[轉錄][新聞] 伊文斯無人能及 坐穩新秀龍頭

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (Count what you have now)時間14年前 (2010/03/27 01:25), 編輯推噓2(3112)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: sampsonlu919 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂) 看板: NBA 標題: [新聞] 時間: Sat Mar 27 00:06:42 2010 http://www.nba.com.tw/news/newsarticle/35 http://www.nba.com/2010/news/features/03/24/rookie.rankings/index.html 官方新秀榜:伊文斯無人能及 坐穩新秀龍頭 發表時間:2010-03-26 NBA官方公布了最新一期的新秀排名,國王小將伊文斯(Tyreke Evans)與勇士後衛 柯瑞(Stephen Curry)依然穩穩地佔據前兩名的位置,而在球隊全明星控衛保羅 (Chris Paul)傷愈復出後失去主力位置的黃蜂新人柯利森(Darren Collison)則 滑落到了第5。柯利森的隊友索頓(Marcus Thornton)和公鹿控衛詹寧斯(Brandon Jennings)各自提升1個名次,火箭第二輪新秀巴丁格(Chase Budinger)與從尼克 得到的希爾(Jordan Hill)入選提名名單。具體排名如下(括號內為上期排名): 1、伊文斯 國王(1) 成績:平均20.3分、5.2 籃板、5.6助攻、1.4抄截 In our interview this week, Holiday put it simply when speaking of Evans: "He's a beast." And when it comes to getting into the lane, the statistics back up the argument. According to hoopdata.com, Evans gets to the rim more than any other player in the league, with 8.3 attempts per game. The next closest is Carmelo Anthony at 7.9, followed by Zach Randolph at 7.7. Evans also leads in makes at the rim at 5.0 per game. Even more telling is the fact that Evans is only assisted on 24.5 percent of those, which means -- as we already know from watching him play -- that he is very good at creating his own bunnies. (As a comparison, LeBron James is assisted on 47.9 percent of his shots at the rim; Dwyane Wade on 31.9.) 76人隊新秀哈勒戴(Jrue Holiday)對伊文斯的評價簡單而直接:「他是一頭野獸。」 本賽季的一項技術統計顯示,國王後衛群平均每場比賽通過上籃的方式進攻籃框次數 為8.3次,在全聯盟排第一,並且這8.3次進攻裡面,伊文斯將其中的5.0次轉化成了 實實在在的分數(同樣排在聯盟首位),而這5.0次的上籃得分裡,伊文斯的受助攻率 僅為24.5%。對比一下,每場選擇上籃進攻方式次數排在聯盟第二、三位的安東尼 (Carmelo Anthony)平均上籃次數是7.9次,藍道夫(Zach Randolph)是7.7次, 而詹姆士(LeBron James)和韋德(Dwyane Wade)的上籃得分受助攻率分別是47.9%和 31.9%,你就可以知道伊文斯是多麼優秀。 2、柯瑞 勇士(2) 成績:平均16.3分、4.2籃板、5.5助攻、1.8抄截 Curry missed a pair of games this week with a sprained left ankle, but returned to the lineup for the Warriors' last two games this week (both losses). Curry showed signs of the injury, going just 10-for-25 from the field and averaging just 11.5 points and 7 assists. He did, however have four steals in the Warriors' 133-131 loss to the Suns in 34 minutes of action. With Evans out for a week dealing with his concussion, this would have been a perfect last-ditch opportunity for Curry to win over voters. 受制於腳踝傷勢的柯瑞上週缺席了2場比賽,而在復出之後,勇士也遭遇了2連敗, 柯瑞在球隊輸掉的這2場比賽中場均只有11.5分、7次助攻進帳,投籃加起來僅25投 10中。伊文斯的受傷對柯瑞來說是一個好消息,他可以趁此機會為自己拉到更多的 最佳新人選票,前提是他要走出上週的低迷。 3、索頓 黃蜂(4) 成績:平均13.7分、2.8籃板、1.3 助攻、0.8抄截 Chris Paul's return from injury drew the headlines, but it was Thornton's insertion into the starting lineup that may have energized the Hornets. In New Orleans' 115-99 win over Dallas on Monday, Thornton went 12-for-22 from the floor (4-for-9 on 3s) for a game-high 28 points to help stop a three-game slide. "(Bower) told me awhile back that a change might come and I might be back in the starting lineup," Thornton told Hornets.com. "I just wanted to take full advantage of it." 保羅的復出吸引了絕大部分的目光,不過索頓並未因此而停止自己前進的步伐─ 黃蜂115-99擊敗同區對手小牛的比賽中,索頓22投12中(三分球9投4中),搶下全場 最高的28分,幫助黃蜂結束了3連敗,為此他已經越來越接近一個先發位置。 「總教練告訴我可能會將我排進先發陣容,」索頓說道,「我會利用這次機會去 證明自己還能做得更好。」 4、詹寧斯 公鹿(5) 成績:平均15.8分、3.6籃板、6.0助攻、1.3抄截 After the Bucks' first two games this week, I was ready to give Jennings a serious bump in the rankings. He had just gone for 21 points in a loss to the Clippers and then 35 two nights later (in a double-OT win over Evans' Kings, no less). In those two games, he'd gone 11-for-20 from three-point land and looked to be finding his stroke. Of course, Jennings came back to earth going 4-for-17 for just 11 points and five assists in the Bucks' next two games combined (while playing just 46 minutes). His supporters will, of course, continue to throw out the "but the Bucks are winning" argument, to which I ask: Would the Bucks be in playoff contention with Evans or Curry as their starting point guard? 穩定性不足依然是詹寧斯最大的弱點─上週的前2場比賽,他的三分球加起來 20投11中,面對快船時得到了21分,對陣國王時更是獨攬35分;但是接下裡的 2場比賽,他在外線17投4中,總共只有11分、5次助攻。人們或許會用「公鹿依然 取得勝利」這樣的藉口來為詹寧斯辯解,不過,如果公鹿在季後賽中擁有伊文斯 或者柯瑞,那會怎麼樣呢? 5、柯利森 黃蜂(3) 成績:平均11.5分、2.5籃板、5.6助攻、1抄截 Chris Paul is back, and after one game at least, Collison's playing time hasn't taken a hit. In Paul's return to the starting lineup, Collison came off the bench and had 16 points, eight assists and two steals in 35 minutes of the Hornets' 115-99 win over the Mavericks. "I've been telling people with all this time I've been out, all I've had time to do was shoot," Paul said. "So I told DC (Collison) before the game that when we're in the game together, that's still your team. If you see me open, just kick it to me and maybe I'll make a few shots." As for Collison, he's just glad to have CP3 back in the backcourt. "He's been extremely important. He has a lot to do with my success," Collison told the Times-Picayune. "He's been helping me on and off the court. I thank him every day, and I'm blessed for it. That's the person he is. He doesn't have to do it, but he chooses to do it." 保羅的復出讓柯利森再次被放回板凳,但是在最近的一場比賽中,他無論是上場時間 還是表現都與擔任先發時無異─黃蜂對小牛的比賽,柯利森上場35分鐘,全場得到 16分、8次助攻、2次抄截。而對於保羅「搶走」自己先發位置一事,柯利森也是毫無 怨言:「Chris對球隊和我而言都非常重要,我的成功離不開他無時不刻的幫助。 雖然他並沒有義務這樣做,但是他的的確確讓我受益良多。」 第6至10名的球員分別是: 公牛吉布森(Taj Gibson,9)、尼克道格拉斯(Toney Douglas,10)、灰狼弗林(Jonny Flynn,8)、爵士馬修斯(Wesley Matthews,6)、勇士威廉斯(Reggie Williams, 未上榜)。 其他獲得提名的新秀有:威廉斯(Terrence Williams,籃網)、巴丁格(火箭), 希爾(火箭)、艾靈頓(Wayne Ellington,灰狼)、塔比特(Hasheem Thabeet,灰熊)、 伊巴卡(Serge Ibaka,雷霆),梅諾(Eric Maynor,雷霆)。 -- / \ NY  B NY ρ SF KC / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \   囧總統 囧巴西亞 貝囧特 溫囧特 克里夫囧 囧塔那 囧樂迪 囧方孔 囧蘭基 英囧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/27 00:09,
借轉無人能及版 謝謝
03/27 00:09
eliczone:轉錄至看板 Kings 03/27 00:09

03/27 00:10,
03/27 00:10

03/27 00:11,
其實建寧對公鹿隊的幫助還滿大的 至少打的進季後賽
03/27 00:11

03/27 00:12,
03/27 00:12

03/27 00:12,
03/27 00:12

03/27 00:13,
其效益除了使球隊變好 也包括讓公鹿更有票房吸引力
03/27 00:13

03/27 00:13,
03/27 00:13

03/27 00:18,
03/27 00:18

03/27 00:27,
新秀 20 5 5..
03/27 00:27

03/27 00:28,
03/27 00:28

03/27 00:31,
未選秀也能第6( ′-`)y-~
03/27 00:31

03/27 00:33,
上一個新秀20 5 5就是LBJ
03/27 00:33

03/27 00:42,
一直掛傷號到季末就能維持 20-5-5 了 XD
03/27 00:42

03/27 00:42,
他有些動作不太好看可是很實用 = =
03/27 00:42

03/27 00:53,
nike還幫他出一雙鞋 就叫20 5 5
03/27 00:53

03/27 00:55,
應該要出一雙5 20 沒有
03/27 00:55

03/27 01:02,
03/27 01:02

03/27 01:08,
03/27 01:08

03/27 01:14,
建寧背後有一股東方的神秘力量加持 靈氣上身
03/27 01:14

03/27 01:14,
03/27 01:14

03/27 01:16,
首相最近都快掉出rotation了 怎可能在名單上
03/27 01:16
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/27 01:26, , 1F
對比今天去查小酒在灰熊的時間跟數據 真的很替小酒感傷><
03/27 01:26, 1F

03/27 01:26, , 2F
不要說是原本預期的第六人了 現在根本是板凳末端角色.....
03/27 01:26, 2F

03/27 01:27, , 3F
03/27 01:27, 3F

03/27 01:29, , 4F
03/27 01:29, 4F

03/27 01:35, , 5F
03/27 01:35, 5F

03/27 01:35, , 6F
灰熊感覺是大家輪流自幹 湘北級先發自幹能力超強
03/27 01:35, 6F

03/27 01:36, , 7F
03/27 01:36, 7F

03/27 01:37, , 8F
03/27 01:37, 8F

03/27 01:37, , 9F
03/27 01:37, 9F

03/27 01:41, , 10F
到時再低價把小酒買回來 這是爵士的暗黑兵法吧
03/27 01:41, 10F

03/27 01:51, , 11F
03/27 01:51, 11F

03/27 07:21, , 12F
還我妹惹 小酒 北川景子
03/27 07:21, 12F

03/27 07:36, , 13F
小酒 是指 Ronnie Brewer ?
03/27 07:36, 13F

03/27 18:39, , 14F
03/27 18:39, 14F

03/27 18:40, , 15F
03/27 18:40, 15F

09/11 07:55, , 16F
又在那裡誰誰誰在哪一隊 https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:55, 16F
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