[吃草] Daily Horoscope 9/21

看板Taurus作者 (乎兮)時間8年前 (2016/09/20 23:03), 8年前編輯推噓12(1203)
留言15則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
處處與眾不同是很難融入環境中的。 我們知道有時後與眾不同它可能立足在世界上不算友善的位置。 金牛,現在可能覺得自己與眾不同,而你覺得自己也不合適某個特定的團體。 或許因為某個特定的合夥人讓你覺得笨拙,又或者其他人對你態度有落差。 你不應去想自己差異之處。 你應該去想自己特別之處。 你是獨一無二的,而你需要去認出來並慶祝你的獨一無二。 你會覺得更好做事,並且你會發現其他人將追求與你合作。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday Sep 21 2016 Square pegs everywhere know how hard it is to fit into a round hole. For those of us who feel different all or some of the time, the world can be a seemingly unfriendly place. You may be feeling different now, Taurus, and you may not feel that you fit in with a certain group. Maybe that's because you feel awkward when in the company of certain people; or maybe those people treat you differently. You should not think of yourself as different. You should think of yourself as extraordinary. You are unique, and you need to recognize and celebrate your uniqueness. You will feel better when you do, and you'll find that others will seek out your company. -- 僅供參考 -- 唉~夏蟲不可語冰的難處真的很無奈~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1474383798.A.E2E.html ※ 編輯: vivicoo2002 (, 09/20/2016 23:07:12

09/20 23:42, , 1F
09/20 23:42, 1F

09/20 23:42, , 2F
09/20 23:42, 2F

09/21 00:12, , 3F
09/21 00:12, 3F

09/21 00:24, , 4F
09/21 00:24, 4F

09/21 00:31, , 5F
09/21 00:31, 5F

09/21 00:42, , 6F
09/21 00:42, 6F

09/21 01:30, , 7F
推 覺得好準
09/21 01:30, 7F

09/21 03:30, , 8F
09/21 03:30, 8F

09/21 06:29, , 9F
09/21 06:29, 9F

09/21 09:13, , 10F
09/21 09:13, 10F

09/21 10:10, , 11F
09/21 10:10, 11F

09/21 11:44, , 12F
09/21 11:44, 12F

09/21 12:36, , 13F
09/21 12:36, 13F

09/21 17:58, , 14F
09/21 17:58, 14F

09/21 23:06, , 15F
謝謝大大! 推~
09/21 23:06, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1NuK-suk (Taurus)
文章代碼(AID): #1NuK-suk (Taurus)