[爆料] 爵士拒絕退縮

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (杉原‧冷氣機)時間7年前 (2017/07/16 11:08), 7年前編輯推噓11(15419)
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原文連結:https://goo.gl/kjzL1K 本文同步刊於JazzNation.TW爵士國度:https://www.facebook.com/JazzNationTW/ Utah Jazz refuse to back down because ‘We just felt like we had too much talent to tear it down to the foundation’ 爵士拒絕退縮「我們覺得我們有太多天賦所以而不該推倒重來」 Rather than tear down the team after the loss of free agent Gordon Hayward, the Jazz will instead be building around their strength — center Rudy Gobert. 與其在失去自由球員Gordon Hayward後推倒重建,爵士寧願圍繞他們的優勢--中鋒Rudy Gobert來打造球隊 Las Vegas ‧ A little more than a decade ago when Steve Nash left the Dallas Mavericks for the Phoenix Suns in free agency, Mavs owner Mark Cuban didn't panic and tear it all down. He instead continued to build around the talents of all-NBA forward Dirk Nowitizki. 十多年前當Steve Nash離開達拉斯小牛轉投鳳凰城太陽時,小牛隊老闆Mark Cuban並沒有 驚慌而急著重建球隊,而是繼續圍繞明星前鋒Dirk Nowitzki的天賦打造球隊。 Dallas went on to win an NBA title in 2011. 達拉斯就這樣在2011年奪得NBA總冠軍。 The circumstance is different with the Utah Jazz, and general manager Dennis Lindsey isn't going to predict a championship. But he drew a broad parallel when building the Jazz after Gordon Hayward bolted for Boston. The Mavericks tailored their roster around Nowitzki's talents, stocking the team with shooters and a rim-running big man in Tyson Chandler. 爵士隊的情況不同,總管Dennis Lindsey也沒有立即以現有陣容去預約一座總冠軍,但他 替Hayward離開後的爵士擘畫了經緯。當時的小牛以圍繞Nowitzki的天賦量身訂製陣容,堆積整 隊的射手以及一個活動力強大的籃框保護者Tyson Chandler。 "We feel like we can build defensively around Rudy Gobert," Lindsey told The Tribune. "We look at him, and he's a top 10 player and unique defender. So we wanted to build a team around his talents." 「我們認為我們可以以Rudy Gobert為中心組成一隻防守球隊。」Lindsey說。「我們選了 他,他是聯盟前十大球員並且是個獨一無二的防守者。所以我們想要以他的天賦為主打造 球隊。」 Welcome to the new-look Utah Jazz. They won't be the Golden State Warriors or Houston Rockets, two teams that can score in bunches. But the Jazz project as a potentially elite defensive team, one with a bevy of defensive playmakers surrounding Gobert in the middle. 讓我們歡迎這耳目一新的猶他爵士,他們不會像金州勇士或休士頓火箭一樣海量得分,而 是計畫成為一隻菁英等級的防守球隊,擁有一群防守悍將圍繞著核心Gobert。 Lindsey knew replacing Hayward's 22 points a game figured to be impossible. Hayward's decision to make the jump to the Boston Celtics came too late in the free agency periodfor Lindsey to jump on the market to sign a scorer. Lindsey知道填補Hayward每場22分的缺口看似不大可能,Hayward去塞爾提克的決定太晚 以至於Lindsey無法在市場及時在自由球員市場簽下一名得分手。 So he did the next best thing. He signed Thabo Sefolosha, Jonas Jerebko and Epke Udoh. The three are veterans, plus defenders and unselfish players who will fit seamlessly into coach Quin Snyder's ball-moving offense. 所以他接著做了一件最屌的事。他簽下Thabo Sefolosha、Jonas Jerebko以及Epke Udoh ,三名老將兼防守悍將兼無私球員,能夠無縫接軌適應教練Quin Snyder強調球的流動的 進攻體系。 The signings make the Jazz a deep team. They are a team hoping to qualify for the playoffs in the ultra-competitve Western Conference. But they will have to be functional offensively, and that's where the questions will have to be answered. "We have the chance to be very good defensively," Utah rookie guard Donovan Mitchell said. "With Rudy in the middle, that allows the guards on the perimeter to pressure their men. If we get beat, we have the big guy to erase our mistakes and challenge in the paint. It's a nice luxury to have." 這幾個簽約讓爵士成為一支有深度的球隊。這是一支希望在競爭極端激烈的西區晉級季後 賽的球隊,但他們必須運轉得充滿攻擊性,也是這支球隊必須面對及回應的問題。「我們 有機會在防守上做得很好。」爵士隊新人後衛Donovan Mitchell說。「當有Rudy在中央坐 鎮,後衛們就能在外圍施壓對手,即使我們被過,我們還有大支佬在禁區幫我們擦屁股, 這是我們有的奢侈福利。」 The Jazz took a few days to develop a strategy in the wake of Hayward leaving for the Celtics. 爵士在Hayward投向塞爾提克後花了幾天的時間清醒並規劃戰略。 But Lindsey met with his staff and delivered a strong message: The Jazz weren't going to feel sorry for themselves. They weren't going take a step back. The organization describes the last two weeks as a pivot more than a restructure. "We just felt like we had too much talent to tear it down to the foundation," Lindsey said. "The main thing with Quin and Rudy is what do we stand for? We feel like we have a great player in Rudy, and we want to showcase his ability." Lindsey與他的制服組開會並傳達了強烈的訊息:爵士不必為自己感到難過,他們不會 退縮。這支球隊形容過去的兩周是一個球隊轉型的契機而非重組。「我們只是覺得我們有 太多天賦在這支球隊而不該砍掉重練。」Lindsey說。「主要關於Quin與Rudy的是『我們 代表什麼?』,我們覺得我們有個偉大的球員Rudy,而我們想要展現他的能力。」 There are significant questions and concerns going forward. Will the Jazz be able to stay healthy after a year when they were one of the most injured teams in the league? Will Rodney Hood and Dante Exum be able to take the leap the franchise thinks possible? How will Mitchell handle being thrown into the rotation? Can Derrick Favors and Alec Burks stay healthy and return to previous form? 有些質疑與擔憂出現。上季爵士是全聯盟最受傷病所苦的球隊,他們能夠在下個球季整年 保持健康嗎?Rodney Hood跟Dante Exum能讓這支球隊起飛嗎?Mitchell要如何安排進入 輪替陣容中?Derrick Favors跟Alec Burks能夠滿血回歸嗎? On the surface, the Jazz still have a playoff team. They won't be projected in the top four in the Western Conference like they would have if Hayward re-signed. But Utah's roster should be able to win more than its share of games, even in the Western Conference. 看起來爵士仍然是一支季後賽球隊。他們不會如Hayward留隊的情況下被預期是西區前四 種子,但猶他的陣容即使在西區應該能夠贏下更多的比賽。 "People are going to be surprised by how we do this year," Gobert said. "We just have to keep getting better." 「人們將會對我們今年的表現感到驚訝。」Gobert說。「我們只需持續變得更好。」 Hood and Exum will be key. Hood will be a No. 1 perimeter option for the first time in his career, something he's been craving. He'll get all the touches he needs to increase his production. Utah's offense will run through him in important situations, and he'll be counted on to provide scoring. Hood與Exum將是關鍵。Hood將會生涯首次成為隊上外圍的一把手,而他也是如此被雕塑的 。他會得到所有他需要的來提高他的輸出,爵士在關鍵時刻的的進攻將會透過他,而他也 被賦與提供火力的責任。 He'll also be a marked man defensively. Hayward always drew the opposition's best defender, which allowed Hood and Joe Ingles to feast on lesser perimeter defenders. Hood won't have that luxury. He knows that, and he's been in Salt Lake City for most of the offseason to work on his game and try to get stronger. 他在防守上也將特別被針對。過去Hayward總是面對對手最頂級的防守者,而讓Hood及 Joe Ingles可以不用被那麼難纏的防守者伺候。但Hood將不再有這樣的福利了,他自己也 知道,而他這個休賽季大多數的時間都待在鹽湖城經進自己的球技以及讓自己變得更強壯 。 "We think Rodney has the potential to be in that 18 points per game range," Lindsey said. "We had some perimeter talent become available to us. But we have to let Ricky [Rubio] have the ball, and we have to let Rodney become the offensive wing we know he can be. We didn't want to bring in anyone who could get in the way of Donovan, Dante and Rodney. We want them to develop." 「我們認為Rodney有能力提升到平均18分左右的水平。」Lindsey說。「我們有些外圍人 才可供我們使用,但我們希望Ricky Rubio能有球權,而我們必須讓Rodney成為攻擊側翼 而我們也知道他可以。我們不想再帶進任何會阻擋Donovan、Dante及Rodney的球員。我們 要他們成長茁壯。」 Lindsey and the Jazz are fully vested in the younger players. But they've supplemented them with veterans who can help on and off the floor. To replace Hayward's fourth-quarter scoring, the Jazz will turn to Hood and Joe Johnson, who was fantastic in the role last season. The Jazz have hopes for Favors' return to health and previous form. Lindsey及爵士隊完全鍾情於年輕球員們,但他們也引進了老將們以在場上及場下給予他 們支援。為了取代Hayward在第四節的得分,爵士會轉而仰賴Hood及上季將這個角色演繹 非常出色的Joe Johnson。爵士也對Favors的滿血回歸抱以期望。 The Jazz don't have the margin for error that existed last year. In other words, Utah probably won't win 51 games and make the Western Conference semifinals if it continues to be the most injured team in the NBA. Lindsey and his organization need good fortune. 爵士隊沒有如上季般的容錯空間。換句話說,如果爵士繼續跟上季一樣是NBA傷兵最多的 球隊,那他們將無法取得51勝甚或進軍西區季後賽第二輪。Lindsey跟他的團隊需要一些 好運。 But the Jazz also did a good job forging an identity. Assuming good health, it's a team that still should be playing once the postseason rolls around. The question will be how they adapt offensively while losing their best offensive option from a year ago. 但爵士在鍛造球隊識別(一支季後賽球隊)上做得很好。如果保持健康,這是一支仍然能在 季後賽打滾的球隊。問題在他們的進攻會怎麼運轉--失去過去的進攻第一選擇之後。 "We're excited," Lindsey said. "We want the season to start so we can start competing and see where our level is." 「我們很興奮。」Lindsey說。「我們希望球季趕快開始,然後我們可以開始競爭並看 看我們在什麼等級。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UTAH-JAZZ/M.1500174515.A.2D7.html

07/16 11:09, , 1F
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※ 編輯: DK47 (, 07/16/2017 11:09:46 ※ 編輯: DK47 (, 07/16/2017 11:11:14

07/16 11:23, , 2F
07/16 11:23, 2F

07/16 11:29, , 3F
在twitter被酸爆了 希望開季能打臉
07/16 11:29, 3F

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推外電! 再來一篇吧~
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07/16 13:27, , 16F
除了雷霆以外 去年在爵士後面的球隊不覺得有誰能超
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07/16 13:52, , 18F
應該就金塊 鵜鶘 灰狼有威脅而已吧
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殺人魔根本不是不會用沸沸 是不想用
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07/16 21:20, , 37F
不期不待 互相傷害
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07/26 11:24, , 38F
Grit and Grind
07/26 11:24, 38F
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