[情報] 6/15 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間11年前 (2013/06/16 01:12), 編輯推噓22(22015)
留言37則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/1
前兩天欠的部分下周一晚上我會補齊XD 今天看到可以把M46Patton開到33%勝率的稀有生物,他老兄在Sand river家裡龜就算了, 最後被溜進家裡的AMX 1390拆掉,重點是那台1390在旁邊拆SPG的時候他完全沒反應。 還能說什麼咧(攤) - Storm explains “potential damage recieved” statistic: “It’s the sum of average damage of every hit recieved, eg. the damage counts toward this stat only when the real damage is dealt, after the armor is penetrated” Storm解釋潛傷機制:潛傷是所有被命中彈平均傷害的總和,總之就是假定每發被命中彈 都貫穿(後半句有點不清楚指的是什麼...)。 - in 0.8.6, all vehicle types will recieve same XP for the same damage done (SS: some players claimed that when currently tanks get 400XP for the same samage dealt, arty gets 200XP for the same damage, in other words, 50 percent increase for the 200XP would mean 300XP, not 400 – this calculation is wrong) 8.6所有的車種只要打出一樣的傷害,就會有一樣的XP。 (有玩家表示「現在打出同樣傷害,一般車有400XP,SPG只有200,如果照之前所說的 +50%,SPG在8.6只會拿300。」 但是這個算法是錯的,不是200*1變成200*1.5,而是現在SPG是400*0.5,改版後變成 400*1) - SerB confirms that no “Klein Tiger” will come (even a heavier variant, than the unrealistically light Achtungpanzer versions), he considers it a “a fairytale for germanophiles” SerB表示沒有小虎式這回事(不管是achtungpanzer不符合物理的超輕版還是加重版都一樣) ,他認定這只是德廚的妄想。 - armor, that historically changes its thickness smoothly (SS: imagine a drop shape) and not by plates is in the game “simulated” as several layers of various thickness, not as smooth thickness change 在真實世界中厚度不均等且平順變動的裝甲(SS表示像是水滴型)在遊戲中是由多層不同 厚度的裝甲疊合而成,而不是製造一個厚度不均等的裝甲板物體。 (舉個例子,雖然可能不太恰當。IS3的砲塔在遊戲中可能有一圈是220,一圈是200出頭, 接著逐層製作裝甲物體,最後像是洋蔥那樣結合起來) - apparently, more XP for potential damage dealt won’t be implemented 不打算給予潛傷經驗獎勵 - for now, there are not enough vehicles for 2nd French TD branch 法國TD二線缺車中 - RU251 will most likely not come this summer RU251今年夏天應該不會出現 - Leopard 1 didn’t have its income “stealth-nerfed” 豹一式的收入並沒有被偷偷改低 - it’s possible (if enough data are found and if there is an Israeli branch) that there will be captured Egyptian IS-3 tanks implemented, armed with something else than BL-9. Specifically, it could be premium Israeli heavy tank with D-25T gun, 250mm frontal armor and an engine from T-54 (SS: this question came from the Israeli community) 有可能(前提條件:1.有足夠的資料,2.有以色列線)在以色列線放從埃及擄獲來的IS-3 ,可能是不裝BL-9的金幣車,主砲是D-25T,正面裝甲250,引擎是從T-54上拔過來的。 (SS:這是以色列玩家群問的問題) - it’s too early to say what kind of map will be implemented in 0.8.7 現在公布8.7會有什麼新地圖為時尚早 - T-35 is currently planned to be implemented as a premium/promo tank, not a regular one T-35多砲塔戰車目前大概會是金幣車或獎品車。 - ZiS-4 and S-60 guns do have the same ballistic properties. Apparently, the 55-57FG Chinese gun is a clone of neither, the design works on it started in cca 1959 ZIS-4和S-60的彈道特性基本是一樣的,而55-57FG不是這兩門砲的授權生產/山寨版, 而是1959年前後由中國自行設計的。 - SerB doesn’t consider the HEAT ricochet changes in 0.8.6 a buff SerB不認為8.6HEAT會彈掉這件事是buff -- Немцефилен унд немцефилкен нихьт ерсте по ст тема читайнен? Орднунг мус зайн, дарум фирцейн таге нихьт шрайбен! Germanlovers und Germanloverettes nicht erste post of the topic readen? Ordnung muss zein, darum fierzen tage nicht schreiben. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/16 01:27, , 1F
06/16 01:27, 1F

06/16 01:47, , 2F
以色列線?! 多砲塔!! 魔改神教!!
06/16 01:47, 2F

06/16 01:50, , 3F
以色列線聽起來車子會不夠吧? 感覺沒有很有名
06/16 01:50, 3F

06/16 01:51, , 4F
不然就是初階車不夠 二戰後車比較多
06/16 01:51, 4F

06/16 01:51, , 5F
06/16 01:51, 5F

06/16 01:57, , 6F
大概是雜燴車系吧 類似中國線
06/16 01:57, 6F

06/16 03:41, , 7F
M3 Lee也有砲塔啊,不能用
06/16 03:41, 7F

06/16 04:19, , 8F
06/16 04:19, 8F

06/16 04:23, , 9F
06/16 04:23, 9F

06/16 07:31, , 10F
06/16 07:31, 10F

06/16 07:48, , 11F
06/16 07:48, 11F

06/16 07:50, , 12F
06/16 07:50, 12F

06/16 07:51, , 13F
潛傷給獎勵是鼓勵有人去坦啊 不然都被隊友賣...
06/16 07:51, 13F

06/16 07:53, , 14F
要是開放潛傷獎勵大家開場都RR直衝 別鬧了...
06/16 07:53, 14F

06/16 07:54, , 15F
06/16 07:54, 15F

06/16 07:54, , 16F
06/16 07:54, 16F

06/16 07:57, , 17F
那就賣隊友啦 不然坦半天還被當掩體 真OOXX
06/16 07:57, 17F

06/16 08:02, , 18F
而且開放你敢衝嗎XDD 要是都擊穿被秒 也沒多少PD
06/16 08:02, 18F

06/16 08:02, , 19F
06/16 08:02, 19F

06/16 08:13, , 20F
06/16 08:13, 20F

06/16 08:24, , 21F
06/16 08:24, 21F

06/16 08:27, , 22F
06/16 08:27, 22F

06/16 08:32, , 23F
淺傷給活著的比較好吧 不然就是掛了但是傷害超過一
06/16 08:32, 23F

06/16 08:32, , 24F
06/16 08:32, 24F

06/16 08:38, , 25F
更正一下 “所受到的傷害”
06/16 08:38, 25F

06/16 08:59, , 26F
哪有無腦衝還能坦爽爽的車 你再說M1A2嗎?
06/16 08:59, 26F

06/16 10:29, , 27F
有阿 沒砲車 沒HE的 AT2進 T5場
06/16 10:29, 27F

06/16 10:29, , 28F
我都爽爽衝 0.0
06/16 10:29, 28F

06/16 10:39, , 29F
以色列線: 戰鬥推土機+物理系統=一棟城堡
06/16 10:39, 29F

06/16 10:49, , 30F
無腦衝坦爽爽 E-100應該可以?一次來二台沒人檔的住
06/16 10:49, 30F

06/16 11:03, , 31F
不會阿 斷個腿 叫 arty轟 兩三砲他就炸了 XD
06/16 11:03, 31F

06/16 11:07, , 32F
06/16 11:07, 32F

06/16 11:07, , 33F
06/16 11:07, 33F

06/16 11:08, , 34F
傷害偵傷沒差多少 有扛砲錢真的比較多
06/16 11:08, 34F

06/16 11:09, , 35F
06/16 11:09, 35F

06/16 20:06, , 36F
看一下原文嘛 一個是received(有獎勵)
06/16 20:06, 36F

06/16 20:06, , 37F
06/16 20:06, 37F
文章代碼(AID): #1HlA27bS (Wargaming)