[情報] 7.1.5 Patch Notes盜賊部份翻譯

看板WOW作者 (Winter)時間7年前 (2017/01/10 09:41), 7年前編輯推噓57(58199)
留言158則, 40人參與, 最新討論串1/1
死亡謊言現在每6分鐘只能觸發一次(原為2分鐘)。此冷卻會在死亡後重置。 Shroud of Concealment is now available to all Rogues at level 68. 隱蔽護罩回來囉!現在可以在68級時學會。 Feint now costs 35 energy (was 20). 佯攻現在能量消耗為35點<原為20點) Pickpocket range increased to 10 yards (was 5 yards). 盜竊的距離增加到10碼(原為5碼> 天賦 刺殺: The damage done by most Assassination spells has been increased. 大部份刺殺天賦中的技能傷害都有所提昇(7%)。 Agonizing Poison proc chance increased to 30% (was 20%). 苦痛毒藥觸發的機率提昇到30%(原為20%) Alacrity haste per stack increased to 2% (was 1%). Maximum stacks reduced to 10 (was 20). 嬌捷的加速效果增加為2%(原為1%)。最高堆疊層數改為10(原為20) Anticipation maximum combo points increased to 10 (was 8). 預謀現在能儲存10點連擊點<原為8點) Blind is now learned at level 24. 致盲刺殺天賦可以用回囉! Crippling Poison is now learned at level 38 (was 24). 致殘毒藥現在38級時學會<原為24級> Death from Above increased AOE damage is now 440% of attack power (was 366% of attack power). 死從天降的範圍傷害現在提高為440%攻擊強度(原為366%) Deeper Strategem damage bonus to finishing moves reduced to 5% (was 10%). 精明戰略額外提高終結技能的傷害降低為5%(原為10%) Marked for Death now grants 6 combo points with Deeper Strategem. 現在點精明戰略後,死亡標記將會獲得6點連擊點。 Elaborate Planning damage bonus granted from finishing moves reduced to 12% (was 15%). 精密計劃對終結技提昇的傷害降低為12%(原為15%> Internal Bleeding total bleed damage increased to 144% attack power per combo point (was 124% attack power). 內出血的流血傷害每點連技能提高144%攻擊強擊<原為124%> Prey on the Weak damage bonus increased to 15% (was 10%). 因為你的腎擊、偷襲或悶棍而癱瘓的敵人,受到的所有傷害提高15%。(原為10%> Rupture has been updated: 割裂更動: The damage of the spell no longer scales up based on combo points spent. Now, combo points spent scale up its duration. 割裂的傷害不再被連擊點數放大,現在只會增加維持時間。 Shadow Focus energy cost reduction for abilities while Stealth is active increased to 75% (was 50%). 啟動潛行後,技能消耗的能量降低75%。(原為50%> Subterfuge damage bonus to Garrote increased to 125% (was 100%). 脫離潛行狀態後3秒內,仍可以使用需要潛行狀態的技能。 Subterfuge damage bonus to Garrote increased to 125% (was 100%). 欺敵天賦中,絞喉造成的傷害提高125%(原為100%> 暴徒: The damage done by most Outlaw spells has been increased. 大部份暴徒的技能傷害都所有提昇。(16%) Alacrity haste per stack increased to 2% (was 1%), and maximum stacks reduced to 10 (was 20). 嬌捷的加速效果增加為2%(原為1%>。最高堆疊層數改為10。<原為20> Anticipation maximum combo points increased to 10 (was 8). 預謀現在能儲存10點連擊點<原為8> Between The Eyes no longer gains its 4x critical strike multiplier until Rank 2, learned at level 42. 正中眉心在等級2之前爆擊不再造成4倍傷害,42級時學會。 Blade Flurry damage to secondary targets reduced to 30% (was 35%). 劍刃亂舞對其他目標造成的傷害降低為30%<原為35%> Deeper Strategem damage bonus to finishing moves reduced to 5% (was 10%). 精明戰略額外提高終結技能的傷害降低為5%(原為10%) Fatebringer now reduces energy cost by 2/4/6 (was 3/6/9). 命運使者的降能量消耗效果降低為2/4/6<原為3/6/9> Fate’s Thirst now provides a bonus of 4/8/12% (was 6/12/18%). 命運渴求對刺穿的加成效果現在提供加成為4/8/12%<原為6/12/18%> Marked for Death now grants 6 combo points with Deeper Strategem. 現在點精明戰略後,死亡標記將會獲得6點連擊點。 Pistol Shot now reduces movement speed by 30% (was 50%). 手槍射擊造成的緩速效果降低為30%<原為50%> Slice and Dice now also grants 15% increased energy regeneration. 切割現在會額外提供15%能量回恢效果。 True Bearing no longer reduces the cooldown of Blind, Cloak of Shadows, or Riposte. 絕對方位減冷卻時間效果不再適用於致盲,暗影披風,招架技能。 敏銳: The damage done by most Subtlety spells has been increased. 大部份敏銳天賦的技能傷害都有所提昇。(9%) Akaari's Soul (artifact trait) delay reduced to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds). 神器中的特質<艾卡蕾之魂>的延遲效果降低為2秒<原為4秒> Anticipation maximum combo points increased to 10 (was 8). 預謀現在能儲存10點連擊點<原為8> Marked for Death now grants 6 combo points with Deeper Strategem. 現在點精明戰略後,死亡標記將會獲得6點連擊點。 Master of Shadows energy gain for entering Stealth/Shadow Dance reduced to 25 (was 30). 天賦中的暗影大師使用潛行或暗影之舞之後產生的能量效果降低為25點<原為30點> Master of Subtlety duration reduced to 5 seconds (was 6 seconds). 敏銳大師的維持時間降低為5秒<原為6秒> Night Terrors now reduces movement speed by 30% (was 50%). 夜行者現在提供的移動速度降低為30%<原為50%> Shadow Focus energy cost reduction for abilities while Stealth is active increased to 25% (was 20%). 暗影專注潛行所獲得的能量減耗效果增加為25%<原為20%> Shadow Nova (artifact trait) now always activates when using Shadowstrike or Cheap Shot or Shuriken Storm while Shadow Dance is active ,with a 5 second internal cooldown. 暗影新星<神器特質>現在會經常發動當你使用暗影追擊/偷襲/手裏劍風暴 當你啟動暗影之舞時,5秒內建冷卻時間。 傳說物品: Insignia of Ravenholdt: Additional damage decreased, and no longer damages enemies under the effects of breakable crowd-control. 拉文霍德的徽記:造成的傷害降低,現在不會破壞控場效果。 (Assassination) Zoldyck Family Training Shackles: Your Poisons and Bleeds deal 30% (was 40%) increased damage to targets below 30% health. (刺殺>揍敵客家族訓練鐐銬:你的毒藥和流血效果對生命力低於30%的目標 可額外造成30%傷害(原為40%>。 (Outlaw) Greenskin's Waterlogged Wristcuffs: Between the Eyes has a 20% chance per Combo Point to increase the damage of your next Pistol Shot by 300% (was 400%). (暴徒)綠皮的浸濕手銬:施展正中眉心時,每消耗一個連擊點數便有20%的機率使你的 下一次手槍射擊 造成的傷害提高300%。(原為400%> (Subtlety) Shadow Satyr's Walk: Shadowstrike restores 3 (was 10) Energy plus an additional 1 Energy for every 3 yards (was 2) between you and your target. Shaman <敏銳> 暗影薩特之行:暗影打擊為你恢復3點能量(原為10點),你與目標之間的距離每3碼能讓你額外 恢復1點能量。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1484012479.A.C61.html

01/10 09:44, , 1F
暴徒那個降CD叫全面方位 然後刺穿又被砍惹 乾
01/10 09:44, 1F

01/10 09:44, , 2F
講錯 絕對方位
01/10 09:44, 2F
※ 編輯: willywai01 (, 01/10/2017 09:46:02

01/10 09:45, , 3F
01/10 09:45, 3F

01/10 09:45, , 4F
該試試看切割嬌捷精通流啦 改版再來試試看
01/10 09:45, 4F
※ 編輯: willywai01 (, 01/10/2017 09:46:46

01/10 09:46, , 5F
死標那行沒翻到? 點精明戰略後死標給六顆星
01/10 09:46, 5F

01/10 09:49, , 6F
傷害:刺殺+7% 暴徒+16% 敏銳+9% from wowhead
01/10 09:49, 6F

01/10 09:49, , 7F
昨天才拿到拉文 再nerf應該變垃圾了zz 想要護腕啊
01/10 09:49, 7F

01/10 09:49, , 8F
增傷%數:刺殺7% 暴徒16% 敏銳9%
01/10 09:49, 8F

01/10 09:49, , 9F
沒人點切割 把其他NERF成屎就好(誤
01/10 09:49, 9F
※ 編輯: willywai01 (, 01/10/2017 09:57:15

01/10 09:50, , 10F
不給降那三招CD QQ 賽到的時候很好用欸
01/10 09:50, 10F

01/10 09:51, , 11F
01/10 09:51, 11F

01/10 09:52, , 12F
敏銳已死 QQ
01/10 09:52, 12F

01/10 09:52, , 13F
01/10 09:52, 13F

01/10 09:52, , 14F
01/10 09:52, 14F

01/10 09:54, , 15F
01/10 09:54, 15F

01/10 09:55, , 16F
欸不對 只有刺殺的死從天降變強? 那還是沒人點切割啊
01/10 09:55, 16F

01/10 09:56, , 17F
暴徒阿 可以試試看切割精通,也可以跟T裝屬性搭的上
01/10 09:56, 17F

01/10 09:57, , 18F
也只有暴徒有切割啊樓上 我知道你對精通怨念很深啦
01/10 09:57, 18F

01/10 09:57, , 19F
01/10 09:57, 19F
※ 編輯: willywai01 (, 01/10/2017 09:59:43 ※ 編輯: willywai01 (, 01/10/2017 10:01:42

01/10 10:01, , 20F
我不希望看到暴徒死去 Q_Q
01/10 10:01, 20F

01/10 10:05, , 21F
01/10 10:05, 21F

01/10 10:06, , 22F
01/10 10:06, 22F

01/10 10:06, , 23F
用切割不是死更慘嗎 註定是廢技
01/10 10:06, 23F

01/10 10:10, , 24F
01/10 10:10, 24F

01/10 10:12, , 25F
至少絕對方位還能降消失CD 配新橘肩應該還可以@@
01/10 10:12, 25F
※ 編輯: willywai01 (, 01/10/2017 10:16:16

01/10 10:15, , 26F
01/10 10:15, 26F

01/10 10:18, , 27F
01/10 10:18, 27F

01/10 10:21, , 28F
綠皮那個有點傻眼 不過還有HOTFIX這種東西就是惹
01/10 10:21, 28F

01/10 10:32, , 29F
01/10 10:32, 29F

01/10 10:33, , 30F
01/10 10:33, 30F

01/10 10:34, , 31F
01/10 10:34, 31F

01/10 10:37, , 32F
這次的patch note 好多錯誤阿 有些不是新的
01/10 10:37, 32F

01/10 10:51, , 33F
1/9的更動跟綠皮沒關係吧 可能真的覺得砍太大縮回去了
01/10 10:51, 33F

01/10 10:55, , 34F
暴徒還能在砍 感覺沒啥救了
01/10 10:55, 34F
還有 84 則推文
01/10 13:55, , 119F
01/10 13:55, 119F

01/10 14:05, , 120F
01/10 14:05, 120F

01/10 14:08, , 121F
01/10 14:08, 121F

01/10 14:11, , 122F
根據icy veins 兩buff 35% 三buff 3.87% 六buff 1.54%
01/10 14:11, 122F

01/10 14:12, , 123F
01/10 14:12, 123F

01/10 14:16, , 124F
01/10 14:16, 124F

01/10 14:25, , 125F
01/10 14:25, 125F

01/10 14:26, , 126F
01/10 14:26, 126F

01/10 14:27, , 127F
蓮骰3次都同樣的單BUFF 機率比6骰還低吧
01/10 14:27, 127F

01/10 14:28, , 128F
但是他媽的 打一之王可以出現2次
01/10 14:28, 128F

01/10 14:29, , 129F
01/10 14:29, 129F

01/10 14:31, , 130F
01/10 14:31, 130F

01/10 14:31, , 131F
01/10 14:31, 131F

01/10 14:34, , 132F
01/10 14:34, 132F

01/10 14:34, , 133F
01/10 14:34, 133F

01/10 14:35, , 134F
眼神死 ..
01/10 14:35, 134F

01/10 14:35, , 135F
01/10 14:35, 135F

01/10 14:51, , 136F
骰子用幾星會搞混啦 連擊點也是星啊@@
01/10 14:51, 136F

01/10 14:56, , 137F
01/10 14:56, 137F

01/10 14:56, , 138F
01/10 14:56, 138F

01/10 15:01, , 139F
01/10 15:01, 139F

01/10 15:02, , 140F
01/10 15:02, 140F

01/10 15:13, , 141F
01/10 15:13, 141F

01/10 15:30, , 142F
六面骰子機率都一樣沒錯阿? 他是一次骰六顆骰子
01/10 15:30, 142F

01/10 15:46, , 143F
01/10 15:46, 143F

01/10 15:48, , 144F
01/10 15:48, 144F

01/10 16:11, , 145F
6buff機率: 6!/6^6 = 5/324 = 0.015432 天選之人專用
01/10 16:11, 145F

01/10 16:11, , 146F
01/10 16:11, 146F

01/10 16:44, , 147F
01/10 16:44, 147F

01/10 17:18, , 148F
之前有說刺殺放血從100%砍到80% 這次怎麼沒看到呢
01/10 17:18, 148F

01/10 17:38, , 149F
01/10 17:38, 149F

01/10 17:53, , 150F
01/10 17:53, 150F

01/10 17:53, , 151F
01/10 17:53, 151F

01/10 20:21, , 152F
01/10 20:21, 152F

01/10 21:17, , 153F
01/10 21:17, 153F

01/11 01:42, , 154F
L大 所謂1buff是21111 3111 321 411 42 51 這些都是1buff
01/11 01:42, 154F

01/11 01:44, , 155F
當然還有六顆都一樣啦 不過6/(6^6) 這種事情就...
01/11 01:44, 155F

01/11 01:48, , 156F
01/11 01:48, 156F

01/11 09:37, , 157F
01/11 09:37, 157F

01/11 09:37, , 158F
01/11 09:37, 158F
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