[情報] 7/27 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間11年前 (2013/07/27 19:26), 編輯推噓20(2007)
留言27則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
翻完剛好去吃晚餐。 = A small explanation of “how terrible”: when SerB uses it, it does NOT specifically mean he acknowledges an issue, but won’t do anything about it, it (most of the time) means he considers the question totally retarded. At least that’s how I understand it. 「好貼蘿蔔」的意思:SerB祭出這招時並不表示他承認問題但是不會動手解決;相反的 ,多半的情況是他覺得這問題蠢到不值得認真回覆。 至少SS是這樣認定的。 - apparently, in 9.0 patch, chat will be reworked to another format on a separate server 9.0的聊天視窗會重新動工架到另一個分離伺服器上。 (如果我沒猜錯,這樣子RU1/2/3/4/5和美東/西就可以對談?) - the ST-B1 (tier 10 medium tank) will carry a 105mm L7 clone STB-1(日本TXMT)會有授權生產版的L7。 - the Waffenträger E-100 is already modelled WTE-100的模型完工了。 - Swamp and Komarin haven’t been re-introduced to the game, because there are other more pressing matters to attend to Swamp和Komarin沒有回歸的原因是有其他更重要的事情要做。 - current stage Bigworld engine is capable of handling bigger battles than 15vs15, but 15vs15 is the optimal format, when it comes to server load, any other number will increase the server-resource-per-tank ratio 目前bigworld引擎可以用來運算比15v15更大的戰鬥,但是以伺服器負擔來說15v15是最 佳化數量,其他任何數字都會增加每輛戰車(每個玩家)對伺服器的負擔。 - Steam system and achievements support is not planned “for variety of reasons”, which won’t be disclosed 不打算和Steam的成就系統連結,背後大人的原因就沒辦法多說了。 - Wargaming now owns the complete Master of Orion franchise, including planet and race names, SerB “will see”, whether WG will cooperate with famous Russian scifi author Sergei Lyukanenko (SS: he wrote for example the Night Watch book – never liked it tbh) WG目前擁有Master of Orion的完整財產權,包含星球和種族的名稱。SerB會看看WG能不能 和俄國知名科幻小說家Sergei Lyukanenko(塞爾蓋‧盧基揚年科,《夜巡者》)合作。 - atm, the developers are mostly satisfied with how the arty is now statistically 目前開發組對SPG的數據面表現大致上滿意。 - there are no plans to allow any of the things you can currently buy only for gold to be buyable for silver (SS: 100 percent crew retraining, premium tanks, permanent camos etc.) 不打算開放所有花金幣的選項(100%組員、金幣車、永久迷彩之類的)以銀幣付錢。 (WG又不是慈善事業...) - separate Italian tree? “Won’t come out for now, when it comes out, I will tell you” (SS: the answer is intentionally left ambiguous, it’s not clear whether it will come out – but later, or whether there are no plans atm for such a thing) 獨立的義大利線─「現在不回答,答案出來我再告訴你」 (SS:故意回答得很含糊,沒有明確回答究竟是「有義大利線但是晚點給細節」還是 「不會有獨立的義大利線」) (註:義大利的問題是缺車,特別是TX。 冷戰期間義大利的MBT是授權生產的Leopard,OF-40是1977的設計,太新。 而在這之前是M47巴頓,所以除非從哪個資料庫挖出義大利在豹一之前打算自力研發的MBT 案,否則TX就沒有適合的車用。 又,歐洲小國普遍有一樣的問題,簡單說,歷史與政治背景限制了這些國家自力開發符合 1960年代水準的戰車。 被納入華沙公約的國家如捷克斯洛伐克、匈牙利、羅馬尼亞、南斯拉夫最後都生產T55改;) 北約則是在各式各樣的平台上裝105mm L7。歐洲確認有合適國產TX的國家大概只有瑞士和 瑞典,Pz68和Strv81/101,但是說白了Strv.81就是瑞典版百夫長...) - SerB doesn’t see it as a problem that there are more tanks covering one niche (SS: for example several lightly armored tanks equipped with a 105mm gun, Leopard 1 and AMX-30 for example – SerB however made a mistake yesterday, comparing the Japanese ST-B1 with the Leopard. That thing has very thick frontal armor (200mm+ effective) and gameplaywise it will resemble more like the T-62A) SerB不認為有很多車擁有同樣定位(例如說Leopard 1和AMX-30都是輕裝甲高速105砲)是個 問題。 順帶,SS指出昨天Q&A裡面SerB犯了個錯,SerB認為STB是Leopard 1型的輕裝甲戰車, 但是STB的正面裝甲其實很厚,等效200mm以上,遊戲中的表現會比較像T-62A而不是 Leo/Bat。 - leasable premium tank (SS: as in – you can buy it for limited time, like premium account) won’t be implemented 不會有可租用的金幣車... - Japanese heavy line will come, but later – at this moment SerB is waiting for the verdict of someone named Fedoseyev, who is WG’s chief expert on Japanese tanks, regarding analysis of some materials WG got. SerB also states that the wikipedia O-I is too light to have a 200mm armor, that’s what the expert’s checking. 日本HT線總有一天會生出來,目前SerB正在等WG日本戰車專家Fedoseyev的報告。另外 SerB表示依照他們的分析,Wiki上給的オイ車太輕,不可能有200mm的裝甲。 - SerB stated devs “pay attention” to 47-48 percent winrate tanks SerB表示開發組在「關注」伺服器勝率47-48的車種。 (我怎麼記得法國有三台車長期在46%打轉...) - there is a chance that there will be more type of shells introduced (for example a tank having two premium shell types), but it’s not 100 percent sure (SS: this concerns also new shell types altogether) 有可能會有更多彈種(例如說一車可以有兩種金彈),不過沒有保證。 - SerB states that Object 430 and T-62A won’t be “too similiar”, suggests people to have a look at technical data of both tanks SerB表示Obj.430和T-62A不會太像,有問題的請自行參閱這兩台車的技術資訊。 - VK2801 too inaccurate with 105mm L/28? “Oh okay, I will check. About nerfing it more.” VK2801的105砲太歪? 「喔,好,我去檢查一下,看要不要調得更歪一點。」 - SerB doesn’t know of any German TD projects, suitable for tier 10 and not based on Maus/E-100 hull (SS: there was a short mention about Sturmgeschütz E-75, but nothing else. Just this mention) SerB不知道有什麼適合當TX,又不是基於鼠式/E100底盤的德國TD。 (SS提到StGE75,不過像之前說的一樣,JE-75或是任何以E75為底盤的火砲平台計畫在 Doyle的書中都只是順帶一筆,沒有任何可信的圖紙,德粉妄想圖反而一大堆。) - Japanese WoT server will not have anything totally different – no anime schoolgirls as crewmembers, sorry :) 日本伺服器不會有官方GUP組員頭像,請自己裝模組。 - it’s not yet totally sure whether the Japanese premium tank will be released ahead of its branch (SS: I’d blame this one on the fact SerB is still in France and is possibly not aware of the info that was released while he was away) 還不太確定三式改會不會比日本線先出。 (SS:我個人對SerB沒注意到三式改的資訊在他人在法國的期間流出這件事感到有點不爽) - SerB commenting on the Company of Heroes 2 Russian rage: “It’s everyone’ s private matter how to react. I can tell my point of view: it’s not worth expecting foreigners to truthfully depict our history. Even if they are unbiased, they will judge matters from the most common (advertised) point of view (which, of course, is not in our favour, propaganda is propaganda). You have to change your point of view by yourself, it won’t change itself. And so, for example, we make games from our own point of view” (SS: by adding gulag maps for example) SerB評論CoH2在俄國被砲轟(哪位知道發生什麼事情的容我討個懶人包): 「要怎麼回應是每個人的自由,而我可以告訴你我自己的觀點:不要去期待外國人忠實的 描寫我們自己的歷史。即使這些外國人不帶有明顯的偏見,他們也會從最常見(最主流) 的觀點來理解歷史(而這個觀點我們並不喜歡)。你必須自己變換觀點,觀點不會自己改 變。因此舉個例子來說,我們就是以我們自己的觀點來做遊戲。」 - the fact Bishop and FV304 arties have no highpen gold shells could be caused either by historicity, or by balance, SerB can’t tell 主教和FV304沒有高穿甲金彈可能是史實原因,也可能是平衡因素,SerB不太確定。 - regarding mortar-type weapons, there is no direct connection between mortar caliber and its shell velocity in WoT 迫砲型的主砲口徑和砲彈速度在WoT中沒有直接相關。 - Waffentrager Tiger is based on Tiger II chassis WTT是以虎王底盤為基礎開發的 - there will be some new features in upcoming patches, that might please the Germanlovers (SS: specifically, some vehicles might recieve a depression boost (Tiger II I think), Tiger II might get its maximum speed increased (like IS-7 did), minor buff to Panther vehicles in mobility) 新改版中某些變動會讓德國車長很高興,SS提到一些:某些車,例如虎王可能俯角會buff ,虎王的極速可能上升,豹式的機動可能微幅改善。 - apparently, the tier 10 Soviet medium Object 430 will be less mobile than T-62A because of crappy suspension Obj.430機動不會比T-62A好,因為懸吊設計太糟。 - currently, WG doesn’t know of any suitable (!) candidates for tier 10 Chinese/Soviet medium, armed with a L7 clone 目前WG沒找到任何裝了L7又可以可以當祖國/天朝TXMT的車種。 (79式太先進,至於裝了L7的蘇聯車,我真的沒聽過,去查查。) - no plans for making the toptier 105mm and 120mm guns’ alpha difference bigger 不打算讓頂階105和120砲的alpha(390/400)差距拉大。 - in the 9.0 “new format” of chat, it still won’t be possible to switch the chat off in battle (SS: that’s what mods are for :P) 在9.0的新聊天系統中還是不可能關掉對話窗 (SS:該是mod上陣的時候了) - higher rendering distance for tanks won’t be implemented anytime soon, because it dramatically increases the load on the server and connection 高繪圖距離不會在短期實施,因為伺服器和連線負荷會急遽增加。 - Q: “Will the Object 430 be like the Patton, or the FV4202 mobility-wise?” A: “Tests will show.” Same goes for reload times. 「Obj.430的機動性/裝填速度會像是M48還是FV4202?」 「等測試」 - A-43 top gun? “Tests will show” (SS: previously, it was shown as 76mm S-54) A-43的頂砲?(之前資訊指出是76mm S-54) 「等測試」 - Soviet medium branch might NOT come in 8.8 (“More like later, there are still issues with tier 9 vehicle”), at least not the top vehicles (“for more wait for official info”) 蘇聯MT二線可能不會在8.8上路,至少某些高階車(T9)不會(「等我們的正式聲明」)。 - Sixth sense and camouflage skills/perks have little influence on tank statistics 第六感/隱蔽對戰車的伺服器平均戰績影響很小 - MT-25 being a LT despite its 25t weight? “It is as it is” MT-25有25噸重,也算是輕戰車? 「國家說是輕戰車就是輕戰車」 - 3-man platoons being thrown too often on the bottom of the team? “How terrible…” 三人排常常在分房墊底? 「好貼蘿蔔...」 - important features of next patch? “Will tell when the time is right” 下一版的重要特色? 「時間到了我們就說」 - Jagdpanther gun rim being too easy to penetrate? “How terrible…” 獵豹的主砲防盾太容易被打穿? 「好貼蘿蔔...」 - the chat re-work will be significant, the list of changes will come later 聊天系統的更動會很明顯,變動列表晚點公布。 - the tier 10 Japanese heavy will weight 140 tons (or maybe even a bit more), it will have 200mm armor all around and a Maus-like engine 日本TXHT會有140噸(或更重),裝甲會是全車200mm,同時會有像鼠式的引擎 - second Chinese medium branch is not planned 沒有規畫中國MT二線 - SerB in France also worked with EU office people (SS: why the hell was there no contact with him anyway? it’s not like EU players have a lot of info …) SerB的法國之旅也有和WGEU的員工見面 (SS:WGEU你們再混啊,什麼消息都沒有) - SerB states that the Japanese archives proved interesting, but no more details for now SerB表示日本資料庫有很多好玩的東西,不過目前沒有更多資訊。 -- You think Brits made the best vacuum cleaner in the world? Try this French one. "Sucks harder than a Dyson, the ARL V39." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/27 19:31, , 1F
07/27 19:31, 1F

07/27 19:33, , 2F
07/27 19:33, 2F

07/27 19:35, , 3F
07/27 19:35, 3F

07/27 19:38, , 4F
07/27 19:38, 4F

07/27 19:40, , 5F
07/27 19:40, 5F

07/27 19:43, , 6F
偷問一下簽名檔,ARL V39有什麼問題嗎?
07/27 19:43, 6F

07/27 19:43, , 7F
07/27 19:43, 7F

07/27 19:44, , 8F
07/27 19:44, 8F

07/27 19:48, , 9F
我都不清楚那是說ARL V39的形狀,還是說那車很爛?
07/27 19:48, 9F

07/27 19:55, , 10F
74式原型耶 練定啦
07/27 19:55, 10F

07/27 20:04, , 11F
07/27 20:04, 11F

07/27 20:06, , 12F
07/27 20:06, 12F

07/27 20:26, , 13F
07/27 20:26, 13F

07/27 21:06, , 14F
07/27 21:06, 14F

07/27 21:52, , 15F
推master of orion 希望今年可以開始開發
07/27 21:52, 15F

07/27 22:33, , 16F
07/27 22:33, 16F

07/27 22:34, , 17F
07/27 22:34, 17F

07/27 23:07, , 18F
八九式中戰車(X) 八九式拖拉機(O)
07/27 23:07, 18F

07/27 23:07, , 19F
07/27 23:07, 19F

07/27 23:09, , 20F
我曾經是重戰車 直到我的膝蓋ry
07/27 23:09, 20F

07/27 23:41, , 21F
25頓LT有什麼問題啊 看看AFK豹...
07/27 23:41, 21F

07/27 23:43, , 22F
潘興就是潘興 既不是重戰車也不是中戰車
07/27 23:43, 22F

07/27 23:53, , 23F
07/27 23:53, 23F

07/27 23:59, , 24F
07/27 23:59, 24F

07/28 01:17, , 25F
簽名檔是雙關吧 sucks harder可以翻成更會吸 但suck
07/28 01:17, 25F

07/28 01:17, , 26F
07/28 01:17, 26F

07/28 10:12, , 27F
07/28 10:12, 27F
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