[外電] Game Notes(Rockets 98:106 Thunder)

看板Thunder作者 (山德勒)時間10年前 (2014/03/12 14:53), 編輯推噓21(21019)
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終於止敗囉!!!還順便斷了火箭的7連勝還多少的 這場重點: 鴨蛋扛住DH 吸管哥讓雷霆空檔三分穩了一點 KD身手回來一些了,For MVP! 威少瘋狂虐殺某貝 剛果航空很有影響力(雖然中間手軟一陣子) ============================================================================= 1.Disclaimer: Like 2,000 things happened in this game, so there’s a chance I forgot something. Please forgive me. 聲明:這場比賽發生太多事情了,原諒我可能會漏掉一些。 ============================================================================= 2.Remember: Westbrook said today that there was nothing leftover from the play last postseason where he was hurt. But as soon as Beverley made a move to him on the sideline as he motioned for timeout, it was on. Westbrook went into Hulk mode, going directly for Beverley. 記得威少在賽前說他沒有記上個季後賽被弄傷的仇,  後來 Beverley在他在邊線想叫暫停的時候又針對他下手[這邊沒看到不清楚況] 然後Russ就直接進入浩克模式了。 毫不留情的碾爆他。 [今天超緊張的= =威少超不爽,某貝超北爛] ============================================================================] 3.The thing about the play was that it happened in the same place and in the exact same manner. Westbrook was mindlessly wandering to the sideline, motioning for timeout as Beverley attacked the ball. Playing to the whistle? Sure. That’s his thing, and he has a right to do it. But with the history here, that was just plain dumb. I never thought the original play last April was dirty or intentional. It was just an accidental, freak thing that unfortunately hurt Westbrook. This one was different. Some could say it was just Beverley’s attempt to get in Westbrook’s head, and while he absolutely did, that doesn’t make it OK or a fair play. 關於上一點提到的情況,發生在跟上次一樣的地點一樣的情況下 威少無意間又走邊線準備喊暫停時Beverly又下手想偷球 游走在這種哨聲來前的時刻就是他的把戲,他本來就有權力這樣做 可是在已經有上次那樣的事情後,還這樣做真的是很蠢 我從不認為上次季後賽他下手偷這球很髒,是故意要弄傷威少的 那只是個很糟的意外,不幸的傷到威少,可是這次不一樣。 有些人可能會說Beverly這麼做只是為了讓Russ想起上次情況去激怒Russ 確實會,可是這不會讓這個下手偷球變成合理行為 ============================================================================== 4.Westbrook: “Nothing. Just win the game. That’s what my whole objective is. To win.” 威少表示:沒什麼,就是贏了這場比賽,我的目標也就只是贏下這場比賽。 [看他今天的表現絕對不只想贏!說不定他的心裡OS:還有宰了你這個兔崽子。XDD] ============================================================================== 5.Westbrook, asked if this was one of the more physical games he’s played in:“No. Heck no.” Russ被問到這是不是一場比較多身體碰撞的比賽 "不是。絕對不是。" ============================================================================== 6.Most interesting about the Beverley play? He was the only one called for a technical. The officiating crew knew exactly what the history was there, and exactly what his intent was. 最有趣的是,Beverley是在這段小插曲中唯一被吹T的人 裁判很清楚他們之間的故事,也很清楚他的意圖。 ============================================================================== 7.Later in the half, James Harden went to call timeout on his sideline, and Reggie Jackson returned the favor, rushing him as he motioned for it. The two bumped chests and exchanged words. Said Jackson, “Just happened. I talked to James a little bit after, but it’s just something that happened. That’s what I’ll go with … It wasn’t really that confrontational. Maybe just a little lovetap from being teammates for two years.” 後來鬍子要叫暫停時雷雞也如法炮製,他們互相撞胸膛還說了一些話 RJ:"事情就是發生了,我跟James說了一些話,我會說是,呃... 沒那麼衝突,只是一些當了兩年隊友之後的小問候" ============================================================================== 8.Jackson, though? He wasn’t hit with a technical. Probably should’ve been. 儘管如此RJ他並沒有被吹一個技術犯規,是應該吹的... ============================================================================== 9.After Beverley fouled Westbrook on a 3, Durant walked by the pesky Houston point guard laughing exaggeratedly. It was spectacular. 在Beverley對Russ的三分出手犯規後,KD從他旁邊走過去誇張的大笑 超爽的!!! [這樣下去火箭跟雷霆真的會變成世仇XD今天也是衝突不斷(至少吵架了3次)] ============================================================================== 10.A fan behind me called Beverley a “piece of crap” after the play. Beverley did not go into the stands and push him, though. Later, a fan yelled Beverley’s name, he heard it turning around and looking right at the guy. The fan was pointing his thumbs down. Beverley nodded smugly and said, “Thank you.” 坐在我後面的一個粉絲在這個犯規後大喊Beverley是"垃圾" Beverley沒有生氣,之後這位粉絲又大喊他的名字 他轉過去看這位粉絲,後者比了一個倒扁的手勢, Beverley沾沾自喜的點頭答 "謝謝" [雖然那位球迷也不對 但這傢伙越來越討厭了=..=] ============================================================================== 11.Beverley: “No message. That’s how I play against everybody. No personal battles.” Beverly:沒什麼好說的,我對上每個人都這樣打球,沒有什麼私人恩怨 [已經不知道多少點都提到這個人了 好煩喔= =] ============================================================================== 12.Durant on Westbrook: “He just went out there to play to win. That’s how Russell always plays. With that edge, with that intensity and tonight was no different.” KD談到Russ:他只是上場去贏得這場比賽,一如往常充滿熱情跟競爭心態,沒有不同 ============================================================================== 13.KD on the Rockets: “I don’t think they’re chippy. They’re not a dirty team. They play hard. You have to give them credit, they play extremely hard and so do we.We know how to control that I guess.” KD對火箭的看法:我不認為他們很髒,他們很努力的打球,你必須讚賞他們這點 他們真的很認真的在比賽,而我們也是。我們知道怎麼去控制這些吧。 ============================================================================== 14.By the way, Westbrook in 30 minutes: 21 points on 6-14, four rebounds, seven assists and four steals. He had five turnovers, but three came in the open three minutes, and he had zero in the second half. 威少30分鐘拿了21分 4板 7助攻 4抄截 FG6-14 還有五次失誤 不過有三個發生在一開始三分鐘內,而下半場一個也沒有。 ============================================================================== 15.Steven Adams quietly played some kind of great game. He didn’t get the crunchtime call against Howard, but he saw basically all of the assignment the first three quarters. Howard finished 4-12 for nine points and 10 rebounds, essentially on his average of the other two meetings against OKC. Maybe it’s just a great scheme the Thunder have against him. But Adams battled him, pushed him, and fought on the boards. His double-double against the Pistons was great, but this is the best game Adams has played in a Thunder uniform, and gave a long shout at what he could potentially be in the future. 某方面來說鴨蛋打了一場偉大的比賽,雖然他在最後關鍵時刻沒有上去守DH 但他前三節幾乎完全被派去守住DH,結果後者12投4中 拿了9分10籃板, 基本上跟之前對上OKC的表現差不多,也許只是雷霆剛好有戰術克他 但鴨蛋勇於挑戰他,卡位搶籃板,這場可能是他目前為止 在雷霆表現最好的一場,甚至比他之前對上賽爾提克拿雙十還要好 相當看好他的未來! [看比賽可以看到鴨蛋真的很棒,DH沒有一個出手是輕鬆的,鴨蛋幾乎擋死他   所以基本上火箭後來都讓鬍子跟魔獸打擋拆,利用鴨蛋錯位後追不上鬍子的缺點   某方面來說,光是讓只擅長籃下的草莓到高位去鴨蛋就已經很成功了] ============================================================================== 16Brooks on Adams’ defensive effort: “I was happy. I was doing jumping jacks at halftime.” 教頭對鴨蛋在防守端的貢獻表示:"我很高興! 我在中場的時候開心到開始Jumping Jacks!" [Jumping Jack:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4DAnQ6DtF8
我覺得這個翻出來就不好笑了 要自己看XD把Brooks的身體套上去哈哈] ============================================================================== 17.Howard in three games against OKC this season: 9.6 points on 13-38 shooting (34 percent) and 9.3 rebounds. 魔獸本季對上雷霆的總成績:場均9.6分 (FG13-38 命中率34%) 9.3籃板 ============================================================================== 18.Oh yeah, and Serge Ibaka: 12 points, 16 rebounds and four blocks. The Thunder played small basically the entire fourth quarter, and Ibaka did a tremendous job of controlling the paint and the boards. He stood Howard up multiple times and was excellent protecting the rim. 噢對了 Ibaka的表現: 12分 16籃板 4鍋 雷霆第四節幾乎打滿整節的小球陣容,尾巴在控制禁區還有籃板做到幾乎完美了 他數次對抗DH而且保護籃框保護得很好! [今天真的很給力!鍋子幾乎都是那種讓對面士氣大減的鍋子!] ============================================================================= 19.The Thunder’s closing lineup tonight: Westbrook, Fisher, Butler, Durant and Ibaka. I have a feeling you’re going to see some variation of this lineup a lot in the coming weeks to finish games. Maybe swap Fisher for Jackson or Lamb (or Sefolosha when he returns). 雷霆今晚收尾的陣容:威少 老漁 吸管哥 KD 尾巴 我感覺接下來幾周還會常常看到這樣的陣容,頂多把老漁換成小羊或雷雞或沙發 [不要三控後什麼都好!!!] ============================================================================= 20.Butler provided some high quality minutes. Knocked down a big corner 3 in crunchtime, had a few nice defensive possessions and contributed a number of winning plays. In 29 minutes, 11 points on 4-10 shooting, 3-7 from 3. 吸管哥打得很高效,關鍵時刻三分,防守也有幾球做得很不錯,貢獻了很多對 贏下這場比賽很重要的分數,成績是11分 (FG4-10,其中3-7來自三分) ============================================================================== 21.My favorite part of the game: When Harden and Steven Adams got tangled and Harden got sniped, he got in Adams face, going right at him. Adams completely ignored him, looking over his head and talking only to the referee about the call. Adams’ badassness knows no bounds. 我最喜歡的部分:鴨蛋跟哈登手纏在一起之後不小心打到他臉,哈登馬上朝著他衝過去 鴨蛋完全無視哈登,越過他的頭上跟裁判談論那個吹判 鴨蛋使壞沒有極限。 ============================================================================== 22.You have to give it to Beverley, though. The guy really doesn’t have a whole lot of actual NBA skill, but he’s made a career out of playing his butt off and bulldogging the hell out of people. He knows exactly who he is, and what he’s capable of, and he’s embraced every bit of it. 雖然有上面那些事,但你不得不敬佩Beverley。    他沒有太多NBA等級的天賦,但他靠者努力、瘋狂盯人黏球打出了他的生涯 他很清楚他的角色是什麼、他的能力到哪,而且他坦然的接受這些 [一下黑一下白的...不過這個球員的生涯就是血汗換來的 不能不尊敬他] ============================================================================== 23.Something about guys like Beverley and Garcia: Some see them as pesky and tough. But the only players that really play like that are the ones that know they’re overmatched, so they’ve got to resort to something else —typically trying to get under their opponent’s skin — to even out the battle. Everyone’s seen that guy at pickup. He’s undersized and doesn’t have the athleticism to play with the guy he’s checking, so he tries to get hyper-aggressive and plays just a little too hard. That’s Beverley and Garcia. They both absolutely got under KD and Westbrook’s skin, but that didn’t stop either from filling the statsheet. 這邊簡短翻,大致上是說Garcia和Beverley這樣的球員儘管體能條件不如 他們守的KD和Russ,還是很勇於去試著防守,也用很具侵略性的防守去煩他們 也許有些過頭了,他們確實有干擾到他們防守的人,可是這樣不能阻止兩位的表現 ============================================================================== 24.Westbrook’s full speed cross on Beverley. 威少全速cross過Beverley http://twitpic.com/dy1ko1 ============================================================================== 25.Via Jason Friedman, Harden told some courtside OKC fans, “You loved me when I was here, though. It’s that simple.” Best response I saw to that: “And? I used to love Linkin Park, too.” 鬍子對雷霆粉絲說"我還在這支球隊時你們都很愛我" 我聽到的最佳回答"然後呢? 我本來也很喜歡聯合公園(樂團名)啊" [XD] ============================================================================== 26.Jeremy Lamb, who had 22 on 8-10 against the Rockets earlier in the season, was completely absent tonight, largely because he played only three total minutes. Just his second scoreless game of the season. 上次對上火箭小羊10投8中拿了22分,這場完全消失了  主要是因為他只上了三分鐘,這是他這記第二場拿0分的比賽。 ============================================================================== 27.Perk has wisely spent his time out growing a beard. 臭臉很聰明的把他的時間花在長出鬍子上面。 [什麼跟什麼XD人家明明就在養傷不要這樣啦] ============================================================================== 28.Nick Collison: two minutes, three fouls. 老柯: 兩分鐘 三犯規 ============================================================================== 29.One thing I want to note: The OKC media — myself very much included — failed pretty big time tonight in asking Westbrook about the first half confrontation. He got one actual question about it in the 90 seconds he talked, and it was a pretty soft one. We let him off the hook. Just gotta get back, watch film, and learn how we can be better. 一件我想提的事情:OKC的媒體(包括我)做錯了一件事情 就是在中場採訪的時候問了Russ關於上半場他跟某貝的衝突那件事 整整90秒他都在回答同一件事情,我們才讓他離開 我們應該回去好好看看這些影片,反省一下自己 ============================================================================== 30.Harden against the Thunder including the playoffs: 3-9 with an average losing margin of 13.2. 鬍子加入火箭後對尚雷霆的戰績:3勝9敗(含記後賽) 平均輸13.2分 [鬍子知恩圖報(誤)] ============================================================================== 31.I asked KD about Lil B pregame: “I don’t know who that is … I guess he needs attention … whoever that guy is, he needs some help.” 我在賽前問了KD關於 Lil B的問題 KD:我不知道那是誰...他可能需要一些關注... 不管他是誰,他肯定需要一些幫助 [我也不知道是誰= =有沒有大大可以解惑一下XD (上網查一下似乎是饒舌歌手 可是還是看不懂)] ============================================================================== 贏球很開心 可是31點也太多了吧...翻了兩個小時 WTF! 下一場:星期五早上9:30 主場 又是湖人OTZ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: XenderLiu 來自: (03/12 14:56)

03/12 14:58, , 1F
原來Jumping Jacks就是開合跳!?
03/12 14:58, 1F

03/12 17:25, , 2F
03/12 17:25, 2F

03/12 17:25, , 3F
就是一個怪異的饒舌歌手寫了一首diss KD的歌
03/12 17:25, 3F

03/12 17:25, , 4F
叫Fxck Kevin Durant....
03/12 17:25, 4F
太神了 還真的有解 這三小 超白痴哈哈

03/12 17:37, , 5F
03/12 17:37, 5F

03/12 17:43, , 6F
03/12 17:43, 6F

03/12 18:06, , 7F
第一次或許是無心 第二次肯定是惡意了
03/12 18:06, 7F

03/12 18:06, , 8F
不過RUSS冷靜後用實力輾爆貝戈戈 真是成長不少啊
03/12 18:06, 8F
如果是以前的威少 一定會腦充血 然後用實力碾爆貝戈戈...XD

03/12 18:17, , 9F
03/12 18:17, 9F
※ 編輯: XenderLiu 來自: (03/12 19:37)

03/12 20:25, , 10F
03/12 20:25, 10F

03/12 20:28, , 11F
03/12 20:28, 11F

03/12 20:29, , 12F
看完今天這場 越來越討厭貝佛利了 上次不小心把RUSS
03/12 20:29, 12F

03/12 20:29, , 13F
用傷就算了 今天又來一次 我要是RUSS早就一拳灌下去
03/12 20:29, 13F

03/12 20:30, , 14F
還有RJ也不用刻意學別人用鬍子阿 沒吃T真的是賺到
03/12 20:30, 14F

03/12 20:33, , 15F
另外吸管哥這幾場表現真的不錯 把雷霆最欠缺的底角3
03/12 20:33, 15F

03/12 20:34, , 16F
分捕到 不過這樣一來小羊上場的時間可能又會變少
03/12 20:34, 16F

03/12 20:38, , 17F
03/12 20:38, 17F

03/12 20:40, , 18F
03/12 20:40, 18F

03/12 22:01, , 19F
03/12 22:01, 19F

03/12 22:19, , 20F
03/12 22:19, 20F

03/12 22:20, , 21F
03/12 22:20, 21F

03/12 22:20, , 22F
KD MVP 努力阿~~~
03/12 22:20, 22F

03/12 22:22, , 23F
Adams今天防DH真的不錯!! 趕快回到季初那種讓我們
03/12 22:22, 23F

03/12 22:23, , 24F
03/12 22:23, 24F

03/12 22:24, , 25F
03/12 22:24, 25F

03/12 22:25, , 26F
情緒失控的說一聲 貝佛力你有完沒完...光看看hilight都
03/12 22:25, 26F

03/12 22:25, , 27F
03/12 22:25, 27F

03/12 22:43, , 28F
03/12 22:43, 28F

03/12 23:16, , 29F
03/12 23:16, 29F

03/12 23:27, , 30F
Garcia那很明顯看得出來是努力侵略 PB這場我覺得有些根
03/12 23:27, 30F

03/12 23:27, , 31F
本是故意侵略 我也覺得他對每個球員都一樣 但碰上RUSS
03/12 23:27, 31F

03/12 23:28, , 32F
他就是"特別"努力 這可跟Garcia那不同
03/12 23:28, 32F

03/13 00:23, , 33F
推 今天鴨蛋真的扛住DH
03/13 00:23, 33F

03/13 00:31, , 34F
03/13 00:31, 34F

03/13 04:41, , 35F
03/13 04:41, 35F

03/13 04:42, , 36F
03/13 04:42, 36F

03/13 04:43, , 37F
03/13 04:43, 37F

03/13 04:44, , 38F
03/13 04:44, 38F

03/13 04:44, , 39F
03/13 04:44, 39F

03/13 05:17, , 40F
03/13 05:17, 40F
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