[外電] Game Note ( Thunder 98:104 Heat )

看板Thunder作者 (empty seat)時間12年前 (2012/06/21 00:15), 編輯推噓25(25012)
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各位好 再po出外電翻譯前... 我誤會了田中大 之前看note 以外翻game note是翻最後格子裡那些 以為外電的前面是田中大要翻 為了提早po文 幫他翻後面 XD 加上我沒有下載bbs軟體 直接用XP telnet 所以 初版翻好以後 以為田中大會發文 就寄給他 想不到 田中大幫我改好我註用不確定/看不懂的地方以後 又回了我的信 我心想 糟了 工作接了不要放槍 於是產生了以下搞笑版外電內文翻譯 無法用顏色 無法畫框 看官見諒 開始 Russell Westbrook played one of the most inspiring games I’ve ever seen in my life. But it had to end that way. Because it’s Russell Westbrook. And it just never goes easy for him, it seems. 西河今天的表現,是我看過最振奮人心的球賽之一,但是結局竟然是這樣(沒有贏) 因為他是西河,對他來說不會太好過 He didn’t just give 43 points. He gave every single bit he possibly had inside of that body that I think is made out of iron, gunpowder and tequila. He’s 190 pounds of heart. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a player play harder than that, give more than that, lay it all out like that. He tried, man. The Thunder were beginning to slip multiple times, but every time — every time — Oklahoma City had to find points or otherwise watch Game 4 get away, Westbrook showed up with a basket. He did exactly what he always says he does. He played his game, played his style and didn’t change. 他不只得了43分,他盡了全身力氣,把所有的能用的都用上了。他身體是鐵打的, 裡面還有火藥跟龍舌蘭(這啥XD)還有顆大心臟。我想他今晚的付出與努力不輸給 史上任何一位優秀的球員,他真的盡力了。 當拉鋸時雷霆必須得分,不然就要陷入絕境,這時西河跳出來了。 他做到他宣稱自己一直在做的,這場比賽是他的代表作,完全是他的style, 並沒有改變 But it was his mental error with 13 seconds left and OKC down three that a lot of people are going to be talking about. A jump ball with 0.8 on the shot clock had James Harden and Udonis Haslem squaring off and when Miami won it (five seconds were put back on the clock), Westbrook had Mario Chalmers in the corner and bailed him out with a foul. It was a mistake, and one Westbrook realizes and takes responsibility for. 但是他在最後心智/思想上的失誤,讓雷霆剩下13秒時落後三分, 很多人會談論這個犯規。鬍子跟洨哈的跳球被高樹在角落撿到, 跳球前剩0.8秒出手時間,攻方跳到的話裁判給五秒,只有五秒。 西河的錯誤的犯規解救了對方,這個失誤西河瞭解了,也為此負責 “It was just a miscommunication on my part,” Westbrook said. “Nothing I can do about it now.” Westbrook’s foul was bad, but keep in mind: There’s no guarantee as to what was happening next. No guarantee OKC secures the rebound, no guarantee the Thunder hit a 3, heck, no guarantee Chalmers prayer doesn’t go unanswered. This game was about a whole lot more than that, and like Westbrook said, nothing can change it now. 西河表示: 是我在溝通上的錯誤,但是現在說什麼都來不及了 這個犯規很糟,但是請記住,誰也不知道再下來要發生什麼事。 沒人敢保證高樹的禱告不靈驗,沒人保證雷霆會搶到防守籃板, 沒人保證雷霆可以投進追平的三分。這場比賽的意義也不只有在那一個play, 而且就像西河說的,已經無法改變了 Regardless of the foul, Westbrook’s effort and intensity is largely what kept OKC close. If Durant had played that game, the entire world would be drooling over everything. Instead, it’s Westbrook so for whatever reason people like me are forced to sit here and defend a 43-point, seven-rebound, five-assist game for some reason. Westbrook was even asked if he felt vindicated with his performance. 儘管有這個失誤,西河的努力與強力表現是雷霆能咬住的最大原因。 如果是KD有西河今天的表現但是犯了這個錯,每個人都會流口水(不會指責的意思吧) 但是當主角是西河時,有一些人,像我一樣,必須為他辯謢。西河甚至被記者問到, 他是否覺得他自己洗白了(我用鄉民語) “No. Let me get this straight. What you guys say doesn’t make me happy, doesn’t make me sad. Doesn’t do anything,” Westbrook said. “It’s all about my team and us winning a game. I don’t have a personal challenge against you guys, and it’s not me against the world. It’s not the world against me. It’s me and my teammates trying to win.” 西河表示: 不,讓我說清楚,你們的評論不會讓我高興也不會讓我悲傷, 什麼作用都沒有,重要的是我們的球隊能贏,我並沒有要挑戰各位。不是我要挑戰 所有人,也不是所有人要指責我,每場比賽都是我和隊友努力想要贏球而已。 Between Westbrook and Kevin Durant, the Thunder got 71 points, but only 27 points from the rest of the roster. That’s a problem. James Harden disappeared yet again, missed a big layup on a fast break, shot 2-10 for a second straight game. Westbrook’s foul was horrible, but the Thunder lost this game well before that. Up 94-92 with 4:20 left, and possession, it looked like OKC was taking control of a tight game. Westbrook cooking, Durant starting to, and the Heat on their heels with LeBron off the floor battling leg cramps. 西河加KD共得71分,其他人只得27分,這是個問題。鬍子再次表現不佳, 還在一次快攻上籃失手,連兩場十投二中。西河的犯規很糟,但是在那犯規前, 其實雷霆已經輸了。剩四分二十秒時,雷霆94-92領先,並有球權, 看起來似乎掌握了比賽。西河正火熱,KD也加溫中,熱火並沒有那麼樂觀, 寶傑大腿抽筋暫時不在場上 But a bad Westbrook turnover where he dribbled it off his foot followed by a Chris Bosh layup, a missed jumper from Russ and then LeBron going Baby Willis on everyone with a massive 3 completely swung the game. The Thunder clawed back as they often do, but the damage was done. And like Games 2 and 3, a few plays went the other way and left the Thunder wondering what-if. 西河有個TO(運球打到腳?)隨後霸許上籃得分,之後西河的跳投miss, 寶傑投進一顆扭轉戰局的三分。像往常一樣雷霆還是有咬住,但是傷害已經造成了, 像第二和第三戰一樣,比賽結束前有幾個球沒有執行成功,導致雷霆只能事後檢討 Game 4 was about as much of a frantic whirlwind of 48 minutes as I can ever remember seeing. The Thunder's energy and effort to begin the game was incredible as the punched the Heat hard out of the gate. OKC held a 33-16 lead, but a Norris Cole 3 to end the first set off a 16-0 Miami run that put them right back in the game. Plain and simple, Miami got production from unexpected places, the Thunder did not. Mario Chalmers scored 25 points. James Jones, Shane Battier and Norris Cole combined for 15. The Thunder didn't. Westbrook tried to carry OKC with a heroic performance, Durant did his thing. It wasn’t enough. The Thunder gave the Heat about as good a shot as they good, and it wasn’t enough. G4是我記得看過最激烈的48分鐘,開場幾乎把熱火打到場外,曾經有過 33-16領先, 但是摳兒在第一節結束的三分,以及第二節的16-0 run又把他們救回來了 簡單直接了當的說,熱火有板凳挺身而出,雷霆沒有。高樹自己一人得了25分, JJ、八爺加摳兒總共15分,雷霆並沒有。西河以他英勇的表現力扛全隊, KD也做足他的工作,但是這樣還不夠 Considering where things stood a week ago after the Thunder kicked off The Finals with a lovely 11-point win, it’s startling to think it could all end Thursday. It’s hard to imagine this OKC team finding it within to fight like this again, because they very clearly put so much into this game. To me, this series is mirroring last season's Western Conference finals. Good enough to win, but mistakes, bad breaks and some great performances on the other side are preventing it from happening. 一個禮拜前,第一戰以11分之差獲勝時, 五戰勝出(美東星期四 是五戰吧? XD)看似可行。很難想像雷霆會如此苦戰, 因為他們的確很努力。在我看來,今年finals有像去年的西區冠軍戰。 有能力可以贏,但是失誤、不好的暫停,以及對方球的出色表現,讓雷霆沒有贏球 Remember, it's just one of three. So far the Thunder are 0-2. Win once and it’s back to OKC with a chance to force Game 7 at home. It's far too early to call this over. I would never expect this Thunder team to roll over. And they won't on Thursday. They’ll fight. They’ll claw. They’ll battle. But I’m just not sure if they’re good enough. (這兩句有錯吧XD 直接接後面)記住,贏一場就回到主場,同時有機會逼到主場第七戰, 現在就放棄還太早。我從來不認為雷霆會這樣就倒下,星期四不會。 他們會奮戰,會戰會戰會戰(最後一句就不翻了) NOTES: 1. Nick Collison: 17 minutes. This does not make sense to me. 小科才上場17分鐘。在我看來沒道理 2. Before this series, Harden had scored in single digits four times the entire season. In The Finals thus far, it has happened in three of the four games. He hasn’t shown up. And it’s killed OKC. 在冠軍系列賽之前,鬍子在季賽有四次得分單位數。 冠軍賽至今,四場裡面有三場是這樣,他沒有挺身而出,這對雷霆是一大傷害 3. Westbrook took 32 shots — 13 more than Durant — and nobody has a word to say about it. That’s how good Russ was. If you’re complaining about Westbrook after this one, you're hopeless. The guy is a star among stars. He has every bit the right to take 32 shots when it’s cooking as anyone else in the league. 西河出手32次,比KD多13次,今天沒有人有意見。西河就是這麼傑出, 如果在看了西河今天的表現後還不滿意,那你大概也沒啥能指望的。 他是明星中的明星,當他像聯盟中其他高手一樣火燙時他絕對有權利出手那麼多次 4. I got my wish with a Westbrook, Harden, Thabo, Durant, Ibaka lineup. It only was on the floor for a few minutes, but was a +1. 我心目中的理想陣容是西河 鬍子 沙發 KD 18卡 這陣容只同時在場上幾分鐘而已,得分加減是正一 5. Scott Brooks' love affair with Derek Fisher is haunting the Thunder again. He attempted only one shot, and it was a horrible runner in the lane that was swatted into oblivion. 教練對老魚的愛又表現出來了。但在他上場的22分鐘裡,只出手一次, 那是個糟糕的上籃,還被巴到不知道哪裡去 6. Part of the reason Westbrook attempted 32 shots is because the Heat were able to easily deny Durant the ball. That’s been an issue for OKC in the past, and it’s been one lately. He’s not getting the ball on the move, instead trying to isolate, but is getting shoved way out on the perimeter. Fact is, Battier (and LeBron) are allowed to be hyperphysical with Durant, and it makes it tough for him to get the ball. 西河出手32次的部分原因是,熱火讓KD很難接到球。這在之前就是雷霆的問題, 顯然最近一場也是。他在移動中無法拿到球─他沒有試著單打,而是出到中距離才行。 事實是八爺和寶傑被允許能對KD施加「超高壓」的防守,讓KD無法順利拿到球 7. The Heat took their postgame swag to a new level. Wade wore flip-up sunglasses and LeBron wore Jerry’s puffy shirt. 這是典韋跟寶傑的賽後訪問穿著,就略了 8. Hey, at least they didn’t miss free throws. 至少今天罰球好多了 15-16只罰丟一顆 9. Westbrook's 43-7-5 put him alongside Shaq and Michael Jordan as the only three with that kind of line in the NBA Finals. 在NBA總決賽裡 西河今天43分7板5助的數據讓他媲美大歐和喬神 總決賽裡只有大歐、喬神和西河三人有如此表現 10. Thabo had a pretty good look at a game-tying 3 with 1:05 left and either it was deflected, or he shot it off the side of the backboard. If that had been Derek Fisher on the floor and not Thabo, I would’ve bet my plane ticket home that thing was going in. Like anyone else, Fisher played too much, but you can understand Brooks’ reasoning when you’re looking for big shots like that. 沙發在終場前1:05有很好的機會投三分球把比賽扳平, 不曉得是被對手弄偏還是他要打籃板的側邊,如果那時是老魚在場上投那球─ 而不是Thabo,我敢說我可以準備回OKC的機票。跟其他人一樣, 老魚上場時間太長了,但當雷霆要尋求Big Shots時, 你就不難了解為什麼Brooks會有那樣的思考方式 11. There were lots of Thunder fans in the building. Pretty impressive. 在熱火主場出現了很多雷迷,這樣很好 12. Mario Chalmers said he took exception to OKC trying to hide Durant on him: “Yeah, I took that as a little sign of disrespect. For me I worked too hard to be in the position I’m in now. Even though my offense wasn’t clicking three games in the series, I wanted to step up for my team, and I was able to do that.” 高樹表示: 雷霆用KD來守他 他覺得被disrespct (深深覺得他腦__,KD守你表示你不是場上最弱的) 對於雷霆嘗試要讓KD去對到他很不以為然「我覺得那算是不尊重的象徵。 我在這個位置上非常的努力,而我已經進入狀況了。雖然我在前三場的進攻不太靈光, 但是我希望為球隊挺身而出,我有能力做到。」 13. Only time I’ve ever seen KD more down was after Game 4 against the Mavs. He looked defeated. Don’t blame him. That’s a brutal loss right there. KD在賽後只有一次比今天沮喪 那是對小牛的第四戰 他看起來像被擊敗了 不要責怪他 今天輸球真的很傷 14. Yep, the officials blew some again tonight and the Thunder got the short end, but most of the time, if you’re good enough to win, you overcome it. The Thunder had opportunities to, and they didn’t take advantage. I would love to spend the next 24 hours crying about it, but what's the point. 是的 今天的哨音有的對雷霆不利。但是,如果你打得夠好,你可以克服。 雷霆有機會克服,但是並沒有把握,我很願意花一整天來cry 但是有意義/有用嗎 15. Perk: “I just don’t understand why we start out the first quarter the way we did, with the lineup that we had, and all of a sudden we change and adjust to what they had going on. So they won the last three quarters, and that’s what happened.” KP表示 以開場的陣容和表現,不了解為什麼後來做了改變 結果就是對方贏了後三節,實際上發生的情況就是這樣 16. As others noted, Westbrook played virtually the same game we’ve always seen from him. Nothing really changed with his approach. He was aggressive, attacked and looked for his own. Difference was, shots went in. Russ may not feel vindicated, but I kind of do. 西河的今天打得就像他平常的打法一樣,他在打法上沒有改變。 他跟平常一樣積極、有侵略性,looked for his own是說黏球嗎? 不同的是,他投進了。他可能不覺得(他白了?XD) 但是我覺得有 17. I'm emotionally spent. I have probably about 1,000 more words worth of thoughts on this game, but I’m worn out. I’m not even sure I can get up for Thursday’s game. I don’t know how the players will. 我累了,我對這場比賽還有很多的想法,但是沒力氣了。 我甚至不確定我有辦法看第五戰,不知道球員們怎麼有辦法 next up Game 5 in Miami 美東星期四晚上 然後 有金主交待 頭20推 每人發500P 吱吱 翻外電真刺激 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/21 00:18, , 1F
Thunder up!
06/21 00:18, 1F

06/21 00:19, , 2F
推 今天看到第五點那球腦中閃過湖迷口中的「自殺上籃」...
06/21 00:19, 2F
※ 編輯: enpunto 來自: (06/21 00:21)

06/21 00:21, , 3F
06/21 00:21, 3F

06/21 00:22, , 4F
06/21 00:22, 4F

06/21 00:22, , 5F
06/21 00:22, 5F

06/21 00:23, , 6F
鬍子..真的要再多加油啊= =+
06/21 00:23, 6F

06/21 00:23, , 7F
06/21 00:23, 7F

06/21 00:24, , 8F
沙發那球應該會碰到 當下也在想 如果是老魚站在那...
06/21 00:24, 8F

06/21 00:24, , 9F
以為老魚的自殺上籃已經失傳了 沒想到今日又重現..
06/21 00:24, 9F

06/21 00:25, , 10F
06/21 00:25, 10F

06/21 00:25, , 11F
好辛苦XDDD 推你一個XD 版上越來越多翻譯強者了XD
06/21 00:25, 11F

06/21 00:25, , 12F
不拿錢~ Thunder Up!
06/21 00:25, 12F

06/21 00:26, , 13F
06/21 00:26, 13F

06/21 00:28, , 14F
06/21 00:28, 14F

06/21 00:28, , 15F
06/21 00:28, 15F

06/21 00:28, , 16F
06/21 00:28, 16F

06/21 00:34, , 17F
今天這場看完 鬱悶了好久...期待W5背水一戰了@@
06/21 00:34, 17F

06/21 00:38, , 18F
06/21 00:38, 18F

06/21 00:44, , 19F
06/21 00:44, 19F

06/21 00:50, , 20F
06/21 00:50, 20F

06/21 00:51, , 21F
06/21 00:51, 21F

06/21 00:51, , 22F
06/21 00:51, 22F

06/21 00:57, , 23F
Royce Young本來就自己人啊XDD
06/21 00:57, 23F

06/21 00:57, , 24F
我跟作者一樣 沒力了 XD
06/21 00:57, 24F

06/21 00:58, , 25F
推翻譯 自殺上籃真是常看到 22分鐘只有一出手也太慘
06/21 00:58, 25F

06/21 01:00, , 26F
推 辛苦了
06/21 01:00, 26F

06/21 01:03, , 27F
推推 謝翻譯~
06/21 01:03, 27F

06/21 01:10, , 28F
06/21 01:10, 28F

06/21 01:11, , 29F
06/21 01:11, 29F

06/21 02:01, , 30F
辛苦了 你會翻得更好的!
06/21 02:01, 30F

06/21 02:11, , 31F
推! 感謝翻譯!
06/21 02:11, 31F

06/21 08:01, , 32F
06/21 08:01, 32F

06/21 13:19, , 33F
推~~~ 以上發完
06/21 13:19, 33F

06/21 13:21, , 34F
有吃又有拿耶 po文賺p幣 還收到紅包 XDDDDDDDDDD
06/21 13:21, 34F

06/21 13:52, , 35F
06/21 13:52, 35F

06/21 16:11, , 36F
06/21 16:11, 36F

06/21 19:33, , 37F
Go Thunder!! Never Give Up!!
06/21 19:33, 37F
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