[吃草] APP 星座運勢 11/21

看板Taurus作者 (Jim)時間9年前 (2014/11/21 02:22), 編輯推噓12(1201)
留言13則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Something needs to happen for several other things to fall properly into place. You may think that you need a new strategy because you don't have confidence in yourself. You may be wracking your brain to figure it all out. You may think that you need more information. However, Taurus, there is really only one thing you need to make a plan work. You simply need to have more faith in yourself. Insead of starting all over again, you need to believe in the work you have already done. 如果想要許多事情都能到位有些事情必須要先發生。牛牛們可能覺得我們需要新的作戰計畫因為我們對自己完全沒信心。我們可能正絞盡腦汁的在想。但是要知道其實我們只需要做到一件事情:對自己有信心一點。我們不需要大破大立重新來過。我們必須要相信我們已經下的苦工是有幫助的。 加油阿大家!!!總覺得最近過完之後會有一段享受果實的美好時光 :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1416507778.A.5BF.html

11/21 02:36, , 1F
11/21 02:36, 1F

11/21 06:42, , 2F
為什麼呢 總覺得她忽冷忽熱
11/21 06:42, 2F

11/21 06:59, , 3F
11/21 06:59, 3F

11/21 07:09, , 4F
11/21 07:09, 4F

11/21 07:19, , 5F
11/21 07:19, 5F

11/21 07:36, , 6F
天 好準
11/21 07:36, 6F

11/21 07:39, , 7F
11/21 07:39, 7F

11/21 08:21, , 8F
11/21 08:21, 8F

11/21 08:34, , 9F
11/21 08:34, 9F

11/21 09:52, , 10F
11/21 09:52, 10F

11/21 13:24, , 11F
上一份工作把自信都打光惹 現在在找工作又...沒啥下文
11/21 13:24, 11F

11/21 15:36, , 12F
11/21 15:36, 12F

11/21 20:08, , 13F
我等蠍女等好久了,今天她又不太理我 真的好想砍掉重練.....
11/21 20:08, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1KRZ62M_ (Taurus)