[情報] Patch 6.2 本週Hotfixes 7/16

看板WOW作者 (蟹腳)時間9年前 (2015/07/17 19:58), 9年前編輯推噓26(2606)
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July 16 任務Quests 要塞戰役Garrison Campaign Get a Clue: Players no longer need to have a free inventory slot available in order to get a clue. To Gul'dan!: Characters that have already completed "My Garona" should no longer encounter a phasing issue that prevented them from completing the quest. 取得線索:玩家搜尋線索時不再需要背包欄位。 追上古爾丹!:玩家已經完成”我的迦羅娜”後不再會遭遇鏡像問題,以致 無法完成任務。 塔拉多爾Talador The Battle For Shattrath: Fixed an issue that could cause players to fly through the terrain after completing the quest. 為撒塔斯而戰:修正一個完成任務後,導致玩家會飛過地平面的問題。 暮光高地 Twilight Highlands Warm Welcome: Vermillion Sentinel should now correctly pick up the player and allow them to complete the quest. 熱烈歡迎:朱紅壁壘會正確的接送玩家並完成此任務。 影月谷(燃燒的遠征) Shadowmoon Valley (Burning Crusade) Teron Gorefiend, I am...: Players should have more hitpoints while they're Teron Gorefiend and be able to defeat Karsius the Ancient Watcher. 其實我是…泰朗‧血魔:玩家變身為泰朗‧血魔且與『遠古看守者』卡西亞 斯作戰時,會擁有更多的生命值。 生物及NPCs Creatures and NPCs 塔南森林Tanaan Jungle Keravnos Scouts should no longer appear underneath the world around the Iron Front area. Added Apexis Crystal drops to the following NPCs: Bleeding Hollow Brute Bleeding Hollow Cabalist Bleeding Hollow Herbalist Bleeding Hollow Hunter Bleeding Hollow Impaler Bleeding Hollow Scavenger Felblood Overseer 克拉沃斯斥候不再出現在鋼鐵前線的地底下。 位在薩斯格爾的多數生物已會掉落頂尖水晶。 團隊及地城 Raids and Dungeons 地獄火堡壘 Hellfire Citadel 地獄火突襲戰 Hellfire Assault Siegemaster Mar'tak should no longer repeatedly target the same players with her Howling Axe ability. Fixed an issue that allowed players to exit the instance immediately after d Reinforced Hellfire Gate and potentially fail to receive loot as a result . 攻城大師瑪塔珂不再重複對同一個玩家使用哀嚎之斧技能。 修正一個當攻破強化地獄火大門後立刻離開副本會造成無法獲得掉落物的問題。 鋼鐵劫奪者 Iron Reaver Fixed an issue where visuals denoting the target area for Falling Slam may not display correctly if the targeted player was in the air when it was cast. 修正一個導致墜落猛擊施放時若目標於空中,技能不會顯示傷害範圍的問題。 寇姆洛克 Kormrok Kormrok's berserk timer should now reset correctly after an attempt. 寇姆洛克的狂暴時間於重置戰鬥後會正確重新計算。 地獄火高階議會 Hellfire High Council Dia Darkwhisper should now be using her Reap ability more consistently. 蒂雅‧暗語應會更規律的施放【收割】技能。 惡魔領主札昆 Fel Lord Zakuun Wakes of Destruction should no longer incorrectly damage players affected by Seed of Destruction, and tanks should no longer sometimes fail to be damaged by Wakes inside the Shadow Realm. 毀滅之力不再錯誤地對受毀滅種子影響的玩家產生傷害;也不再錯誤地對處 於暗影國度的坦克角色產生傷害。 圍攻奧格瑪 Siege of Orgrimmar 諾努衫Norushen Norushen no longer sends players to Look Within when there are fewer than 5 players in the encounter on Raid Finder difficulty. 於團隊搜尋器難度且隊伍少於五人時,諾努衫不再將玩家送進「審視內心」的領域。 永茂林 The Everbloom Yalnu now properly alternates between targeting Kirin Tor Battle-mages and Players with Entanglement on Mythic difficulty. Players are now immediately freed and no longer remains stunned once Entanglement has been destroyed. 傳奇難度的亞爾努現在會正確對祈倫托戰鬥法師及玩家輪流施放糾纏藤蔓。 現在玩家摧毀糾纏藤蔓後會立即解除昏迷狀態。 PvP Strongboxes no longer have a chance to contain Versatility belts, boots, and bracers. These items are now available from the Conquest Vendor instead. For a more detailed explanation of the Strongbox loot changes and how they work, visit the forum thread titled: Recent PvP Rewards Hotfix. Raid groups for Tol Barad and Wintergrasp should now automatically disband upon completion of the battle. Ashran Increased the area in which players can receive credit for completing Bonus Objective: Ashmaul Burial Grounds. Fixed a number of issues that could cause players to not receive credit for completing an event. 保險箱現在不再獎勵具臨機應變屬性的腰帶、鞋子及護腕。 (7/15調整事項) 這些裝備可自征服軍需官取得。更多調整請參考 #1LfoLFl1 (WOW) http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/18300093285 托巴拉德及冬握湖的團隊會於戰鬥結束時自動解散。 艾斯蘭 增加玩家可獲得獎勵目標:燼槌墓地進度的範圍。 修正一些導致玩家無法取得進度以完成事件的問題。 收藏 Collections 玩具箱 Toy Box Black Whirlwind should now work correctly for Druids. 黑旋風現在會正確作用於德魯伊身上。 物品 Items Captain's Hat for both factions are now a cosmetic item. Etheralus, the Eternal Reward should now correctly count healing dealt from Healing Stream Totems and Healing Tide Totems. Petrified Flesh-Eating Spore is no longer available as a drop. The item incorrectly had a chance to drop via Personal Loot on Brackenspore in Highmaul. Prophecy of Fear's Mark of Doom can now correctly be triggered by a Druid's Moonfire. Fixed an issue where Legendary Ring effects were incorrectly counting damage dealt to Prismatic Crystals. Fixed an issue where Legendary Ring effects were incorrectly splitting the damage dealt with nearby corpses. 雙邊陣營的船長帽現在為造型物品。 (7/15Hotfix) 【伊澤拉勒斯,無盡之賜】的效果現在會正確計算來自治療之潮圖騰、治療 之泉圖騰的治療。 硬化的食肉孢子現在非一般掉落物,僅有機率自個人拾取中獲得。 恐懼預言的毀滅印記效果現在會正確觸發自德魯伊的月火術。 修正一個問題導致傳說戒指效果錯誤計算攻擊稜彩水晶所製造的傷害。 修正一個導致傳說戒指效果錯誤均分傷害到附近屍體的問題。 UI Fixed an issue that could cause an invalid quest category to appear on the Map & Quest Log. 修正一個導致地圖及任務紀錄中出現無意義任務分類的問題。 職業 Class 德魯伊 Druid Balance Fixed an issue that could cause Solar Beam's area of effect to be incorrectly placed in the air instead of the ground and not trigger its effect correctly. Armor Sets Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Balance Druids' summoned Fey Moonwing should now shoot Fey Missiles that travel smoothly to their targets. Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Restoration Druids no longer makes a sound whenever the set bonus effect triggers. 修正一個導致太陽光束的範圍效果錯誤施放於空中且不觸發作用的問題。 套裝效果 平衡專輯的T18*2套裝效果召喚的月翼靈龍所施放的靈龍飛彈會平順的朝目標飛去。 恢復專精的T18*2套裝效果觸發時,不再播放音效。 獵人 Hunter 套裝效果 Armor Sets Tier-17 4-piece set bonus for Marksmanship Hunters should no longer be retained incorrectly if the armor is no longer equipped. 射擊專精的T17*4的套裝效果,如果沒裝備時不會錯誤生效。 聖騎士 Paladin 一般 General Seal of Righteousness (Protection, Retribution) should now center its damage around the Paladin once more. 正義聖印(防護、懲戒)現在會正確以聖騎士為中心產生範圍傷害。 牧師 Priest 天賦 Talents Cascade should no longer incorrectly cause Rogues to break out of stealth effects. Halo visuals showing the area of effect before casting should now be accurate and is no longer incorrectly resizing based on the size of the character's model. 神聖箭矢現在不會錯誤解除盜賊的潛行效果。 輝環的視覺效果現在會正確顯示範圍,不因角色模組大小而改變。 盜賊 Rogue 一般 General Vanish can no longer be used before the animation for Death From Above has finished. 死從天降的動畫結束前,不再能施放消失。 薩滿 Shaman 套裝效果 Armor Sets Tier-18 2-piece set bonus for Enhancement Shaman now has a more subdued visual for its Electrocute effect. 增強專精T18*2的電擊視覺效果比之前更柔和懾服敵人。 ---------------- 閒聊: 上述Hotfix有些是美國7/15就修正的項目,只是沒有更新Hotfix文章。 故,Hotfix Combo仍然持續下去,第17天。 但是為了讓猜15天的人不那麼失落,畢竟是bz懶散。 所以還是發1000P給第一個推15的人(剛算了一下才400P不到,就進到1000P囉XD) Ofnir: 15 07/15 09:32 Hotfix估計會繼續下去... 所以這個猜猜樂還會持續下去._./ 同時,開放猜測開放飛行的時間(台版),猜對1500P,並封你為先知(誤) -- World of Warcraft / Taiwan 暗影之月 Nalice / Laborc / Essaelia / 濤仔 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1437134308.A.95A.html

07/17 20:02, , 1F
天天一熱修 讓你遠離頻果!
07/17 20:02, 1F

07/17 20:02, , 2F
堅持! 21!
07/17 20:02, 2F

07/17 20:06, , 3F
07/17 20:06, 3F

07/17 20:33, , 4F
07/17 20:33, 4F

07/17 20:33, , 5F
07/17 20:33, 5F

07/17 20:38, , 6F
07/17 20:38, 6F

07/17 20:53, , 7F
想說怎麼沒有了 哈哈
07/17 20:53, 7F

07/17 21:27, , 8F
到底哪天才會Buff DK
07/17 21:27, 8F

07/17 21:32, , 9F
......你在副本懾服敵人... 也不會掉得如你所願 有雕用?
07/17 21:32, 9F

07/17 21:47, , 10F
我脫離時代太久了嗎0.0 DK啥時從壓迫眾生變成需要buff了
07/17 21:47, 10F

07/17 21:50, , 11F
DK需要BUFF 剩騎/武僧表示:
07/17 21:50, 11F

07/17 21:51, , 12F
07/17 21:51, 12F

07/17 21:59, , 13F
07/17 21:59, 13F

07/17 22:06, , 14F
07/17 22:06, 14F

07/18 00:40, , 15F
07/18 00:40, 15F
※ 編輯: asgard1991 (, 07/18/2015 00:50:00

07/18 01:07, , 16F
7/15開始6.2.1 PTR,我猜8/22(加一個星期:P)
07/18 01:07, 16F

07/18 01:07, , 17F
07/18 01:07, 17F

07/18 01:08, , 18F
07/18 01:08, 18F

07/18 01:27, , 19F
23 猜8/20起飛
07/18 01:27, 19F

07/18 01:36, , 20F
07/18 01:36, 20F

07/18 02:05, , 21F
07/18 02:05, 21F

07/18 02:46, , 22F
07/18 02:46, 22F

07/18 03:14, , 23F
增強薩BUFF!! 太爽惹~~
07/18 03:14, 23F

07/18 03:18, , 24F
...是不是修壞了 剛剛時光漫遊沒看到閃電 打木樁也沒..
07/18 03:18, 24F

07/18 03:31, , 25F
07/18 03:31, 25F

07/18 03:45, , 26F
07/18 03:45, 26F

07/18 03:46, , 27F
一連串落落長的修改 薩滿是超炫特效與超酷圖示
07/18 03:46, 27F

07/18 05:45, , 28F
07/18 05:45, 28F

07/18 06:15, , 29F
9月3日 空中見!!
07/18 06:15, 29F

07/18 09:13, , 30F
07/18 09:13, 30F
增薩那條看來是小弟我誤會敘述了, 根本是移除特效... http://i.imgur.com/s8mTJdX.jpg
※ 編輯: asgard1991 (, 07/18/2015 09:33:32

07/18 09:37, , 31F
07/18 09:37, 31F

07/18 19:36, , 32F
增薩大buff! 還不感激嗎!?
07/18 19:36, 32F
文章代碼(AID): #1LgEtabQ (WOW)