[情報] PvP第13賽季即將結束(8/29 推出5.4)

看板WOW作者 (我不是鬼塚英吉)時間11年前 (2013/08/14 00:11), 編輯推噓34(34053)
留言87則, 33人參與, 最新討論串1/1
轉自:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10621491/ Many weapons have been brought to bear and countless spells have been cast in this action-packed PvP season—now the time has come for the victors to reap their rewards! On Tuesday, August 27, the 13th Arena and Rated Battleground Season is scheduled to end. On that day we'll begin an approximately one week process to determine end-of-season reward eligibilitys. Qualified players should note the following in order to ensure you receive your just rewards: Please refrain from transferring your characters to another realm or faction until after PvP Season 13 has ended. The awarding of PvP Season 13 titles and mounts will occur approximately two weeks after the season ends. Conquest Points will be converted to Honor Points at the end of the season, and any Honor above 4,000 will be converted to gold at a rate of 35 silver per point. A few other things to keep in mind once the season has ended: ‧The Honor cap will remain at 4,000. ‧All Season 13 items will now cost Honor Points equivalent to their previous Conquest Point cost, with the exception of any items with rating requirements attached. ‧Season 13 items with rating requirements will no longer be available for purchase. ‧Arena and Rated Battleground Season 14 will begin approximately one week after the current season ends, and all Personal Ratings will be reset once the new season begins. Additionally, Rated Battleground and Arena matches will not be available during the break between seasons. In PvP Season 14 you will no longer need to join or create an Arena team to compete, and thus the current Team Ratings will be removed. You’ll be able to queue for an Arena match in groups of 2, 3, and 5 (in line with the Arena team sizes available in Season 13 and earlier), and your opponents will be selected based on the average Match Making Rating of your party. You can find a complete overview of the changes that are coming to World of Warcraft’s Arenas in PvP Season 14 in our Patch 5.4 Arena Update blog. 按: 8/27結束第13季,所以當天非常有可能改版 台版的話就是8/29 -- 原來哥布林也愛看LBJ http://i.imgur.com/UXD1QH5.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/14 00:12, , 1F
我覺得我好像洗版了= =
08/14 00:12, 1F

08/14 00:16, , 2F
08/14 00:16, 2F

08/14 00:17, , 3F
08/14 00:17, 3F
我說錯時間了 s12 3/7結束 當天就改版5.2 所以5.4很可能會在8/27推出

08/14 00:21, , 4F
08/14 00:21, 4F

08/14 00:22, , 5F
按照慣例會給玩家刷滿勇氣 9/5也有可能
08/14 00:22, 5F

08/14 00:22, , 6F
08/14 00:22, 6F
※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (08/14 00:29)

08/14 00:29, , 7F
比想像的快一個月 算是好事
08/14 00:29, 7F

08/14 00:29, , 8F
不過PVP結束 通常會空一週才改版 有時候會這樣
08/14 00:29, 8F

08/14 00:30, , 9F
08/14 00:30, 9F

08/14 00:31, , 10F
真不好意思 今天消息很多
08/14 00:31, 10F

08/14 00:32, , 11F
如果是歐尼獎的話 可以喔
08/14 00:32, 11F

08/14 00:33, , 12F
08/14 00:33, 12F

08/14 00:35, , 13F
應該是測27個 尾王H不會測
08/14 00:35, 13F

08/14 00:35, , 14F
喔 還有一個5王10H沒測 那的確是28個 只能說..
08/14 00:35, 14F

08/14 00:36, , 15F
反正5.2 ptr就幹過一天測四隻的事情了
08/14 00:36, 15F

08/14 00:36, , 16F
08/14 00:36, 16F

08/14 00:36, , 17F
嗯 還有元龍10H
08/14 00:36, 17F

08/14 00:36, , 18F
08/14 00:36, 18F

08/14 00:36, , 19F
08/14 00:36, 19F

08/14 00:37, , 20F
08/14 00:37, 20F

08/14 00:37, , 21F
5王普通我看不懂欸 是跟12王一樣小兵戰?
08/14 00:37, 21F

08/14 00:37, , 22F
現在回去爬3月的文 LIVE以後一堆HOTFIX 暴雪也習慣這樣搞
08/14 00:37, 22F

08/14 00:37, , 23F
不會啦,有消息文章不錯,總比死氣沉沉的 而且令人雀躍的文章
08/14 00:37, 23F

08/14 00:37, , 24F
我是沒想到真的就打算8/27改版 去年MOP對打GW2的事件再現
08/14 00:37, 24F

08/14 00:38, , 25F
08/14 00:38, 25F

08/14 00:38, , 26F
嗯 小兵戰 ,撐五波還七波攻擊 元龍BOSS會飛下來
08/14 00:38, 26F

08/14 00:38, , 27F
08/14 00:38, 27F

08/14 00:38, , 28F
08/14 00:38, 28F

08/14 00:38, , 29F
08/14 00:38, 29F

08/14 00:38, , 30F
感覺有點失望 所以沒有看到四大首領的劇情就是?
08/14 00:38, 30F

08/14 00:39, , 31F
08/14 00:39, 31F

08/14 00:39, , 32F
08/14 00:39, 32F

08/14 00:39, , 33F
08/14 00:39, 33F

08/14 00:40, , 34F
就是珍娜 瓦里安...等人
08/14 00:40, 34F

08/14 00:40, , 35F
08/14 00:40, 35F

08/14 00:41, , 36F
我原本以為會有幾個首領被元龍噴到重傷的情節 看來猜錯
08/14 00:41, 36F

08/14 00:43, , 37F
08/14 00:43, 37F

08/14 00:43, , 38F
08/14 00:43, 38F

08/14 00:44, , 39F
08/14 00:44, 39F

08/14 00:45, , 40F
是喔 但我覺得攻城戰沒有大部隊對打本身就很奇怪
08/14 00:45, 40F

08/14 00:45, , 41F
08/14 00:45, 41F

08/14 00:54, , 42F
主要是要把塔打下來,你必須分兩邊打 我們沒有測到王下來
08/14 00:54, 42F

08/14 00:55, , 43F
08/14 00:55, 43F

08/14 00:56, , 44F
5.3的應該是會消失 原本成就會變偉業 要解快解 然後那些油
08/14 00:56, 44F

08/14 00:56, , 45F
08/14 00:56, 45F

08/14 01:00, , 46F
08/14 01:00, 46F

08/14 01:01, , 47F
然會兌換的東西 應該可以從其他地方得到
08/14 01:01, 47F

08/14 01:10, , 48F
成就是只有一個嗎@@? 我一直找好像也只找到一個
08/14 01:10, 48F

08/14 01:12, , 49F
如果是歐尼蘇卡的話,洗板是可以的喔 >///////<
08/14 01:12, 49F

08/14 01:13, , 50F
情人節剛過我剛失戀 歐尼蘇卡可以跟我在一起嗎 >//////<
08/14 01:13, 50F

08/14 01:13, , 51F
08/14 01:13, 51F

08/14 01:14, , 52F
08/14 01:14, 52F

08/14 01:15, , 53F
08/14 01:15, 53F

08/14 01:16, , 54F
08/14 01:16, 54F

08/14 01:17, , 55F
飾品砍光光的競速賽 5.4那幾組要悲劇了
08/14 01:17, 55F

08/14 02:56, , 56F
我只有5隻角色打到500裝等 還差6隻啊啊啊
08/14 02:56, 56F

08/14 03:02, , 57F
這種洗板好 有消息可看是好事
08/14 03:02, 57F

08/14 05:47, , 59F
08/14 05:47, 59F

08/14 09:02, , 60F
08/14 09:02, 60F

08/14 09:33, , 61F
08/14 09:33, 61F

08/14 09:34, , 62F
08/14 09:34, 62F

08/14 09:35, , 63F
08/14 09:35, 63F

08/14 09:42, , 64F
08/14 09:42, 64F

08/14 09:43, , 65F
08/14 09:43, 65F

08/14 09:58, , 66F
不用花吧, 前幾篇鬼蟹twitter 才講說不會歸零
08/14 09:58, 66F

08/14 09:59, , 67F
可以偷吃步來最大化升級裝備= =
08/14 09:59, 67F

08/14 09:59, , 68F
可以自己開阿 我在憤怒部落重練的小公會現在還在開豐泉
08/14 09:59, 68F

08/14 09:59, , 69F
拓荒團跟雷霆拓荒團咧 裝等只要500喔 0.<
08/14 09:59, 69F

08/14 10:00, , 70F
說到裝等就想到很好笑的事情 前幾天看到10普通要530+...
08/14 10:00, 70F

08/14 10:00, , 71F
我看5.4一推出 10N SoO要求550+ 這種荒唐事情應該可預期
08/14 10:00, 71F

08/14 10:04, , 72F
10普通還要530...難道RL想爽裝或親友想爽? 最高也才528掉落
08/14 10:04, 72F

08/14 10:26, , 73F
08/14 10:26, 73F

08/14 10:34, , 74F
有啊 沒有
08/14 10:34, 74F

08/14 10:45, , 75F
10普530+是 "我們徵打手" 的委婉說法
08/14 10:45, 75F

08/14 11:21, , 76F
我怎麼覺得"我們徵打手" 還比較委婉...
08/14 11:21, 76F

08/14 11:26, , 77F
530都能打遍當G團還嫌太高了= =
08/14 11:26, 77F

08/14 12:00, , 78F
對啊 我開25只喊515而已哩
08/14 12:00, 78F

08/14 12:21, , 79F
08/14 12:21, 79F

08/14 14:30, , 80F
剛講就看到魔古10H要520的 這時代好辛苦啊
08/14 14:30, 80F

08/14 14:40, , 81F
現在魔古誰還跟你慢慢拓荒 當然裝等輾壓
08/14 14:40, 81F

08/14 16:06, , 82F
08/14 16:06, 82F

08/14 16:06, , 83F
08/14 16:06, 83F

08/14 16:08, , 84F
依據. 雖然看起來有點怪,不過是設定條件挑他們想要的玩家.
08/14 16:08, 84F

08/14 16:09, , 85F
08/14 16:09, 85F

08/14 16:26, , 86F
原來如此 看來我誤會了
08/14 16:26, 86F

08/15 00:27, , 87F
08/15 00:27, 87F
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