Re: [情報] 6.1.4 Patch Notes要塞/戰寵 專業 物品 UI

看板WOW作者 (蟹腳)時間9年前 (2015/04/01 23:09), 9年前編輯推噓19(1906)
留言25則, 21人參與, 最新討論串1/1 Garrisons 要塞 Followers' Followers: Your Followers have gained so much stature that they've started to attract Followers of their own. Followers' Followers will now appear in your Garrison, and your Followers will be able to send their Followers on Missions. The new Followers' Mission Table will appear behind your town hall. This object is not clickable by you, but your Followers will go to it when you send them on Missions, and soon thereafter, you'll see your Followers' Followers walking out of your Garrison. Your Followers will receive rewards from the missions your Followers' Followers return from, but we have no idea what they are and they aren't telling us. 追隨者的追隨者 你的追隨者得到了許多成就,所以開始吸引他們自己的追隨者! 追隨者的追隨者現在會出現在你的要塞,而你的追隨者能夠交付 你派給他們的任務給他們的追隨者去執行! A、新的追隨者安官桌將會出現在你的市政廳後方,你沒辦法點, 但你的追隨者會在你要他們去做任務的時候跑去那,然後, 你就能看到追隨者的追隨者走出你的要塞啦! B、你的追隨者會從他的追隨者完成任務時獲得獎賞,但我們不知道 他們說出了多少實話(黑了多少裝) The S.E.L.F.I.E. camera mission "Field Photography" is not appearing for all players due to its random nature. We didn't change anything; we just wanted to point out what random means. 由於自拍神器的任務「野戰攝影」是如此的隨性,所以不是所有玩家 都接得到。 我們不打算做任何調整,我們想要點出「什麼叫做隨機」 In order to comply with a new noise ordinance on Draenor, Garrison Jukeboxes will no longer play after 10 p.m. 為了符合新的德拉諾噪音管制條例,要塞點唱機將在晚上十點過後消音。 Followers can borrow toys from your collection to play with while waiting for new missions. They won't put them back, though. Seriously, there's going to be toys everywhere. 追隨者可以在沒任務的時候,從你的玩具收藏中借玩具出來玩。 但他們不會放回去。所以...玩具將在你的要塞隨處可見 After sending max-level epic Followers on XP missions, you can rush outside to see them leaving your Garrison, and questioning why they continue to put up with you. 當你把滿等史詩級的追隨者派去做經驗值獎勵任務,你可以在他們離開時 衝去要塞外面,並看到他們質疑「為什麼我還能忍受啊?」 New Follower Trait: Binge Watching. Causes the follower to completely disappear from your Garrison for the entire weekend whenever a new season of House of Cards releases, and then never shut up about it once they return. 新的追隨者特長:「狂歡看片」 每當新一季紙牌屋釋出,你的追隨者將會從你的要塞消失整個週末, 當他們回來時,也不會閉上嘴談這部影集。 Players may now freely travel from their Garrison. 玩家現在能更自由的從自己的要塞出行。 Pet Battles 寵物對戰 The Pet Battle Surrender ability has been renamed to Rage Quit. 寵物對戰的「投降」將重新命名為「憤怒中離」 Cat pets will now constantly appear under foot and trip you when you attempt to walk anywhere. 貓科寵物現在在你試圖走去任何地方的時候不斷的出現在你腳下 Players can now use the /pet emote to earn experience with their combat pets. While targeting a summoned pet, simply use the /pet emote over and over which will show you gently giving it some much needed attention while earning a small amount of experience for each use. We're not sure what this does for the mechanical and undead pets, but just go with it. 玩家現在可以對戰寵使用/pet(拍拍)來得到經驗。 當你的目標是戰寵時,簡單的重複輸入/pet給他一點關注, 每次使用將會悄悄的增加一點點經驗值。 我們不確定對機械或不死系寵物有沒有用,但就對他們做吧! Beaver-type battle pets' teeth are working again. 海狸型戰寵的牙齒又再次實裝了! Professions 專業 New Primary Profession: Character Model We're pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking, but you no longer need to find out what that is. Master models can learn the Ambi-turn ability, allowing you to further customize your runway walk and go for the "I Turned Left! " achievement. When taking the Character Model profession, you can still learn to do other stuff good too, because you're so hot right now. 新主要專業:模特兒 A.我們非常確定這將讓你穿的更好看,而且你不再需要知道那些是什麼 B.大師級模特兒可以學習「左轉技能」,讓你進一步的編出自己的伸展台走法。 然後完成「我左轉了!!!」的成就 C.當你學習了「模特兒」當專業技能後,你仍然能把其他事情做好, 因為你現—在—超—辣! (梗:塑形找不到模組 + Zoolander / 名模大間諜) Players at max cooking will no longer be able to create food from recipes. Instead, you must use random ingredients from a mystery basket. You’ll have a limited time to assemble a full three- course meal using ingredients like orange soda, marshmallow crè me, and gefilte fish. Cooks unable to produce a tasty meal with the ingredients provided will be Cleaved. 玩家的烹飪技巧滿技後,將不再能夠從食譜製作食物。 取而代之的是,你必須使用神秘箱中的隨機食材。 你必須利用有限的時間利用這些材料組合三道料理,像是柳橙蘇打汽水、棉 花糖奶油或是魚丸。如果沒辦法利用這些食材烹飪出美味的料理,你將被絞碎。 (梗:廚神當道) "Lightly Fried Lurker" and "Spicy Fried Herring" can no longer be crafted in level 90+ zones, as frying is not allowed in Draenor. 「香煎潛伏者」及「辣味炸鯡魚」無法在90+的區域製作,因為 德拉諾不允許油炸。 The last person still farming Embersilk Cloth in Molten Front has been mailed a bunch of it. 我們已經寄了一堆燼絲布給仍在熔岩前線農田的那些人。 UI (使用者介面) The Group Finder has been redesigned. It can now be used to figure out where the hell the other half of your raid is 10 minutes after you were supposed to have started. 團隊搜尋器已經重新設計了,現在能讓你弄清楚團隊開始後的十分鐘, 其他成員會發生什麼慘況。 By popular request, you can now make your shoulders invisible! Which seems really weird, but if you want to walk around with your arms detached from your body, okay. 因為眾多要求,你現在能讓你的肩膀消失!!! 雖然看起來超怪, 不過你想要你走路的時候不要看到手在你的身體上,沒問題. A dropdown menu has been added to the Death Recap screen, so you can immediately tweet your favorite developer about how you died. 新的下拉式選單已經被加進「死亡回顧」的畫面,所以你能夠立刻 發送關於「我XX的怎麼死的」推特給你最愛的開發者! Items 物品 Clothing vendors across Azeroth now offer a unique dress for sale that is either blue and black or white and gold depending on some kind of science stuff we still don't understand. 艾澤拉斯的布甲商人現在販售一件特別顏色的服裝-藍配黑或白配金二者其一, 因為我們仍然不明白一些科學的東西。 梗:這件衣服 Savage Feasts now stack. Literally. Make forts and stuff. 荒蠻大餐現在可以堆疊,從字面上來說,更紮實。 To make it easier to tell whether an item is an upgrade or not, Item Levels have been converted to use the Dewey Decimal System. We've rounded off all of the stats on every item in the game to the nearest 10, moved the decimal one place to the left, and doubled it. That's how we calculate our tips, so we're pretty sure it'll work. 為了讓玩家能輕易了解這件物品對你有沒有幫助,物品等級已經改採用 杜威十進制分類法。我們把每樣物品數值四捨五入到接近10,然把小數點 往左移一位,然後,再乘以2。我們都是這樣計算小費的,所以非常確信 這樣有用! 梗:D3 JayWilson The items Filthy Paw, Filth-Contaminated Gem, Choker of Filthy Diamonds, and Filth-Encrusted Tooth have all been given a dirtier sheen, as intended. 骯髒的爪子、藏污納垢的寶石、骯髒鑽石頸飾、跟黃板牙加了髒一點的光澤感, 讓他們名符其實。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

04/01 23:11, , 1F
04/01 23:11, 1F

04/01 23:12, , 2F
04/01 23:12, 2F

04/01 23:13, , 3F
04/01 23:13, 3F

04/01 23:17, , 4F
04/01 23:17, 4F
謝謝指正XDDD ※ 編輯: asgard1991 (, 04/01/2015 23:23:52

04/01 23:21, , 5F
04/01 23:21, 5F
※ 編輯: asgard1991 (, 04/02/2015 00:02:40

04/01 23:51, , 6F
到最後德拉諾的要塞會不會就讓追隨者們去經營呀!? XD
04/01 23:51, 6F

04/01 23:58, , 7F
04/01 23:58, 7F

04/01 23:58, , 8F
04/01 23:58, 8F

04/01 23:58, , 9F
04/01 23:58, 9F
※ 編輯: asgard1991 (, 04/02/2015 00:04:15

04/02 00:07, , 10F
04/02 00:07, 10F
※ 編輯: asgard1991 (, 04/02/2015 00:08:09

04/02 00:26, , 11F
地心礦坑有沒有越往地心動物/礦 長越快的八卦
04/02 00:26, 11F

04/02 00:33, , 12F
看到狂歡看片才發現被騙了 哈哈
04/02 00:33, 12F

04/02 00:34, , 13F
04/02 00:34, 13F

04/02 00:34, , 14F
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04/02 01:10, , 17F
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04/02 01:13, , 18F
04/02 01:13, 18F

04/02 01:15, , 19F
04/02 01:15, 19F

04/02 01:46, , 20F
第一時間我想到的詞也是"怒跳" 以前打WarIII信長三國
04/02 01:46, 20F

04/02 01:46, , 21F
04/02 01:46, 21F

04/02 03:25, , 22F
第一段是個菜鳥變老鳥 老鳥欺壓菜鳥的節奏嗎?
04/02 03:25, 22F

04/02 04:09, , 23F
frying is not allowed in Draenor--> flying
04/02 04:09, 23F

04/02 09:14, , 24F
04/02 09:14, 24F

04/02 12:43, , 25F
04/02 12:43, 25F
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