[新聞] Renata Voracova 希望DJO能打澳網

看板Tennis作者 (1元)時間2年前 (2022/01/11 14:28), 2年前編輯推噓99(1067134)
留言247則, 40人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
Czech player caught in vaccine visa row Renata Voracova hopes Novak Djokovic can play in Australian Open 陷入疫苗簽證行列的捷克女將 Renata Voracova 希望 Novak Djokovic 能打澳網 新聞來源:abc news https://tinyurl.com/2p9e2j5k Czech tennis player Renata Voracova says she hopes Novak Djokovic will be able to compete at next week's Australian Open but admits she is frustrated she has been forced to leave Melbourne due to her visa being cancelled. 捷克網球選手 Renata Voracova 表示,她希望諾瓦克·德約科維奇能夠參加下週的澳網 公開賽,但她承認由於簽證被取消而被迫離開墨爾本,她感到很沮喪。 Like Djokovic, doubles specialist Vorává was granted a medical exemption to compete at the Australian Open despite not being vaccinated against COVID-19. 與德約科維奇一樣,雙打名將 Renata 雖然沒有接種 COVID-19 疫苗,但也獲得了參加澳 網公開賽的醫療豁免。 The exemption was granted on the basis that the 38-year-old had contracted the virus last month, something she said that, along with other medical issues, prevented her from getting vaccinated. 38 歲的 Renata 獲得豁免的理由是上個月感染了病毒,加上其他醫療問題,她無法接 種疫苗。 "It is a good thing not only for him [that Djokovic won his case against his visa cancellation]," Vorává, who plans to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in the future, said. "Hopefully he can play. Because that is what we went there for: to play tennis and not be part of any inside games." 計劃在未來接種 COVID-19 疫苗的 Renata 說:“這不僅對他來說是件好事[德約科 維奇在取消簽證的案子中勝訴]。” “希望他能上場。因為這就是我們去那裡的目的:打網球而不是打內部(政治)賽。” Vorává was already playing a tournament in Melbourne when her medical exemption was scrutinised again by authorities in the wake of Djokovic's visa being cancelled by Australian Border Force officials. 在德約科維奇的簽證被澳大利亞邊防局官員取消後,Renata 已經在墨爾本參加了一場比 賽,當時她的醫療豁免再次受到當局的審查。 Djokovic had arrived in the country without being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 — which is a pre-requisite for all foreigners to enter the country without having to quarantine unless they have a valid medical exemption. 德約科維奇抵達該國時沒有完全接種 COVID-19 疫苗——這是所有外國人進入該國而無需 隔離的先決條件,除非他們有有效的醫療豁免。 The Serbian world number one was held in a government detention hotel in Melbourne for five days before he won an appeal against the visa cancellation on Monday, allowing him to resume training ahead of the Australian Open which begins on January 17. 塞爾維亞的世界第一在墨爾本的一家政府拘留酒店被關押了五天,然後在周一贏得了對取 消簽證的上訴,允許他在 1 月 17 日開始的澳大利亞網球公開賽之前恢復訓練。 Vorává was detained last Thursday in the same hotel as Djokovic before she left the country on Saturday. Renata 上週四在周六離開該國之前與德約科維奇在同一家酒店被拘留。 Speaking to Reuters in a video call, Vorává said she went through immigration without facing any problems and believed she would have been competing at the Australian Open if the furore around Djokovic's visa and his vaccination status had not erupted. Renata 在視訊通話中對路透社說,她通過移民署沒有遇到任何問題,並相信如果圍繞德約 科維奇簽證和疫苗接種狀況的騷動沒有爆發,她本來可以參加澳網公開賽。 "I was there already for one week and since he arrived things changed," she said. "I am not mad at him. I am really sad that this happened. "It's one of the biggest tournaments. You go there and this happens. You can't even imagine it is possible in the 21st century to happen in this country." “我已經在那裡待了一個星期,自從他到達後,情況發生了變化,”她說。 “我沒有生他的氣。發生這種情況我真的很難過。 “這是最大的比賽之一。你去那裡卻發生這些事。你甚至無法想像在 21 世紀有可能在這 個國家發生。” 'Like an action movie' Vorává, ranked 82nd in doubles, said she felt like she was in the middle of an action movie when she was escorted from the hotel where she had been staying. “就像一部動作片” 雙打排名第 82 位的 Renata 說,當她被護送離開她住的酒店時,她感覺自己就像 在看一部動作片。 "We didn't even use the normal lifts. We went through side lifts and total different ways where people couldn't see me. And then we went to the garage where there was a van," she said. The interview took about six hours. “我們甚至沒有使用一般的電梯。我們搭側邊的電梯,走不同的路,而人們看不到我。 然後我們前往了有一輛麵包車的車庫,” 面試大約持續了六個小時。 She said she did not appeal against the decision to have her visa taken away because she was not aware of all the legal implications. 她沒有對取消簽證的決定提出上訴,因為她對法律這塊並不熟。 "I really didn't know after questioning what I was supposed to do, what my rights are," she said. "There were people with me from Tennis Australia, lawyers who were helping me, and they didn't appeal to court so I didn't know I could do it. "I just followed the advice they gave me." “在考慮過我該做什麼,我的權利是什麼之後,我真的不知道該做什麼,有來自澳網協會 的人和我一起幫助我的律師,他們沒有向法庭上訴,所以我不知道我能這樣做。我只是聽 從了他們給我的建議。” She said the windows in her room at the government hotel were locked and people were guarding the corridors between the rooms. With no chance to train, she chose to leave Australia. 她說在政府酒店房間的窗戶是鎖著的,也有人守在走廊上。 由於沒有機會訓練,她選擇離開。 "It is a big relief that I am home finally," she said. "During the day [there] I didn't feel really good. I couldn't sleep at all and I was not eating much." “我終於回家了,這讓我鬆了一口氣,”。 “在那裡的日子我感覺不太好。我根本睡不著,吃的也不多。” ================================== 心得: 加油 Renata!! 看到有網友在好奇 Renata 在想什麼 就找了一下新聞~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1641882499.A.D6A.html ※ 編輯: knight32907 ( 臺灣), 01/11/2022 14:29:01 ※ 編輯: knight32907 ( 臺灣), 01/11/2022 14:29:29

01/11 14:31, 2年前 , 1F
其實看囧IG 才知道原來還有其他球員會幫囧打氣
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01/11 14:42, 2年前 , 4F
可惜了 "喬"王追求自身利益下的犧牲品
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01/11 15:14, 2年前 , 22F
囧有花錢花時間上訴 結果不一樣不是蠻正常的嗎 問題
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01/11 15:36, 2年前 , 32F
澳州政府為了追殺喬王 不惜犧牲無辜份子
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01/11 15:44, 2年前 , 36F
澳洲 的作法真的被笑剛好而已
01/11 15:44, 36F

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01/11 15:51, 2年前 , 38F
沒錢打官司 名氣也不響亮 驅逐出境已經很好了
01/11 15:51, 38F

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還有 168 則推文
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01/11 17:36, 2年前 , 215F
想問y大有看到填報不實可以證實的資訊來源嗎 因為
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01/11 17:37, 2年前 , 217F
我目前看到是英國的報導指出 想確認是不是有澳洲官
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01/11 17:42, 2年前 , 223F
看到了 謝謝waterpig大~ 那我也只能說他申報不實
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01/11 17:45, 2年前 , 225F
根據SNS 聖誕節在塞爾維亞
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01/11 17:47, 2年前 , 228F
所以囧 十四天內有旅遊史申報不實的問題
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01/11 18:00, 2年前 , 231F
整個超歪理 拿不出理由還有人挺
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01/11 23:38, 2年前 , 242F
問題根源就是Djo自己 不要推給澳洲政府
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01/12 08:21, 2年前 , 246F
哈哈 都是澳洲政府問題 部隊方向要決定了嗎
01/12 08:21, 246F

01/12 08:36, 2年前 , 247F
01/12 08:36, 247F
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