[情報] 12/28 Q&A 以及 Storm 受專訪總結(節錄)

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間10年前 (2013/12/29 03:14), 編輯推噓12(12032)
留言44則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今天的很短但我翻得很崩潰…大家加減看吧;求大師協助指正補充。 - Q: “How the hell are the guns of tier 8 and 9 German Waffenträgers balanced” (SS: as in, physically – so the vehicle doesn’t tip over when firing) A: “You’d have to ask engineer Hans” - Q: “So, if the guns aren’t balanced, how the hell do you aim that thing when the hull is even a bit tilted?” A: “You’d have to ask gunner Fritz” Q:「德國八、九階那兩台Waffenträgers的主砲怎麼平衡?不科學啊」(SS: 物理上 的平衡)A:「請去問設計這玩意的阿呆工程師。」 Q:「如果它沒平衡,那車體一不平砲手喵的怎麼操砲?」A:「請去問操作這玩意的阿 瓜砲手。」 (譯:Hans 和 Fritz 是二戰拿來損德國士兵的用語;見 wiki en 『List of terms used for Germans』) - historically, Chi-Ri had four types of suspensions planned: two models of Hara suspension, the Bugatti suspension and something called “blocked torsion bar” suspension. Two of those will be implemented on various hulls and we’ll think about the other two too 在歷史中,五式中戰有四種計畫配備不同懸吊:兩種構型的『原』式懸吊,『Bugatti』 式懸吊,還有一種稱為『blocked torsion bar』的懸吊系統。其中有兩種會配備在不同 車體上,另兩種大概也會。 (譯:blocked torsion bar suspension 大概是扭力桿懸吊系統的變體;Bugatti suspension 我就不知道了…) - various O-I models will be used as much as possible in the Japanese heavy line 日本重坦線會盡量利用オイ車的不同構型。 (譯:日本的一百二十噸超重戰車的實驗車,據說有製成一輛實車) - apparently, Italians will be the a separate (possibly next) nation to be implemented, they will apparently (not confirmed!) have a separate tank tree, but not very soon (SS: if that happens, I’ll get really pissed – Italians have less vehicles available than Czechoslovaks and most of the hightiers are just American copies (M47 with 105mm) or various fantasy crap, there is nothing Italian above tier 7) 意大利可能是下個出現的國家而且會單獨分出來(未證實!),但不會是近期。(SS: 如果成真的話我會氣瘋;意大利的車比捷克還少,而且大部分高階車不是抄美帝的(搭 105砲的M47)就是好笑的垃圾;七階以上根本沒有義大利血統。 ) (譯:出來跟日本比崩潰?) 原文:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/12/28/28-12-2013/ 同場加映:Storm 受捷克的WoT雜誌專訪總結(節錄) 因為這專訪是在十二月初,很多消息過期了;我只挑有意思的放上來 - the fact Germans already have Panzer 38t and 35t will not damage the quality of the Czechoslovak branch, especially since there are other “copies ” between the trees (Storm mentions “twins” in French and German tree) 德國已有 Pz 35(t) 和 38(t)的事實並不影響捷克線,遊戲裡早有其他重複的案例(德 &法) - European tech tree will not come earlier than 2015 歐洲科技樹最快要到2015才會出。 - the names of the tank crewmembers for EU tree will correspond to the country the tank was built in 歐洲科技樹中組員的人名會是由該車所屬的國籍決定。 - Storm states that while WT E-100 is very strong, it might face the same effect as FV215b 183 (SS: that means that while a lot of players consider the vehicle OP, statistically it’s balanced), he admits it might be rebalanced after a few months Storm 表示雖然 WT E-100 很強,但效果跟 FV215b 183 差不多(SS: 意思是雖然很多 人說它OP,但數據上看來是平衡的);而他承認幾個月後可能會重新平衡。 - no list of historical battles’ tanks is planned for now 目前沒打算公佈史實戰鬥的車單。 - apparently gold ammo will be limited in historical battles (only to a certain number of rounds, so players don’t spam it) 史實戰鬥會限制金彈攜帶量(只會給幾發,避免滿場噴金)。 - there will be new bonuses for the owners of premium accounts, but it’s too soon to tell P帳未來會有其他好康,但還不方便說。 - there won’t be direct QA with Storm and SerB on EU server (the way Russians have it) Storm 和 SerB 不會在 EU 論壇開發問區。 - there will be 2 kilometer and even 4 kilometer maps 會出兩公里甚至四公里的地圖。 (譯:本篇第二重要) - spotting system will not be cancelled, but it will be reworked. For starters, the amount of camo factor will depend on how many spotting checkpoints are visible (SS: as in, if a tank shows only one spot checkpoint, for example the roof, it will be less visible than a tank just standing in the open) 視線系統不會被取消,但會重製。以後會以露出多少檢查點作為判定隱蔽值的依據。( SS: 只露車頂的車會比全露的車更難發現。) (譯:這篇最重要的一條) - Storm confirms that APCR ammo does lose penetration over distance faster than AP Storm 證實射程中 APCR 的穿透值衰減比 AP 快。 原文: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013 /12/28/interview-with-storm-from-a-czech-wot-magazine/ -- 本魔法少女契約雖提供許願機制,惟不表示絕無風險,簽約者因不同時間進場將有不同之 願望投資績效,前人之績效亦不代表將來魔法少女契約之願望效力相同;管理團隊除盡管 理全世界的熵之注意義務外,不負責契約之後續利害關係之發生,亦不保證契約願望最低 之收益,其他未盡事宜及契約相關費用已揭露於契約之公開說明書中,少女許願前應詳閱 公開說明書。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: WillieHuang 來自: (12/29 03:17)

12/29 03:35, , 1F
五式中戰懸吊這邊有提到 http://goo.gl/Y3FRdK
12/29 03:35, 1F

12/29 03:36, , 2F
應該是這個 http://goo.gl/9Y4t1R
12/29 03:36, 2F

12/29 03:39, , 3F
12/29 03:39, 3F

12/29 03:39, , 4F
樣子大概是這樣 http://goo.gl/6Nf6ZN
12/29 03:39, 4F
感謝提供;我放棄翻譯這幾個專有名詞了… ※ 編輯: WillieHuang 來自: (12/29 04:12)

12/29 07:19, , 5F
反正車子都一樣 出別的國籍應該也輕鬆一點
12/29 07:19, 5F

12/29 07:41, , 6F
二戰時捷克戰車車型比義大利還多 這說法第一次聽到
12/29 07:41, 6F

12/29 11:52, , 7F
12/29 11:52, 7F

12/29 12:02, , 8F
根據WG慢吞吞的速度 至少還要2個月
12/29 12:02, 8F

12/29 12:03, , 9F
12/29 12:03, 9F

12/29 12:52, , 10F
之前Q&A有說 新車(尤其十階)需要好幾個月的時間穩定
12/29 12:52, 10F

12/29 12:53, , 11F
才能更動 剛開放時一堆FE點到頂的玩家不適合用來評估
12/29 12:53, 11F

12/29 12:53, , 12F
12/29 12:53, 12F

12/29 13:22, , 13F
38t是捷克的設計 有些坦克只是沒做出來而已
12/29 13:22, 13F

12/29 13:22, , 14F
SS不是無的放矢 至少人家有做過資料...
12/29 13:22, 14F

12/29 13:58, , 15F
只露車頂的車會比全露的車更難發現 <-- Afk豹表示...
12/29 13:58, 15F

12/29 14:01, , 16F
12/29 14:01, 16F

12/29 18:52, , 17F
再給關鍵詞:Jean Bugatti 還有會說捷克車多應該有包
12/29 18:52, 17F

12/29 18:53, , 18F
含Skoda在被占領期間設計的車 如T25
12/29 18:53, 18F

12/29 19:00, , 19F
12/29 19:00, 19F

12/29 19:01, , 20F
12/29 19:01, 20F

12/29 19:02, , 21F
12/29 19:02, 21F

12/29 23:31, , 22F
奇怪最近很少看到serb出來troll了 感覺怪怪
12/29 23:31, 22F

12/30 00:30, , 23F
12/30 00:30, 23F

12/30 00:31, , 24F
12/30 00:31, 24F

12/30 00:31, , 25F
果然有競爭 才有改進
12/30 00:31, 25F

12/30 00:31, , 26F
12/30 00:31, 26F

12/30 08:50, , 27F
12/30 08:50, 27F

12/30 08:51, , 28F
12/30 08:51, 28F

12/30 08:52, , 29F
12/30 08:52, 29F

12/30 08:52, , 30F
12/30 08:52, 30F

12/30 08:53, , 31F
12/30 08:53, 31F

12/30 08:55, , 32F
12/30 08:55, 32F

12/30 08:56, , 33F
12/30 08:56, 33F

12/30 08:59, , 34F
12/30 08:59, 34F

12/30 09:00, , 35F
12/30 09:00, 35F

12/30 09:01, , 36F
12/30 09:01, 36F

12/30 09:01, , 37F
12/30 09:01, 37F

12/30 09:03, , 38F
12/30 09:03, 38F

12/30 19:28, , 39F
重點是地圖放大只是虛晃一招 交戰點還是那幾個
12/30 19:28, 39F

12/30 19:29, , 40F
除非改變模式 不然戰線一掛 地圖在大被打趴就是結束
12/30 19:29, 40F

12/30 19:30, , 41F
12/30 19:30, 41F

12/30 19:31, , 42F
還有家裡以後就會多兩個砲台防切入 掛機就有工作了!!
12/30 19:31, 42F

12/31 16:21, , 43F
12/31 16:21, 43F

12/31 16:39, , 44F
還好吧 183的HESH才噁心吧
12/31 16:39, 44F
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