[證據] jangwai註冊相似ID等違規行為-證5

看板Violation作者 (呆呆)時間14年前 (2010/04/19 02:50), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 SuperStarAve 看板] 作者: anbr (安伯) 看板: SuperStarAve 標題: [影音] 林育群 精選影音 時間: Sat Apr 10 01:54:30 2010 包括星光跟超偶的 林育群:Amazing Grace -Lin Yu Chun http://blog.xuite.net/kaiger/daily/32377899 林育群:I will always love you -Lin Yu Chun http://blog.xuite.net/kaiger/daily/32618027 6.林育群:歌劇魅影 The Phantom of the Opera http://blog.xuite.net/kaiger/daily/32831176 7.林育群:回家 Go Home http://blog.xuite.net/kaiger/daily/32831190 林育群:征服 Conquer http://blog.xuite.net/kaiger/daily/22798511 林育群:讓每個人都心碎 Let everyone be heartbroken http://blog.xuite.net/kaiger/daily/22392238 -- 台灣連續劇輸給日劇韓劇的原因 -------是因為編劇都跑去當記者了 掐收看 夜市人生~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: anbr:轉錄至看板 SuperIdol 04/10 01:54

04/10 01:55,
04/10 01:55

04/10 01:55,
04/10 01:55

04/10 01:57,
04/10 01:57

04/10 01:57,
04/10 01:57

04/10 01:58,
brake => break?
04/10 01:58

04/10 01:58,
04/10 01:58

04/10 01:58,
04/10 01:58
※ 編輯: anbr 來自: (04/10 01:58)

04/10 02:01,
Let everyone be heart broken :)
04/10 02:01

04/10 02:03,
04/10 02:03
※ 編輯: anbr 來自: (04/10 02:03)

04/10 02:04,
04/10 02:04

04/10 02:04,
04/10 02:04

04/10 02:04,
那以後 推文都打英文好了 哈哈
04/10 02:04

04/10 02:06,
規定推文一定要打英文 版標可以改成 "來星光版學英文"
04/10 02:06

04/10 02:07,
oh my godgodgodgodgodgodgodogdgodogdgodgodgogdodgo
04/10 02:07

04/10 02:09,
hello BenShiuan、cutepatrick&Eleganse!!!!
04/10 02:09

04/10 02:10,
hello moto
04/10 02:10

04/10 02:10,
hello everybody. where is cuterecx
04/10 02:10

04/10 02:12,
Hi, cutepa, do u want to go into the bucket again?
04/10 02:12

04/10 02:12,
Hey Apple~~~~
04/10 02:12

04/10 02:13,
ker ker water-bucket XDDD
04/10 02:13

04/10 02:13,
this is a book
04/10 02:13

04/10 02:13,
why? whats the matter
04/10 02:13

04/10 02:14,
good morning MR. jangwei
04/10 02:14

04/10 02:14,
The bucket is large enough to put all your IDs in. XD
04/10 02:14

04/10 02:15,
ker ker
04/10 02:15

04/10 02:15,
my god. i should have new ID.
04/10 02:15

04/10 02:18,
Don't be silly!I'll get your new ID as soon as rocket.
04/10 02:18

04/10 02:20,
Oh! Please don't do that to me.I have mother &dog
04/10 02:20

04/10 02:21,
\(〞︶〝 ) (ha ha)
04/10 02:21

04/10 02:22,
why are everydoy using English? to be international?
04/10 02:22

04/10 02:22,
no chinese
04/10 02:22

04/10 02:23,
\(〞︶〝 ) (ha ha)
04/10 02:23

04/10 02:24,
to be international? don't be silly~
04/10 02:24

04/10 02:24,
No anbr no music. No Eleganse no justice.
04/10 02:24

04/10 02:25,
Mr. dunking spelled one word wrong
04/10 02:25

04/10 02:25,
04/10 02:25

04/10 02:25,
hi cute Ami001
04/10 02:25

04/10 02:25,
First~I think the cast of the judge should be internat
04/10 02:25

04/10 02:25,
"No Eleganse no justice." xxxx!!
04/10 02:25

04/10 02:26,
OMG.I find a terrible article #1Bj7Jh0J (SayLove).= =+
04/10 02:26

04/10 02:27,
-ional, and the criterion should be international too
04/10 02:27

04/10 02:27,
No Ami001 no sympathy for XXX.
04/10 02:27

04/10 02:27,
I am shocked!!
04/10 02:27

04/10 02:27,
my god . jangwei have 2 ID ???
04/10 02:27

04/10 02:28,
sometimes the criterion of those judges in SSA make me
04/10 02:28

04/10 02:28,
04/10 02:28

04/10 02:28,
good night
04/10 02:28

04/10 02:29,
my English is very poor!!!
04/10 02:29

04/10 02:33,
that article really makes me felt gross...
04/10 02:33

04/10 02:40,
"He saaangsssss well but the band sucks!"
04/10 02:40

04/10 02:41,
Totally lost in the replies orz
04/10 02:41

04/10 03:12,
I can't see his future.
04/10 03:12

04/10 03:16,
jangwai ???????
04/10 03:16

04/10 09:47,
04/10 09:47

04/10 10:18,
The number of hits of his video is going to surpass
04/10 10:18

04/10 10:18,
that of Aska's "Rainy Day"
04/10 10:18

04/10 10:55,
What's the matter?!
04/10 10:55

04/10 11:19,
昨天的回家是他在金旋的奪冠曲 昨天應該是小失常吧
04/10 11:19

04/10 11:35,
Hey, Apple!!!!
04/10 11:35

04/10 11:35,
This is a book. How are you? Fine, thank you.
04/10 11:35

04/10 11:36,
annoying orange~!
04/10 11:36

04/10 11:39,
sun大 金旋獎奪冠 不代表去其它地方也無敵 ...多的是更大區
04/10 11:39

04/10 11:40,
04/10 11:40

04/10 11:40,
Sorry I forgot to speak English
04/10 11:40

04/10 11:46,
hohooohooooo~~~Hey, Apple!!!!
04/10 11:46

04/10 11:46,
04/10 11:46

04/10 11:49,
Where is Febrary Chang?
04/10 11:49

04/10 11:53,
hohooo~~uhh.....Hey, Apple!?
04/10 11:53

04/10 12:15,
Oh~ what's wrong@"@
04/10 12:15

04/10 14:16,
so funny
04/10 14:16

04/10 14:56,
haw haw tin
04/10 14:56

04/10 15:20,
Febuary Chang is online now
04/10 15:20

04/10 16:03,
04/10 16:03

04/10 17:42,
sunnyboy~ she's February Ma~(mistake誤)
04/10 17:42

04/10 19:55,
Hello, world!!
04/10 19:55

04/10 20:41,
everyone's crazy here~
04/10 20:41

04/10 23:40,
Who is carzy? I didn't see any of them.
04/10 23:40

04/10 23:41,
↑ What?
04/10 23:41

04/10 23:42,
Oops! I made a mistake.
04/10 23:42
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文章代碼(AID): #1BorHZvx (Violation)