Firefly” branch, so it’s possible it will come later) 澳洲坦克"Sentinel"可能會加入,但不會在今年 http://military-vehicle-photos.com.s3.amazonaws.com/6617.jpg
- it’s possible the Australian units Kangaroo decal will appear in WoT 澳洲軍隊的袋鼠標誌可能會加入 http://ppt.cc/CE-1 -- 短評:183已死 有事燒紙 -- ◤ ◥ 塞魯表示:C字褲我14年前就在穿了! ﹨════│ ═════/ ◣ ◥ 2002十八號離子燙超直髮 ▂▂▃▅▆ 2003悟空兩件式混搭 ˙ | 2004達爾靴 ██▆▅▅▆ / 2005特南克斯短版外套 φJeans1020 ▅▃▂ ◣ ╱_▂▃ ████ 2009賽魯C字褲 鳥山明 引領流行20年 ◥◣ ▄▂▁ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1404321260.A.555.html

07/03 01:16, , 1F
07/03 01:16, 1F

07/03 01:30, , 2F
打AP 運氣不好 還會被彈...
07/03 01:30, 2F

07/03 01:55, , 3F
砍成230... 不OP的爽車變成垃圾車
07/03 01:55, 3F

07/03 02:02, , 4F
07/03 02:02, 4F

07/03 02:02, , 5F
07/03 02:02, 5F

07/03 02:05, , 6F
真的還不如開臘百... 無言 這次讓我超不爽
07/03 02:05, 6F

07/03 02:44, , 7F
07/03 02:44, 7F

07/03 02:52, , 8F
哭哭 快來跟我一起向官方控訴不公
07/03 02:52, 8F

07/03 02:54, , 9F
好啦... 最起碼還是比大維京式平衡好些
07/03 02:54, 9F

07/03 03:59, , 10F
230pen的確滿低 我覺得250左右差不多
07/03 03:59, 10F

07/03 04:00, , 11F
不過誰知道呢 說不定被砍完那傷害還是能吸引玩家開
07/03 04:00, 11F

07/03 04:03, , 12F
或是像火炮 剩下玩家都是能用230pen擊穿的高手
07/03 04:03, 12F

07/03 04:05, , 13F
感覺像是IS6的175pen那樣 對玩家技術要求提高了
07/03 04:05, 13F

07/03 08:47, , 14F
07/03 08:47, 14F

07/03 08:50, , 15F
07/03 08:50, 15F

07/03 09:02, , 16F
07/03 09:02, 16F

07/03 13:57, , 17F
爽!!! 之前一發入魂過太爽 出來混還是要還的
07/03 13:57, 17F

07/03 15:17, , 18F
07/03 15:17, 18F

07/03 15:18, , 19F
183沒裝甲沒隱蔽沒準度 就只有那顆HESH能用
07/03 15:18, 19F

07/03 15:18, , 20F
07/03 15:18, 20F

07/03 15:54, , 21F
07/03 15:54, 21F

07/03 16:15, , 22F
07/03 16:15, 22F

07/04 00:53, , 23F
07/04 00:53, 23F

07/04 02:08, , 24F
183我並不覺得很op很不平衡 頂多破壞遊戲體驗
07/04 02:08, 24F

07/04 02:09, , 25F
金蛋被砍以後183沒有遊戲體驗 玩AP在獵百面前給人嫌?
07/04 02:09, 25F

07/04 12:53, , 26F
07/04 12:53, 26F

07/04 12:56, , 27F
我永遠也忘不了滿血虎王被一發回車庫時的驚恐 爽!!
07/04 12:56, 27F

07/04 14:02, , 28F
07/04 14:02, 28F

07/04 14:02, , 29F
這個更動只對9階以上有差 230打8階車還不是一樣爽穿
07/04 14:02, 29F
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