[外電] Jazz notes: Giricek, Sloan clash on …

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From:http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,695237650,00.html ----------------------------------------------------------- Jazz notes: Giricek, Sloan clash on bench 阿爵筆記:小吉、教皇板凳火拼 By Tim Buckley Deseret Morning News CHARLOTTE — Sent to the locker room by coach Jerry Sloan during the Jazz's loss at Charlotte on Wednesday night, reserve shooting guard Gordan Giricek later was ordered back home to Salt Lake City to serve what amounts to a suspension of undeclared length. 教皇決定對小吉處以禁賽懲罰,不確定會禁多久。 "I didn't do anything wrong," Giricek said three different times after leaving the locker room, "and I don't have no comment for anything." 小吉說:我無罪,我沒有任何評論。 Whether or not the veteran from Croatia has played his last game for the Jazz remains to be seen. 歐洲大鎖命運未卜?! "No. I don't know," Giricek said after being asked if he wants out of Utah — and before he was informed he would not be permitted to travel with the team to Orlando, where the Jazz visit the Magic on Friday. 想離開嫩爵嗎? 小吉:我不知道。 教皇:魔術隊的比賽你不用去了。 "My agent (Marc Fleisher)," Giricek added, "is going to talk to Kevin (O'Connor, the Jazz's general manager). ... It's actually gonna be taken care of, right? Everything can be fixed, right? So, we'll see." 小吉說:我的代理人會去和歐總管談談...我想我們的關係是可 以被修復的,對吧@@? O'Connor said by telephone late Wednesday that he had no comment on the matter, and Sloan suggested the same, saying "I don't have any comments on that right now." 歐總管:我很忙。 教皇:你說啥? Giricek, a frequent visitor to Sloan's doghouse, exchanged words with the longtime Jazz coach during a heated timeout with seven minutes and 50 seconds remaining in Wednesday's second quarter. 小吉在第二節的一個暫停時和教皇交換了一些話@@?! Jazz assistant coach Tyrone Corbin tried to keep Giricek away, but a standing Giricek and a kneeling Sloan nevertheless engaged in an animated discussion that ended with Sloan pointing to the locker room. 助理教練寇賓試著把小吉拉開,但小吉展現他真男人(?!)的本 色與教皇展開激烈的辯論。 教皇:You(指), out! Giricek had knocked down a jumper a couple of Jazz possessions prior to the timeout but got beat by Charlotte's Jason Richardson on the Bobcats' ensuing trip down the court. 在歐洲大鎖的防守下,李察森盡情地得分。 Giricek denied that was what had Sloan so mad and suggested he didn't know what he did. 歐洲大鎖否認是因為他的防守讓教皇不悅。 "I have no idea," he said. 我摸不著頭緒╮(﹀_﹀")╭。 If other Jazz players did, they weren't saying. 聰明人會在對的場合說對的話。 "We'll talk about that in-house," Carlos Boozer said. 小新說:這種事要關門說(去年季後賽就受到教訓了)。 "That's between Coach and Giri," fellow co-captain Deron Williams added. 碟龍:這是教皇與小吉之間一段愛恨交織的故事。 SLOAN ON JORDAN: After speaking to and working out personally with the team on Tuesday, NBA legend and current front-office member Michael Jordan was given a nod of credit for Charlotte's win Wednesday. 談談****** "The 'School of Jordan' was good to us," Bobcats coach Sam Vincent said. 山貓教練:******學校很不錯。 It's an academy worth attending, suggested Sloan, whose Jazz twice lost to Jordan's Chicago Bulls in the NBA Finals. 教皇:******學院值得一去。 "If I was a basketball player, I think I'd try to find out as much as I could from him," said Sloan, who took time out of his postgame news conference to greet Jordan as he walked past. "Obviously, he's such a great player — how can you go wrong?" 教皇:如果我是個球員,我會想盡辦法從他身上吸取一切。他是個 古銳特的球員。 SLOAN ON TNT: Sloan recently sat down with TNT's John Thompson, the ex-Georgetown coach, for a "Timeout With Thompson" segment that will air during tonight's TNT's postgame show, "Inside the NBA." TNT連線。 A sampling of Sloan's remarks: ‧ On Frank Layden, whom he succeeded as Jazz coach in 1988: "I'd be working for him still if he didn't step down. His coaching was never recognized as much as it should because he was so popular, but I've never been around a guy who could teach what was important on and off the floor the way he did. No one challenged him. He loved to have fun, but he got guys to play as hard as anyone, and in coaching you are very lucky if you can get guys to play hard." 談談Layden(略)。 ‧ On his players: " ... when I have a problem with a player, I see how he gets on the bus the next morning to see who he is deep down." 談談球員(略)。 ‧ On the Hall of Fame: "I'm not worried about it. Never think about it, and don't think of me as that. Never have and never will." 關於名人堂。 教皇:不擔心、不去想、不思己、從未也永遠不會。 MISC.: Backup center Jarron Collins made a fourth straight start in place of Mehmet Okur, who has missed five straight games with a strained left shoulder. ... Collins sustained a slight muscle strain on his right hip-area side Wednesday, but finished the game. ... Okur's status for Friday is uncertain. ... Backup forward Matt Harpring, who missed his third straight game due to gastrointestinal issues, still is expected to rejoin the team in time for Friday's game. 附記: 科科本季第四次先發,有些拉傷。 庫哥狀況仍不明朗。 小哈希望周五能回到場上。 -- 身為一個教練你對這一點(成就)永遠不會感到滿足,這也是這個職業的悲哀,當你感到 滿足之後你就會不思進取,你不會想要更為進步,這也是為什麼我總是對球員的要求如 此嚴格,我希望他們不斷的做出嘗試,那能夠讓他們成為一個更為傑出的球員。(aly譯) ~ Utah Jazz coach Jerry Sloan ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/21 01:20, , 1F
12/21 01:20, 1F

12/21 01:21, , 2F
難道GG真的逃不過要被賣掉的命? 要跟誰打包? 希望不要
12/21 01:21, 2F

12/21 01:24, , 3F
12/21 01:24, 3F

12/21 01:25, , 4F
odyy 的翻譯都挺有趣 XD
12/21 01:25, 4F

12/21 01:43, , 5F
小吉合約今年到期,撐一下就過去了 @@?
12/21 01:43, 5F

12/21 01:49, , 6F
對了,山貓教練應該是 Sam Vincent @@?
12/21 01:49, 6F

12/21 01:50, , 7F
12/21 01:50, 7F

12/21 01:56, , 8F
12/21 01:56, 8F

12/21 02:10, , 9F
12/21 02:10, 9F

12/21 02:31, , 10F
Bobcats coach Sam Mitchell @@?
12/21 02:31, 10F

12/21 08:43, , 11F
有些事只能關起門來講 老師在講有沒有在聽
12/21 08:43, 11F

12/21 08:47, , 12F
12/21 08:47, 12F

12/21 08:57, , 13F
小胖是隊長? 還有誰呀? (好像討論過這個話題@_@)
12/21 08:57, 13F

12/21 09:40, , 14F
DW和布瑟是今年隊長 因為教皇不想每一場都回答誰是隊長......
12/21 09:40, 14F

12/21 11:00, , 15F
12/21 11:00, 15F

12/21 11:36, , 16F
12/21 11:36, 16F
註:網站上把山貓隊教練的名字打錯了,據改正。 ※ 編輯: odyy 來自: (12/21 15:27)

12/21 15:42, , 17F
12/21 15:42, 17F

12/21 15:44, , 18F
12/21 15:44, 18F

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12/21 18:46, 20F

12/21 21:13, , 21F
12/21 21:13, 21F

12/21 21:22, , 22F
聖門土星夫 @@??
12/21 21:22, 22F

12/21 21:24, , 23F
看到愛恨交織的故事 我直覺把Giri看成Girl 果然是娘砲隊
12/21 21:24, 23F

12/21 21:35, , 24F
12/21 21:35, 24F

12/22 00:42, , 25F
12/22 00:42, 25F

04/21 01:54, 5年前 , 26F
04/21 01:54, 26F
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