[外電] 龍郎傳(三)

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (伊利諾農夫魂)時間16年前 (2008/07/06 10:02), 編輯推噓105(105014)
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Deron Williams: The Total Package, Part 3 龍郎傳(三) By Gordon Monson The Salt Lake Tribune The most striking thing about Deron Williams' recent press conference officially announcing his making the U.S. Olympic basketball team was the humility he showed in that moment. 前不久當聯盟正式發佈蝶龍入選美國奧運代表隊的消息時, 向來被認為自視甚高的他卻出人意料地表現得格外謙遜。 "It's an honor for me to represent my country," he said. "I'm thrilled to death." 「能夠代表祖國出賽是至高無上的榮譽,」蝶龍說, 「我現在感覺激動到全身都在打顫呢!」 Those words didn't flow forth at the end of a disingenuous blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah kind of prepared statement. He seemed truly moved by the privilege, as though it really meant something to him. 這些話可不是在打官腔, 蝶龍看起來真的是深深被這項肯定給打動, 彷如對他來說這件事有著無可取代的意義。 "It does," he says. 「的確是這樣沒錯。」蝶龍證實。 There are times when Williams puts the con in confident, when he comes across as surly and bothered and petulant - "Sometimes, I am a jackass," he admits - and others when he's about as deep and thoughtful and engaging as an NBA player ever gets. 蝶龍的好勝心讓人有時覺得他表面上看來暴躁又惹人討厭, 蝶龍自己也承認:「對,我有時候脾氣就是這麼驢!」 不過更多時候他比聯盟中的任何人都要投入比賽,想得更深遠。 On the verge of signing a maxed-out contract extension with the Jazz that could pay the 24-year-old upwards of $100 million, Williams remains tethered to a modest upbringing that hammered into him a full measure of perspective. 雖然處身即將簽下大筆合同的前夕, 蝶龍也不曾表現得看起來像是被錢沖昏了頭。 或許是他童年的處境與教養告訴了他,事情不能只看一面。 "I grew up with no money," he says. 「我從來就不是個有錢人。」他說。 And while the second-team All-NBA point guard now stands on the brink of real fame and fortune, he's managed to convince himself that delivering on the court is what matters, that humility is still important, that he's not really that big a deal. 眼看著這位年度第二隊成員就要名利雙收, 蝶龍仍不時提醒自己場上的供輸才是他的首要之務, 同時要保持謙卑,因為比起更多人他現在連個屁都不是。 "Hey," he says, "I've walked through a hotel lobby with Kobe, with LeBron." 「你嘛幫幫忙,到時候跟我一起走進飯店大廳的會是哪些人?」 「都是什麼神的接班人啊、大帝之類的耶,我算哪根蔥!」 He's had his name mispronounced - Yo, T-Mac! - his entire life. 更別提這一生中有多少次他的名字會被大家念錯了。 "Deron Williams is going to be a household name after this series." 「這個系列賽後蝶龍的名字肯定會變得家喻戶曉!」 Those were Charles Barkley's words, spouted to his TNT audience after Game 1 of the Jazz-Warriors second-round playoff series in 2007. Williams had 31 points and eight assists in that Western semifinals opener, which was just one example of the point guard's prowess at the end of his second season. 在觀賞了去年爵士對勇士第二輪第一場的比賽後, 大屁股查爾斯爵士對TNT的觀眾發表了上述的言論。 那場比賽蝶龍攻下三十一分,還有八次助攻, 而這樣的表現僅是他第二季持續大爆發的其中一場罷了。 That campaign had been a coming up and out for Williams, especially the playoffs, during which he averaged 19 points and nine assists in the Jazz's surprising run to the Western Conference finals. 在戰役中挺身而出對於蝶龍來說早已不是第一次, 在季後賽的激戰中,他的這項特質尤為突出, 那年,他用平均十九分九助攻的佳績帶領球隊進入西區總決賽。 Reins, man 我要飛上天 The whole thing had been facilitated by Jerry Sloan's willingness to turn the club over to Williams, allowing him to steer the Jazz's offensive sets as he saw fit, a nod by the coach that not even John Stockton had wanted. 隨著教皇將愈來愈大量的戰術執行權交到他手上, 蝶龍也變得更有自信以一己之力引領這支球隊, 這樣的風格跟老史時代比起來可是截然不同。 After a rocky rookie season with Sloan, Williams took whatever he could get this time around. And he got a lot, despite the Jazz's acquisition of veteran Derek Fisher, who Williams was determined to edge for playing time: "I knew I had to beat him out," he says. 在經歷過與教皇相敬如冰的第一個球季後, 現在的蝶龍總算是雲破月開、得償所願, 即便球隊日後找來同位置的老將漁夫, 他的上場時間也不曾因此有所減損。 「漁夫的到來只會激起我不能打得比他少的鬥志啊!」蝶龍說。 So, he did, playing 37 minutes a game, getting 16 points and 10 assists, and, more significantly, leading the Jazz to a Midwest Division title before marching them through three playoff series. 他確實辦到了,平均上場三十七分鐘的時間, 同時還擁有十六分、十助攻的績效, 當年更率領球隊一舉拿下久違的西北組王座。 "I took it to another level in the playoffs," Williams says. "I figured out how to bring it every night. If I'm aggressive, I could do that. It was a great learning experience for me - tough games, big wins, hard losses, it all adds up. You've got to pay attention and learn your lessons." 「到了季後賽我的檔次只會提昇不會下降,」蝶龍說到, 「只要保持鬥志,我就能將功力催谷到極點,」 「艱難的勝利、難堪的失敗對我而言都是最好的教材,」 「只要你夠在乎,你就能夠從中學到教訓。」 That's what 2006-07 turned into for Williams: an elongated study session on fulfilling his potential. The season started strong for the Jazz, who went 12-1 out of the gate, and finished with 51 wins, heading into their first playoff appearance in four years. That extended playoff showing, like Barkley suggested, gave a national audience its first long look at Williams. 06-07球季對蝶龍來說就是一次最好的學習體驗, 那一年他們開季就打出12勝1負的好成績, 最後拿下51勝,並且進入睽違許久的季後賽。 而在季後賽中,就如同查爾斯爵士所說過的那樣, 全國軍民同胞都看見了,那個潛力無限的蝶龍。 His competitive drive and leadership became obvious in his clutch performances and, when the Jazz lost to the Spurs in the conference finals, a broad spectrum of fans got a glimpse of Williams' fire when he publicly drilled a few teammates who he said had been planning summer vacations while there were still playoff games to win. 蝶龍的求勝意志與強勢領導風格在生死交關之際尤其明顯, 當爵士最終在西區總決賽被馬刺給淘汰了之後, 蝶龍在賽後記者會中絲毫不留情面地批評少數隊友的求勝心不足, 甚至早已開始安排暑假計畫,而不是專注在尚有可為的決賽。 That thought was abhorrent to Williams, and he let everybody know it. 對,他就是這麼渴求勝利, 不管這樣的話說出來會得罪多少人, 他就是要讓每個人都知道,他不甘心更不願放手。 He says now it might have been wiser to handle that matter privately, but all the players around the new Jazz leader discovered for themselves what his expectations were and are. He became the Jazz's undisputed boss, a no-B.S. point man with plenty of street cred, willing to play hurt, willing to speak out, willing to show the way. He had matured - as a player and a man. 他現在說那件事私底下解決也許會是更明智更不傷和氣的做法, 但隊友們現在都明白他所追求的從過去到現在都只有一個,就是勝利。 蝶龍變成球隊領袖的這件事無庸置疑, 不再亂放炮的他用自己的表現贏得所有人的信賴與仰仗, 當然他還是那個一條腸子通到底的傢伙, 只是他知道帶領球隊才是他當下該做好且最重要的事。 毫無疑問地,他的態度變得更成熟了。 "I want to win," he says. "But that doesn't just happen." 「我想要的就是繼續贏下去,只是當初結束得有些可惜。」 Sloan loves that stuff. That's exactly why, after their difficult start, the player and coach have embraced one another. 這不正是教皇最想要的球員態度嗎? 這也說明了為什麼兩人在第一年瀕臨破裂後, 關係反而能如倒吃甘蔗漸入佳境的原因。 "He has tremendous talent," the coach said, following a huge win in the Houston series this postseason. "I don't know where this team would be without him." 「這名年輕人所擁有的天賦簡直難以想像,」教皇如是說, 在他們又一次於艱困的季後賽中擊退了火箭之後, 「球隊要是沒有他老早就回家看電視啦!」 Says Williams: "I get along with [Sloan] great now. I think he's a great coach. He brings a lot to the table. He's a lot like me." 蝶龍怎麼說教皇:「我現在跟龍龍可是如膠似漆好唄,」 「他絕對是我心目中的偉大教練,」 「而且後來才發現他想什麼說什麼的性格跟我一模一樣。」 'It's about winning' 贏球好辦事 In 2007-08, when the point guard raised his averages to 19 and 10 in the regular season and 22 and 10 in the playoffs, Williams observed that his team needs to "win on the road." He singled out the top players on the Jazz, saying they, in particular, have to get tougher and more consistent away from EnergySolutions Arena. 上一季,蝶龍的個人表現達到十九分、十助攻的好成績, 到了季後賽,他的績效更一舉擢升到廿二分,助攻同樣破十。 然而他也注意到球隊的大問題:在客場一勝難求。 他指出特別是主將們,在客場應該要打得更果斷、勇敢, 而不是一出了鹽湖城就變得軟趴趴。 "You've got to have your stars play great on the road," he says. "I feel like I was that way. [But] we definitely have more confidence at home." 「主將率領球隊打客場就是要有所擔當,」蝶龍說, 「我想我是這樣的人,只是明顯現在球隊只有在家才有自信。」 As for the way this past Jazz season ended, Williams says this: "The Lakers were a better team." 對於上一個球季的結束,蝶龍所下的結論是: 「湖人是一支比我們更好的隊伍。」 In recent weeks, he's been talking with Kevin O'Connor about how the Jazz can improve. "We need an athletic big man," he says. "We need a shot-blocker." 最近幾個禮拜,蝶龍不斷地跟歐總管討論著如何讓球隊變得更強, 「我想我們需要一個充滿機動力的大高個兒,一個能搧鍋的好手。」 Williams is giving input on personnel matters, although he acknowledges that others in the organization might be more informed than he is. Still, he has ideas, and appreciates the chance to be heard. He's fully aware that he has become the foundation for the Jazz's future, and is fine with it, as long as the club continues to build a contender. 蝶龍雖然不吝於提供個人的想法, 但也知道他的意見不代表一切, 畢竟球隊有時候有球隊的考量, 但他對於能夠被徵詢意見依然心懷感恩。 他心裡明白自己是爵士遠大未來的那塊基石, 而他也做好準備,只要球隊能始終保持競爭力於不墜。 "It's about winning," he says, again. 「只要能贏球,什麼都好說!」蝶龍又複述了一遍。 He will decide soon whether to sign a three-year, four-year, or five-year extension with the Jazz, and will be paid max money in any case. Williams recently bought a new house, and, unlike most of his teammates, lives in Salt Lake City year-round. 他即將面臨要跟爵士續幾年約的問題, 但不管如何他都能夠拿到最大筆的錢。 蝶龍最近剛在鹽湖城買了新房子, 跟大部分的隊友不一樣,他一整年都住在這兒。 "I like it here," he says. "It's peaceful, the weather's good. I like to golf. It's unbearable to golf [in the summer] in Dallas. My wife loves it here. It's not like there's nothing to do." 「我愛死了這地方的平和與好天氣,」蝶龍說, 「你也知道我愛打高爾夫,但夏天在達拉斯打根本會要人命。」 「我老婆也喜歡這座小城,所以啦!」 Regarding the details of his coming deal, Williams says: ". . . as a player, you want to see the direction the franchise is going. If we're on the verge of winning a championship, I have no problem staying here my whole career." 在被問到新合約的細節內容時,蝶龍只說: 「一個球員最想看到的當然就是球隊的未來,」 「假如球隊能夠持續保有爭冠的實力,」 「要我一輩子都待在這兒我也願意啊!」 It's up to the Jazz, then, to keep their foundation in place by continuing to put up sound walls around him. He'll bear his load here, if they bear theirs. 意思是只要爵士能拿出誠意組建、維持一個有足夠實力的陣容, 就永遠不用去擔心蝶龍是否會跳槽的流言紛擾, 他會拿出他該有的尬哧與擔當,只要爵士值得他賣命。 "I just want to be the best," he says. "I want us to get better." 「我期許自己能成為最好的球員,」蝶龍說, 「而且我也想要全隊都變得更強、更好。」 ─ 全篇完 ─ P.S. 尾嫂我愛妳 尾嫂一直是我開始嘗試翻譯外電的原動力, 為此努力看懂每字每句,更在其中賣弄無聊笑點。 而今,這卻很有可能是我最後一次翻譯外電了, 想到這些,打字畫面不知為何經常變得模糊..... 感謝大家長久以來忍受我始終堅持不肯逐字照翻的亂七八糟翻譯, 文章中很多錯誤還是希望得到大家的指正。 想到支持這支無人關愛的小球隊超過十六年了, 這一兩年才深刻感受到什麼叫同好。 並不是要離開,只是想說出來。 希望大家都過得好。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/06 10:07, , 1F
靠 什麼叫最後一次?
07/06 10:07, 1F

07/06 10:08, , 2F
難過 為什麼不寫了?
07/06 10:08, 2F

07/06 10:20, , 3F

07/06 10:25, , 4F
07/06 10:25, 4F

07/06 10:30, , 5F
現在放棄 JAZZ就結束了
07/06 10:30, 5F

07/06 10:32, , 6F
雖然不知道怎麼了 不過 大尾加油!>"<
07/06 10:32, 6F

07/06 10:33, , 7F
07/06 10:33, 7F

07/06 10:39, , 8F
07/06 10:39, 8F

07/06 10:40, , 9F
07/06 10:40, 9F

07/06 10:46, , 10F
07/06 10:46, 10F

07/06 10:54, , 11F
人家還想看大尾的翻譯啊 @@
07/06 10:54, 11F

07/06 10:56, , 12F
07/06 10:56, 12F

07/06 10:56, , 13F
07/06 10:56, 13F

07/06 10:58, , 14F
07/06 10:58, 14F

07/06 11:22, , 15F
靠夭, 我看懂你的意思了, 希望你能趕快找回真愛
07/06 11:22, 15F

07/06 11:28, , 16F
哭 加油
07/06 11:28, 16F

07/06 11:31, , 17F
我也看懂了 尾大別哭哭 給你加油
07/06 11:31, 17F

07/06 12:03, , 18F
P.S. 大尾我愛你
07/06 12:03, 18F

07/06 12:13, , 19F
P.S. 大尾挖矮離啦
07/06 12:13, 19F

07/06 13:00, , 20F
07/06 13:00, 20F

07/06 13:22, , 21F
07/06 13:22, 21F

07/06 13:48, , 22F
靠 原來是這樣!! 大尾仔 加油阿
07/06 13:48, 22F

07/06 13:52, , 23F
我願意拿嫩爵的冠軍來換大尾的幸福 加油
07/06 13:52, 23F

07/06 14:09, , 24F
07/06 14:09, 24F

07/06 14:45, , 25F
07/06 14:45, 25F

07/06 14:47, , 26F
07/06 14:47, 26F

07/06 16:29, , 27F
07/06 16:29, 27F

07/06 16:51, , 28F
07/06 16:51, 28F

07/06 17:19, , 29F
07/06 17:19, 29F

07/06 17:49, , 30F
07/06 17:49, 30F

07/06 17:50, , 31F
加油 好嗎
07/06 17:50, 31F

07/06 18:25, , 32F
這個時候還不來出個聲 聲援的 還算是阿爵嗎 加油大尾~
07/06 18:25, 32F

07/06 18:31, , 33F
07/06 18:31, 33F

07/06 18:52, , 34F
07/06 18:52, 34F

07/06 19:01, , 35F
大尾!! 加油~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07/06 19:01, 35F

07/06 19:07, , 36F
大尾,該不會你也有家室了 所以和阿力一樣退出"球談"
07/06 19:07, 36F

07/06 19:26, , 37F
07/06 19:26, 37F

07/06 19:36, , 38F
07/06 19:36, 38F

07/06 20:41, , 39F
07/06 20:41, 39F
還有 40 則推文
07/07 17:42, , 80F
07/07 17:42, 80F

07/07 18:39, , 81F
07/07 18:39, 81F

07/07 21:07, , 82F
07/07 21:07, 82F

07/07 21:08, , 83F
07/07 21:08, 83F

07/07 21:08, , 84F
07/07 21:08, 84F

07/07 21:08, , 85F
07/07 21:08, 85F

07/07 21:09, , 86F
07/07 21:09, 86F

07/07 21:09, , 87F
07/07 21:09, 87F

07/07 21:10, , 88F
07/07 21:10, 88F

07/07 21:30, , 89F
07/07 21:30, 89F

07/07 21:56, , 90F
07/07 21:56, 90F

07/07 22:10, , 91F
07/07 22:10, 91F

07/07 22:13, , 92F
07/07 22:13, 92F

07/07 22:22, , 93F
07/07 22:22, 93F

07/07 22:28, , 94F
加油! 自己的幸福 要自己爭取喔!
07/07 22:28, 94F

07/07 23:11, , 95F
>_< 大尾加油!!
07/07 23:11, 95F

07/08 01:44, , 96F
07/08 01:44, 96F

07/08 08:08, , 97F
07/08 08:08, 97F

07/08 08:11, , 98F
07/08 08:11, 98F

07/08 09:11, , 99F
07/08 09:11, 99F

07/08 09:16, , 100F
07/08 09:16, 100F

07/08 09:58, , 101F
07/08 09:58, 101F

07/08 09:58, , 102F
07/08 09:58, 102F

07/08 09:58, , 103F
07/08 09:58, 103F

07/08 10:42, , 104F
07/08 10:42, 104F

07/08 10:52, , 105F
07/08 10:52, 105F

07/08 11:06, , 106F
07/08 11:06, 106F

07/08 11:08, , 107F
07/08 11:08, 107F

07/08 12:56, , 108F
07/08 12:56, 108F

07/08 13:01, , 109F
07/08 13:01, 109F

07/08 13:08, , 110F
07/08 13:08, 110F

07/08 13:30, , 111F
跪求老天爺救大尾!!!!!!!! orz
07/08 13:30, 111F

07/08 15:42, , 112F
07/08 15:42, 112F

07/08 17:06, , 113F
推 學長 推彩子 推大尾!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07/08 17:06, 113F

07/08 20:29, , 114F
07/08 20:29, 114F

07/08 22:10, , 115F
07/08 22:10, 115F

07/09 00:38, , 116F
大尾魂~~ 尾嫂命~~
07/09 00:38, 116F

07/09 00:39, , 117F
怎讓我想起地下籃球雜誌 柯南的告別文
07/09 00:39, 117F

07/18 15:11, , 118F
推學長 推彩子 推大尾
07/18 15:11, 118F

09/11 07:12, , 119F
支持大尾! https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:12, 119F
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