[轉錄][外絮] 10 Most Hated Players in the NBA

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: cat0806 (Cater) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 10 Most Hated Players in the NBA 時間: Sat Apr 10 21:06:03 2010 10 Most Hated Players in the NBA By Austin Burton 前言略過,直接列出正文...... 1. LeBron James — Loved by media, coaches, players and fans who truly know the game. Hated by fans who feel he’s been given too much too soon. 年輕的皇帝是媒體的寵兒,是教練和球員們喜歡的對象,也是真正懂得比賽的球迷追捧的 偶像,但年少得志並不一定是好事,有些球迷就對他如此快得到眾多榮譽而忿忿不平。 2. Kobe Bryant — Bounced back from being hated by media to being loved. May still be hated by players and coaches. Fans are split. The one person on the list whose game is respected by all, his personality just causes the divide. 在媒體人心中的形象由壞到好足見其強大的實力。或許有些球員和教練依然對其不滿,但 球迷們是分為兩派的。他在賽場上的表現贏得了所有人的尊重,不過其極強的個性也傷害 了不少人,這才是他招人憎恨的根源。 3. Manu Ginobili — Hated by opponents and fans for his flopping and general knack for being a thorn in one’s side. Loved by teammates. If you want to know why soccer still isn’t catching on in mainstream America, it’s because every soccer player acts like Manu. 阿根廷人頗具迷惑性的假摔和攻擊技能令很多對手和部分球迷產生了恨意,不過他是隊友 們的最愛。其實,足球之所以一直難以躋身美國主流職業聯賽行列,原因就是足球員幾乎 人人都能像Manu那樣表演假摔。 4. Vince Carter — Hated by the entire city of Toronto and possibly all of Canada. Critics get on him for settling for jump shots, even though every other high-flyer before or after Vince has been encouraged to adjust their game eventually and take more jumpers. Call him soft, call him lazy, but then he drops 40 or gives you a game-winner and your point becomes moot. 多倫多人都恨他,或許全體加拿大人都是如此。人們批評他跳投過多,但這是在以前過多 持球轟擊籃框被鼓勵做出調整後出現的結果,但沒人去管這些。有人說他打球太軟,有時 候懶洋洋的,但他轉眼就會送出一場單場40+表演,或者投中致勝球,令那些人啞口無言 5. Nate Robinson — Hated by his own coaches, hated by jaded fans. I like Nate, and I’m not saying he’s an All-Star or even a starter in the League, but where people usually want to see the little guy succeed, it seems people want Nate to fail. When he was picked No. 1 on Eric Snow’s list of all-time dunking point guards, haters harped on the idea that he doesn’t have that many in-game dunks, and downplayed the fact that he’s the only player in history to win three NBA dunk contests. However, there wasn’t much mention of how Spud Webb didn’t have many in-game dunks, either. 他的教練不喜歡他,球迷們也討厭他。能在這個聯盟生存下去的小個子本應受到稱讚,但 人們似乎期待著看到他失敗的樣子。當Robinson被Eric Snow評為史上最佳控衛扣籃手時 ,批評者們又發出論調稱他在正式比賽中扣籃太少,而總是忽視他是歷史上唯一一位贏得 過三次扣籃大賽冠軍的球員。此外,歷史上另一位傳奇扣籃王Spud Webb卻很少被人批評 在正式比賽中扣籃少。 6. Tracy McGrady — Hated by media and fans who wanted him to do more with the talent he was blessed with and spend less time on the injured list. I still contend that at his peak, T-Mac was right on-par with Kobe, but it’s hard to argue for him for too long when he’s never been out of the first round of the playoffs. Hall of Fame talent; jury is still out on whether it translated to a Hall of Fame career. 他天賦極高,媒體和球迷都希望他能做更多事情,同時也希望他能少花些時間養傷。筆者 始終認為巔峰時期的T-Mac與Kobe不相上下,只是他從未帶隊突破過季後賽首輪,這一點 讓人無法繼續給予他更高評價。他擁有名人堂球員的天賦,但能否擁有名人堂球員那般輝 煌的職業生涯仍充滿爭議。 7. Carlos Boozer — Hated by fans in Cleveland who feel he stabbed their team in the back, love/hate relationship with fans in Utah who appreciate his talent but don’t really trust him, hated by neutral fans who feel he’s overrated. Tough to argue with 20-and-10 numbers, though. A Dime reader commented the other day that Boozer was handed “an All-Star career” by Deron Williams, even though Booz was selected for the U.S. Olympic team while D-Will was still in college. 克利夫蘭球迷憎恨他,因為他們認為Boozer背叛了騎士。猶他球迷對他愛恨交加,他們欣 賞他的天賦,同時又不敢完全信任他。中立球迷也恨他,因為他們覺得爵士大前鋒被高估 了。但場均20+10的數據這麼沒有說服力嗎?還有球迷提出這樣的論點:是Deron Williams 幫他打出了全明星水準,可是Deron還沒有進入NBA時Boozer就已經入選過美國男籃國家隊 了。 8. Kevin Garnett — Once universally loved, recently hated by non-Celtics fans. It was the ring. When KG finally won the championship we all wished he would win someday, his perception went from that of the underdog warrior to a bully now that his team was the top dog. KG曾經是大眾偶像,但最近非超賽球迷幾乎都對他有些不滿,原因就是他有了冠軍戒。 以前,人們都期待KG能一圓冠軍夢,而目標真正實現時人們感覺就變了。KG不再是悲情 的狼王,而成為了高高在上的王者,人們最初的情愫早已不在。 9. Allen Iverson — Hated by media, possibly by teammates, likely by coaches, and now a growing number of fans. Even more startling than fans turning on KG was how so many of them turned on A.I. when things started to go downhill for him. Could you call him a ball-hog? Sure. Selfish? OK. Immature? I see where you’re coming from. But any basketball fan who grew up without a silver spoon in their mouth and is of “normal person” size has some love for Iverson, even if he’s disappointed you along the way. The worst example of hating I’ve seen on Iverson was when someone argued “anybody” could have accomplished what he did in the League. My response: So why didn’t just “ anybody” do it? “The Answer”可不是媒體的寵兒,隊友和教練或許也不喜歡他,而現在越來越多的球迷 開始對他有看法了。人們對AI態度轉變太突兀了,無論說他黏球也好,自私也罷,抑或是 不成熟,筆者認為每一個擁有平常身高的普通人都應該對他存有一些敬意,即便後來他的 表現確實令你失望。 10. Rajon Rondo & Shawn Marion (tie) — The symbol of being underappreciated by people who only look at scoring. True: Rondo can’t shoot and Marion can’ t create his own shot. But to say Rondo is only considered an All-Star player because he’s had Pierce, KG and Ray, or that Marion is only considered an All-Star because he’s had Nash, Kidd and Marbury, is just dumb. Watch how Rondo passes the ball, watch how he creates havoc defensively, watch how he rebounds for a point guard. His Hall of Fame teammates aren’t doing that for him. Watch how Marion rebounds like a PF while playing the three, watch how he defends PG’s and fours equally well, watch how he is the straw stirring his team’s drink without having a single play run for him. The point guards he’s played with aren’t doing that for him. Maybe “hate” is too strong of a word for Rondo and Marion, but they could definitely use some more appreciation. 只關注球員能否得分的人顯然會低估他們。Rondo投籃是差,Marion也確實不擅長自己 創造進攻機會,但並不能因此就說Rondo能成為全明星靠的是三巨頭,也不能說Marion 完全得益於身邊偉大的控衛---Nash、Kidd和Marbury。兩人都有突出的優點,球迷們 不應對他們有太多偏見,至少應該有一些敬意。 http://ppt.cc/Lp2b -- 沒有米粉頭還蠻意外的,其他就見仁見智 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cat0806 來自: (04/10 21:08)

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04/10 21:12,
簽名檔 哈 因為實力到一定程度更容易被檢視吧
04/10 21:12

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04/10 21:15,
也是"真正懂得比賽的球迷"追捧的偶像 科科
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04/10 21:17,
不過其極強 的個性也傷害了不少
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04/10 21:18,
他少年得志球迷為什麼要忿忿不平@ @?
04/10 21:18

04/10 21:18,
相較之下 某人就是很多討厭的點組合而成而討厭的(?
04/10 21:18

04/10 21:19,
AI 的部份沒翻完.....
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04/10 21:20,
you gotta love AI !!!!!!!!!!!!
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04/10 21:24,
KIDD跟NASH害像是肯亞馬丁跟阿罵 瑪莉安被大大低估
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04/10 21:24,
居然有Marion +_+
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04/10 21:27,
淚推Steve Fancics 之後就完全不見了
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04/10 21:27,
第一名耶 應該是正常的 沒什麼好奇怪 他本來就討人
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04/10 21:30,
第一點很中肯呀 看這個版的水準不意外...
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04/10 21:31,
實力夠阿 炒作一下會死嗎
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04/10 21:40,
Webb正式比賽中沒灌過籃 據說他的隊友也鮮少看過
04/10 21:40

04/10 21:42,
Nate 長相和行為讓人覺得很囂張
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04/10 21:47,
第一名就是太強惹人忌妒而已 不意外
04/10 21:47

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04/10 22:07,
04/10 22:07
timmysas:轉錄至看板 NBAEasyChat 04/10 22:07

04/10 22:08,
米粉頭是指Varejao 不是Manny XD
04/10 22:08

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04/10 22:15,
第十名硬擠兩個人 XDDDDD
04/10 22:15

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04/10 22:31,
Manu人氣有這麼高喔 第三名耶~
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04/10 22:48,
竟然有馬力安 真意外
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04/10 22:49,
Boozer超多人討厭阿 問阿爵就知道
04/10 22:49

04/10 23:05,
Webb正式比賽沒灌過籃??? http://0rz.tw/MnWcZ
04/10 23:05

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04/10 23:18,
欣賞Nate 就為他這種身高可以打NBA這麼久值得尊敬
04/10 23:18

04/10 23:31,
04/10 23:31
Paraguay:轉錄至看板 IVERSON 04/11 00:07

04/11 00:15,
借轉VC版 3Q
04/11 00:15
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/11 00:35, , 1F
04/11 00:35, 1F

04/11 10:24, , 2F
被恨的都頗強的 ...
04/11 10:24, 2F

04/13 00:17, , 3F
怎沒包恩= =
04/13 00:17, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1BmAH5HV (VinceCarter)