[爆料] 米爺轉職小前鋒 有搞頭嗎?

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (籃板悍將)時間12年前 (2011/10/10 18:46), 編輯推噓14(1404)
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Positional Quandary: Can Millsap play SF? The news that Utah big man Mehmet Okur signed with Turkish club Turk Telecom Ankara (with an opt-out clause to return to the NBA when the lockout ends) is a reminder of just how many rotation-level big men the Jazz have: Okur, Al Jefferson, Paul Millsap, Derrick Favors and Enes Kanter. That's five, and you could make the argument that four of them (all but Kanter) deserve starter-level minutes if healthy. And we haven't even addressed Kyrylo Fesenko and Andrei Kirilenko, both free agents, or Jeremy Evans, whom the Jazz have to hope can swing between both forward positions after mostly playing the power spot in small lineups last season. 消息指出,猶他大個兒歐庫已經和土耳其的Turk Telecom AnKara簽 約,包含中離條款。 這讓我們想起爵士隊長人輪替的深度: Okur、Jefferson 、Millsap、Favors、Kanter共五位。 這還沒把成為FA的AK和Fesenko、以及雙能鋒Evans算進去。 Something is going to have to give here, either via trade or some positional shift. This is why the Jazz experimented toward the end of last season with Millsap at small forward in an ultra-big lineup that included both Jefferson and Favors. Millsap is a good athlete with smart feet, capable of working off the dribble occasionally and finishing drives at the rim with both hands. But he's 6-foot-8, weighs 250 pounds and just doesn't seem built to chase small forwards around the perimeter. In a league getting smaller, quicker and more three-happy, is playing Millsap at small forward really workable? 無論是交易或是轉職,總得做出取捨, 因此在季末時, 米爺實驗性地被挪到小前鋒, 和Jefferson、Favors組成長人陣。 米爺不僅體能優秀腳步輕巧, 還能運球進攻。 但這樣一個大隻佬, 跟得上聯盟越來越小、越來越快、不時噴三分的小前鋒嗎? This is basically a theoretical question, since we don't have much evidence to work with; the Jazz played with Millsap as the nominal small forward for about 81 minutes last season, excluding lineups that logged three or fewer minutes together. (This leaves just five units.) That sample size tells us nothing, but let's look at the numbers, via Basketball Value, just for kicks: ‧ Offense: 167 points on 153 possessions, or 109.1 points per 100 possessions – above Utah's season average of about 107.6 points per 100 possessions. That scoring rate would have cracked the overall top 10 last season. ‧ Defense: 168 points allowed on 155 possessions, or 108.4 points allowed per 100 possessions – about a point better than Utah's stinky season average of 109.5 points allowed per 100 possessions. That represents an improvement, but even this mark would have ranked below the league's average. Utah had serious defensive issues, regardless of where Millsap plays. 看看數據先 上季,米爺大約在小前鋒待了81分鐘, 樣本實在太小,僅供參考: 進攻效率: 109.1 略高於爵士隊的107.6, 在上季足以排到前十。 防守效率: 108.4 (越低越好) 略優於爵士隊的 109.5 雖然小有進步,但仍低於聯盟平均水準, 可見爵士隊防守上很有問題。 Interestingly, these ultra-big lineups struggled on the defensive glass, as the Jazz did in general last season. Only one of these five units put up a better defensive rebounding rate than Utah's awful overall average, and three of the others missed the mark by quite a bit. Again, sample size is a glaring issue here. The group among these five that played the most — Devin Harris/Gordon Hayward/Millsap/Jefferson/Favors, with about 25.5 minutes — basically matched Utah's overall defensive rebounding rate, which ranked 27th in the league. The others put up disastrous rebounding rates in very limited minutes, often against just one or two opponents. 有趣的是,這個長人陣的籃板率依舊悲劇。(雖然樣本很小) 米爺擺小前鋒的五套長人陣中,只有一套優於爵士平均 而所用時間最長的長人陣, 和爵士平均水準差不多 -- 僅僅排在聯盟第27名。 What we have here is neither encouraging nor discouraging. The Jazz played a bit better with Millsap at the small forward, which is to say they were so-so instead of bad. Still, those looking for evidence that this might be workable can at least point to these numbers as evidence that the team didn't fall apart amid a barrage of open opponent three-pointers. 好消息: 米爺轉職,爵士有進步。 壞消息: 從爛進步到普普。 所幸的是,至少爵士沒有迷失在對手三分雨中。 That's a legit worry, though, just as it is when we talk about the Lakers going big with Lamar Odom at small forward alongside both Pau Gasol and Andrew Bynum. Millsap's feet might be smart, but they are not super-quick. He struggled (though not as badly as Jefferson) to help and recover on pick-and-roll plays, and he had trouble running out at spot-up shooters, especially behind the three-point line, according to the stat-tracking service Synergy Sports. Opponents shot better than 40 percent from deep in spot-up chances against Millsap, and he ranked well below the league's average in points allowed per possession on spot-up looks overall, per Synergy. Watch the video, and you see Millsap can look a bit uncomfortable diving down into the paint and then recovering onto an outside shooter. 和湖人的長人陣一樣, 米爺一樣有防擋拆的問題 (雖然不像Jefferon那樣糟) 根據統計, 和米爺對位的對手,有超過四成的三分球命中率。 並且在對位時的防守效率, 差聯盟平均一大截。 影片常看到米爺為補防外線而奔波。 Of course, most of the clips involve Millsap working as a power forward, with a different set of responsibilities than he'd have as a wing player. But it's worth worrying whether he's really up for chasing around true small forwards with good outside shots and/or dribble-drive games. 雖然影片中米爺大多是在大前鋒的位置, 但這種擔心並非全無道理,尤其當他對到正職小前鋒時。 On offense, Millsap is a tricky player with a surprisingly good off-the-dribble game and a lethal mid-range jumper. He can hit that jumper off the catch and off the dribble, and his go-to isolation move usually involves launching an 18-footer after creating space with a jab step or a couple of bounces. He can hit it on the move, too. He can work a crossover dribble, and he'll occasionally (but not often) take the ball from the outside all the way to rim. Playing for Jerry Sloan also turned Millsap into an efficient scorer on off-the-ball cuts, something that could help him play the kind of outside-in game he'd have to play more often on the wing. 米爺有各種運球後的進攻手段,例如收球後跳投, 或是來個後撤步、還會crossover、 甚至在史隆系統的無球跑動, 都有助於當他打小前鋒時,由外而內的進攻方式。 Still, his in-game range stops about 20 feet from the rim, even if he's a great practice three-point shooter. He has only 11 career three-pointers, and three of those came in one brief, divine shooting stretch in Utah's epic early season win in Miami last year. And despite Millsap's perimeter gifts, he is still a guy who worked from the post on 15 percent of the possessions he used, per Synergy. He'd be able to bully smaller guys down there, but doing that with Jefferson and Favors lurking in the same area could muck up Utah's spacing. 但米爺的進攻範圍仍然頂多到20呎。 也許他三分時練習很強,或是他對小皇帝時若有神助, 這都不能改變他是個15%在低位進攻的球員。 雖然統計上,他能在低位污辱那些比他小號的對手, 但這樣會讓他與Jefferson和Favors 搭配時更加擁擠。 As a neutral fan always looking for intriguing League Pass entertainment, I always root for experiments like this, and almost anything can work in small doses against the right lineups. But I'm skeptical that this is a long-term solution, which means the smart money remains on a roster move. 身為一個中立歡樂球迷,當然樂見於球隊偶一為之。 但是否為長久之計,我對此抱持懷疑。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: JeremyEvans 來自: (10/10 18:47)

10/10 18:47, , 1F
10/10 18:47, 1F

10/10 19:20, , 2F
10/10 19:20, 2F

10/10 21:12, , 3F
10/10 21:12, 3F

10/10 21:29, , 4F
8M for 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
10/10 21:29, 4F

10/11 07:35, , 5F
10/11 07:35, 5F

10/11 10:46, , 6F
10/11 10:46, 6F

10/11 11:05, , 7F
10/11 11:05, 7F

10/11 11:18, , 8F
10/11 11:18, 8F

10/11 17:44, , 9F
老頭子有試過 只是這個在外面真的不算快
10/11 17:44, 9F

10/11 20:50, , 10F
10/11 20:50, 10F

10/12 19:54, , 11F
10/12 19:54, 11F

10/12 21:15, , 12F
10/12 21:15, 12F

10/13 13:22, , 13F
10/13 13:22, 13F

10/13 13:30, , 14F
10/13 13:30, 14F

10/13 22:01, , 15F
10/13 22:01, 15F

10/14 02:07, , 16F
10/14 02:07, 16F

10/15 15:21, , 17F
10/15 15:21, 17F

10/15 21:38, , 18F
0:23 Favors那個傳球視野挺好的
10/15 21:38, 18F
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