[中英] 要去關島教小朋友刷牙 請幫我看看翻譯

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要去關島教當地的小朋友正確刷牙以及用牙線跟漱口水 想請板上大大可以幫忙看看我擬的稿(擬中文稿翻譯成英文) 首先,我們要分成4個小組,這邊四位是組長 First, we need to divide into 4 groups. Here, they’re group leaders. Jerry, Jenice, Jane and Carrie. ---5分鐘---分為4小組,組長為Jerry、Jenice、Jane跟Carrie 大家都有組別了嗎?那我們就開始上課囉! Does everyone in your group? Ok! Here comes the class! 嗨各位,今天我們要上的課程是口腔清潔 Hello everyone! Today our class subject is “healthy smile” 這邊我們從台灣帶了很多的牙刷和牙線,現在請組長發給大家 Here, is toothbrush and dental floss, we brought from Taiwan. Now, group leaders please come up and take these things. 大家都拿到了嗎? Does everyone get your toothbrush and dental floss? 那就開始吧! Ok! Let’s start! 保持口腔衛生是很重要的事情,如果我們的口腔不乾淨,可能會導致蛀牙也可能會很嚴重 的牙齒痛 To keep our month clean everyday is very important, what if we do not purify our mouth, we will easily get decayed tooth and painful toothache. 所以,就讓我們一起來學如何清潔口腔吧! So,let to participate how to cleanse mouth cavity. 這是我們的課程簡報 This is our lecture material PowerPoint 首先,清潔口腔所需要用到的物品有:牙刷、牙膏、牙線、及漱口水 Firstly, we have to use toothbrush, tooth paste, dental floss and mouthwash to keep it clean. 牙膏和牙刷可以清潔大部分的牙齒,而牙線可以將牙縫清潔的更乾淨 The toothbrush with tooth paste could clean most of teeth, but dental floss could make sure that the crevice between teeth could clean better. 漱口水可以用來漱口和清除口臭,也可用於刷牙清潔口腔 Mouthwash is using for rinsing mouths and eliminating halitosis, also can be use in brushing teeth and mouths sanitary. 在牙刷的選擇上呢,首先是以軟毛、圓頭的為主 When we choose a toothbrush, first, we usually choose the bristle which is soft and the head which is round. 刷頭大小則視個人口腔決定,可放至口腔後方,長度約佔2-3顆牙齒大小即可 The head size depends on your oral, can put it into rear of the mouth. And the length size is about two or three teeth. 另外就是刷柄易握、及至少3-4列直立的刷毛 The other thing is easy to grip, and at least it must have three or four columns on it which is erect. 大家看一下剛剛拿到的牙刷,這種就合適刷牙 Everyone just take a look at the toothbrush we gave you, the brush it’s what I say in this page. 那什麼時候要刷牙呢?在刷牙的時機我們介紹3-3-3刷牙法 Then, when will to brush your teeth? The timing of the brushing method we call it three-three-three 就是每天至少刷3次以上、在飯後3分鐘以內、每次刷牙3分鐘以上 Brush at least three times a day, three minutes after a meal and brush your teeth more than three minutes each. 刷牙的順序可以看到這邊的這張圖片 And next we will introduce how to do it, the order just like this picture. 先是從上排牙齒的右邊刷到左邊、再從左邊刷回來,下排也是一樣 First, begin from the right side to the left of the upper row, and then brush back from the left. It’s also to do that with the other. 這張圖片只是參考用,原則是每一顆牙齒的每一面都要刷到 This picture is just reference. In principl, each side of each tooth must to be brushed 那我們現在要用模型示範如何刷牙囉! Now, we will show you how to brush teeth with the model. 首先,拿牙刷的姿勢要比「讚」 First, take the toothbrush like a 『good』 posture. 牙刷和牙齒呈45-60度接觸,刷牙時涵蓋一點牙齦,一次刷2顆,來回畫圈刷10次 Toothbrush and tooth contacts with forty-five to sixty degrees. Then, cover a little gums when you brush your teeth. Two teeth a brush, and brush circle ten times. 畫圈圈哦!這樣才可以將牙縫中的食物殘渣刷出來 It’s like draw circles! Only this way can brush food residue out of your teeth. 平常我們可能都左右刷,像這樣,其實只能刷到牙齒的表面而已 Normally we might brush it right and left. In fact, can only brush the surface of the tooth by this way. 每一面都要刷到哦!(咬合面、舌側面、牙頰側面) Must to brush each side of teeth. 以上就是用牙刷刷牙的正確刷法 Above. It’s how to brush your teeth in the correct method. 大家現在可以試試看,我們會下去看大家刷的方法對不對,有疑問都可以提出來 Now, you can try it to do that. We will look the way you brush right or not. If you have any question, you can ask us. 那剛剛各組刷牙時有遇到什麼問題要跟大家分享或討論嗎? Now, everyone recently encountered any problem when brushing your teeth in each group. Does any one what to share or discuss it? 好那現在我們要繼續下面的課程,介紹牙線的使用方法 Okay. Now we have to continue the following course with introducing how to use the dental floss 牙線分為扁平牙線、彈性牙線和圓形牙線 Dental floss have flat, round and flexible. 扁平牙線可以增加牙線與牙齒接觸面,清潔功效和其他牙線大致相同 The flat one can increase the contact surface, cleaning effect just like other kinds 彈性牙線比較柔軟,適合初學者使用 The flexible one is softest. It’s for beginners to use. 圓形牙線比較細,適合所有人使用 The round one is thinnest. It’s for everyone to use. 大家可以看一下剛剛拿到的牙線 Everyone can take a look at the dental which we give you. 牙線要如何使用呢? And then, How to use the dental floss? 首先,先取一段大約40-45公分的牙線,在中指的第二指節處繞上三圈,像這個樣子,左 右手都是 First, we take about forty to forty-five centimeter of it. Around it three times on your middle of the second knuckle. And your right hand like what you do just recently. 然後將手做成這個形狀,像是槍一樣,再來緊握你的手心 Then, make the hand like this shape, like a gun. Then hold your palm. 把牙線繃緊,伸直拇指 Tight the dental floss, straight thumb. 在使用時可以一邊鬆一圈、另一邊多繞一圈,保持使用的牙線是乾淨的區段 Can be used with loose a circle one side, and the other around a circle.To keep the dental floss which you using is at clean section. 然後動作是指甲背對背,距離一公分 Then, the action is the fingernail back to back, from one centimeter. 要記得手掌的地方要緊靠! Remember your palm have to close. 再來呢,要開始使用牙線清潔牙齒了! And then, we will strat flossing. 將牙線放入牙齦與牙齒的交接處呈C型 Put the floss into junction of gums and teeth with c-type. 再上下刮牙齒的鄰接面,每一個牙縫都要清潔 Then, scrape up and down adjacent side of teeth, each teeth must be cleaned. 清潔前牙時,拇指與食指打直,指甲對指甲約1公分 When you clean your front teeth, straight your thumb and index finger. Fingernail back to back about one centimeter. 清潔後面牙齒時利用兩手指幫忙,在外邊的食指負責撐開臉頰 When cleaning the back teeth, use two finger to help. The index finger is responsible for distraction your face. 那現在給各組15分鐘,我們請各小組長示範給各組員看 Now, I will give each group fifteen minutes. And we will let the leader to show you how to do. 大家有遇到什麼問題嗎? Any questions? 那再來是介紹漱口水的使用 Then, we will introduce how to use mouthwash 還記得我們之前做的漱口水嗎 Does everyone remember the mouthwash that we make before? 漱口水可以用來漱口和消除口臭 Mouthwash is using for rinsing mouths and eliminating halitosis 還可以用來刷牙清潔口腔 And can be use in brushing teeth and mouths sanitary 我們可以先用漱口水漱口,然後再刷牙 We can clean our teeth using mouthwash first, followed by brushing. 那,今天主要介紹了三種口腔清潔的方法,大家有任何問題嗎 Well, today introduce three methods to clean oral, having any questions? 現在要問大家今天課程的問題喔,請知道答案的同學舉手搶答 Now, we will ask some questions with today’s course. If you know the answer, please raise your hand and we will choose you to answer it. 首先是,牙刷要如何拿呢 First, how to take toothbrush? 嗯對,比「讚」,很好 Right! It’s take the toothbrush like a 『good』 posture 牙刷和牙齒接觸面大約幾度呢 Toothbrush and tooth contact with which degree? 嗯45-60度,很好 Yeah, it’s forty-five to sixty. 接下來,刷牙的方式為?是左右刷嗎? Next, brush your teeth in what way? Brush it only right and left? 是畫圈的方式刷,很好 Good, it’s drawing a circle. 那再來是刷牙的時機,3-3-3刷牙法是哪3個? Then, what it’s the best time to brush your teeth? Three-three-three it’s which three? 對,就是每天至少刷3次以上、在飯後3分鐘以內、每次刷牙3分鐘以上 Yes, that’ right. At least three times a day, three minutes after a meal and brush each teeth more than three minutes. 大家都表現很棒!給自己一個鼓掌! Everyone is great! Give yourself a clap! 那現在請各組推派一位你們覺得最優秀的組員出來,我們來驗收成果,看看誰表現的最好 Then. Now, each group choose a member who you think is the best of your group. Let’s acceptance of the result to see who performance is the best. 好,那請這四位同學示範如何正確刷牙 Okay, these students please to show us how to brush your teeth correctly. 我們請老師幫忙看,看哪一位同學表現的最好哦 We will ask the teacher help us to look who performance the best. 再來是示範如何正確使用牙線 Next, please show us how to use dental floss. 好,那我們請老師幫我們選出表現最棒的一個同學 Okay, we ask teacher select the student which performance is the best. 哇好棒!大家幫他拍拍手! Wow! Everyone give a clap for him/her. 今天的課程就到這邊結束囉!祝福大家都能擁有一個健康的笑容! Today’s course on the side of end! And wish you could have a healthy smile! 文有點長 先謝過能夠幫忙的大大 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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