[爆料] 老史跟猶他媒體的訪談(下)

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (維)時間10年前 (2013/11/17 22:56), 編輯推噓14(1510)
留言16則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Q: Hornacek said his wife gave him your book, and he joked that he wants to see you sign autographs for fans. Has this book process re-opened doors with former teammates? Have any reached out or razzed you? Stockton: No razzing yet. I've received a couple of phone calls. Karl (Malone)'s foreword was tremendous. My kids wanted to call the foreword, "The Power Foreword," by the way. I thought that was kind of catchy. But I get a call, mostly texts now, "Hey, I liked it. Let's talk about it sometime." It's been pretty wild for the last couple of weeks. Q:老何說他老婆給他看你的書,他還開玩笑說他想看你為球迷簽名。你有沒有藉本書跟前隊 友再續前緣?有哪些連繫或嘲弄嗎? Stockton:是還沒有嘲弄拉,我是有接到幾通電話。Malone的前言很棒,我的孩子都想取名 為「強力前言」【Foreword前言與Forward前鋒讀音相似】。順道一提,我想本書引起了一 些注意,有些是電話但多數是簡訊,像是「我喜歡你的書,有時間聊聊吧。」、「最後那幾 周還真是瘋狂啊!」 Q: Did you have to edit the foreword by Karl Malone? Stockton: I had nothing to do with the foreword other than ask if he'd be willing to do it. I was surprised by his enthusiasm towards it, and then he did it. He handed it in to Coach Pickett. I don't know if they went through the same process I did or not, but they're the ones that got it done. It was pretty nice to hear. Q:你有修訂Malone的前言嗎? Stockton: 我沒有修改,只問他願不願意幫我寫。我很驚訝他對此事很有熱忱,他寫完後交 給Pickett,但我不知道他們之間有沒有來來回回修訂。不過他們還是有完成,對我來說真 是好事。 Q: Did you get everything out that you wanted to in the book, or will there be more books? Stockton: I don't think there will be a sequel or a tri(logy). You guys are already razzing me about telling everything. There's still more stuff rattling around in my head, but I don't know if I'll go this route again. Q:你覺得本書把你想講的都寫完了嗎?或者你未來還可能再出書? Stockton:我想是不會有續集,記者朋友們早就在嘲弄我出書了。我腦海中是還有些東西, 但我不確定我想不想再經歷一次。 Q: What did Frank Layden do to help bring you along and shape your career? Stockton: I don't know if you can cover that. Every time I speak to Frank Layden , even today, wisdom just kind of oozes out everywhere. It was very important to him that he makes his players better people when they were done with them. That's the type of care that he had for his players. I remember many conversations I had with him before we even started bounding the balls in training camp my rookie season that impacted the rest of my life. That's just the type of man he is. I think that helps you. It gives you confidence. It gives you (comfort knowing) he's on my side and you're able to go out there and just compete instead of worry all the time. Q: Layden教練怎麼帶你並形塑你的生涯? Stockton:我不知道你能不能在短短篇幅中駕馭這問題,每次我跟他說話,即便是今日,他 的智慧處處散發,把球員變成更好的人對他來說非常重要,他對球員都有某種的關懷,我記 得在我新人那一年,訓練營還沒開始前我們就有很多對話,且深深影響我迄今。他就是那種 典型的男人,我想那有幫到我,給了我信心,知道他將永遠站我這一邊,並讓我毫無煩惱地 打球。 Q: Can you talk about Jerry Sloan and how he impacted your career? Stockton: You can't put into words his impact on my life and career - coach, friend, mentor, boss. He's really worn a lot of hats for me personally. I admire him so much I can't even express it. Q:那談談教皇還有他怎麼影響你的生涯? Stockton:他對我人生和球員生涯的影響是難以形容的,他是教練、朋友,也是良師與老闆 。他對我來說有很多不同的意義,對於他的欽佩是無法形容的。 Q: What did you think about how Sloan tried to extend your playing career by restricting your minutes? Stockton: That was one of the things we fought about. I didn't want to play forever. I wanted to try to win this whole thing and then go off into the sunset , so to speak. He felt like he had a duty to the organization to preserve us and have us around for a longer time. He felt like then you bring a mesh of young guys in and you're viable for longer. We argued about it, but he won. I would've probably gone a different route. Q:你對於教皇為了延長你職業生涯,而限縮你上場時間有何看法? Stockton: 那是我們唯一爭執過的事情,我不想打很久,可以說我想贏得一切然後慢慢歸隱 。但教皇覺得他對猶他有責任讓我們兩老持盈保泰,他覺得我們能跟年輕球員密切配合並能 打更久。我們曾為此爭執,我可能因此步上不同的旅程,但他贏了。 Q: Outside of Utah, who were some people who influenced you early on? Stockton: My brother (Steve Stockton). My brother thundered me in everything most of my life. He was a great carrot out in front of me. All I wanted to do ever was beat him at anything. I don't want to leave that out. One of the guys basketball-wise was Coach Pickett, who helped me write the book. He caught me at a very impressionable time, taught me the fundamentals. He gave me the foundation it took to build on it so that my love for the game could expand because I could build on something. If you're just out there running around, you can't really improve. He came in at a great time in my life, especially as far as basketball goes. Q:除了猶他,早先還有誰影響過你? Stockton:我的哥哥Steve Stockton,他對我而言有極大的威嚇作用,我所想的就是在任何 地方都打敗他,所以他就像根胡蘿蔔,是極大的利誘報酬。再來是籃球智者Pickett教練, 他幫我寫了這本書。他在我最容易被塑型時教我基礎,並奠立我進步的基石,讓我更愛球賽 因為我可以從中進步。如果你只是在場上玩玩,那不能真的進步。他佔我生命中很大一部份 ,尤其是我在打球的時候。 Q: What does the support from the Utah community mean to you? Stockton: This has been home for me. One of the hardest things I ever did was move myself and my family back home (to Spokane, Wash.). What's home? For me, it was my mom and dad were there. My brothers and sisters, the community I grew up (in), was there. But this is also home. That was tough because it's very difficult to balance them. Probably my parents being there (was) the turning point for us. I don't know if you can put words into my feelings for this community. It's a beautiful city. That hasn't changed. (Utah) welcomed me with opened arms. I still feel very much at home here as I do with the Jazz and here in this building (the former Delta Center). This was a special time in my life. It still is. I feel very connected still. Q:猶他人對你的支持有什麼意義? Stockton:就像家一樣,我做過最難的決定就是舉家遷回家鄉Spokane,什麼是家?對我而言 ,那是我母親、父親生活的地方,還有我兄弟姊妹、我長大的社區。但猶他也是我的家,要 平衡兩邊是很難的。或許我父母住在Spokane是個轉捩點,但我對猶他的感情難以言喻,這 是個美麗的城市,未曾改變,它展開雙臂歡迎我,我回到球館(前Delta Center)就像回家一 樣。這裡的過去種種別具意義,而現在仍是,我仍覺得我跟猶他是相連的。 Q: Your son, Michael, has had opportunities with Utah (working out, playing summer league). What was that like to see him wearing the Jazz jersey? Stockton: It was very neat to see Michael wearing the Jazz gear and practicing - even more so to see the pride in which he held doing it. You don't know the impact this team has had on my children. That was a great thrill for him, for me , for us. It was neat. Q:你的兒子Michael曾在這裡打夏季聯盟,看到他披上爵士戰袍有什麼感觸嗎? Stockton:看到他穿爵士球衣很棒很美妙,更可以看到他心中的榮耀,你不知道爵士隊對我 兒子有什麼影響,那讓他,讓我,讓我家人感到很興奮,太美妙了。 Q: Do you see yourself having more involvement with the Jazz organization in a formal capacity going forward? Stockton: I haven't ruled anything out, but I'm enjoying what I'm doing. I have a 12-year-old son, Samuel, who I'm coaching in the seventh grade, and I'm having a blast at it. There's so much of that still ahead of me. My daughter's in high school, Laura, and I'm enjoying coaching with her. My kids that are older than her are playing. My daughter Lindsay is playing at Montana state. David is playing at Gonzaga. My son Michael, who you mentioned, is in Germany playing. I don't want to change. I'm enjoying that. I'm enjoying getting to see them play, and then it's not always easy, but it would be impossible if I had a job like coaching. So, fortunately, I'm coaching at a level where I have a little flexibility in my schedule. Q:你覺得你未來會在爵士的組織內,以一個正式的身分做參與嗎? Stockton:我沒有排除可能性,但我很喜歡現在的生活。我有個12歲的兒子Samuel,我也在 他的七年級執教,那兒還有太多事待處理。我女兒Laura還在念高中,我也很喜歡指導她。 其它比她年長的也在打球,Lindsay在Montana state、David則在Gonzaga,你提到的 Michael跑到德國。我不想改變因為我樂在其中,我喜歡看他們打球,那並非總是如此容易 ,若我當教練上述一切就不可能了。所以幸運地,我現階段可以照我計畫彈性地執教。 Q: What do you think about the state of the current NBA and the point guard position? Stockton: It's changed a lot. Almost every point guard you see out there now is a scorer. Not that the other guys weren't, but there's so many different ways to play the position. The NBA has always gone through patterns, if you will. I remember when I first came in everybody was looking for the Magic Johnson clone. They couldn't find many 6-10 guys that could play the point. If they could, then all of us little guys would've been out. And like Isiah (Thomas), guys like him really succeeded, and they said, "Hey, maybe we can succeed with little guys." I think it goes through ebbs and flows. Coaches are so clever, they're figuring out a way to combat now what the Heat are doing and how are you going to guard these guys? What's the direction of it? I think it's always in flux and probably always will be in trying to figure out that secret formula that wins the title. Q:對目前NBA的情勢跟控衛們,你有什麼見解? Stockton: 現在變了好多,現在你看到的控衛都是得分好手了,不是那些球員不控球,而是 現在有太多的打法去打控衛。NBA總是有些樣版,像我剛入行時大家都在找魔術強森複刻版 ,但他們沒法找6尺10的人打控衛,如果可以,像我這種高度的就沒工作了。還有Isiah Thomas,像他的球員都很成功,他們就說:「或許我們要找小個兒的球員。」我想這些都是 潮起又潮落,教練是很聰明的,他們會找方法去對付熱火,看他們在幹嘛?要怎麼看管他們 ?有什麼戰略方針?我想這總是在變遷且永遠在找贏球的方程式。 Q: You wrote about the undercurrent on the team in your last season. How much does that tarnish your career? Stockton: It doesn't tarnish it all. I think the whole purpose of that point in the story was not even the undercurrent. It was to show how I handled it and how I handled a lot of things in that last year. There were signs. I don't know if any of you have retired or have come close or have thought about it, but for me it was, "Why didn't I do something? What didn't I pay attention (to)? Why wasn't I looking?" All these indicators that it might be time for me to look for a new profession, so to speak. I took that very internal on what I needed to do rather than what was going on there. I couldn't say that without expressing what led up to it. Q:你書中提到最後一季隊上有一股暗流,它對你的球員生涯有多少程度上的不名譽? Stockton:也不算被玷污啦,我想那故事的目的也不在那股暗流,那是在說明我如何處理與 我在最後一季如何處理許多的事情,那時有許多徵兆,我不知道你們其中有沒有人曾退休、 曾快退休、或想過退休,對我來說那是「我為何沒做些什麼?」、「我為何沒有專注?」、 「我為何沒眼觀八方?」,這些指標可謂暗示我該找新的事做了。我將其置於心中甚於關心 球隊的事務,而我不能沒有描述就說是什麼東西所致。 Q: Many fans wanted you to score more. Any regrets about not shooting more? Stockton: I didn't go into games thinking, "I need to take 15 shots or 10 shots or four shots." I didn't go in thinking I needed 10 assists or five or 15. I just played. I figured the coaches would tell me if they wanted something different. We had Karl Malone, arguably the best scorer in the history of the game. I know he's not No. 1 on the list, but I'm hard-pressed to find one who was just so dominant for so long. It would be foolish to sit there and take too many outside shots when you can get the ball into him close. The foul pressure it puts on teams, the high percentage he shot, the ability to shoot free throws and all those things with him. Having Jeff Hornacek. My decisions on the court were based on the types of guys around at the time and what was the necessary play, I think. Q:很多球迷都希望你多得點分呢!你有沒有後悔沒多投籃? Stockton:我上場時不會去想:「我要投15次、10次或4次。」也不會想要傳10個、5個或15 助攻,我只想打球。我想教練也會給我指示,如果他們想來點不一樣的話。我們有Malone了 ,他可被認定是史上最厲害的得分手,或許不是名單上的第一,但我很難去想有誰可以像他 一樣歷久不衰。讓自己在外圍投籃而不是傳給Malone實是太愚不可及,且場上又有老何,他 的高命中率、罰球線上最準的射手,還有他其他的才能。我想我場上的戰術是基於形勢,搭 配該球員的特質去打的。 Q: What was the most enjoyable part of writing the book and what do you hope people will take away? Stockton: The most enjoyable part was the walk down memory lane, whether it be my childhood or high school and college, professional days. That was fun. And to recollect stories. I even found myself chuckling in the chair sometimes thinking about things. What I hope people get out of it is so many people impact (others') lives. Normal everyday people that go to work every day, that hand a kid a basketball or hand him a football or hand him, whatever, a book. It changes their lives, and they go on without any credit for it. So many people impacted my life positively and (it's) an unlikely story. That's really what I wanted to pass on is, 'Thank you.' Not only to people that have contributed to my life, but the ones who have contributed to others, the unsung heroes. Q:寫書時你最享受什麼? 還有你希望讀者獲得什麼? Stockton:最幸福的事就是步履在憶往之道上,不論是童年、高中、大學或職業球員,那很 好玩,我重新收集記憶,思及有趣的往事甚至會讓我在椅子上咯咯地笑。 那我最希望傳遞給讀者的是,太多人影響了其他人,平常日子人們都去上班,所以給了小孩 一顆籃球、橄欖球、或是…書,那改變了孩子的人生,他們持續前進不計任何虛名。所以很 多人正向地影響了他人,這也不太像是真的故事,但我真的很想傳遞:「謝謝你。」不僅僅 是讓我生命茁壯的人,還有那些為其他人默默付出的無名英雄。 (我很喜歡這段) Q: Did you take it upon yourself to take over the final minutes of the Game 6 win in the Western Conference Finals that sent you to the NBA Finals for the first time in 1997? Stockton: I don't remember much of that. I think even in the book I mentioned that. I remember Greg Ostertag being impactful in the latter minutes of that. I didn't go back and watch film for the book. In fact, I made a point not to go back and research. I wanted to go by memory, so I guess it's a freer story or something. I didn't want to be limited by (details like), "That was two points, not three points." I do remember the last shot. I still get goose bumps thinking about that. A lot of what happened before it was a blur. That's probably how the game was. I know we were down a lot. I know we came back, similarly to the way we lost to Phoenix two years before that and lost to Houston ... years before that. What a wild day that was. That was so much fun. But that's mostly what I remember, mostly the last shot also. Q:1997年的西區決賽第六戰,你有決定要跳出來承擔比賽,並挺進到總冠軍賽嗎? Stockton:我已記不太得了,我想我在書中我也說我不大記得了。我記得Ostertag在最後幾 分鐘像開了無雙,事實上,我沒有為寫書而回顧影片,因為我想靠我的記憶,我猜這是讓思 想暢遊的故事,不需被細節限縮而寫「那件事有兩點說明,不是三點。」 但我記得最後一擊,我回想時還會起雞皮疙瘩,在最後一擊前很多事都模糊了,我只記得我 們落後很多再迎頭趕上,有點像兩年前輸給太陽,還有再前一年輸給火箭 (按:我不知道這裡有沒有翻錯還是Stockton一時說錯,1996是4:3輸超音速,1995是3:2輸 火箭),那是個瘋狂又有趣的一天,但我最多就是記得最後一擊,大多就是那一擊。 Q: How much interaction do you have with Jerry Sloan and Malone? Stockton: I wouldn't say daily or even weekly. It's more in the monthly or a couple of monthlies. You just never know. None of us have our numbers on speed dial. I don't even know if my phone has a speed dial. But we manage to stay in touch, and it's good. Q:你現在和教皇、Malone的互動有多頻繁? Stockton:不是每天或每周啦,大約是一個月或數個月一次,我們之中沒有人把彼此電話設 在快速鍵上,我甚至不知道我手機有這項功能,但我們有保持聯繫,這樣很棒。 Q: How did the Jazz convince you to go on Twitter for their 'Twitter Takeover' on Friday afternoon? Stockton: I'm not going on Twitter. I don't know anything about Twitter. It scares me. I have no intention of being part of anything Twitter. What they do, I don't know. (A P.R. person informed him that he was going to have a conversation while somebody else typed his responses into Twitter.) There you go. Q:爵士是怎麼說服你在周五下午上他們的「Twitter Takeover」? Stockton:我沒有用Twitter喔,我完全搞不懂Twitter,它嚇到我了,我也沒有任何的意圖 去加入它,我並不知道他們怎麼弄的(一個公關告訴他當其他人回應時就會有個討論在上面 )就開始了。 Q: I was curious if your kids were going to help you with social media. Stockton: I'm going to show you something. (He reaches into his pocket and grabs a flip phone.) This is my brand-new phone, because I dropped the other one in some water that I had for 10 years. I don't even know how to use these functions . No, I don't have any intention of going the way of the Twitter. Thanks for coming. Q:我好奇你的小孩會幫你用社群網站喔。 Stockton:秀東西給你看(他掏出一隻折疊機),這是我的新手機,因為用十年的那個我失手 丟到水裡,我甚至不懂這新機的功能,我也不會去了解Twitter。 謝謝你們今天來。 這樣的球員讓教練不愛也難,總是無私的做出貢獻 而且他的話也有鼓舞到我,要正向地幫助他人 最後同場加映一個大家應該都看過的影片 http://ppt.cc/a3B2 John Stockton-The spirit carrys on. -- GO!JAZZ!GO! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/17 23:51, , 1F
11/17 23:51, 1F

11/18 00:42, , 2F
11/18 00:42, 2F

11/18 00:57, , 3F
11/18 00:57, 3F

11/18 01:34, , 4F
11/18 01:34, 4F

11/18 01:48, , 5F
11/18 01:48, 5F

11/18 05:15, , 6F
我也很想教Laura,根據比對 Laura就是當年那隻小蘿莉
11/18 05:15, 6F

11/18 08:45, , 7F
11/18 08:45, 7F

11/18 09:55, , 8F
請問一下Laura的男友號碼牌現在排到幾號惹? 我是2311號
11/18 09:55, 8F

11/18 10:36, , 9F
11/18 10:36, 9F

11/18 13:29, , 10F
11/18 13:29, 10F

11/18 16:35, , 11F
11/18 16:35, 11F

11/18 17:14, , 12F
他這兩天都在猶他州簽 可惜了
11/18 17:14, 12F

11/18 17:14, , 13F
幹,Mark Jackson
11/18 17:14, 13F

11/18 17:42, , 14F
11/18 17:42, 14F

11/19 00:26, , 15F
11/19 00:26, 15F

11/19 12:49, , 16F
11/19 12:49, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1IYDaLpQ (UTAH-JAZZ)