[討論] 請教英文文法,贈P幣

看板Translation作者 (暱稱)時間12年前 (2012/08/07 00:34), 編輯推噓1(107)
留言8則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
如題, 最近在編輯英文教材,但實在太細瑣了 找不到答案,故請教各位高手。 不會令各位做白工的,每題將給予200P幣作為報酬。 題目如下: 1.She lost the purse which her aunt ______ her. has given have given had given gave 她弄丟了她嬸嬸給她的皮包。 2.We ______ TV at this time tomorrow night. shall watch will be watching are watching will watch 明晚這個時候我們就會來看電視了。 3.Would you please tell me when the train ______? will start starts has started is started 可以請你告訴我火車甚麼時候發車嗎? 4.One of the girls who speaks French ______ from Paris. 387 are coming come have come comes 其中一個說法文的女孩是來自巴黎的。 Sam is one of the students who ______ the meeting. Attends attend is attending attending Sam是其中一個參與會議的學生。 5.Poultry ______ raised everywhere by farmers. is was are has 各地的農夫都有養家禽。 6.Return the dictionary to ______ name is on it. whosever whose his one who 不管是誰,把字典還給名字在上面的主人就對了。 7.You may do ______ you like. whichever whatever however all what 你可以盡情做你想做的。 8.You had better make such friends ______ you can trust. that whom as than 你最好交一些你可以信任的朋友。 9.After being punished, the child went away ______. cries crying to cry cried 再被懲罰之後,那男孩哭著走掉了。 10.In spite of my attempt to comfort him, the punished boy went away ______. crying to crying to cry cried 儘管我試著去安撫他,那被懲罰的男孩還是哭著走掉了。 11.Now we should consider ______ next. what to do where to do what to do it how to do 現在我們要考慮接下來該...了。 12.What do you say ______ him to our party? to invite to inviting inviting invite 你說了甚麼才邀請他到我們的派對來的? 13.He went out, ______ I stayed at home. where when while as 他走了出去...我待在屋內。 14.We could not go out that night because of the typhoon.= There was ______ out that night because of the typhoon. no going not going not gone no gone 因為颱風,那晚我們沒能出去。 15.______ the heavy rain, we would have had a nice party. 1191 But for If it were not for Were it not for But that 要不是雨下得太大,我們就會有個很棒的派對了。 The boy looked pale and looked as though he ______ a ghost yesterday. had had had seen was seen saw 那男孩臉色蒼白,就好像他昨天撞到鬼似的。 每題有四個選項 A B C D 來不及打 皆以空格分開 當然,會給P幣,每題200元P幣 如果真的解釋太好,會再加的(不過請告訴我如何給P幣) 採 知識+ 制,會給解釋的最好的人 如果您真的很認真解釋 也會給50P幣的 解釋範例如下: This is the reason ______ I don't help him. why how what which 答案: A 解釋: 先行詞為reason、explanation…等與原因有關之名詞, 或省略前述名詞reason、explanation…等與原因有關之名詞者, 其後皆接why作為關係副詞。 補充解釋:(為什麼其他選項不能選) which為關係代名詞,不合此句文法。 what不可有先行詞。 how不合語意。 這樣解釋就有200P幣了 各位可以自選題目,會再另外通知該題是否已完成。 非常感謝各位的幫忙,如果沒有要P幣的高手 也望能不吝指點一下就好。 謝謝 附註:翻譯不見得完全正確,還有望指教。 請站內信通知,感謝(先來詢問題目被做了沒歐!)。 再附註:雖然與翻譯無絕對相關...但如果有違版規還恕請版主不要刪呀... 應該多少可以增進本版網友的英文能力呀!! 如果真的不妥,會自行刪除的,感謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/07 01:28, , 1F
孩子, 請去英語教學版
08/07 01:28, 1F

08/07 01:29, , 2F
08/07 01:29, 2F

08/07 12:58, , 3F
08/07 12:58, 3F

08/07 19:21, , 4F
08/07 19:21, 4F

08/07 21:35, , 5F
國高中英文參考書詳解可以找到你要的 你有用心找過了嗎?
08/07 21:35, 5F

08/07 21:38, , 6F
08/07 21:38, 6F

08/08 00:59, , 7F
08/08 00:59, 7F

08/08 02:37, , 8F
08/08 02:37, 8F
這些題目看來很簡單 但是要解釋就有困難了 不過想請問要怎麼刪除這文章呢? ※ 編輯: linkinppt 來自: (08/11 16:08)
文章代碼(AID): #1G7_81ar (Translation)