[外電] 生於憂患

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (馬克斯泰爾)時間15年前 (2009/04/21 18:40), 編輯推噓15(1503)
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Williams working through his frustration 生於憂患 By Ross Siler The Salt Lake Tribune It has been a frustrating three weeks for all involved, with the Jazz having lost eight of their last 10 games and facing the prospect of being halfway to playoff elimination if they can't beat the Lakers in tonight's Game 2 of their first-round playoff series. 過去三週對爵士(及球迷)來說無疑是個夢魘, 不僅是他們輸掉了最後10場比賽中的8場, 更重要的是,假如他們不能在第二戰獲致勝果, 那麼被湖人橫掃之日大概也就不遠了。 However infuriating the slide has been, though, Deron Williams has offered few clues as to what he's feeling inside as the Jazz's unquestioned leader and franchise cornerstone, the Olympic gold medalist who all of a sudden finds himself up against the Dream Team. 不管心裡有多幹,做為實質領袖的小八並沒有表露太多情緒, 即使他發現只有自己在奮力抵抗這支有著媲美夢幻陣容的隊伍。 "It's tough when you're losing, especially in the playoffs," Williams said, "but this is not the time to break down and start fighting or start bickering between each other. This is the time we've got to stay together, try to fight through things." 「輸球,尤其是在季後賽輸球,是最讓林杯不爽ㄟ代誌,」 「但現在還不到崩潰哭哭或者是隊友們狗咬狗的時候,」 「我們應該要更團結,看看能否走出陰霾。」 Williams is shouldering an immense load for the Jazz, playing 45 minutes in all and the entire second half of Sunday's Game 1 loss, finishing with 16 points and 17 assists in the face of a defense whose first priority is stopping him. 小八的一哥地位無庸置疑,第一戰他打了45分鐘,包含整個下半場, 在被湖人列為頭號看管對象的情況下,依然拿下16分17助攻。 He has tried to project anything but defeatism in his public comments, issuing reminders that the Jazz came to Los Angeles needing to steal only one game and that they are the same team that won a Game 7 in Houston only two years ago. 他的對外發言聽不到一絲失敗主義的氣息, 他一再強調只要爵士能在洛城偷走一勝,就有機會翻盤, 一如兩年前他們在休士頓幹的那樣。 "We had a bad game," Williams said of the Jazz's 113-100 Game 1 loss. "It's not the end of the playoffs. It's not the NCAA Tournament where you lose and you go home after one game. We've got six more games to play, hopefully." 「我們打得很爛我承認,但季後賽還沒結束,」 「這不是一戰定江山的NCAA,我們還有六場呢............希望啦!」 There is no greater concern in the NBA, however, than a frustrated star, as the Lakers can readily attest. 沒有人比Kobe更能理解小八現在的沮喪了。 Two years ago, Kobe Bryant rocked the league by not only demanding a trade but saying he'd play on Pluto if necessary after the Lakers' five-game ouster by Phoenix in the first round and a 42-40 finish to the regular season. 兩年前湖人在第一輪慘遭太陽淘汰的時候, 失意的Kobe一度要脅球隊交易他, 甚至做出不惜去冥王星打球的爆炸性(?)宣言。 Asked about Williams' plight Monday, Bryant dismissed the parallels -- "They don't have Smush Parker on their team. It's not even close," he said -- a slam at the former Lakers guard now playing in China who called out Bryant in a video last summer. 不過Kobe認為小八與他當年的困境不能相提並論: 「你嘛幫幫忙,他又沒有Smush Parker在他們隊上!」 "First of all, Deron's not even close to that situation," Bryant said. "What I'm saying is he's got a little bit better cast than I did. It's not dire straits for him. You ask me if I feel bad for him? Absolutely not. No way." 「他現在那群隊友比我當年的要好得多啦,不到絕境啦,」Kobe說, 「你問我會不會可憐他?門兒都沒有!」 The biggest difference between Bryant then and Williams now might be their contract status. The Lakers faced increased pressure from Bryant, who can opt out after this season; Williams last summer signed a minimum three-year extension through 2011-12. 這兩個人之間最大的差別也許是合約狀態, Kobe本季打完有跳脫合約的選擇權,這將使湖人倍感壓力, 而小八去年才簽下至少三年的頂級合同。 Bryant has voiced his regard for the Jazz, mentioning Monday their 12-game winning streak from earlier this season and expressing his belief that they could have been a top seed had injuries not struck. As for Williams... Kobe不忘提醒大家他們的對手可是曾經締造12連勝的隊伍, 甚至說假如爵士本季無傷無痛,現在變成第一種子也不令人意外。 "He's fine," Bryant said, repeating the words. "You know, just continue to play. They have some talented players there, they have a great coach. They'll be fine." 「小八不會有事的,」Kobe重複道,「繼續比賽就對了,」 「他們有好些個有天分的球員,又有偉大的教練,他們會好起來的。」 Jazz coach Jerry Sloan said his players -- Williams included -- needed to continue to compete in the face of frustration. The first step will come with not burying themselves under a 22-point halftime deficit, as the Jazz did in losing Game 1. 教皇則試圖告訴全隊不要被一時的挫折感打敗, 即使是在半場落後22分的情況下,都還有機會奮力一搏。 "This is the playoffs, it's not regular season," Sloan said. "We're playing to some extent like it's a regular season game and they're too good a team to play that way. They've got a lot of things they can hurt you with." 「現在打的是季後賽不是例行賽,我們某種程度忘了這點而輕忽了,」 「優秀的球隊如湖人可不跟你玩這套,他們會想盡辦法將你打入深淵。」 Sloan said he would not be opposed to playing Williams 45 minutes (or more) again, noting that John Stockton did the same in the playoffs and that the longer television timeouts afford greater time to rest. 教皇說他並不反對每場都讓小八打個45分鐘以上, 一如Stockton從前在季後賽也是這麼打法, 然後利用季後賽廣告較長的片刻時間休息。 "I don't think that's too much basketball for a player of his caliber," Sloan said. 「想當超級巨星就不要嫌累啊~」教皇說。 It might go against Williams' instincts as a point guard, but Kyle Korver noted that for a system team like the Jazz, Williams is their best one-on-one player and the only one perhaps capable of taking over against the Lakers. 縱然聽起來有違控衛的傳統精神,但帥哥明白指出, 在嚴格要求相互搭配(人人都有致命缺點)的爵士隊裡, 小八是他們唯一能跟對手PK的終極武器, 也是他們肖想推翻湖人最後一絲渺茫的光芒。 "I think lots of times he wants to kind of get everybody else going and then he'll take over at the end," Korver said. "We need him to start off really attacking and then from that, have them worried about him and then that opens up stuff for everybody else." 「多數時候他希望能先讓隊友動起來,不行他再來做善後,」帥哥說, 「但也許我們會希望是他先開砲,讓對手動用重兵去守他,」 「這麼一來我們這些不成材的傢伙才會有更多空檔...」 The numbers have been easy to overlook, but Williams have averaged 21.6 points and 11.5 assists even as the Jazz have gone 2-8 since March 31. The frustration was bottled up again Monday as he put on his sneakers and took the practice court. 比較少人注意到,即使四月份是慘不忍睹的2勝8敗, 小八依然維持平均21.6分11.5助攻的高檔表現, 任何敗戰的沮喪在他每次步上球場之時都將成為過往雲煙。 "We have to compete," Williams said. "We can't let them run over us. They're the type of team, if you let them run over you, they're going to run over you. They're a great team. We have a tough task trying to beat them here, but it can be done." 「我們要表現出競爭力,不能讓他們騎在頭上,」小八堅定道, 「一旦被他們爬到頭上,你就等著哭著回家找媽媽吧,」 「他們就是這樣的對手,要擊敗他們絕對是個艱鉅的任務,」 「但球場上沒有不可能。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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