Re: [影音] Live From Rose Bowl

看板U2作者 (大寶的大瓜)時間14年前 (2009/10/27 12:12), 編輯推噓6(6010)
留言16則, 6人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
目前整場演唱會都可以在YouTube上隨點隨看囉 想補看安可部分的(譬如我)也可以直接拉到後面部分 找個兩個半小時的空檔 好好回味一番順暢的畫質吧

10/27 08:50,
現在有重播喔~ sy大可以把你錄的上傳到youtube去啊~
10/27 08:50

10/27 10:24,
又想過 可是沒有很清楚 而且我向來討厭看自己錄的演唱會...
10/27 10:24

10/27 10:25,
因為覺得不尊重演奏者....可是看到city 的光實在太驚人
10/27 10:25

10/27 10:26,
就忍不住錄了.看到vertigo 下次也不知會何時會再看到u2
10/27 10:26

10/27 10:27,
就又錄了一小段 我朋友比較贊 因為她不是u2 fan,所以錄了
10/27 10:27

10/27 10:27,
10/27 10:27
關於公然分享演唱會bootleg這件事 我也有過猶豫 不過後來看到U2 start.com的這段文字 就釋懷了: During 2001, several other comments were made by the band regarding the recording of their shows. They made it clear that they were fine with people recording their performances and trading them. They did make it clear that they were opposed to people making money from those recordings. As Bono says, "We invite people to bootleg our shows. We invite people to make copies, we've no problems with that, but if some guy is gonna make money off the back of this, we're gonna find out where he parks his car." 所以我想是可以放心的 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NEKObus 來自: (10/27 12:12)

10/27 13:10, , 1F
可以錄 可以公開 但是不准盈利
10/27 13:10, 1F

10/27 13:48, , 2F
其實我覺得演唱會本來就應該如此 觀眾把影片放到網路
10/27 13:48, 2F

10/27 13:53, , 3F
增加曝光度討論性 是雙贏的局面 不過也要有實力的樂團
10/27 13:53, 3F

10/27 13:53, , 4F
10/27 13:53, 4F

10/27 20:10, , 5F
10/27 20:10, 5F

10/28 00:49, , 6F
可是我必須說 如果你很專心的跟著high 是沒有時間錄的 不然
10/28 00:49, 6F

10/28 00:49, , 7F
就是一直晃 這次算幸運 因為坐在最高層的第一排 所以沒有
10/28 00:49, 7F

10/28 00:50, , 8F
阻礙物XDD 我那場有個人的現場錄我覺得畫質勝過youtube
10/28 00:50, 8F

10/28 00:59, , 9F
10/28 00:59, 9F

11/15 11:00, , 10F
11/15 11:00, 10F

11/15 13:05, , 11F
U2 performs Unforgettable Fire on Sunday, October 25th a
11/15 13:05, 11F

11/15 13:06, , 12F
as part of YouTube's live webcast from the Rose Bowl
11/15 13:06, 12F

11/15 13:06, , 13F
11/15 13:06, 13F

11/15 13:07, , 14F
11/15 13:07, 14F

11/15 13:08, , 15F
11/15 13:08, 15F

11/15 14:16, , 16F
XDDDD 這個超好笑 玫瑰碗中難忘的消防日
11/15 14:16, 16F
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