[情報] 4/24 Q&A RU地圖製作競賽

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間10年前 (2014/04/25 23:36), 10年前編輯推噓14(15122)
留言38則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
聽說Hotfix出來了,不知道大家用了之後有沒有改善閃退的情況 (顯示為根本沒更新) - Q: “Why do I, whenever I switch the gun, have the gold ammo switched from purchase for credits to purchase for gold? WG wants to cheat people?” A (Storm): “Definitely, that’s why it was specifically implemented. When I go to sleep, I think about how to silently steal gold from people. And I am giggling nastily.” Q:「為什麼每次我換砲的時候,原本銀買的金彈會變成用金幣買!?」 Storm:「事實上這是我們的陰謀!每天從你們這些玩家手裡偷偷揩油,超爽的!」 (譯:又在Troll了...) - FV4202 replaced by another vehicle? “No comment until new vehicles are officially announced” FV4202換成別台車?「到新車推出前無可奉告。」 - in the future, many more HD tanks per patch will come, right now, developers are working on the mass production mechanism 未來會有更多的HD車,目前開發組則在研究怎麼樣量產HD車。 - there will be no option to switch from new autoaim to the old one 舊的自動瞄準機制不會回來。 - the new autoaim target is defined as “the point in the middle between the place where turret is attached to the tank and the center of the tank bottom” 新瞄準機制瞄準「砲塔接觸車體處的中點以及戰車底部中點連線之的中點。」 (譯:比原本的點往下移一些) - Storm on why the repairs and ammo are not for free in training rooms: “For us it is not very profitable, when players spend a lot of time in training rooms. Therefore this works as a limiting factor of sorts.” Storm回應為什麼訓練房不能豁免花費:「玩家花太多時間在訓練場玩耍,我們賺啥?不 划算哪。」 - apparently, in historical battles, some tanks do have (visual) camouflage and some don’t (like the T-34 on Erlenberg map). This is intentional. 目前歷史戰中有些坦克有迷彩有些沒有,這是故意的。(譯:沒注意) - T-34-3 is fine statistically T-34-3表現良好。 - special visibility checks (on tanks) happen when a) tank shoots b) tank starts moving c) tank stops moving 坦克會在開炮時、開始移動時以及停止移動時的狀況下做一次可視性檢查。 - Storm states that disabling triple buffer has only effect on minilags and maybe a tiny bit on FPS Strom表示關掉三重緩衝機制只能改善瞬間lag跟些微FPS降低的情況。 - Storm states that the FPS drops are not caused by one big issue, but s lot of small ones (as in, for example unoptimized sound plus unoptimized render) Storm說FPS降低的問題是許多小問題造成的。(像是各種優化不佳的問題) - developers are also checking the sound system of the game for optimization 開發組正在檢視並優化遊戲內音效系統。 - according to Storm, sound engine doesn’t work on different thread, it is one of the first candidates for “transfer” to other threads 根據Storm的說法,(應是目前設計)音效引擎無法在不同的處理緒上運作,這東西會是 轉給其他處理緒跑的候選之一。 - in 9.0, the graphic autosetting mechanism was completely reworked, that’s why it detects and sets different levels of settings than in 8.11, it utilizes a sort of “minibenchmark”, that’s why it sometimes “lags”, earlier, it did set the settings simply based on the computer parameters 9.0的畫質自動偵測系統經過重製,和8.11的運作方式不同。他適用「參考值」來估算, 而非以前利用電腦參數來判斷。這是為什麼有時候檢測時會lag的原因。 - Marder and other lowtier tanks will appear in Kursk, once the developers implement separate tank statistics for historical battles 當開發組將歷史戰的統計數據獨立出來時,Marder與其他低階的戰車就會出現在庫斯科歷 史戰中。 - Storm confirms: 9.1 will bring new game mode for clans (SS: “Stronghold”) Strom:9.1加入新公會戰模式。(SS:堡壘模式) (譯:小公會的福音) - there will be no new tanks in 9.1, not even premiums 9.1不會出新戰車和新金車。 - tier 8 Soviet medium prem is not on supertest yet 八階蘇聯金車還沒加進超測。 - the 10 worst maps will not be removed for now 十大最爛地圖還不會移除。 - client tournament interface and Team Battles 2.0 will come this year 客戶端的錦標賽介面還有團隊戰2.0會在今年推出。 - developers are still thinking how to deal with gold ammo: Storm confirms that the availability/properties of gold ammo do influence that tank balance, the question is very complicated 開發組還在思考怎麼處理金彈問題,Storm承認目前金彈的供給方式以及性能確實影響了 戰車間的平衡,這個問題相當複雜。 (譯:果然...) 連結:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/24/24-4-2014/#more-11048 補充消息: RU推出了地圖製作比賽,分為電子競技地圖跟史實地圖兩種。 第一名可以拿一台i7/GTX 770/SSD 120G的電腦 然後如果是歷史戰的聽說會更好。 重點來了,以下是歷史地圖的製作限制: - based on real location, referring to an important battle event 真實地點搭配真實戰役事件。 - located in Europe or USSR 位於歐洲與前蘇聯的戰場限定。 - the map has to be based on aerial photos from WW2 and has to be recognizable 要有可以辨認的二戰空照圖作為輔助。 - following locations are not allowed: “Minsk, Stalingrad, Kharkov, Kö nigsberg, Leningrad, Poznan, Caen, Berlin, Köln” (that means that these locations are considered for implementation already, nice!) 明斯克、史達林格勒、卡可夫、柯尼斯堡、列寧格勒、波茲南、康城、柏林以及科隆 製作不可。 (譯:可以期待諾曼第、柏林等戰役了!) - the type of the map has to be city, battlefield or mix of the two 地圖類型為城市、戰場或是混合。(大概不能平原、森林之類一般地形) - size of the map: 800*800 or 900*900 meters 地圖須為800公尺或900公尺見方。 - all seasons allowed 四季皆可。 - the map has to have 3-4 obvious directions for attack 地圖需要有3-4條主攻的方向。 - map has to be balanced for both teams 地圖必須平衡。(WG自己有時候地圖都不平衡了...) - considerable terrain level differences are undesirable 不希望地形起伏太大。 - the map has to be viable for any tier 必須全階級適用。 而電競地圖基本適用上述要求,但是地圖必須更小一點(700-800m) 然後未來會適用於團戰(TB),歷史要求不嚴格。 連結:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/25/ru-server-map-making-competition/ --

05/04 19:29,
05/04 19:29

05/04 19:30,
樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!
05/04 19:30

05/04 19:32,
還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿
05/04 19:32

05/04 19:33,
05/04 19:33

05/04 19:34,
05/04 19:34
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1398440193.A.8CB.html

04/25 23:38, , 1F
04/25 23:38, 1F

04/25 23:41, , 2F
目前有更新9.0.1的好像只有RU NA
04/25 23:41, 2F
EU似乎也有了,SS有發文,但是閃退之外其他的狀況還是有... ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 04/26/2014 00:04:29

04/25 23:46, , 3F
可以借問一下 買P帳 有沒有能超商買點數的方式呢?
04/25 23:46, 3F

04/25 23:46, , 4F
NA論壇大部分人說 閃退沒了 剩下交火時Lag會瞬間衝高
04/25 23:46, 4F

04/25 23:56, , 5F
04/25 23:56, 5F

04/26 00:18, , 6F
04/26 00:18, 6F

04/26 00:58, , 7F
送電腦耶!! WAO~
04/26 00:58, 7F

04/26 01:24, , 8F
04/26 01:24, 8F

04/26 01:25, , 9F
04/26 01:25, 9F
感謝更正~ ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 04/26/2014 01:41:48

04/26 01:47, , 10F
04/26 01:47, 10F

04/26 01:48, , 11F
SerB: 超爽的辣
04/26 01:48, 11F

04/26 02:50, , 12F
板上這么多ㄉㄉ都說金彈不影響平衡惹 還有一個wn8破
04/26 02:50, 12F

04/26 02:50, , 13F
2500 所以一定是storm在豪洨啦
04/26 02:50, 13F

04/26 06:42, , 14F
04/26 06:42, 14F

04/26 08:31, , 15F
Razor1911感覺上在這個版上受過創傷 www
04/26 08:31, 15F

04/26 08:54, , 16F
04/26 08:54, 16F

04/26 10:42, , 17F
不久前Q&A才講不會限制金彈攜帶量 放棄這麼簡易的辦
04/26 10:42, 17F

04/26 10:43, , 18F
法 不知道WG能想出什麼更好的解決方案
04/26 10:43, 18F

04/26 11:15, , 19F
像庫斯克限制152HEAT的量 虎式還能接受啊
04/26 11:15, 19F

04/26 11:15, , 20F
我覺得限制量應該是最簡單的辦法 WG的問題可能是不知
04/26 11:15, 20F

04/26 11:16, , 21F
04/26 11:16, 21F

04/26 11:17, , 22F
低穿深的T-25/2 四驅等應該要容許寬一點 高階TD應該
04/26 11:17, 22F

04/26 11:17, , 23F
低一點 但高低多少絕對會是玩家輿論的戰場=w=
04/26 11:17, 23F

04/26 11:18, , 24F
或是像T-54這種中坦 能側襲又喜歡帶金彈的 一定會有
04/26 11:18, 24F

04/26 11:18, , 25F
04/26 11:18, 25F

04/26 11:23, , 26F
04/26 11:23, 26F

04/26 14:23, , 27F
04/26 14:23, 27F

04/26 14:24, , 28F
SU-152 金彈威猛 但打下去miss一兩顆虧錢了啊
04/26 14:24, 28F

04/26 14:26, , 29F
T-43~T-44 這種穿深偏弱的 帶金彈還是打起來無力
04/26 14:26, 29F

04/26 14:29, , 30F
包P跟直接買銀幣包的人 對經濟壓力比較無感
04/26 14:29, 30F

04/26 14:33, , 31F
04/26 14:33, 31F

04/26 14:33, , 32F
04/26 14:33, 32F

04/26 14:33, , 33F
04/26 14:33, 33F

04/26 14:34, , 34F
04/26 14:34, 34F

04/26 14:36, , 35F
04/26 14:36, 35F

04/26 18:27, , 36F
那CW的金彈分開算? 這樣平衡也要分開了 ._.
04/26 18:27, 36F

04/26 18:28, , 37F
用總量限制不可行吧 你用單次補給量還可以討論討論
04/26 18:28, 37F

04/29 16:24, , 38F
LT哭哭,Amx的75mm 都是全金彈在打
04/29 16:24, 38F
文章代碼(AID): #1JMe41ZB (Wargaming)